Just as A side note, I noticed something similar with the witchlight shaman as well. His special shaman summons were limited if I had spell summoned creatures at the same time. Total of 5 regardless. I know that is the vanilla game limit so could be related to that max summon limit in the base game.
Just checked. It does it with regular summons as well. Darn, means it is a vanilla issue and I am stuck with it. EDIT: 10th level shaman won't summon spirits if there are already 3 summons in game. So can't reach limit of 5 if you try to top off with the shaman. Just a bummer as it reduces the value of the shaman in my estimation.
Started a new game and found the apprentice near Beregost. In my opinion he is WAY to strong for a level 1-3 party (very likely to meet him at early level) and once he summons the shadow fiends it is lights out. I would suggest that he either needs to be dropped to like 4th level or move him farther away so a low level party isn't wiped out by meeting him early.
Great! I am excited about the BG2EE additions. I have my Shadow Disciple ready to go over to BG2EE, but taking my time with SoD as I know you have allot to do. So I tried a new game for a bit and man I was like "Oh yeah, I was 9th level with my SD the first time I fought this guy." My 2nd level fighter was like AHHHH!!!!
@Artemius_I, the Nighthaunts desecration ability keeps adding each round and it doesn't go away even after resting. So my Shadow Disciples THAC0 is 33 now as I have +14 from the Nighthaunt. Rested for 32 hours and still have the penalty.
Having turned Neera into a Shadow Adept, kicking her momentarily from the party and recruiting her once more ran through her spell acquisition script again from scratch.
Having turned Neera into a Shadow Adept, kicking her momentarily from the party and recruiting her once more ran through her spell acquisition script again from scratch.
Yeah, I’m aware of the issue. Thinking of a workaround, but really can’t figure it out at the moment.
Done it... I think. You have no idea of the leaps of logic I had to make in order to block off this interaction. If only kicking party members out didn't reset their kit abilities. It'll be in the next update along with the updated apprentices and AI.
The AI for enemy shadow adepts has been altered dramatically. Shadow adepts now use (almost) their full arsenal of spells within their selection, and also have a random selection of prebuffs to keep them from being too predictable. Sequencers and Contingencies (for enemies of appropriate level) are also added.
Nym is significantly weaker, becoming a 7th level mage and thus losing his 5th level spells and Summon Shadow. He only has a chance to summon backup from the randomly-selected pre-buff.
Xarius is unchanged aside from using the updated AI.
Ivette is slightly stronger, gaining an extra cast of Summon Shadow but at the cost of her more directly offensive spells.
Chang is stronger, becoming a 12th level mage capable of casting 6th level spells. She also has a much more aggressive spell selection. Be wary.
Mak'kai is significantly stronger, becoming a 14th (!) level mage capable of casting 7th level spells. Don't worry, I chose some of the more manageable ones. Be warned - shadow adepts get Shadow Double at 14th level! I had to imitate the behavior as non-player simulacrums have no AI without mods, but Mak'kai will summon a weaker version of himself to assist in the fight.
Night Terrors had its Death Spell effect moved from 12th to 14th level. Therefore, Chang will not be able to instakill lower than 8th level party members, but Mak'kai will! Prepare Death Wards if you're not high enough level. (to LoB players: good luck. All five shadow adepts know this spell.)
NPC shadow adepts should no longer learn more spells every time they get kicked out, assuming the roundabout fix I've implemented works as intended.
Hopefully the sidequest will become a little more interesting with this new AI. I'll add in journal entries in a future update.
I was just thinking about playing again as a new class, and what do I find but this! It looks very interesting so far: it feels very 'Bhaalspawn-y' to be using shadow weave magic, it's balanced, it has personal quests and items...it's practically perfect! You did an amazing job with it and I can't wait to try it out. I've just got a couple of questions before I install:
1. You mentioned on a page a while back about having party members react to CHARNAME's magic. Is that implemented? I kind of want to wait til/if it is, since RP-wise it'd be weird if nobody commented on it, particularly Viconia (Sharran), Rasaad (worships Selune aka Shar's enemy), and Valygar (who already hates regular magic, how's this gonna set him off?).
