You can either go for the conventional incestual Bhaalspawn on Bhaalspawn action, a Game of Thrones staple. Or you could mimick an infamous scene from the TV show, with Imoen working some magic with plugtails with another NPC...while ANOTHER NPC watches through a keyhole, whilst recieving oral sex from another NPC, all while a neutral evil NPC looks upon the NPC looking upon Imoen and her plugtails.
You know, you may both be Bhaalspawn, but seeing as how Bhaalspawn can be full-elf, full-dwarf, full-human, and just about anything else...
I suspect the only DNA that matters is the 'mortal' half. (Or, of course, the God's DNA changed every time he assumed mortal form...) So it's not REALLY incest anyway.
Damn. Glad I rescued imoen from that cesspool if perversion otherwise known as candle keep.
This reminds me of that one BG fanfic I read some time ago... fem!charname told someone about how she was sorounded by horny monks all the time. And they all needed it.
FYI, there is a "buttplug" variable in the game's code which when added allows you to keep Yoshimo from dying. I'm not sure what other uses, if any, it may have.
@tyl998 Sorry, that's a spoiler actually. My bad. Please remove my quote from your post, if you could; or wrap this around what I wrote: [spoiler ]Hidden text[/spoiler ] (except without the spaces) Thanks!
She always said that.. I don't know how your sick minds twist it into something perverted though. Watching too much porn?
This is the first time I've played BG properly, so almost everything is new to me. But come on...trollops and can't tell me that the most likely interpretation isn't suggestive.
She always said that.. I don't know how your sick minds twist it into something perverted though. Watching too much porn?
This is the first time I've played BG properly, so almost everything is new to me. But come on...trollops and can't tell me that the most likely interpretation isn't suggestive.
Dunno, guess i'm just naive. I mostly ignore her anyway cuz she's annoying
The answer here lies with the fact that Winthrop has been grooming Imoen for the better part of a decade, feeding her with fanciful tails of "the joyous adventures of his trollops and their plugtails" all as part of his plan to coax her into the hellish world of Sword Coast vice.
Believe it or not, by adding about ten years to everybody's ages to remove the blatant pedophilia and the more horrible rape scenes. The author is easily as twisted as Winthrop.
Hm, and the old pervert does talk about Monks with "poles in their nethers" too doesn't he. Well, he would know, I suppose. He probably put them there.
Charname. Imoen. Trollops and but-plugs...
You can either go for the conventional incestual Bhaalspawn on Bhaalspawn action, a Game of Thrones staple. Or you could mimick an infamous scene from the TV show, with Imoen working some magic with plugtails with another NPC...while ANOTHER NPC watches through a keyhole, whilst recieving oral sex from another NPC, all while a neutral evil NPC looks upon the NPC looking upon Imoen and her plugtails.
2) How is Game of Thrones allowed on TV? XD
I suspect the only DNA that matters is the 'mortal' half. (Or, of course, the God's DNA changed every time he assumed mortal form...) So it's not REALLY incest anyway.
Oh sexy Fanfiction.
U so crazy.
Well I was! To both!
Oh Baldur's Gate. Y U SO AWESOME.