The more options I have the better, but an even better option would be to make more new-style cutscenes. They are actually better than any 3d.
We are still missing some from the original game, IIRC. I didn't get to see one when I reached the Gnoll Stronghold, for instance. Probably they will be added with time...
At least the should recreate all the videos. I miss the cow, and resting in doungeon/inn. The new ones are ok, but they really shouldn't have cut the music in FAI video. And I would be happy if the escape button would quit from them like in normal BG.
I prefer the new ones, and I dont feel that it is an important enough issue to use resources on. Only thing I miss is the Nietche quote, add it back please
Though I don't mind the current cinematics, I certainly wouldn't mind the "option" to revert it. Options in general are always a plus, unless the settings menu is stuffed to the point of becoming an over redundant mess, which isn't the case for the time being.
(you just prioritise and trim the fat at such point)
My reason is that even the "outdated" 3d cinematics look better than the new ones..
I actually laughed when i saw the guy's face.. he just looks ridiculous.. especially when he gets choked and his head looks like its gonna pop..
Then comes the retardly huge puddle of blood... Everything to the last detail was done better in the original cinematics and i have to say the new cinematics are the one thing i really don't like about BG:EE
I voted "Yes", although I think the new cinematics look sharper and cleaner. Most of the videos I remember were just short clips that played when you entered new major areas, like the Friendly Arm Inn or Beregost.
The only thing I didn't like, so far, was the opening cinematic. This is what I posted in The Amazon Basin gaming community Main Boards, General Forums:
Justin Perusoe Darkwater said:
The reason I don't like the opening movie is because, in my opinion, they cut out a crucial scene. As you know, in the world of Faerûn, there are many deities. One of which is the Helm. The Helm is a god of law and order and its initiates are essentially the local police that serve this god. They're not as strict as the Paladins, but they are still strong in their convictions. Who can forget classic lines like, "I AM the law!" or "For the glory of Helm!"?
The scene they cut out shows a member of the Helm pleading for his life, saying, "There are others. I can show you!" To me, this was an important, dramatic scene for an opening teaser to the game. It indicates a Helm soldier, willing to reveal the locations of "a score of progeny" conceived in the world, during the "Time of Troubles". It showed an enforcer of the law and worshiper of Helm willing to sell out, possibly innocent, people to save his own hide.
The new movie simply shows the Armored Figure throw "some guy" off the top of a building. :P
The new cinematics are am immersion breaker. The lack of voice dialogue from a lot of bosses is also an immersion breaker.
BGEE in its current state is simply bad. Old cinematica and fixed NPC dialogues should be the top priority to restore the original immersion quality that this game is supposed to have.
Has anyone actually bothered to watch the old cinematics any time recently? They have NOT aged well.
True, the old scenes aren't epic masterpieces worthy of awards. There are no replacements for a lot of them however, so instead of somewhat awkward and clunky scenes we get none at all. Having the option then to see the old ones would be neat.
Based on very little I've seen the new self proclaimed "cinematics" are essentially incredibly cheap Flash trickery. As a result, any and all attempts to portray any motion is doomed to look cheap, depressing and horrible. Cutscenes exclusively scenic in nature appear to look fine at least - I would have enjoyed the redone Friendly Arm Inn if the video hadn't malfunctioned and lagged for some incomprehensible reason.
From what I've heard, BG has been Enhanced by flat out removing most of the cinematics in game..including the ending(:O wtf. ) Why on earth would anyone rather have this than the old cinematics, I have no idea.
Ideally we'd have cinematics that don't remind of exceptionally talented 14 year old's high school multimedia presentation about Volcanoes in terms of quality and production values.
1) This game is, for most players, as much about nostalgia as it is about getting enhanced. 2) The graphics improvements to the game via hi-res filtering, etc., (and now big screen) are not so great that the original movies would be wildly out of place. 3) Provided that it's relatively easy to do technically, why not give us the best of both worlds?
I really like the new cinematics a lot. The graphic novel style is cool. It works well with the game. However I would like to see the existing new movies improved a bit, by making a few of them a little more dynamic (give them just a little more motion please).
Indeed, I like them so much that I want to see all of the original ones replaced eventually.
The intro movie is quite good, although something doesn't quite read right visually about the movement of the victim's head in relation to his body when his neck is being snapped (above and beyond style). That said, the intro is an example of movement that brings this style to life vividly.
Heck, having gotten a glimpse of the possibilities from the new movies, I'd enjoy seeing a Baldur's Gate graphic novel. Web-based would be fine with me. And yeah, I think I would pay a subscription for it if it is well done.