2. Do the other classes besides Shadow Adept get familiars? I'm a little confused here because your update log mentioned Nightsingers having familiars, but when I checked out the kit description, they didn't have the 'Find Shadow Familiar' ability Shadow Adepts do.
3. How does dual-classing into Shadow Adept work? I'm tempted to go Fighter->SA to use some of those sweet swords, so what'd the stat requirements be for SA (since I see Int, Wis and Cha all mentioned as important)? Or, since the biography mentions discovering shadow magic at Candlekeep (obviously not an option anymore), will you actually not be able to dual to SA, but have to dual to mage and then use the shadow orb?
4. This is really just tossing out ideas--in lore, not all Shadow Adepts worship Shar, and usually pay for this by taking a hit to Wisdom (representing losing part of their mind to the Shadow Weave). Could there be some sort of way to implement that? The RP-possibilities there leave me drooling, I admit.
1. You mentioned on a page a while back about having party members react to CHARNAME's magic. Is that implemented? I kind of want to wait til/if it is, since RP-wise it'd be weird if nobody commented on it, particularly Viconia (Sharran), Rasaad (worships Selune aka Shar's enemy), and Valygar (who already hates regular magic, how's this gonna set him off?).
The subcomponent is unavailable at the moment as it is incomplete. The characters that will have special dialogue are the following:
Valygar will not have special dialogues, as he does not recognize Shadow Magic as different from regular magic.
2. Do the other classes besides Shadow Adept get familiars? I'm a little confused here because your update log mentioned Nightsingers having familiars, but when I checked out the kit description, they didn't have the 'Find Shadow Familiar' ability Shadow Adepts do.
All three classes get familiars. Originally the ability wasn't in the description for the sorcerer and bard, but I know I added them in later on. Bear in mind Nightsingers get their familiar at level 8 instead of 6.
3. How does dual-classing into Shadow Adept work? I'm tempted to go Fighter->SA to use some of those sweet swords, so what'd the stat requirements be for SA (since I see Int, Wis and Cha all mentioned as important)? Or, since the biography mentions discovering shadow magic at Candlekeep (obviously not an option anymore), will you actually not be able to dual to SA, but have to dual to mage and then use the shadow orb?
You cannot dual-class into a kit. Well, there's a recent mod for it, but it's not normally possible. To dual-class to a shadow adept, you need the Shadow Orb and have the prerequisites of being a mage of non-good alignment. Dual-classing from a shadow adept into another class requires 15 Intelligence and Charisma.
4. This is really just tossing out ideas--in lore, not all Shadow Adepts worship Shar, and usually pay for this by taking a hit to Wisdom (representing losing part of their mind to the Shadow Weave). Could there be some sort of way to implement that? The RP-possibilities there leave me drooling, I admit.
No. That would be horribly unfair, disruptive to implement, and not necessary within FR lore. Shadowcasters are mages that can access the Shadow Weave without worshiping Shar through dedicated study. You can take away WIS points yourself if you want.
Can't you just add 206 protection against itself to whatever .SPL applies this in the kit's clab table?
(Admittedly I say this without actually seeing the files I'm talking about... )
That would not work as it would prevent the kit from gaining any more spells after applying the protection. What I did was append to the dplayer2.bcs script to apply a spell which permanently protects from the 'learn spell' spells, and added to the CLAB a spell that removes the effects which becomes reapplied upon joining. I have a feeling it may not always work as intended, but it's the best I can do for now.
Not really relevant to what I'm making, but I've discovered a really weird interaction with death-by-zero-current-health. I was testing the HP cost component solo at first so I didn't realize this, but apparently when the PC has other party members, the script that kicks in when the shadow adept is out of HP will kill them, but the game doesn't end! They stay dead, but a Raise Dead or Resurrection will bring them back with no apparent issue. But that's not the weird part. After discovering this strangeness, I then decided to Ctrl-Y the PC to see what happens, and they died as expected, but the game still didn't end! Here's a screenshot of the game continuing to run with a dead PC:
This is a pretty major bug and I'm looking into getting it fixed, but holy hell. This might actually be useful in some way for some other modder out there.
