Petition: Optional Old Cinematics.

Please vote yes or no for the inclusion of the old cinematics back in BGEE.
I don't mean the removal of the current cinematics. They are fine -- I personally like them -- but, above all, there's production value in them that is unfair to squander. The graphic quality of the drawings is excellent and I feel, very tuned to the game we are playing. What I mean, is the inclusion of the old cinematics and a toggle in the options screen for those wanting to see them instead.
Those cinematics were a highlight of Baldur's Gate that I feel the Enhanced Edition shouldn't make disappear.
I don't mean the removal of the current cinematics. They are fine -- I personally like them -- but, above all, there's production value in them that is unfair to squander. The graphic quality of the drawings is excellent and I feel, very tuned to the game we are playing. What I mean, is the inclusion of the old cinematics and a toggle in the options screen for those wanting to see them instead.
Those cinematics were a highlight of Baldur's Gate that I feel the Enhanced Edition shouldn't make disappear.
- Petition: Optional Old Cinematics.268 votes
- Yes, please make the old cinematics optional.73.51%
- No.26.49%
The new cutscenes are fine for the most part. I could nitpick, but they work.
The new ones are good dont get me wrong.
It's just the nostalgia that bring the new ones down.
So I vote Yes on an optional for the cinematics.
I'd rather the time be put towards other pursuits, however.
However, I agree with "igotsmeakabob11" above. As much as it would be neat, there are other things that should be the focus right now.
In fact, @Sam_ over in the mod forum has already successfully got the original versions of the 10 current BG:EE movies to run in game. The next stage is getting the movies that have been dropped from the game and not even replaced to work. See here for details:
i made this thread some days back. Sam_ has the replaced ones working, and is looking to get the deleted ones working as well! Just have to wait for him to upload the rest, but you could test out the camp movie.
"T-there are others. I can show you."
Such a vital piece of information. It even gets a reference at the end of the ToB Ascension mod as well.