my god this durlags tower
I've been playing on Insane without much of a challenge.
Then I went to Durlags tower and had my will broken
lol. Note to self Coran is not the right man for the de-trapping job
Then I went to Durlags tower and had my will broken
lol. Note to self Coran is not the right man for the de-trapping job
For now, my strategy is basically
I remembered there being an undetectable, undisarmable trap on dungeon level 1 that resets itself, but I couldn't find it. Is it gone or did I just get lucky?
I agree. While I may have cursed it at the time until I was blue in the face, I remembered exactly where it was. I doubted myself above because it wasn't where I thought it would be. Out of macabre curiosity, I sent Imoen with a potion of absorption (I think it was lightning) up and the corridor just to see if it was still there. I'm weirdly disappointed to have it confirmed gone. It was incredibly memorable.
To Ignatius: There are traps that killed me right away. I went there with Imoen having finding traps on 60. It was no go, so on the next level, she got 85 and it's fine now.
Spoiler: that trap was fired when you took stone that you needed, so you could not avoid it. Then it blasted like ten times, so my blade got speed mode and ran
Does anybody know how to get to the top of the perimeter?
I completely forgot... I can get to the ledge where the skeletons are but I forgot how to get to the top of the exterior. Not sure whats up there ^^
Also, you might find more than skeletons up there...
door from the inside on level 2 leads out there
I also do not know how to do that thing with the show/hide spoiler...
@Pavol: Just about any trap can be survived by polymorphing into a mustard jelly. They have 100% magic and piercing resist.
fill in info
change { } to [ ]
Nevertheless, I can get by with my mages clearing the way or my tank (Minsc) absorbing the damage, but there is the odd "repeatable" trap that doesnt de-activate even if you trigger it once and will just keep hitting you as long as you stand on it ( or every party member walks on it), or again the "instant kill" traps that just fire at you until you die even though you're 3 miles away.. it's a bit cheap and reduces the fun factor imo. they should have toned it down a notch...
But it's more the fact that you can't sneeze without setting off 32 traps around you that makes it so tedious, I'm not a big fan of puzzles and there should be like one really tough level rigged with traps and puzzles but the othesr should be about killing tough monsters .. diversity is good