I'm kinda GLAD Imoen got out from Candlekeep. Who knows what sorts of depravity might have continued if she had stayed!
Puff Guts: "5000 gold to stay at my inn." Imoen: "But...but...I don't have that much!" Pugg Guts: "Well...eh heh heh...I'm sure we can work something out..."
>.< OH god my eyes.
I'm sorry if I ruined your childhood memories XD I got a nice Little Mermaid parody too if you're interested...
I always liked the Mermaid in Baldur's Gate (city).
I thought those were just fictional creatures along the Sword Coast. I googled the definitions thanks to this thread.... My view of Imoen has gone way down, I blame that creepy Puff Guts fellow. He does talk about elven arses far more than the average person.
You should see what he says when you go back to Candlekeep
IMOEN is as pure as the driven snow. How dare you guys insinuate that the half-blood heir to the God of Murder has been so disagreeably violated...the mental images this conjures up alone will keep me awake for days.
She always said that.. I don't know how your sick minds twist it into something perverted though. Watching too much porn?
This is the first time I've played BG properly, so almost everything is new to me. But come on...trollops and plug-tails...you can't tell me that the most likely interpretation isn't suggestive.
Dunno, guess i'm just naive. I mostly ignore her anyway cuz she's annoying
I used to hate Imoen... but now she's one of my favorite NPCs :P
:::shudder:::: Half human/half fish Sirens I can deal with, abominations such as Orgrilians I can deal with, diseased gibberlings I can deal with, but a line has to be drawn in the sand. Now I shall have to burn Gullykin to the ground to cleanse the sword coast. Sounds like a job for a Lawful good inquisitor actually.
Incidentally, we really need the iPad version.
Love how this thread got 1000% more awesome since this morning x3
Sorry I have my fingers in my ears...LALALALALAL can't hear you!?
Thank goodness you said ears.
Being much less innocent nowadays, I did a double-take when I realized what she said. I was like, "Wait, really? Plug-tails? Damn, Imoen is kinky!"