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BPSeries Party AI Goes WeiDu!



  • rathlordrathlord Member Posts: 171
    edited June 2013
    @horredtheplague Unfortunately that's now how mine has been behaving. About to download your new code now and test. What I see is (with just stealth, no traps) the script spamming Hide attempts, successfully Hiding, and then immediately Leaving Shadows approx. 1 second after success. It then waits until Imoen fully leaves shadows before attempting again.

    Downloading the new version now, I'll let ya know how it goes!
  • rathlordrathlord Member Posts: 171
    @horredtheplague Also, it would be super helpful if you could link to the newest downloads as I'm playing on Windows and Internet Explorer makes me want to /wrist every time I try to set anything up like bookmarks, etc. Missing Safari D=
  • rathlordrathlord Member Posts: 171
    @horredtheplague Still no fix for the mage stopping unfortunately.

    Still no fix for thief behavior, either =\
  • horredtheplaguehorredtheplague Member, Developer Posts: 186
    @rathlord: Unfortunately, there's a well-known problem with bug reports. If the dev cannot reproduce them, the dev cannot usually hope to fix them.

    Sorry, I'm not experiencing either of these behaviors yet. If I do, I can then diagnose them and figure out what is causing them. And I will fix them. Until then, I'm just shooting arrows into the clouds--guessing at what could be the problem you're having. I took my best guess at the problem last night, but clearly it didn't solve this for you.
  • rathlordrathlord Member Posts: 171
    @horredtheplague I absolutely understand. Hopefully you'll get it sorted one of these days, but for the time being the scripts are still much better than the normal AI and I certainly appreciate everything you're doing. I'll be around and check the thread from time to time, and as always let me know if there's anything I can do to help!
  • horredtheplaguehorredtheplague Member, Developer Posts: 186
    edited June 2013
    We're in luck! Due to a miscalculation of mine. I was only testing in BGT, and this was a platform-specific issue for BG:EE. Meaning, the same code that was working fine in BG2 did not work properly in BG:EE. On a whim I switched back over to BG:EE for testing, and had both bugs.

    The mage bug was the easy one. Just some stray leftover code from trying to beat the cloud issue. Once that block was deleted from the 2 scripts, they ran fine.

    The thief hiding issue took a whole new restructuring of the stealth code to make it work. While at it, I figured out a way to offer Detect Illusions via hotkey to rogues only (single/multi/dual) using the one-hotkey stealth/trap scripts. Even though the original code worked fine in BG2, I liked the clean look of this new code and added it there as well. It tested out fine in both games.

    One drawback... In order for this to work, I had to add a 2-second delay between failed stealth attempts. Trying a 1-second delay or no delay failed to execute the hide() command. On the other side, I could very easily RAISE this delay to anything above 2 (e.g. 6 = normal button behavior).

    The BG2 version of BPFT-MGT now has a 2-hotkey stealth/trap system like BPFT-TH in both games. This is due to the one extra hotkey in BG2 (L--in BG:EE this auto-loads last save, often undesirably if hit by mistake). Imoen's Charming Rogue script has the same.

    And to top it off, I remembered to include the __Mac_OSX folder that I forgot the last couple of versions. Inside is a copy of weidu 23108, in case you need it. weidu 23100 is used by default.

    Version 0.3075 is uploaded. @rathlord: since you were right and I was wrong, I'll deign to add a direct link to the files download page:

    If you wanted a true direct link, sorry--SHS doesn't work that way except for the Big World auto-installers.
  • rathlordrathlord Member Posts: 171
    @horredtheplague Forum link is just fine. You're a saint, you know that right? Downloading now... we appreciate your hard work!
  • rathlordrathlord Member Posts: 171
    Mage is still stuttering a bit, but less frequently than before. Thief behavior is awesome now.
  • horredtheplaguehorredtheplague Member, Developer Posts: 186
    Updated to v0.3076. I didn't have time to look at combat targeting last night, and in those blocks I found some inconsistencies between scripts that 'may have' caused stuttering and even worse issues.
  • rathlordrathlord Member Posts: 171
    @horredtheplague My mage is now happily traipsing to her death wherever I send her! As far as I can tell, everything is working fantastically well. Once again thanks!
  • KurgenKurgen Member Posts: 3
    OK, bear with me here... I've just come back to BG after a looong time, I have BGEE installed, weidu working fine, a few other mods working fine, but after installing BP series scripts, I'm not seeing anything in the scripts window other than the default ones, and for some reason, a lengthy empty area beneath (THIEF4), followed by two entries; CUSTOM (DEFAULT) and CUSTOM (OHFIGHT1)?

