DoF hides the original kits from the character creation screen in favor of the ones provided by it. Probably when Dual-Classing the mechanics are using the original kits and not the new ones.
The kit name for those gods shows as in the vanilla game (Priest of...) or as in DoF (Watcher of Helm, Dawnbringer of Lathander, Stormcaller of Talos, Battleguard of Tempus, Holy Justice of Tyr)?
I think I know how to fix it (if I'm correct all I have to do is order the .tpa for those kits to alter one specific .2da file), but I'll see if @kjeron can give me some deeper insights.
By the way, what game and version are we talking about? I need to make sure that we are on the same page.
I need to make some alterings for the mentioned kits for version 2.5, but I was waiting for the SoD release of this version (currently, oddly enough, only BGEE and BG2EE have this update). The new version alters the 2da that I said I need to change.
This new version will alter a file so DoF can hide the vanilla Priest of Tempus, fix the APR bug you reported for enemy clerics, and, fortunately, fix this issue you reported.
DoF hides the original kits from the character creation screen in favor of the ones provided by it. Probably when Dual-Classing the mechanics are using the original kits and not the new ones.
This was my guess as well. IIRC, I set it so that the kits your allowed to dual into are pulled from DUALCLAS.2da. While editing the various K_(R)_(C).2da files are all that's needed to disable a kit at CHARGEN.
As no bugs were reported I'm removing Bane and Bhaal from the beta status. The only Dead Three that is left is Myrkul, but his powers are a little bit trickier to reproduce than those from the other two. Sorry about that, I'm doing my best with little time I have.
As I promised, no bug will be left behind. I think I owe it to all the players that trusted me installing my mod.
Tempus will only be altered after SoD receives the 2.5 patch
I may have a corrupted file somewhere. I uninstalled many mods and tried to no affect (FnP keeps erroring). I may need to do a complete reinstall of BG2EE. I will see if Subtledoctor sees anything in the debug file I attached in FnP.
I uninstalled every mod and cleared my override folder and I still can't get FnP sphere system to install. I guess the uninstall and reinstall of the BG2EE game is my last hope. If I can't get the sphere system working, I will be stopped from using this mod.
I did the complete reinstall and I still can't get the sphere system to load. I am at a loss. I can't do any thing with DoF anymore. I hope subtledoctor can help.
I have a clean install of BG2EE (v2.3.67.3). No mods installed. Here is the debug for FnP when I try to install the sphere system.
FnP does not install. It errors during install and backs out.
EDIT: I am trying to install FnP 0.74.32 . It happens on this and the older one as well. I am sure it is something on my side, I just have no clue what could cause this.
I don't think it is any mods issue. I feel I have something on my computer that is causing FnP not to work on my system. I am bummed as of now I can't use DoF or FnP.
ERROR: cannot convert acolyte_code or%acolyte_code% to an integer ERROR:[faiths_and_powers/deity/dom/d5dom00.spl]->[override]PatchingFailed(COPY)(Not_found) Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error.
ERROR Installing[Select an installation method below:->nonew kits - JUST install the sphere system], rolling back to previous state Unable to Unlink[faiths_and_powers/backup/105/OTHER.105]:Unix.Unix_error(1,"unlink","faiths_and_powers/backup/105/OTHER.105") [faiths_and_powers/backup/105/UNSETSTR.105] SET_STRING uninstall info not found Will uninstall 89 files for[FAITHS_AND_POWERS/FAITHS_AND_POWERS.TP2] component 105. Uninstalled89 files for[FAITHS_AND_POWERS/FAITHS_AND_POWERS.TP2] component 105. Unable to Unlink[faiths_and_powers/backup/105/READLN.105]:Unix.Unix_error(20,"unlink","faiths_and_powers/backup/105/READLN.105") Unable to Unlink[faiths_and_powers/backup/105/READLN.105.TEXT]:Unix.Unix_error(20,"unlink","faiths_and_powers/backup/105/READLN.105.TEXT") ERROR:Not_found Please make a backup of the file: SETUP-FAITHS_AND_POWERS.DEBUG and look for support at:SubtleDandGrammarsalad
At this point I am only trying to install FnP as there is no point in doing DoF if I can't get FnP working. When I did try installing the latest DoF last night, it installed fine.
EDIT: I am trying now to install on the clean version.
EDIT2: It installed, though I do see errors in the debug. The errors did not kill the install.
