I should add that I didnt have the Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateIIenhancededition/files directory at first. Thought I would be stuck out of luck! But I saved a new game to see if that would create the directory, and I think that was the trick.
I also included my chitin file into my Mods.zip just in case it had anything altered, perhaps it was unnecessary, but perhaps that might help somebody else trying this who finds themselves far beyond their skill level like me.
@Isaya Hello. Just created an account here to say thank you. Baldur's Gate I & II EE for android were the first time I had ever played a D&D game (I'm very late, I know ). After finishing the vanilla game twice I really wanted to try some mods out and thanks to this thread now I can. I followed the basic instructions in the main post. However I only put the lang, music and scripts folder in the zip file. Everything else went in the override folder. I am happy to report that your method is working flawlessly on both my devices (one has adreno gpu and one has mali gpu). I have around 30 mods installed currently - mostly follower mods and also some others like banter packs, tweaks pack, Assassinations, Dungeon Crawl, More Style for Mages,Weimer's item upgrade, Dungeon Be Gone etc etc. I've finished a couple of playthroughs now and am yet to witness any crashes or any issues with any of the mods. So once again, thank you!
Hello. I can successfully run the vanilla BG2-EE game on my Huawei Y5II phone. I tried to install some mods for the game (from BG2 fix pack and BG2 tweak pack) in the recommended order. I created the mod.zip file with no compression and ran it through the centralfix.exe. Copied it on my device into the recommended folder. Now when I start the game, it waits for some 5-10 seconds, and then exits. It doesn't close the app completely, because I can switch to it via the opened apps. When I do so, it tries to run the game again, and exits again in 5-10 seconds. I tried it the other way with just dialog.tlk's folder zipped, and the override folder copied next to it, with no success. When I deleted the mod.zip file (and the modded folder) the game runs just fine again.
My first thought was maybe the device had run out of available RAM (it has 1 GB total, and usually 300-400 MB available), but I don't think that these extra some MBs of data would fill it completely.
My second thought was that the device simply could't handle that big amount (thousands) of small files in that short period of loading time, and the app could't start because the device handles it as some sort of error.
Anyone had similar issues? Any recommended workarounds? Any known issues with certain tweaks in the tweak pack, that could break the game in a way it couldn't even start?
@beyczy Don't use BG2 fixpack. As its name implies, it was created for BG II, not the EE version. BG2EE already has all these fixes in its own way. Mixing the two is likely to cause issues. If you look at the mod list in the BG2EE forum, you'll notice that BG2 fixpack is not included.
@beyczy Don't use BG2 fixpack. As its name implies, it was created for BG II, not the EE version. BG2EE already has all these fixes in its own way. Mixing the two is likely to cause issues. If you look at the mod list in the BG2EE forum, you'll notice that BG2 fixpack is not included.
@Isaya I tried what you suggested. First I installed only the cosmetic changes from the tweak pack, and the game worked fine. After that I installed the other component as well (at least those I'd like to play), and the issue returned, the game quits some seconds after tapping the game icon.
Are there any particular components which are known to prevent the game from starting?
Maybe I'll try to narrow it down to component groups, and to individual components, but it will take a long time to figuring out which one causing the issue.
@beyczy my mod setup is over an year old now but the only tweaks I remember causing a problem were faster cut scenes and remove delay for magic traps. Do you have those by any chance?
I don't know the mod enough to be able to tell which component can have issues. I would recommand using the zip file only for tlk file(s) to avoid issues caused by some specific file types in the zip file. I remember that the component about "drab colors" for commoners (cosmetic, I believe) has issues but I don't think it would prevent starting the game. Similarly, cutscenes shortcut components had issues (I don't know if there are solved) but they should not crash the game that early.
Something that prevents the game from starting (I understand you don't get any menu) is serious. I don't know which component could cause that. You could look into components that changes rules or the game mechanics for potentiel culprits.
Also make a search about the mod in the forum to find more information.
@valkyrie67 I only have the remove delay for magic traps. What kind of problem did it caused? In game crash, or it prevented the game from starting?
@Isaya I think I will go through the components until I find which one is the troublemaker. I'll post it here if I find something. Thanks for your help!
