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"Maybe this time" [NO-RELOAD THREAD]: "The Tale of ONE MILLION visions"



  • Corey_RussellCorey_Russell Member Posts: 1,057
    Best of luck @semiticgod !
  • PokotaPokota Member Posts: 858
    Is it bad that I heard Bergentrückung in my head while I was reading that last bit?
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Pokota: Surely not. Is it bad I heard Hopes and Dreams when writing the next post?
  • AasimAasim Member Posts: 591

    But Xan's epilogue is just perfect.

    Agreed. Xan NPC is imo the best NPC mod there is. Gratz on finishing the run. On a sidenote, did you find the megamod install to be interesting/fun?
  • PokotaPokota Member Posts: 858
    edited May 2017
    Blurf. I will not be using a BWS EET instance for my next No-Reload attempt after all - even in the BWS basic EET setup Set Snare is broken. I'll try a manual EET install to see if it's still broken there but I'm not optimistic about this (with Imoen being out of the party for SoD there's no incentive for me making her a mage in the BG1 portion, which for me means making her a Trapper)

    E: So I tested a manual - and absolutely minimal - EET install and traps are still working there so it must be one of the options added in by BWS in its basic EET setup. Probably going to attack it this weekend to see what BWS is doing to my traps. The good news is that since I just want a basic EET with the hueg Everything In Faerun map and the spell info mod that I asked about a couple days ago, I can still do an EET instance for my next No Reload.
    Post edited by Pokota on
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    edited May 2017
    CrevsDaak said:

    For example, the Seducer kit, whilst it's flaws prevent it from successfully solo'ing the game, at-will non-magical abilities such as Hypnosis seem to powerful in my eyes. Same for the Alchemist to be able to brew potions to deal with everything, specially with some of the biggest threats in the game, although this is more noticeable when paired with lots of gold. Also, being able to sell potions in BG1 kinda breaks the game's economy if you happen to have SCS with at least 50% chance of dropping, because the amount of potions you will find increases by an unnatural amount.

    Do you have any other suggestions for how to better balance the kits?

    I noticed that the Alchemist kit seemed to bring in a surprising amount of money, considering it was supposed to be a net drain on the party's gold supply. But the Seducer kit always seemed rather underpowered to me. Hypnosis worked great on enemy hordes (though I chose screenshots that highlighted successes, rather than all the times Hypnosis failed), but other than that, Frisk mostly just hung around and used Detect Illusions.

    The main reason I made Seducer abilities usable at will was because they were all save-or-else spells. If I made them usable only a certain number of times a day, then you could easily just run out of spells and then you'd be left with a crippled thief for the rest of the day.
    Post edited by semiticgoddess on
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155

    I noticed that the Alchemist kit seemed to bring in a surprising amount of money, considering it was supposed to be a net drain on the party's gold supply.

    You could reduce the store's buying markup even more. Until it's not even profitable, but in fact you loose money (for example, a store would pay more for the potion), or, introduce component-based recipes instead (hard to implement, easier to balance).

    But the Seducer kit always seemed rather underpowered to me. Hypnosis worked great on enemy hordes (though I chose screenshots that highlighted successes, rather than all the times Hypnosis failed), but other than that, Frisk mostly just hung around and used Detect Illusions.

    What I think that it's too powerful is how it affects any type of creature. Some creatures don't have a "brain" per se, so you couldn't hypnotise them (same could be argued about creatures immune to Illusion spells and blind creatures).

    The main reason I made Seducer abilities usable at will was because they were all save-or-else spells. If I made them usable only a certain number of times a day, then you could easily just run out of spells and then you'd be left with a crippled thief for the rest of the day.

    The thing is, at-will abilities favour long-term fights a lot, which is understood and expected. But when it's a crowd control ability you're talking about, the best idea is to give the user limited uses. Maybe limit the uses to 10, and then add another ability that restores those 10 uses back, but it can only be used outside of combat (check .spl flags). Also, the Seducer being a crippled Thief for the rest of the day... Isn't that kinda the deal with Bounty Hunters? If you reduced the penalties, the kit could also work with use-per-day innate abilities (although you'll have to work on balancing that a lot probably).
  • Mantis37Mantis37 Member Posts: 1,177
    Perhaps rather than being gold dependent it could be component dependent to a degree? If a player knows that there are only 3 unicorn horns somewhere in the game which let the Alchemist do x ability they may be less cavalier than by relying on the broken gold economy. In my current game I quickly realised that Xzar's continued presence would result in an immense stack of gold eventually.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @CrevsDaak: Maybe I'll just remove the Alchemist's ability to recycle potions.

    The main reason Hypnosis works against non-humanoid critters was because, during an early test run, I noticed my first Seducer kit was pretty much useless against ogres and gibberlings and undead, as its Charm spell only had a tiny chance of affecting them. Hypnosis gave the Seducer something to do in those fights. I also made it area-effect because it seemed like a solo Seducer was too weak without it--mass Hypnosis for 1d6 rounds would let the Seducer try to pacify the battlefield long enough to charm an important enemy.

    What if I handled it like this:

    1. Hypnosis can be used once per day at levels 6, 10, 14, and 19. Regardless of level, it lasts 2 rounds and offers a save vs. spell at no penalty.
    2. Charm only penalizes movement rate by 25% instead of 50%.
    3. Charm is changed to work against non-humanoid enemies, but certain types get bonuses to their saves:
    -Intelligent and familiar critters like animals and ogres: +1
    -Unintelligent and unfamiliar critters like golems and undead: +2
    -Alien and extraplanar critters like beholders and elementals: +3

    What do you think? Would this make the Seducer a little more balanced for party and/or solo play?
  • ussnorwayussnorway Member Posts: 341


    Best served cold,
    I flooded a mine and freed all the slaves... with a drow and blackguard in my group I need all the good rep I can earn.
    · Dorn is frilled to finish his quest... its very buggy so I just stand south of the tree and nuke them for ease.
    · Branwen used her stealth to collect a free book then I swapped her for Viconia who used the same trick to pinch a wand without hurting any spiders.

  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Iroumen: I wouldn't attempt a no-reload on LoB mode in Improved Anvil. I think a minimal reload of Improved Anvil at Core difficulty would be much wiser.

    To my knowledge, only Saros Shadowfollower has ever beaten Improved Anvil without reloading--and I'm not sure if that's really feasible in the more recent versions, which I'm sure have gotten even stricter.
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    I have done it on easy difficulty with a shadow party on the side but that was while skipping some tougher optional quests. There are some others who sent pms around on the board with their exploits as well.
    Saros did the insane version, to my knowledge the only one to succeed.

    Maybe I will just give it a chance and restart on core if I fail.
  • PokotaPokota Member Posts: 858
    I think I'm going to give up on using an EET instance for my next No Reload run - as it turns out, EET is what's breaking low-level kits, not BWS. Wasn't there an EET component at some point that fixed that issue?
  • Corey_RussellCorey_Russell Member Posts: 1,057
    edited May 2017
    Wish I could help you @Pokota but have not used EET. Heck next run I need to use EE really...
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