All jokes aside, for those really buffled, especially non native english speakers, this is the possible meaning: trollop = an untidy woman plug-tail = the cable attached to a plug (connector) Could it be an inside joke from the original programmers?
I so rarely hear special funny quotes. Anyone know how I can make my characters say them? Click on them lots?
In BGI you did it by rapidly clicking (akin to Warcraft/Company of Heroes and other rts games) but in Baldur's Gate II you did it by repeatedly issuing orders.
I so rarely hear special funny quotes. Anyone know how I can make my characters say them? Click on them lots?
In BGI you did it by rapidly clicking (akin to Warcraft/Company of Heroes and other rts games) but in Baldur's Gate II you did it by repeatedly issuing orders.
But I issue "move" orders all the time and I still rarely hear any fun quotes!
hmmm, perhaps it was just my brain incorrectly translating things, but somehow I thought she said "club-tails," as in slang for wyverns, not plug-tails... Do you guys seriously hear "plug-tails" or is this just an intentional misrepresentation for the joke?
I think people are miss-hearing it. BGer's have subversive minds.
fair enough, it's just difficult to tell sarcasm from seriousness in text lol, so I figured I'd ask. I do believe that it is club-tails though for those that are legitimately hearing something else.
As for subversive minds, there does seem to be at least some intentional innuendo amongst the dialogues of the NPC's.
"A den of stinking evil. Cover your nose Boo! We will leave no crevice untouched!"
...intentional misrepresentation for the joke?
I wasn't suggesting that innuendo isn't present in the game, just that this particular quote isn't what you all seem to be saying it is, so I was just wondering whether I had misheard it all these years or if everyone else here was just intentionally saying it incorrectly for the humor of it (or if everyone here was actually incorrectly hearing Imoen say "plug-tails" lol). Minsc definitely has a lot of innuendo in his stuff imo.
I think people are miss-hearing it. BGer's have subversive minds.
fair enough, it's just difficult to tell sarcasm from seriousness in text lol, so I figured I'd ask. I do believe that it is club-tails though for those that are legitimately hearing something else.
As for subversive minds, there does seem to be at least some intentional innuendo amongst the dialogues of the NPC's.
Haha, no it's definitely plugtails. You can read it in the subtitles.
You know, you may both be Bhaalspawn, but seeing as how Bhaalspawn can be full-elf, full-dwarf, full-human, and just about anything else...
I suspect the only DNA that matters is the 'mortal' half. (Or, of course, the God's DNA changed every time he assumed mortal form...) So it's not REALLY incest anyway.
I'm not sure how this applies to character generation, but I remember reading dialogue that referred to both Yaga-shura and Abazigal as "half-breeds." I thought they did this because Bhaal wasn't a member of their races.
Im pretty sure the harlots say "wanna look at my titties?" if you click them enough.
They say that every time I click on them. I think the exact quote is "If you want to take a look at me titties, you'll first have to give up a copper money."
trollop = an untidy woman
plug-tail = the cable attached to a plug (connector)
Could it be an inside joke from the original programmers?
You know what, I'm not gonna think about the things Minsc could say. I'm gonna just go to bed instead.
but then, i always wondered if they were talking nerf balls or ........
I always wondered how he knew that...
"Ditties" being, of course, short songs.
I will have to further investigate this.
...intentional misrepresentation for the joke?
As for subversive minds, there does seem to be at least some intentional innuendo amongst the dialogues of the NPC's.