    Where have I goofed? (I'm assuming I have, since no-one else seems to have this issue. :)
  • horredtheplaguehorredtheplague Member, Developer Posts: 186
    hmmm.....even if you forgot to move the dialog.tlk file over to your lang folder (and, didn't use the Hard Link procedure outlined in the sticky notes of this forum), you'd see at least the names of the scripts at the very bottom w/o definitions. I've never even heard of this one, so it's something I have to see further into to try and solve. Do you have any abilities with programs like NearInfinity? I don't mean 'can you mod like a pro' or anything, but can you open up the program and look around the files? What we're looking for is under the Scripts tab. A bunch of scripts named BP****. If they are present, the mod at least installed them (and you should see them listed in-game, w/ or w/o descriptions). If not, the mod hiccup'ed on you somehow and didn't give you its scripts. Worse yet, maybe you have a long string of nameless scripts under this tab?

    I've tested BPSeries with both SCS and Rogue Rebalancing, the only other 2 mods currently ported to BG:EE that add any significant scripting. There's code in BPSeries to account for either mod, if they are present (it skips duplicate installations).

    Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling BPSeries, just for the heck of it? Please give that a try too after checking in NI, and if you get the same results can you post the Setup-BPSeries.debug file on my forums over at Spellhold Studios?
  • KurgenKurgen Member Posts: 3
    Yep, dialog.tlk & hard linking all done and working, and the mods I currently have installed are :

    TeamBG's Armor and Weapons pack(s)
    Faces! mod
    Level 40 mod + Lev40 HLAs

    I'll download NI and give it a go when I get home from work tonight. Thanks for the help.
  • KurgenKurgen Member Posts: 3
    Hi, OK, NI opened and chitin.key found and opened... shows 41 scripts, including yours. I uninstalled and reinstalled. but no change...
  • horredtheplaguehorredtheplague Member, Developer Posts: 186
    Kurgen said:

    Hi, OK, NI opened and chitin.key found and opened... shows 41 scripts, including yours. I uninstalled and reinstalled. but no change...

    Sorry, I don't even have a clue what might be going wrong. Never even heard of such a thing happening before.

    But that wasn't why I stopped by...

    I've uploaded a new version of BPSeries, but the content changes were for BG2. Specifically, for the Big World Setup. Biggest thing that will affect BGEE, is that I had to make the Innate Spel Fixer into a seperate component (so it can be shut off in BWS/BWP). In BGEE, you're definitely going to want this. Unlike BG2, the game won't crash when a script tries to use certain spells--but they won't work properly. I cannot make this a 'required' component for the sake of BG2 installs.

    If this causes too many problems, I'll be forced to seperate into two mods. One for BG2/BGT/Megamod, one for BG:Enhanced (1 & 2)
  • CharanCharan Member Posts: 118
    Ok this is really weird but I'm unable to get rid of this mod. Its content is visible in Near Infinity even after a full game reinstall. This is really weird but no matter what I do and how many i reopen a fresh hitin key/refresh the tree, delete all files etc - I keep getting invalid references to these scripts. I previously installed this using weidu, and then unistalled using weidu. After that I tried full reinstall in a different directory/partition but still no success. Don't want to be forced to format my hard drive...
  • skalldyrskalldyr Member Posts: 5
    I don't know if this is an actual technical issue or whether I'm simply expecting too much from the scripts, but my mages and sorcerers still seem to prefer beating an enemy with a stick rather than cast spells, even at high levels. Might I be doing something wrong?
  • horredtheplaguehorredtheplague Member, Developer Posts: 186
    edited August 2013
    skalldyr said:

    I don't know if this is an actual technical issue or whether I'm simply expecting too much from the scripts, but my mages and sorcerers still seem to prefer beating an enemy with a stick rather than cast spells, even at high levels. Might I be doing something wrong?

    Perhaps you are expecting too much--but probably not for the same reasons as I'd define. It's a technical issue in a way, but due to limitations instead of poor choices. No, it's because the spells are "scaled" in the scripts. They have a "Threat Level" condition, so you don't waste fireballs on Kobolds or use Shapechange vs a couple of Orcs (e.g.). All creature encounters are assigned a Threat Level of 1-4. 1 is like a single (or maybe 2-3) low level creatures, whereas level 4 is reserved for the tough ones.