EDIT: Made a fix. Also learned that you can write custom game over messages.
The Shadow Orb and Tome were long outdated. Both have been updated to work with the current content, allowing for sorcerer and bard use. Additionally, the Shadow Orb is not destroyed upon activation but upon making the change, and the Shadow Tome may be used infinitely.
Shadow summons have their spell selection slightly reduced as it was pretty clear how oppressive they can get with the proper AI to use their spells.
Hit point cost subcomponent properly ends the game upon PC death
Added a shadow magi animation. This is not used within the mod currently, but can be chosen via EEKeeper. It is a recolored Lavok animation
Nighthaunts now destroy their bodies to remove their Aura of Desecration upon dying
Also, check out the new page on my mod site for previews on the upcoming Shade Enclave component.
Arte, a couple questions. 1. Are groups without any kind of shadow weave CHARNAME allowing to participate with quests?
2. Are groups with an NPC that is a shadow weave user (instead of a CHARNAME) (thru EE Keeper) allowed to participate in quests? I have not tried that method yet but was thinking of giving it a go with EE Keeper that I often use to change NPC's class with?
My current plan is to allow access to the city and side quests for players of any class, but have the main plotline be for shadowcasters only, as per typical strongholds. It will have to be Player1 exclusive for the time being.
I tried to take my character from BGEE and import the save to BG2EE. Caused the intro to go wonky (really slow load and saves would not load properly after cut scene save). Not sure what caused this so I started a new game in BG2EE (hope I don't lose out on items I had with me for my Shadow Disciple).
The one annoyance when starting a new game is you don't have any spells memorized. Could you create a one use scroll like FnP that allows you to memorize spells? Otherwise I have to rest immediately or go without spells a while.
EDIT: 10th level shaman won't summon spirits if there are already 3 summons in game. So can't reach limit of 5 if you try to top off with the shaman. Just a bummer as it reduces the value of the shaman in my estimation.
I am rebalancing the apprentices in the next update.
Done it... I think. You have no idea of the leaps of logic I had to make in order to block off this interaction. If only kicking party members out didn't reset their kit abilities. It'll be in the next update along with the updated apprentices and AI.
- The AI for enemy shadow adepts has been altered dramatically. Shadow adepts now use (almost) their full arsenal of spells within their selection, and also have a random selection of prebuffs to keep them from being too predictable. Sequencers and Contingencies (for enemies of appropriate level) are also added.
- Nym is significantly weaker, becoming a 7th level mage and thus losing his 5th level spells and Summon Shadow. He only has a chance to summon backup from the randomly-selected pre-buff.
- Xarius is unchanged aside from using the updated AI.
- Ivette is slightly stronger, gaining an extra cast of Summon Shadow but at the cost of her more directly offensive spells.
- Chang is stronger, becoming a 12th level mage capable of casting 6th level spells. She also has a much more aggressive spell selection. Be wary.
- Mak'kai is significantly stronger, becoming a 14th (!) level mage capable of casting 7th level spells. Don't worry, I chose some of the more manageable ones. Be warned - shadow adepts get Shadow Double at 14th level! I had to imitate the behavior as non-player simulacrums have no AI without mods, but Mak'kai will summon a weaker version of himself to assist in the fight.
- Night Terrors had its Death Spell effect moved from 12th to 14th level. Therefore, Chang will not be able to instakill lower than 8th level party members, but Mak'kai will! Prepare Death Wards if you're not high enough level. (to LoB players: good luck. All five shadow adepts know this spell.)
- NPC shadow adepts should no longer learn more spells every time they get kicked out, assuming the roundabout fix I've implemented works as intended.
Hopefully the sidequest will become a little more interesting with this new AI. I'll add in journal entries in a future update.Yes, permanent debuff was fixed.
1. You mentioned on a page a while back about having party members react to CHARNAME's magic. Is that implemented? I kind of want to wait til/if it is, since RP-wise it'd be weird if nobody commented on it, particularly Viconia (Sharran), Rasaad (worships Selune aka Shar's enemy), and Valygar (who already hates regular magic, how's this gonna set him off?).