I gave it a try with only the dialogue.tlk zipped, and the override just copied, and finally, the game started up with every desired tweak installed
I can't check it now in gameplay, but the removed racial restrictions and the rearranged weapon specializations scripts works fine in the character generation screen. I hope there won't be any gameplay issue, and finally I can play the modded game.
@beyczy removed racial restrictions & weapon specialization works fine. You won't have any problems with them remove delay for magic trap caused my game to crash only when the spell was cast. It was probably just my setup but I removed it since the delay is not a big issue for me.
For the sake of stupid (me) would I put .2da files into the override folder that I made or do I put it some place else? Happy.2da ..dont take kindly to folks hitting that ol' dusty trail when I pick up them female drows....
For the sake of stupid (me) would I put .2da files into the override folder that I made or do I put it some place else? Happy.2da ..dont take kindly to folks hitting that ol' dusty trail when I pick up them female drows....
I do not currently have a computer. Does anyone have any final products I can use with my version of bgee on android? Specifically any mods that change npcs.
Hi @Freakydoo, there wasn't much to go on (like what sort of device this will go on, or whether you have any mods installed already), but I put together a quick and dirty mod to try out... By NPC changes, I wasn't sure whether you wanted banter packs or changed classes so I went for the later.
The changes made are: Imoen - Bard Khalid - Ranger/Cleric (if it isn't already, you could also change your baldur.ini so that 'Game Options', 'Cleric Ranger Spells', '0', give you all spells) Dynaheir - Sorcerer Coran - Ranger Branwen - Fighter/Cleric Xzar - Necromancer/Cleric Xan - Fighter/Mage NPC Kit Class installed ( from readme - this will add an innate ability to every single-class NPC allowing them to take a kit - or, if they already have a kit, to switch to a new one.) Multiclass Kits for NPCs installed (from readme - This will give the kit-choice innate ability to multiclass NPCs AND multiclass PCs. They can only choose kits in one of their classes. The order of priorities is this: 1) rangers; 2) clerics; 3) fighters; 4) druids' 5) thieves; 6) mages. )
I have attached the mod file, and a text version of the readme file to give you an idea of what it does. Have a look and see if it works on your device and we can then make a more comprehensive mod which agrees with you...
I no longer play on an android device (except my Note 4 when I am desperate). I tested and change a couple of NPCs so it seems to be working OK.
To install (assuming you currently have no mods in your override folder), copy NPC_EE.zip to your '/android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateiienhancededition/files' folder (the one with baldur.ini) and play. When you meet an NPC, you can change their class kit by using the inate ability (only once as stated in the readme...). To uninstall, remove the file and you have a clean install.
For the comprehensive mod, I recommend you look at BG Tweaks v16 or Tweaks Anthology and select some components, have a look at NPC_EE for other changes etc... I also use the Wandcase mod as well. Anyway, let me know and we will see what can happen.
Thank you so much! What you've provided is above and beyond. Honestly. I felt bad even asking. I've been using mods for years. But now I'm with out a pc and just have my android tablet. Thanks again. I'll work on this, this afternoon and tell you how it works out for me.
Was there a mod that gave npcs xp enough to be a certain level but started them at level 1 given you control of how they advanced... weapons, spells. Etc...?
My android is telling there are no files to extract in the NPC_EE.zip file.
@Freakydoo - Yeah - it is part of the BG Tweaks or Tweaks Anthology pack.
ToB-Style NPCs This component will alter all joinable NPCs to join in the same fashion as Throne of Bhaal, where NPCs immediately level-up upon joining, with a caveat: all creature files are moved down to their lowest experience version, so if you pick up an NPC early enough they will not level upon joining. However, later in the game they will, allowing you to select weapon proficiencies, thieving points, and other goodies from the level-up process.
Edit: Just moved the conversion for this mod file to here.
Sweet. Sorry for the lack of info. I wasn't sure if maybe mods, that had already been edited for android we're being uploaded somewhere and I just had to look.
I'm using an android galaxy tablet. I have zero mods... not even an override folder.
has anybody gotten a centralfix'd mod zip to be recognized by the beta 2.5 versions? My dialog.tlk is not recognizing. Lots of invalids in class selection.
