when you go all out to get baldur's gate working in multiplayer...and with succes
Well, I know someone who did this... *coughChesebellycough* But hey, if it weren't for his patience, we wouldn't be playing a multiplayer match together right now.
When you get caught up in the excitement of finding out the release date...
...and accidentally pre-purchase the Windows version of the game, when you have a Mac. Doh!
Guilty as charged!
I did this too. In my defence, it was because I had a PC at the time and was going to get a Mac in the future. I got my Mac, and then my PC broke a week later. Waiting for the Mac version and playing the iPad one in the meantime...
So maybe: '...when you buy three copies of a game you played and completed over a decade ago'?
.... When you're no longer looking for high stats when you make a new character, but simply a pattern of stats you haven't already had with another character.
.... And when that still takes you three days to get.
... you use "will you be my witch? I am nothing without a witch" as a pickup line. ... you call your girlfriend "pretty dove" to make yourself look romantic. ... you've done something good and you tell to yourself "Gorion would be proud of my actions."
... When you stand in the middle of the road for precisly 8 hours to memorize spells
... When you try to sell your tin foil helmet of Doom to a shop so you can afford a twix bar
... When you start breaking open coffins to make off with their jewerly not expecting anyone to care
... When you go into a pub and ask the barkeep if his heard any rumors
... When your misses wants to have sexy time so you turn off the lights and immidietly turn them back on and try to start up a morning after conversation
... When you start talking to everyperson on the steeet in hopes one of them has a quest for you
... When your walking through a park and see a stick that makes you think 'The Sword of Orc Slaying +3' O.o
... When you keep sticking your cat in your backpack incase it gets killed and you lose a constitution point
... When you try and walk really fast and pretended youve been hasted
... When you keep shifting your make shift sword from your right hand to your left depending on where you believe the camera is
... When standing in front of a door and try to open it without touching it
... When drinking a bottle of coke pretending its a health potion
" It's Lilarcor!
Man I miss him
Then proceed to play all your MP3 Lilarcor quotes in WinAmp.
...when you think you have to find an inn or go outside to sleep.
...when you still quote the game in daily life 10+ years after first playing it.
So maybe: '...when you buy three copies of a game you played and completed over a decade ago'?
.... And when that still takes you three days to get.
... you call your girlfriend "pretty dove" to make yourself look romantic.
... you've done something good and you tell to yourself "Gorion would be proud of my actions."
... When you try to sell your tin foil helmet of Doom to a shop so you can afford a twix bar
... When you start breaking open coffins to make off with their jewerly not expecting anyone to care
... When you go into a pub and ask the barkeep if his heard any rumors
... When your misses wants to have sexy time so you turn off the lights and immidietly turn them back on and try to start up a morning after conversation
... When you start talking to everyperson on the steeet in hopes one of them has a quest for you
... When your walking through a park and see a stick that makes you think 'The Sword of Orc Slaying +3' O.o
... When you keep sticking your cat in your backpack incase it gets killed and you lose a constitution point
... When you try and walk really fast and pretended youve been hasted
... When you keep shifting your make shift sword from your right hand to your left depending on where you believe the camera is
... When standing in front of a door and try to open it without touching it
... When drinking a bottle of coke pretending its a health potion
When you feel tired you say "My training didn't prepare me for *yawn* such extended activity".
After taking a shower you exclaim "My bottom's as clean as an Elven's arse".
Before going to bed, you check the ceiling to make sure there's no dangling giant spider that might drop down on you.
When waking up you think "I need a +1 Cup of Coffee".
Or anything else you do, like browsing a forum.