2. Do the other classes besides Shadow Adept get familiars? I'm a little confused here because your update log mentioned Nightsingers having familiars, but when I checked out the kit description, they didn't have the 'Find Shadow Familiar' ability Shadow Adepts do.
3. How does dual-classing into Shadow Adept work? I'm tempted to go Fighter->SA to use some of those sweet swords, so what'd the stat requirements be for SA (since I see Int, Wis and Cha all mentioned as important)? Or, since the biography mentions discovering shadow magic at Candlekeep (obviously not an option anymore), will you actually not be able to dual to SA, but have to dual to mage and then use the shadow orb?
4. This is really just tossing out ideas--in lore, not all Shadow Adepts worship Shar, and usually pay for this by taking a hit to Wisdom (representing losing part of their mind to the Shadow Weave). Could there be some sort of way to implement that? The RP-possibilities there leave me drooling, I admit.
EDIT: Did you give the wraiths spells? They are casting impose, phantasmal killer, and draining touch spells.
- Edwin
- Viconia
- Dynaheir
- Neera
- Rasaad
- Jaheira
- Ajantis
- Keldorn
Valygar will not have special dialogues, as he does not recognize Shadow Magic as different from regular magic. All three classes get familiars. Originally the ability wasn't in the description for the sorcerer and bard, but I know I added them in later on. Bear in mind Nightsingers get their familiar at level 8 instead of 6. You cannot dual-class into a kit. Well, there's a recent mod for it, but it's not normally possible. To dual-class to a shadow adept, you need the Shadow Orb and have the prerequisites of being a mage of non-good alignment. Dual-classing from a shadow adept into another class requires 15 Intelligence and Charisma. No. That would be horribly unfair, disruptive to implement, and not necessary within FR lore. Shadowcasters are mages that can access the Shadow Weave without worshiping Shar through dedicated study. You can take away WIS points yourself if you want.@Necromanx2
Sigh. Will fix.
They always had those spells, they just have the AI to cast it on their own now.
(Admittedly I say this without actually seeing the files I'm talking about...
That would not work as it would prevent the kit from gaining any more spells after applying the protection. What I did was append to the dplayer2.bcs script to apply a spell which permanently protects from the 'learn spell' spells, and added to the CLAB a spell that removes the effects which becomes reapplied upon joining. I have a feeling it may not always work as intended, but it's the best I can do for now.
Okay, thank you!
I could do that I guess... but, ugh. Time to mess with the clab tables again.
This is a pretty major bug and I'm looking into getting it fixed, but holy hell. This might actually be useful in some way for some other modder out there.
EDIT: Made a fix. Also learned that you can write custom game over messages.
- The Shadow Orb and Tome were long outdated. Both have been updated to work with the current content, allowing for sorcerer and bard use. Additionally, the Shadow Orb is not destroyed upon activation but upon making the change, and the Shadow Tome may be used infinitely.
- Shadow summons have their spell selection slightly reduced as it was pretty clear how oppressive they can get with the proper AI to use their spells.
- Hit point cost subcomponent properly ends the game upon PC death
- Added a shadow magi animation. This is not used within the mod currently, but can be chosen via EEKeeper. It is a recolored Lavok animation
- Nighthaunts now destroy their bodies to remove their Aura of Desecration upon dying
Also, check out the new page on my mod site for previews on the upcoming Shade Enclave component.Probably, but uh... don't expect a release any time soon.
1. Are groups without any kind of shadow weave CHARNAME allowing to participate with quests?
2. Are groups with an NPC that is a shadow weave user (instead of a CHARNAME) (thru EE Keeper) allowed to participate in quests? I have not tried that method yet but was thinking of giving it a go with EE Keeper that I often use to change NPC's class with?
My current plan is to allow access to the city and side quests for players of any class, but have the main plotline be for shadowcasters only, as per typical strongholds. It will have to be Player1 exclusive for the time being.
The one annoyance when starting a new game is you don't have any spells memorized. Could you create a one use scroll like FnP that allows you to memorize spells? Otherwise I have to rest immediately or go without spells a while.