Heck, having gotten a glimpse of the possibilities from the new movies, I'd enjoy seeing a Baldur's Gate graphic novel. Web-based would be fine with me. And yeah, I think I would pay a subscription for it if it is well done.
stupid idea, if you love the old ones so much go play regular baldurs gate. If anything they should just add them to the list of cinematics you can replay.
Do not think the new ones are that great, but the old ones were not top-notch graphically when they came out, and they did not age well. They were atmospheric, but nothing spectacular IMHO, the way people keep going about them, you would think they were actual blockbuster movies.
Hi, I voted on „Yes” because: 1) The old movies were great. They had much more horror and fun in it, as the new static ones. I loved the quote from Nietzsche, the moment of hope and horror in the Intro, the phrase „I am not alone”, and so on. The others are brilliant too. 2) The old movies are running on old computers too, as my wife’s. 3) The new movies are too static and cold in my opinion. They are too short, so the original sound is cut to half. This new movies are not running on my wife’s computer. And that’s sad, because all we wanted from this game was to enjoy the Multiplayer game play with each other.
4) It was announced and advertised on the Main Page that all movies are / will be replaced with new ones at the launch. It came not true: many of them are still missing. This is causing many errors, Multiplayer is not playable. We had 4 freezing in 3 hours... My wife said that this game (version) is not fun anymore. Every time you wish to rest in Inns or at the Mine, the game freezes itself in paused mode. If you catch nightfall or a sunset it freezes again.
But I'm not sure if Overhaul's contract will allow for that?'s+gate+cinematics
(you just prioritise and trim the fat at such point)
I actually laughed when i saw the guy's face.. he just looks ridiculous.. especially when he gets choked and his head looks like its gonna pop..
Then comes the retardly huge puddle of blood... Everything to the last detail was done better in the original cinematics and i have to say the new cinematics are the one thing i really don't like about BG:EE
The only thing I didn't like, so far, was the opening cinematic. This is what I posted in The Amazon Basin gaming community Main Boards, General Forums:
Justin Perusoe Darkwater said:
BGEE in its current state is simply bad. Old cinematica and fixed NPC dialogues should be the top priority to restore the original immersion quality that this game is supposed to have.
Based on very little I've seen the new self proclaimed "cinematics" are essentially incredibly cheap Flash trickery. As a result, any and all attempts to portray any motion is doomed to look cheap, depressing and horrible. Cutscenes exclusively scenic in nature appear to look fine at least - I would have enjoyed the redone Friendly Arm Inn if the video hadn't malfunctioned and lagged for some incomprehensible reason.
From what I've heard, BG has been Enhanced by flat out removing most of the cinematics in game..including the ending(:O wtf. ) Why on earth would anyone rather have this than the old cinematics, I have no idea.
Ideally we'd have cinematics that don't remind of exceptionally talented 14 year old's high school multimedia presentation about Volcanoes in terms of quality and production values.
1) This game is, for most players, as much about nostalgia as it is about getting enhanced.
2) The graphics improvements to the game via hi-res filtering, etc., (and now big screen) are not so great that the original movies would be wildly out of place.
3) Provided that it's relatively easy to do technically, why not give us the best of both worlds?
I really like the new cinematics a lot. The graphic novel style is cool. It works well with the game. However I would like to see the existing new movies improved a bit, by making a few of them a little more dynamic (give them just a little more motion please).
Indeed, I like them so much that I want to see all of the original ones replaced eventually.
The intro movie is quite good, although something doesn't quite read right visually about the movement of the victim's head in relation to his body when his neck is being snapped (above and beyond style). That said, the intro is an example of movement that brings this style to life vividly.
Heck, having gotten a glimpse of the possibilities from the new movies, I'd enjoy seeing a Baldur's Gate graphic novel. Web-based would be fine with me. And yeah, I think I would pay a subscription for it if it is well done.
They were atmospheric, but nothing spectacular IMHO, the way people keep going about them, you would think they were actual blockbuster movies.
I voted on „Yes” because:
1) The old movies were great. They had much more horror and fun in it, as the new static ones. I loved the quote from Nietzsche, the moment of hope and horror in the Intro, the phrase „I am not alone”, and so on. The others are brilliant too.
2) The old movies are running on old computers too, as my wife’s.
3) The new movies are too static and cold in my opinion. They are too short, so the original sound is cut to half. This new movies are not running on my wife’s computer. And that’s sad, because all we wanted from this game was to enjoy the Multiplayer game play with each other.