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"Maybe this time" [NO-RELOAD THREAD]: "The Tale of ONE MILLION visions"



  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    edited July 2018
    Flashburn said:

    @Grond0: I've also wondered about Abazigal's Stoneskins. How often did he cast them? It seems like you'd have to spend 10 rounds cutting through a single Stoneskin.

    Abazigal seems to cast Stoneskin about once per turn, give or take a round or two. Carving through him with just the Flail of Ages +4 took like 30 minutes for Krieg. But I realized I could just use a Protection from Magic scroll on Abby to dispel his skins and kill him.
    @Flashburn how did you deal with the constant mazes - did you have a PfM scroll on you as well?

    Edit: just to clarify - Abazigal's maze is not the standard spell, but a custom ranged effect. I was assuming that was cast as a special ability unaffected by the PfM scroll, but perhaps that's not the case.
    Post edited by Grond0 on
  • JabberwockJabberwock Member Posts: 75
    Btw Semiticgod, I don't think SCS fireshield blocks bug spells consistently anymore. I've noticed that behavior for a while, despite having that option enabled. I've also seen a few other SCS players make the same comment. I've had to stop casting that spell when fireshield mages are around so as not to abuse it...

    Regarding the war hulk, are there any weapons that strip additional stone skins per hit? I'm assuming additional APR are impossible to get by any means.

    Gnasher comes to mind as a possible candidate, although I don't know if it actually strips additional stone skins in practice. I don't think it would work here anyway as mel is I believe immune to +2 weapons...

    Foebane I assume would hurt her through stone skin / immunities, but perhaps not fast enough...
  • ReticentReticent Member Posts: 122

    Gnasher comes to mind as a possible candidate, although I don't know if it actually strips additional stone skins in practice. I don't think it would work here anyway as mel is I believe immune to +2 weapons...

    This is positively antique knowledge, but I seem to recall that the Gnasher DOT does damage through Stoneskin, without actually removing any layers. Pre EE, anyway.
  • Corey_RussellCorey_Russell Member Posts: 1,058
    edited July 2018
    @Grond0 in vanilla you need +4 weapons/ammo to hit Mel, has EE changed that to +3?

    EDIT: Never mind. According to this site she only needs +3 to hit - I'll remember that! Guess it's just Ravager that needs +4.
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    Grond0 said:

    Flashburn said:

    @Grond0: I've also wondered about Abazigal's Stoneskins. How often did he cast them? It seems like you'd have to spend 10 rounds cutting through a single Stoneskin.

    Abazigal seems to cast Stoneskin about once per turn, give or take a round or two. Carving through him with just the Flail of Ages +4 took like 30 minutes for Krieg. But I realized I could just use a Protection from Magic scroll on Abby to dispel his skins and kill him.
    @Flashburn how did you deal with the constant mazes - did you have a PfM scroll on you as well?
    Yes, one on myself and one for Abazigal.

    Hard luck though, @Grond0. I knew you'd at least get to the Throne at the pace you were going, but I can't give you any advice about non-Ascension Mel since I think I've only played ToB without it once, a decade or longer ago.
  • InKalInKal Member Posts: 196
    edited July 2018
    lroumen said:

    Part 1
    Part 2
    Part 3

    The demise of Tails Two.
    I went ahead and tackled the Skinner Murders... or better yet I committed too much! Which I was able to get rid of the Rune Assassins and the Ghast that was there, the Grotesque Creature that IA modded in regenerates at a fast pace and many rounds of Near Death were just a few rounds too many.
    I am convinced that I have too little melee output although I do admit I did not buff severely enough such as the habit for all IA fights. Nevertheless I think taking Swashbuckler as my main character is not a solid choice. It struggles in the beginning of the game where I do not have the luxury to go with 2 stars in two weapon style or maybe I was too cautious and should glass cannon it until I get more comfortable levels of play.

    Tails Two dies at 236128 XP, pre-fight. Only 13% of kills with 18 kills in total and favourite weapon the Grave Binder +2.

    More annoyingly, v2.5 hit and it auto-updated the game when I clicked "start game" in Steam by mistake (to check on my final pre-death stats. I need to check whether the mod still works after I reinstall it at v2.5... I am not going back to 1.3, that would be silly.
    Sigh. I hope this does not make IA incompatible again, that would postpone my game yet again.

    From my experience with IA 6.XX

    1) Specified protagonist (Necromancer or Vagrant) is actually a must.
    2) Fighters!! You need as many pure fighters (Riskbreaker is the best, I would strongly recommend two of them in the party) as possible. For example in my game four fighters was not enough for Shadow Lover. I killed Greater Crawler with duo Riskbreaker (potion of invurneability, potion of cloud giant STR, +3 weapons, haste, free action) and Clan Hunter and was overconfident before Shadow Lover. He is a nasty bastard, dispelling protections on hit, damaging you for 30/40 HP and healing himself. Four fighters was not enough! He utterly destroyed my party couple times in a row. What I did was that I simply swapped Nalia for Minsc and with five fighters and Neera (basically only for Haste) I managed to kill him pretty easy first try. It was that simple. ;p
    3) You can't babysit anyone really. All party members must contribute from the start.
    4) You need powerful summons even with the strongest party. Without using summons beating IA 6 is impossible imo.
    6) Ranger7/Cleric dual is strongly recommended just like riskbreakers.
    7) IA 6.xx is hard! I mean seriously, elemental weapon nerf alone is like "I WANT TO END YOUR FUN!! SUFFER SCRUB!!" for me.
    8) Winning hard battle after even a really long time is incredibly satisfying.
    9) There is still a place for some cheese, hehe ;pppp
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    Thanks for the tips and suggestions.
    Yes, I agree it is a tough mod and mostly warriors are needed with support to debuff, rebuff and heal. But it should be possible to not go that way.

    I've beaten v6 twice with vagrant and necromancer already but I want to try a different approach this time. I want to use an npc party and a fun protagonist. It then comes up to planning a slow progression rather than what I normally do; forcing high gains in items by doing 5-10 restarts of the fights. I can postpone fights for weapons I do not need yet until after spellhold.

    I restarted my third attempt as avenger and I have korgan, minsc, jaheira and nalia in the party now. I think I will get valygar and mazzy at some point and swap a few in and out for challenge where I need more magic. I'll see.

  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    edited July 2018
    Vagrant? Riskbreaker? Clan Hunter? Shadow Lover? Great Crawler?

    What is this all about?
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    More in detail

    The vagrant is an IA ranger kit with immunity to elemental damage and a powerful summon. It gets specific gear throughout the game.

    The risk breaker is an IA fighter kit based on kensai. Instead of kensai bonuses it has a higher chance to critical hit and gets some combat abilities like self improved haste and self heal.

    Clanhunter is a summon from the avenger. It deals tons of damage and has iron skin memorised

    Greater crawler is a beefed up carrion crawler in the sewers that gives the blood for lilrarcor.

    The shadow lover is a souped up shade protecting lilrarcor. There are more protection creatures than that though.

  • Mantis37Mantis37 Member Posts: 1,177
    Hard luck Grond0. I'm surprised no-one seems to have lost a character to the World Cup yet actually!
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