whenever you feel tired, you persistently keep telling your friends that you really need rest in an attempt at wearing them down enough so they'll finally crack and agree to build you a campsite (so you can go to sleep).
whenever you feel tired, you persistently keep telling your friends that you really need rest in an attempt at wearing them down enough so they'll finally crack and agree to build you a campsite (so you can go to sleep).
and when you are about to lay down someone in a really deep voice yells "YOU CANNOT REST AT THIS TIME"
you can play the intro to part 1 in your mind...:P "Please i can tell you where the others are" "bla bla..but you will go first"
I usually skip that intro, but the cutscene that opens BG2 I know by heart. And not only that, but whenewer it plays I do a voice-over out loud, complete with mimicking Irenicus' and golem's voice, since there is nothing else to do while it plays
... when you hit TAB on your computer to highlight the position of something you're looking for, like your misplaced cellphone.
[seriously, reality needs a TAB-highlighting function for misplaced objects]
Pfft. That would clearly ruin the immersion of real life. If life had a tab function, I wouldn't use it. @caruga
...when you do something nice for somebody, and then wonder why your friends don't each in turn tell you what a great person you are - or if they do, you yell at them for not saying, "Ah, we are all heroes: you, and Boo, and I! Hamsters and rangers everywhere: Rejoice!"
...when your method of haggling at the flea market consists solely of saying, "I have a really high reputation score. What do you say we drop that price by...oh...30%?"
...when you stop at the edge of town, no matter where you're going, and pull out a map to tell you where to go next. (Actually, that one's just anyone with GPS...)
Well, this reminds me, a few days back, this amigo tried to scare a away a dog, the dog didn't blinked an eye; the guy was like "son of a gun had save vs spell", and he doesn't even play RPGs.
... when you just ctrl-shift-8 your baby's stats when he's born, withhold one point for DEX if an elf or CON if a dwarf (two points for STR and CON if a half-orc), then ctrl + shift + 8 his stats again and assign the extra point(s). No need for a doctor !
Fixed, and the one in need of a doctor is you if you do the above!
...you want Enkida to make a portrait for your character. ...you keep making affectionate references to it in Forumwarz. ...you spend too much time on Spellhold Studios ...you consider naming a hamster Boo
When you almost fourteen years after its release is active on a Baldur's Gate forum.
True dat... true dat...
"Don't get laid"
Can't be bothered..busy playing when wife goes to sleep
Somebody mentions a fight and all you can say is.."so he kicked him in the head until he was dead" ...and everyone looks at you like your a psychopath..
...when you do something nice for somebody, and then wonder why your friends don't each in turn tell you what a great person you are - or if they do, you yell at them for not saying, "Ah, we are all heroes: you, and Boo, and I! Hamsters and rangers everywhere: Rejoice!"
...when your method of haggling at the flea market consists solely of saying, "I have a really high reputation score. What do you say we drop that price by...oh...30%?"
...when you stop at the edge of town, no matter where you're going, and pull out a map to tell you where to go next. (Actually, that one's just anyone with GPS...)
...you keep making affectionate references to it in Forumwarz.
...you spend too much time on Spellhold Studios
...you consider naming a hamster Boo
No WAIT, sorry, that's You know you play Diablo too much when.
"Don't get laid"
Can't be bothered..busy playing when wife goes to sleep
Somebody mentions a fight and all you can say is.."so he kicked him in the head until he was dead" ...and everyone looks at you like your a psychopath..
You know you play D&D too much when you see a bat and a knife and wonder how much damage a roll they can make.