When you get naked and realize you have 10 AC, you're weak.
@Ward That's why I always sleep in my full plate mail. It gets kinda awkward when I have company over, but as soon as I explain the reason most are fine with it.
When BG:EE is the game you are looking most foreward to the whole damn year.. screw diablo 3, wow: MoP or starcraft.. I just want some of that infinity engine hot, hot luving!
When after all these years, your continuous use of Tiax quotes has influenced even your furthest friends to use them as well… And they don’t even know who he is.
“You are but grease stains on the wheel of time compared to Tiax!” XD
It's serious... right? (Plus only disk and shirt I had on hand
Though my Baldur's Gate loving wife is noticeably more amused when I answer the phone with the creepiest "Your voice is ambrosia" I can muster.
Nah, I am sure he just had to format and install Windows again over the ages. But Windows is still windows, and it recognizes you. O_O
Ok, that was creepy AND crappy, sorry >.<
It was one installation on every HD on same Pc :P
and also telling "Turnip reflex" after every burp is a good sign ^_^
...I didn't do that though. Just an example...Honest!
“You are but grease stains on the wheel of time compared to Tiax!” XD
...and accidentally pre-purchase the Windows version of the game, when you have a Mac. Doh!