Specifically IWD 2.5
Edit: Having just .tlk file in the zip and everything else loose seems to have fixed it.
has anybody gotten a centralfix'd mod zip to be recognized by the beta 2.5 versions? My dialog.tlk is not recognizing. Lots of invalids in class selection.
Specifically IWD 2.5
Edit: Having just .tlk file in the zip and everything else loose seems to have fixed it.
I have the same problem. I am sorry, but what do you mean "just .tlk file in the zip"? And where to put override folder now, if only .tlk should be in zip, and that special .tis files, that must be separated and not centralfixed?
Hi @Caszidy, I will make some assumptions here that you have done this before, so I will be loose on my description. If it is too loose, let me know and I can provide all folder names etc...
Although I can't comment directly about the 2.5 beta, having the dialog.tlk only in the zip was what I had to do for BG2EE. I will outline what I did there and maynbe it will work for you...
- I made a folder specifically for the mod files, call it what you want... (like 'IWDEE Mod'). This can be wehre you want although I wouldn't put it into the modded game folder. - Create the following folders (assuming the language your are using is English, if not the use the folder name for your language) in IWDEE Mod: lang lang/en_US override
- From the modded game folder, copy 'dialog.tlk' into ../IWDEE Mod/lang/en_US - copy the contents of (modded game folder) 'override' to your new 'override' folder - right click on the new folder 'lang' and zip it (I just leave the name as lang.zip) making sure that the file is not compressed (store only) - apply centralfix to 'lang.zip' - right click on the new 'override' folder and 'lang.zip' (together) and zip them (IWDEE Mod.zip) up. I do this as it takes an eon to copy to the device if I don't. Doesn't matter if it is compressed or not as it will be unpacked on device. - copy 'IWDEE Mod.zip' to your device into your Android IWDEE folder (where 'baldur.lua' is) - Unpack 'IWDEE Mod.zip' making sure that you maintain folder structure. I use 'ES File Explorer' but it should work with 'My Files' as well. - Delete (or move) IWDEE Mod.zip from the folder so it doesn't confuse the game. - You should now have an 'override' folder and a file called lang.zip in your files folder as well as baldur.lua.
You should be able to run the game now with the mod installed.
Hi there. Thank you, for your advices. Actually, its kind of funny, because I was going through identicial process, that you wrote, right about 30 minutes, before your comment Especially that time copying override folder with that x-thousand files in it was really painful, but luckily I have the same idea like you, with ziping it, and extract it on the device. Sadly even this process doesn't work out. I'm still getting invalid lines everywhere where the mod content is. I must be doing some mistake somewhere. I will try this process and solve this riddle again tomorrow, or on sunday, now I'm really sleepy Anyway, I'm really thankfull for your advices and for your effort
@Caszidy, sounds like one or more mods may not be 2.x compatible. Can you list you mods and in what order you are installing them?
As a start, I would get a known good mod that works with 2.x (something like Tweaks Anthology v4) and install a component that is easily tested (increased stacking maybe). Install it, then test for whether the process works fine. If all goes well, look at the series of mods you want to install and do them one mod at a time. This way, you can rule out the problems...
Thanks, so If I'm getting it right - if one of the mods is not 2.x compatible, than it "corrupts" whole .tlk file and I'm getting invalid lines even for the mods, that should be OK? I have installed this mods (in this order): BG1NPC project BG1 Unfinished bussines Gibberlings Quests & Encounters Gibberlings Romantic encounters for BG1 Verr'sza NPC mod Drake NPC mod Aura NPC mod Valerie NPC mod Tweaks Antology
I confirm, that Tweaks works well (stacking arrows to one slot etc.) so it must be dialog.tlk file problem. I have suspicion for that Valerie NPC mod, since its the oldest mod on my list, if I'm right. So I will start testing with uninstaling her.
@Gusinda Awwww sorry, it must be misunderstanding @rkocour was refering to IWD, but I'm playing BG1 of course - that explains the mods I listed. Anyway, I'm slowly giving up, because, I try almost every mod I listed above, and still getting invalid lines maybe @Isaya or @argent77 will have some another ideas?
