Fighter/Druid vs. Druid?

I normally play druids as my main character. I hear Fighter/Druids as very good in IWD, how much worse are just Druids? Also to be good, do Fighter/Druids just use weapons, or do they shapeshift?
You can still shapeshift as a Fighter/Druid but it's not something I tend to do. I generally used them as a second rank fighter who can also cast (pretty much the same way I use a Cleric).
However, is best to approach it as a multi-class. Dual-class is in fact better as a character, but the requirements for Dual-classing are insane. You need to have at least 17 in Str, Wis and Cha. Let alone the fact that not having either at least 15 in either Dex or Con is going to make your fighter would be druid a wimp. One should not attempt it unless you are prepare to actively search for lots of re-rolls.
You'll have to cut through so many enemies per map that you can't rely exclusively on per-day abilities like spells (well you could, by backtracking to a safe spot to rest after every battle, but it won't be fun). You'll need your party to supply a certain amount of damage to enemies "non-stop", and that means fighting with weapons (with some low-level spells thrown in). Good spells should be saved for the toughest situations of each day.
Some battles are also in tight spaces where melee is difficult to avoid for all party members.
Babysitting one or two squishy party members (like a sorcerer) will be fine, but as many as possible should be "tough".
Oh, and with all the cool armors that can be found in the game, you'll be disappointed if you have no or very few party members who can wear them...
For these reasons, Fighter/Druids have IMO much more overall utility in this particular game than single-class Druids. And they don't lag that far behind in spell levels. It's not half the levels, as one might naively think, but more like just 1 level behind (due to the exponential level progression).
*edit* @Armanz92
On second thought, I just realized that Ranger/Cleric gets Enthropy Shield, which, while coming on a level after Iron Skins for Druid classes kind of remedies everything I've talked about right now. I will play myself out, shamefully.
Edit: Aaaand even that was wrong. My lack of playing the add-ons shows my missing knowledge of higher levels. My bad on this, wasn't aware of the fact they get access to the higher level spells.
The whole "can't cast beyond level 3 druid spells" is because Rangers get minor access to the Plant and Animal spheres.
But every deity that accepts Ranger/Cleric in their priesthood gives major access to those same spheres.
Every Cleric needs a Deity, so it is easy to assume that a Ranger/Cleric would be under the blessing of one deity related to his/her duties - by doing so it gains major access to the early mentioned spheres.
That's the logic behind the R/C Spellbook in BG.
Regardless, it is irrelevant since in ICEWIND DALE Rangers (& Paladins) get high level spell access already.
This is how normal XP progression looks like BTW:
According to this, a figther/druid will end the base game as druid level 12, and the expansion as druid level 13, where as a pure druid will go all the way up to 18.
Mind you, this is not a question of power, more like an issue of whether you want to experience everything a class has to offer or not. Not like you really need those 7th level spells, but if you like to play with all the tools a class has at it's disposal, it is something to consider.
Of course, an option is to play on insane with double XP.
That said, a Half-orc Shaman is probably still the best "druid"
What weapon choices would one grandmaster for a fighter>>druid multiclass? Spears and daggers? Quarterstaves? Slings?
Cliff notes on Druid v Fighter/Druid:
The FD is almost universally better in every respect.
Even if you dual with less then ideal stats the combo will carry you with smart play.
The "ideal" times to dual are lvl 3, 7, 9 or 13. I recommend 7: Short downtime (60k exp) and almost as strong as a martial class (3 v -1 THAC0, base 2,5 APR for both).
If you want to be a caster Druid, taking 3 lvls as a Fighter first makes you better, because you get so much better armor selection and grandmastery with weapons.
This is, of course, just for optimization. Regular Druid should be fine if that is what you want. Avenger or Totemic are nice for that.