Why there *Shouldn't* be a planescape torment enhanced edition
I should start this off by saying I am a massive fan of planescape: torment, the planescape setting in general, and have really enjoyed what overhaul have done with BG:EE.
Having said that, I really don't think there should be an enhanced edition for planescape torment.
This is not due to it being perfect _ I'm sure we can all agree than the user interface was kinda clunky, the graphics kind of blurry, and the combat kind of meh.
But Planescape torment's strongest point was it's storytelling. And to me, Torment seems like such a tightly written story, that adding new content seems almost sacrilligeous, and would end up diluting the setting further away from its (admittedly self-indulgent) exploration of philosophy and the human mind.
Regardless of how well intention or well written the enhancements are, I can't help but think they would only detract from the author's original intentions.
So, I'm all in favour of enhancing baldurs gate, and maybe later IWD, but I think I would draw a line at PS:T.
Having said that, I really don't think there should be an enhanced edition for planescape torment.
This is not due to it being perfect _ I'm sure we can all agree than the user interface was kinda clunky, the graphics kind of blurry, and the combat kind of meh.
But Planescape torment's strongest point was it's storytelling. And to me, Torment seems like such a tightly written story, that adding new content seems almost sacrilligeous, and would end up diluting the setting further away from its (admittedly self-indulgent) exploration of philosophy and the human mind.
Regardless of how well intention or well written the enhancements are, I can't help but think they would only detract from the author's original intentions.
So, I'm all in favour of enhancing baldurs gate, and maybe later IWD, but I think I would draw a line at PS:T.
Post edited by Coriander on
A.k.a. I could kill you right now.
Trent once said that Beamdog already have the source code of PS:T
The only thing that I think that they should add is some Cases, my Inventory is always getting full too quickly...( And perhaps more items.. )
Looks like some kind of "spiritual successor" is in the works. Whether or not this would make a PS:T enhanced edition more or less likely is not commented on. InExile have trademarked "Torment", which could lead to difficulties.
Spiritual successors are difficult. Some do well - Bioshock seemed a good successor to System Shock though less complex. Some change everything as Fallout 3 did, and while the result can be satisfying it is a totally different experience to the original. I trying to think of a really bad one, but the bad ones don't really stick in your mind.
@Ossory I think a better abbreviate would be P:ET. It could stand for either "Planescape: Enhanced Torment" or "Planescape: Endless Torment". Both titles would be very accurate, giving the story.
That doesn't actually mean that it will happen. A long time has passed since the '80s, and when something is rebooted, nowadays, the new version is usually handled by fans (or at least people who respect the original) and turns out to be AWESOME: Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek, Batman movies, Dr Who, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, the very same Baldur's Gate, etc...
Anything that is any less than PERFECT can be improved.
"Calm down, will you? Everything is going to be fine."
There's no need for an Enhanced Edition to alter or deviate from the original content. You can just add totally optional parts to it (as it is already with BG:EE, btw...) and at the same time give a much needed improvement to UI, graphical presentation and bug resolution.
That would be quite awesome, actually...
I don't know that any of the actual art assets are still intact...
'Nuf said.
Maybe I read source code somewhere, and a wishful part of me translated it immediately back as art assets....
There's not even anything wrong in introducing new content. Players will be here to judge the quality of the enhanced released. The original Planescape: Torment will forever remain intact and protected from any tampering. What is unacceptable is to insinuate that an enhanced edition of Planescape: Torment could in any way or capacity ruin the legacy of the original game. That is just not possible. it can't. Casablanca wasn't ruined by a generation of B romantic drama movies.
What we should hope is that it honors it. You, I -- all of us -- will have plenty of opportunity to voice our desires of what we should feel an enhanced edition of Planescape: Torment should be if and when development starts.