I also included my chitin file into my Mods.zip just in case it had anything altered, perhaps it was unnecessary, but perhaps that might help somebody else trying this who finds themselves far beyond their skill level like me.
My first thought was maybe the device had run out of available RAM (it has 1 GB total, and usually 300-400 MB available), but I don't think that these extra some MBs of data would fill it completely.
My second thought was that the device simply could't handle that big amount (thousands) of small files in that short period of loading time, and the app could't start because the device handles it as some sort of error.
Anyone had similar issues? Any recommended workarounds? Any known issues with certain tweaks in the tweak pack, that could break the game in a way it couldn't even start?
Thanks in advance!
If you look at the mod list in the BG2EE forum, you'll notice that BG2 fixpack is not included.
Are there any particular components which are known to prevent the game from starting?
Maybe I'll try to narrow it down to component groups, and to individual components, but it will take a long time to figuring out which one causing the issue.
I remember that the component about "drab colors" for commoners (cosmetic, I believe) has issues but I don't think it would prevent starting the game. Similarly, cutscenes shortcut components had issues (I don't know if there are solved) but they should not crash the game that early.
Something that prevents the game from starting (I understand you don't get any menu) is serious. I don't know which component could cause that. You could look into components that changes rules or the game mechanics for potentiel culprits.
Also make a search about the mod in the forum to find more information.
@Isaya I think I will go through the components until I find which one is the troublemaker. I'll post it here if I find something. Thanks for your help!
I can't check it now in gameplay, but the removed racial restrictions and the rearranged weapon specializations scripts works fine in the character generation screen. I hope there won't be any gameplay issue, and finally I can play the modded game.
Thank you for all the help!
What's the "recommended order" order to install mods mentioned in the OP? What's the list of mods that would work with this method on Android?
Would this work using the mods on https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/34882/list-of-bg2ee-compatible-mods/p1 ?
I'm actually interested in installing the Big World Project's "stable" or "tactical" set of mods.
Happy.2da ..dont take kindly to folks hitting that ol' dusty trail when I pick up them female drows....
Happy.2da ..dont take kindly to folks hitting that ol' dusty trail when I pick up them female drows....
This uses SubtleDoctor's excellent NPC_EE v2.6 mod.
The changes made are:
Imoen - Bard
Khalid - Ranger/Cleric (if it isn't already, you could also change your baldur.ini so that
'Game Options', 'Cleric Ranger Spells', '0',
give you all spells)
Dynaheir - Sorcerer
Coran - Ranger
Branwen - Fighter/Cleric
Xzar - Necromancer/Cleric
Xan - Fighter/Mage
NPC Kit Class installed ( from readme - this will add an innate ability to every single-class NPC allowing them to take a kit - or, if they already have a kit, to switch to a new one.)
Multiclass Kits for NPCs installed (from readme - This will give the kit-choice innate ability to multiclass NPCs AND multiclass PCs. They can only choose kits in one of their classes. The order of priorities is this: 1) rangers; 2) clerics; 3) fighters; 4) druids' 5) thieves; 6) mages. )
I have attached the mod file, and a text version of the readme file to give you an idea of what it does. Have a look and see if it works on your device and we can then make a more comprehensive mod which agrees with you...
I no longer play on an android device (except my Note 4 when I am desperate). I tested and change a couple of NPCs so it seems to be working OK.
To install (assuming you currently have no mods in your override folder), copy NPC_EE.zip to your '/android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateiienhancededition/files' folder (the one with baldur.ini) and play. When you meet an NPC, you can change their class kit by using the inate ability (only once as stated in the readme...).
To uninstall, remove the file and you have a clean install.
For the comprehensive mod, I recommend you look at BG Tweaks v16 or Tweaks Anthology and select some components, have a look at NPC_EE for other changes etc... I also use the Wandcase mod as well. Anyway, let me know and we will see what can happen.
Was there a mod that gave npcs xp enough to be a certain level but started them at level 1 given you control of how they advanced... weapons, spells. Etc...?
My android is telling there are no files to extract in the NPC_EE.zip file.
