Play Style Opinions

I'm asking for opinions and don't worry I take a good punch! Haha! For the last several years I have played various iterations of Baldur's Gate I, II, ToB, and then the EE's when they came out. When I played I played it IWD style and put together a party of my own creation and then just added Immy and One other NPC just to add a little flavor.
I didn't realize how much I was cheating myself with storylines that mattered and falling away from the original storylines that came with the game. I just recently got back into the swing of things and picked up SoD, and then did some research on the whole EET project so now I'm back at a point where I'm ready to jump off and start all over again. I have a custom installation all done through BWS and I'm ready to go, but it's been a long time since I did anything with just One PC so my question is what are the best NPC's to pick up and roll with. I'm going to run a Paladin with a KIT, and figured I might run a Mage too, fill up the rest with NPC's.
So who do you all think are the best ones, most fun for role playing, fits best, anybody to keep to the end
I didn't realize how much I was cheating myself with storylines that mattered and falling away from the original storylines that came with the game. I just recently got back into the swing of things and picked up SoD, and then did some research on the whole EET project so now I'm back at a point where I'm ready to jump off and start all over again. I have a custom installation all done through BWS and I'm ready to go, but it's been a long time since I did anything with just One PC so my question is what are the best NPC's to pick up and roll with. I'm going to run a Paladin with a KIT, and figured I might run a Mage too, fill up the rest with NPC's.
So who do you all think are the best ones, most fun for role playing, fits best, anybody to keep to the end
In SoD I use Glint in Imoen's spot for more utility (thief / cleric) and Corwin is just death on a stick so she becomes my primary ranged option.
Dorn is very capable, but pretty dark to be alongside a Paladin for the long haul.
Viconia is also an interesting option - obviously with these two you either need to be doing some creative reputation management, or using a mod to prevent them from leaving.
I've actually enjoyed Dynaheir in SoD a lot, banters- and personality-wise. For me, she's one of the best companions in SoD. Minsc is fun as well.
I second Glint and M'khiin - fresh characters, and excellent voice acting.
For the 5th party member you can choose whoever you want. If you come from BG:EE, you can bring the helmet of opposite alignment with you, so all evil companions are available even for a paladin.
My 5th party member was Corwin, though
M'khiin seems to be the fan favorite of SOD, with good reason, and Shaman's are an interesting new class to explore if you haven't yet.
Not a huge Voghiln fan personality wise, but he's not a bad bard and Skald song is useful.
I enjoyed a lot of the new SOD banter for Viconia.
I hadn't thought to much about Corwin or Korgan, but both sound interesting.
Definetly gonna run with a Minsc/Dynahier group, that sounds like a solid core. More opinions are certainly welcome, and thanks everyone for your input.