What makes Edwin better than Xzar?

I've heard people say, undisputedly, that Edwin is a much better NPC mage to have than Xzar... I was wondering what makes this so? I just started an evil party and I was wondering which one (or both maybe) to take for good?
He also comes with 16 con, so chances are he'll have more HP than Xzar.
That is why Edwin is not a better NPC than Xzar.
Xzar's party banters and interjections are much better than Edwin's.
Montaron! I... I never loved you!
I ate his liver with a nice chianti and some fava beans.
And that's to just name a few.
Xzar = versatile
Edwin is your go-to guy if you simply want someone who blows the shit out of everything.
Xzar has far better stats, plus (with a tome) can dual-class to Thief or Cleric for a Necromancer 6/Cleric 8 or Necromancer 7/Thief 8. VERY handy.
So it really depends on what you're trying to accomplish. Personally, in an evil party I like to take both and end up dual-classing Xzar. They are both fantastic characters.
Having said that I have both mages in my party. You can't ever have enough mages. Also Xzar gets bonus points for "Monty... I never loved you." when Montaron bites the bullet. Always makes me smile.
If you want Monty then by all means keep Xzar, he's mad but not exactly a slouch in the casting department. And with the addition of wraithform and stoneskin to the BG:EE spell list he's no longer as squishy towards the endgame.
Identify is irrelevant because you should have enough money for identification.
Then again, I wouldn't only have one spellcaster for very long, especially not a specialist... now if only either Khalid were the Fighter/Mage he was meant to be or we got Indira released.
Xzar is the one who is absolutely BATSHIT INSANE.
Xzar or Xan? :-)
. -c .
BG1: Edwins amulet gives +1 spell slots on every level
BG2: Edwins amulet gives +2 spell slots on every level
I have my fingers crossed that they give Neera a major buff for BG2 otherwise she is utterly worthless compared to the demigod that is Edwin.