While I was at it, I installed the latest dual-class kit mod after DoF (so just DoF and Dual-class kit installed) and find that I don't see the abilities from from DoF for the vanilla kits. I do see the abilities of DoF for non-vanilla kits. So it does not seem your fix addressed the dual-class to priest issue I see for the vanilla kits.
I wonder if my virus protection software is the issue. It now wont let me run weido at all. I can't run any mod exe.
EDIT: I have to be offline and tried several mods. Once I found a mod where weido launches, it works on all weido mods. Lots of fun with mods the last couple days.
While I was at it, I installed the latest dual-class kit mod after DoF (so just DoF and Dual-class kit installed) and find that I don't see the abilities from DoF for the vanilla kits. I do see the abilities of DoF for non-vanilla kits. So it does not seem your fix addressed the dual-class to priest issue I see for the vanilla kits.
Can you please elaborate? I think the language is being a barrier here.
1) You can dual class, chose the DoF version of the vanilla kit and the abilities for this kit won't appear, so it acts as you dual-classed into a kitless cleric.
2) You can dual class, DoF's version of the kit won't appear, and the vanilla kit is without its abilities.
I'll call @kjeron for a follow up on this issue, as I have no idea of how his mod works.
I am a mage. I select dual-class and see the list of choices. I see the kits from DoF. If I select them one at a time, I see the DoF descriptions for the non-vanilla priest kits. The vanilla priest kits show the vanilla descriptions.
Mods installed: DoF, FnP, Dual-Into-Kits (in that order).
Started a ToB game, created a single-class Fighter.
Dual-Classed it into a Watcher of Helm (the option for Priest of Helm is still appearing even with the altering on DUALCLASS.2da, but that is another non-related issue).
Observed behavior: Except for the proficiencies, that is a hardcoded bug that no one but Beamdog can do something about, everything worked fine. I leveled up my Fighter -> Watcher of Helm all the way to level 32 without any issues. All the powers, even the Holy Symbol and APR, were applied properly and the spheres were being given as intended.
Only two issues were found: 1) the vanilla kits are still appearing on the list and 2) the class description at the character screen mirrors the kitless Cleric instead of the one from the kit. (maybe @kjeron can guide me on this one?)
So @Necromanx2 are you positive that you are selecting the DoF version of the kit instead of the vanilla one?
I am a mage. I select dual-class and see the list of choices. I see the kits from DoF. If I select them one at a time, I see the DoF descriptions for the non-vanilla priest kits. The vanilla priest kits show the vanilla descriptions.
Another test.
Mods installed: DoF, FnP, Dual-Into-Kits (in that order).
Started a ToB game, created a single-class Mage.
Dual-Classed it into a Stormcaller of Talos (the option for Priest of Talos is still appearing even with the altering on DUALCLASS.2da).
Observed behavior: Except for the proficiencies, that is a hardcoded bug that no one but Beamdog can do something about, everything worked fine. I leveled up my Mage -> Stormcaller of Talos all the way to level 33 without any issues. All the powers, even the Holy Symbol, were applied properly and the spheres were being given as intended.
The same two issues from the first test were found.
@Necromanx2 Good to know! Hope everything works fine from now on.
After Myrkul's release, I'll make a "1.7.5" version focused exclusively on solving all the dual-class issues so people will only be able to see the classes they were supposed to see and able to take.
I'm sure it is something very small and obvious that @kjeron will point in a single-line-PM and I'll feel stupid the moment I read it.
DoF hides the original kits from the character creation screen in favor of the ones provided by it. Probably when Dual-Classing the mechanics are using the original kits and not the new ones.
The kit name for those gods shows as in the vanilla game (Priest of...) or as in DoF (Watcher of Helm, Dawnbringer of Lathander, Stormcaller of Talos, Battleguard of Tempus, Holy Justice of Tyr)?
I think I know how to fix it (if I'm correct all I have to do is order the .tpa for those kits to alter one specific .2da file), but I'll see if @kjeron can give me some deeper insights.
By the way, what game and version are we talking about? I need to make sure that we are on the same page.
I need to make some alterings for the mentioned kits for version 2.5, but I was waiting for the SoD release of this version (currently, oddly enough, only BGEE and BG2EE have this update). The new version alters the 2da that I said I need to change.
This new version will alter a file so DoF can hide the vanilla Priest of Tempus, fix the APR bug you reported for enemy clerics, and, fortunately, fix this issue you reported.
Myrkul, unfortunately, will remain on hold.
IIRC, I set it so that the kits your allowed to dual into are pulled from DUALCLAS.2da.
