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Petition: Optional Old Cinematics.

marfigmarfig Member Posts: 208
Please vote yes or no for the inclusion of the old cinematics back in BGEE.
I don't mean the removal of the current cinematics. They are fine -- I personally like them -- but, above all, there's production value in them that is unfair to squander. The graphic quality of the drawings is excellent and I feel, very tuned to the game we are playing. What I mean, is the inclusion of the old cinematics and a toggle in the options screen for those wanting to see them instead.

Those cinematics were a highlight of Baldur's Gate that I feel the Enhanced Edition shouldn't make disappear.
  1. Petition: Optional Old Cinematics.268 votes
    1. Yes, please make the old cinematics optional.
    2. No.


  • TomeTome Member Posts: 466
    I actually like the new ones just as much-except for the apparently missing dialogue-but I'm always for offering more choice to the player.
  • toanwrathtoanwrath Member Posts: 621
    The new ones are not that bad, but I think that the option should exist for those who miss the old ones.
  • LifatLifat Member Posts: 353
    edited December 2012
    I'm almost always in favour of giving the player the choice. So yes. Personally I probably wouldn't go old cinematics though.
  • ZinodinZinodin Member Posts: 153
    I'm gonna vote yes, because, why not? It would be a cool thing to add later as 'original art work' section, but there's no rush. Again, they added it because they can now add more cutscenes through DLC and have a consistent tone. They also can show the cutscenes in HD which is also about time lol Youtube works fine for the old stuff, and people who literally are crying are just being childish. The original cutscenes weren't equivelent of the original Star Wars trilogy, as previously stated in another thread.

    The new cutscenes are fine for the most part. I could nitpick, but they work.
  • Prince_DamienPrince_Damien Member Posts: 18
    I knew there would be a remake of the cinematics. But I felt sad when I saw the new intro cinematic. I miss the old one so bad now. -hehe-
    The new ones are good dont get me wrong.
    It's just the nostalgia that bring the new ones down.

    So I vote Yes on an optional for the cinematics.
  • toanwrathtoanwrath Member Posts: 621
    edited December 2012
    For the record, is there a reason to vote no? I seriously wonder: what is wrong with the choice to watch the older ones? I don't mean this to be rude, I am genuinely curious as to why people might vote no.
  • marfigmarfig Member Posts: 208
    @toanwrath, one thing that comes to mind would be the fact that the time spent dealing with this could be used elsewhere. In any case, I wished people would comment their no votes.
  • toanwrathtoanwrath Member Posts: 621
    edited December 2012
    And see, I can accept that reason. It isn't all that difficult to go watch them on youtube, or download the files and watch them offline, so it might make sense for the developers to focus on other aspects. Thank you for at least providing some kind of response though.
  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    Yes please, old cinematics were a lot better.
  • Abdel_AdrianAbdel_Adrian Member Posts: 430
    I really like BGEE, but as a purist I have nothing good to say about the new cinematics. I find the originals have so much more depth and character than these stylistic moving pictures. And above all else, the inclusion of the Nietzsche quote at the beginning would make me so happy. That bummed me out as soon as I first played the game and noticed its absence.
  • The_New_RomanceThe_New_Romance Member Posts: 839
    I believe the new cinematics suit the new game's feel, but I'm never against options.
  • igotsmeakabob11igotsmeakabob11 Member Posts: 19
    edited December 2012
    I like the new ones. A lot. Still, if some people prefer the old ones, let them watch.
    I'd rather the time be put towards other pursuits, however.
  • chickenhedchickenhed Member Posts: 208
    They key point was optional. I like the new cinematic, actually. But I would love the option to switch back and forth.

    However, I agree with "igotsmeakabob11" above. As much as it would be neat, there are other things that should be the focus right now.
  • ColumbiusColumbius Member Posts: 2

    I really like BGEE, but as a purist I have nothing good to say about the new cinematics. I find the originals have so much more depth and character than these stylistic moving pictures. And above all else, the inclusion of the Nietzsche quote at the beginning would make me so happy. That bummed me out as soon as I first played the game and noticed its absence.

    Needs more Nietzsche quote. Like removing "war never changes" from a Fallout game.
  • KaldornKaldorn Member Posts: 4
    And the addition of the quote!
  • hummer010hummer010 Member Posts: 95
    I say yes, but with a caveat - if it takes resources away from bug fixes / further enhancements, then no. If it's quick and easy to implement, then yes.
  • mister_ennuimister_ennui Member Posts: 98
    edited December 2012
    I agree that use of the original cinematics should be available as an option within the game. Ideally this would be officially supported, but if not then hopefully a mod would be made to enable this.

    In fact, @Sam_ over in the mod forum has already successfully got the original versions of the 10 current BG:EE movies to run in game. The next stage is getting the movies that have been dropped from the game and not even replaced to work. See here for details:
  • DaelricDaelric Member Posts: 266
    Why? What's the point, for nostalgic reasons? The old ones are terribly dated now, what are you gunna watch em once? I'm sure they're on YouTube or somewhere.
  • SylonceSylonce Member Posts: 65
    edited December 2012
    The new drawings are nice, but I prefer the old BG cinematic. It carries with it the right atmosphere. Why would people say no?
  • Sese79Sese79 Member Posts: 478
    edited December 2012
    I already made a Feature Request about it, and I wrote to Trent about it in my mail. Please check:
  • KirkorKirkor Member Posts: 700
    I wish they would remake ALL of the cinematics AND made the old ones optional.
  • maionimaioni Member Posts: 4
    Could be nice but it is just a minor change to the game. A petition to Ice Wind Dale, Planescape Torment, and others games remake could be better .
  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781

    i made this thread some days back. Sam_ has the replaced ones working, and is looking to get the deleted ones working as well! Just have to wait for him to upload the rest, but you could test out the camp movie.
  • JonelethIrenicusJonelethIrenicus Member Posts: 157
    I respect Overhauls decition to make new cinematics and I enjoy them aswell :)
  • toanwrathtoanwrath Member Posts: 621

    Why? What's the point, for nostalgic reasons? The old ones are terribly dated now, what are you gunna watch em once? I'm sure they're on YouTube or somewhere.

    Yes for nostalgic reasons, and because many people (like me) think the older ones actually looked better.

  • marfigmarfig Member Posts: 208
    @ChildofBhaal599, that is indeed excellent. At least we can see the movies load fine in the new game, reducing greatly the complexity of reintroducing them as an optional feature on BGEE.
  • yazgangyazgang Member Posts: 41
    I love the new cinematics, but it would be nice to see the old ones too.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    no time to move on
  • KingGhidorahKingGhidorah Member Posts: 201
    I like Overhauls cinematics actually, but still voted Yes solely for the missing quote in the intro.
    "T-there are others. I can show you."

    Such a vital piece of information. It even gets a reference at the end of the ToB Ascension mod as well.
  • egalor_originalegalor_original Member Posts: 92
    The more options I have the better, but an even better option would be to make more new-style cutscenes. They are actually better than any 3d.
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