ToB-Style NPCs
This component will alter all joinable NPCs to join in the same fashion as Throne of Bhaal, where NPCs immediately level-up upon joining, with a caveat: all creature files are moved down to their lowest experience version, so if you pick up an NPC early enough they will not level upon joining. However, later in the game they will, allowing you to select weapon proficiencies, thieving points, and other goodies from the level-up process.
Edit: Just moved the conversion for this mod file to here.
Sorry for the lack of info. I wasn't sure if maybe mods, that had already been edited for android we're being uploaded somewhere and I just had to look.
I'm using an android galaxy tablet. I have zero mods... not even an override folder.
Specifically IWD 2.5
Edit: Having just .tlk file in the zip and everything else loose seems to have fixed it.
I am sorry, but what do you mean "just .tlk file in the zip"? And where to put override folder now, if only .tlk should be in zip, and that special .tis files, that must be separated and not centralfixed?
Although I can't comment directly about the 2.5 beta, having the dialog.tlk only in the zip was what I had to do for BG2EE. I will outline what I did there and maynbe it will work for you...
- I made a folder specifically for the mod files, call it what you want... (like 'IWDEE Mod'). This can be wehre you want although I wouldn't put it into the modded game folder.
- Create the following folders (assuming the language your are using is English, if not the use the folder name for your language) in IWDEE Mod:
- From the modded game folder, copy 'dialog.tlk' into ../IWDEE Mod/lang/en_US
- copy the contents of (modded game folder) 'override' to your new 'override' folder
- right click on the new folder 'lang' and zip it (I just leave the name as lang.zip) making sure that the file is not compressed (store only)
- apply centralfix to 'lang.zip'
- right click on the new 'override' folder and 'lang.zip' (together) and zip them (IWDEE Mod.zip) up. I do this as it takes an eon to copy to the device if I don't. Doesn't matter if it is compressed or not as it will be unpacked on device.
- copy 'IWDEE Mod.zip' to your device into your Android IWDEE folder (where 'baldur.lua' is)
- Unpack 'IWDEE Mod.zip' making sure that you maintain folder structure. I use 'ES File Explorer' but it should work with 'My Files' as well.
- Delete (or move) IWDEE Mod.zip from the folder so it doesn't confuse the game.
- You should now have an 'override' folder and a file called lang.zip in your files folder as well as baldur.lua.
You should be able to run the game now with the mod installed.
Let us know how that goes...
Happy gaming
Thank you, for your advices. Actually, its kind of funny, because I was going through identicial process, that you wrote, right about 30 minutes, before your comment
Especially that time copying override folder with that x-thousand files in it was really painful, but luckily I have the same idea like you, with ziping it, and extract it on the device.
Sadly even this process doesn't work out. I'm still getting invalid lines everywhere where the mod content is. I must be doing some mistake somewhere. I will try this process and solve this riddle again tomorrow, or on sunday, now I'm really sleepy
Anyway, I'm really thankfull for your advices and for your effort
As a start, I would get a known good mod that works with 2.x (something like Tweaks Anthology v4) and install a component that is easily tested (increased stacking maybe). Install it, then test for whether the process works fine. If all goes well, look at the series of mods you want to install and do them one mod at a time. This way, you can rule out the problems...
Good hunting
I have installed this mods (in this order):
BG1NPC project
BG1 Unfinished bussines
Gibberlings Quests & Encounters
Gibberlings Romantic encounters for BG1
Verr'sza NPC mod
Drake NPC mod
Aura NPC mod
Valerie NPC mod
Tweaks Antology
I confirm, that Tweaks works well (stacking arrows to one slot etc.) so it must be dialog.tlk file problem.
I have suspicion for that Valerie NPC mod, since its the oldest mod on my list, if I'm right. So I will start testing with uninstaling her.
Had some time to look at the mods list and I think that most are actually not IWDEE compatible. They are made for the BG series.
The one that I know that is IWDEE compatible: Tweaks Anthology (use v4)
Have a look here for IWDEE Mods. I am only guessing that the list at the link will still work with IWDEE 2.5 beta.
Awwww sorry, it must be misunderstanding
Anyway, I'm slowly giving up, because, I try almost every mod I listed above, and still getting invalid lines
maybe @Isaya or @argent77 will have some another ideas?