While editing the various K_(R)_(C).2da files are all that's needed to disable a kit at CHARGEN.
That will do the trick, I think.
Version 1.6.8 is up (probably) fixing this issue.
As no bugs were reported I'm removing Bane and Bhaal from the beta status. The only Dead Three that is left is Myrkul, but his powers are a little bit trickier to reproduce than those from the other two. Sorry about that, I'm doing my best with little time I have.
As I promised, no bug will be left behind. I think I owe it to all the players that trusted me installing my mod.
Tempus will only be altered after SoD receives the 2.5 patch
First: Which game and version?
Second: The sphere system won't install or it does install but you don't receive the spells as you should?
Third: Can you please provide me the Weidu log and the debug files for both FnP and DoF?
As someone who knows DoF's code there is no reason for this problem, especially if it was working normally before the Dual Class correction.
Maybe @subtledoctor did some change in FnP that will need some sort of adjustment in DoF that I'm not aware of.
I'll work with subtledoctor and @Grammarsalad to see what can be done, but I'll need your help with the intel I asked for above.
I have a clean install of BG2EE (v2.3.67.3). No mods installed. Here is the debug for FnP when I try to install the sphere system.
FnP does not install. It errors during install and backs out.
EDIT: I am trying to install FnP 0.74.32 . It happens on this and the older one as well. I am sure it is something on my side, I just have no clue what could cause this.
Because if that is the case, probably the issue is not on DoF's end.
I'll work on it anyway.
Sorry for making this amount of questions, but the best way to help is understanding what I'm tackling exactly.
I'll take a look at the attached file now.
I don't think it is any mods issue. I feel I have something on my computer that is causing FnP not to work on my system. I am bummed as of now I can't use DoF or FnP.
Apparently d5dom00.spl is the issue.
Just in case you are receiving an error when installing, can you provide me the debug file for DoF?
Thanks, @Necromanx2
EDIT: I am trying now to install on the clean version.
EDIT2: It installed, though I do see errors in the debug. The errors did not kill the install.
EDIT: I have to be offline and tried several mods. Once I found a mod where weido launches, it works on all weido mods. Lots of fun with mods the last couple days.
1) You can dual class, chose the DoF version of the vanilla kit and the abilities for this kit won't appear, so it acts as you dual-classed into a kitless cleric.
2) You can dual class, DoF's version of the kit won't appear, and the vanilla kit is without its abilities.
I'll call @kjeron for a follow up on this issue, as I have no idea of how his mod works.
Mods installed: DoF, FnP, Dual-Into-Kits (in that order).
Started a ToB game, created a single-class Fighter.
Dual-Classed it into a Watcher of Helm (the option for Priest of Helm is still appearing even with the altering on DUALCLASS.2da, but that is another non-related issue).
Observed behavior: Except for the proficiencies, that is a hardcoded bug that no one but Beamdog can do something about, everything worked fine. I leveled up my Fighter -> Watcher of Helm all the way to level 32 without any issues. All the powers, even the Holy Symbol and APR, were applied properly and the spheres were being given as intended.
Only two issues were found: 1) the vanilla kits are still appearing on the list and 2) the class description at the character screen mirrors the kitless Cleric instead of the one from the kit. (maybe @kjeron can guide me on this one?)
So @Necromanx2 are you positive that you are selecting the DoF version of the kit instead of the vanilla one?
Mods installed: DoF, FnP, Dual-Into-Kits (in that order).
Started a ToB game, created a single-class Mage.
Dual-Classed it into a Stormcaller of Talos (the option for Priest of Talos is still appearing even with the altering on DUALCLASS.2da).
Observed behavior: Except for the proficiencies, that is a hardcoded bug that no one but Beamdog can do something about, everything worked fine. I leveled up my Mage -> Stormcaller of Talos all the way to level 33 without any issues. All the powers, even the Holy Symbol, were applied properly and the spheres were being given as intended.
The same two issues from the first test were found.
But that is an issue that I'll address when I have more time.
Did you find the correct kit or are you having a different issue?
If the problem persists, can you post a screenshot so I can understand what is happening exactly?
All looks good for now. Thanks!!
After Myrkul's release, I'll make a "1.7.5" version focused exclusively on solving all the dual-class issues so people will only be able to see the classes they were supposed to see and able to take.
I'm sure it is something very small and obvious that @kjeron will point in a single-line-PM and I'll feel stupid the moment I read it.