    Ranges are also considered, the best that it can be done in IE scripting, when casting AoE spells. That's to try and prevent you from blasting your own party, but it makes for tough conditions to pass sometimes. There's no advanced targetting nor AoE scripting checks to make this any neater unfortunately. I was able to cheat a bit with the longer-duration 'cloud' spells (inc Entangle/Web) by adding an invisible creature to the spell's epicenter, but nothing will work right on the instants.

    Factors involved are hit points, numbers, racial types (beholder, e.g.), character level and spellcasting ability. It's already fairly long code block, else we could add even more and finer detail checks. The "low level party" checks needed for BGEE and BGT already doubled the amount of blocks involved. Please keep in mind these scripts were really designed for BGT (and BGEE-BG2EE when that happens), where the party can go from level 1 to (50?) relying on the same script. Problems like this are more prevalent when you're at the low end of this range, like during the BG1 stages. By the time you hit level 10 or so you'll be wishing for more spells, because most opponents will pass the "Threat Level 2+" checks.

    If there were more hotkeys available I'd probably offer other mode choices, like NWN2 did (Scaled/Power/Overkill). That way those whom wish to blow through their spell repetoire in mere rounds are allowed to (and then they can use the sling until rest). In fact, with a few more buttons I could do a lot more with these scripts than currently is done for real-time in-game tweaking. Otherwise, the only way to solve this current issue is to add in (yet another) set of "Spellblaster" scripts w/ less emphasis on preventing overkill.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    @horredtheplague Do you plan to add support for the spells added by the IWDification mod announced in ?
  • horredtheplaguehorredtheplague Member, Developer Posts: 186
    mlnevese said:

    @horredtheplague Do you plan to add support for the spells added by the IWDification mod announced in ?

    If I add mod support back in, I'd have to start on the BG2/BGT side w/ pre-existing mods because they've been waiting much longer. The first mod I'd tackle would likely be spell revisions, and then other mega mods like TDD and DSotSC. I'd have to do it in a clever way to not install all the content if the mods weren't present, especially with SR--it changes the entire logic base of many spells. This would involve either learning DavidW's system for SCS, or an elaborate and complex weidu method. Elaborate & complex = easily broken, in modder's terminology.

    With my professional game-making obligations, in addition to other RL commitments inc another full time job, I can't see this sort of free time cropping up in the near future.

  • RellinRellin Member Posts: 28
    Does this work with 1.2?
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    @Rellin It does.
  • RellinRellin Member Posts: 28
    edited November 2013
    @mlnevese Yeah, tried it out since I didn't get a response last night and it works fine.
    Post edited by Rellin on
  • SeptembersisterSeptembersister Member Posts: 2
    First of all, I wanted to say THANK YOU for all the work you have put into this mod. This also extends to those who went out of their way to help with the translations.

    The .exe worked wonderfully after extracting the files into the 00766.

    However I'm having trouble actually using the mod. How do I actually activate it? How do I set up the AI? I read the notepad over and over but I couldn't understand. Does 'GUI' stand for "Game User Interface?" if so, where is this downloaded?

    Or am I misunderstanding the entire thing! Thank you so much for everything!
  • RellinRellin Member Posts: 28
    To use, in-game, select the NPC in your party you want to use a custom script. Click the little head icon, customize, script, and then scroll down the list to the appropriate BP series I script you would like to use. Then there are hotkeys associated with that script you push to activate modes and tasks within that script.
  • SeptembersisterSeptembersister Member Posts: 2
    I got it! Thank you so much!
  • horredtheplaguehorredtheplague Member, Developer Posts: 186
    BP Series v0.3100 is uploaded at SHS Forums, and is fully compatible and even somewhat optimized for BG2:EE. v0.3100 has a load of fixes and enhancements, as well as the new game addition. You can read all about it in the included changelog, or in the Big Picture forums at SHS.


  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    @horredtheplague That was fast :)
  • horredtheplaguehorredtheplague Member, Developer Posts: 186
    @mlnevese A bit too fast, it seems--I forgot the MacOSX folder. (I just had the old one, to copy over--nothing new.) I'll get a new version up for MacOSX, as soon as the smoke clears (this weekend some time). Please let me know if the MacOSX install still works--couldn't test that out. I have setup-bpseries.exe at WeiDu v234 already, for the BG2EE recognition--hopefully that helps.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    @horredtheplague Ok. I'll test it when it's out. Windows version installed flawlessly.
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