according to twitter his sent BGEE 2 to apple yesterday, so hopfully this means all focus on BGEE 1 for android users ,, 17days till Christmas which will come first
I have some doubts, with the release of BG2 on iOS, a lot of focus will probably go into fixing the iOS bugs on BG2... but I mean, let's not lose hope !
In his latest conversation on twitter, Trent says they are one step closer to an Android build, and the release should be only days behind the ios release of BG2:EE
Oh and speaking of a Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition...maybe I shouldn't have said that it will never happen. Check out 27:45 of this podcast interview with Trent Oster and listen for the next 2 minutes. "something I'd like to do longer term." Color me curious!
Don't quote me on this but I think it would be safe to assume that it will be 9.99. Of course that doesn't include all DLC IAP which I think would put it at 19.99. Seriously getting excited about this, even bought a used copy of the original PC version so I'd have access to a paper copy of the map and manual. I'm optimistically hoping that the before the end of the year, I will be playing BGEE!
there is nothing in this world that would make me happier than being able to play Neverwinter Nights on my android tablet.
You and me both. I still have my doubts that it could happen based on Atari/Hasbro past behavior. From what I understand, the reason the official NWN premium module expansions ceased was due to Atari being big babies. I can't imagine that it would be easy to get NWN:EE greenlit. Definitely hoping though. Have you heard of the NWN2 fan remake of BG? I definitely hope to play through that once I've played BGGEE on tablet. Check it out:
Don't quote me on this but I think it would be safe to assume that it will be 9.99. Of course that doesn't include all DLC IAP which I think would put it at 19.99. Seriously getting excited about this, even bought a used copy of the original PC version so I'd have access to a paper copy of the map and manual. I'm optimistically hoping that the before the end of the year, I will be playing BGEE!
I kind of had the same thoughts on price. I think we should get discounts since we've all been so patient. Haha
I never thought I'd see the day... do we have an estimated price yet?
It was announced about a year ago that the android version will cost the same as the ios version: $9.99 for the game, $19.99 for the game+DLC (same price as the pc version when you buy all DLCs). BG2:EE will be $24.95 when bought will all DLC (again same as the PC price), I am not sure what the non-DLC price will be.
Hopefully they release BGEE first, that way I have to play through it again If BG2 released alongside BG I'm afraid I might skip it and go straight to the 2nd one
Of course BGEE will be out first. I really don't see them being like "Hey guys! It took us FOREVER to release BGEE, but BG2EE was super fast. So have them both!". That would only prove that it actually wasn't a huge deal to port BG to Android, we just got shafted and no one cared about the Android community. I fully expect to not see BG2EE until mid 2014.
Of course BGEE will be out first. I really don't see them being like "Hey guys! It took us FOREVER to release BGEE, but BG2EE was super fast. So have them both!". That would only prove that it actually wasn't a huge deal to port BG to Android, we just got shafted and no one cared about the Android community. I fully expect to not see BG2EE until mid 2014.
From what the devs have said I am under the impression that the two games will come out within the same week, if not the same day. The two game use the same engine, so when one is done, it is a matter of pointing the engine to the proper game directory to have the second game done too. There is very little work that needs to be done to port the second game to android once the first game is done.
Wouldn't really make sense from a commercial point of view to release both games on the same week. What you'd want is people play the first game, finish it, and get angry for the second one. Also, it gives you twice as many news in the media than if you release them altogether.
That said, it seems that the technological hurdles that got fixed on BGEE are integrated into BG2EE so we can expect the sequel to release faster.
Wouldn't really make sense from a commercial point of view to release both games on the same week. What you'd want is people play the first game, finish it, and get angry for the second one. Also, it gives you twice as many news in the media than if you release them altogether.
That said, it seems that the technological hurdles that got fixed on BGEE are integrated into BG2EE so we can expect the sequel to release faster.
I for one, bought BGEE back when it came out but I never actually played it, I don't like the fact that it doesn't have as many levels/spells as BGII:EE. I will be buying both BG versions when they come out on android, eventhough I will only play BGII, just because I want to support the devs so that eventually they make Torment:EE and BG3.
. Yes, please. This is what I really wanted all along. Will settle for BG, still hoping for NWN on android. And let me run the toolkit and servers from android. I would like to hope with such the long delay for android and xmas release that BG will come out on sale.
#BGEE 1.2 Patch is now in the Apple approval process. Tomorrow, Full speed ahead on #Android.
It would be really shitty of them to flake on android at this point.
EDIT (Forgot to put a link for the podcast):
I know they won't, i know it'll eventually hit the playstore at full price and never go on sale, rarely ever be updated, and be full of bugs.
But if it was free i wouldn't mind.
That said, it seems that the technological hurdles that got fixed on BGEE are integrated into BG2EE so we can expect the sequel to release faster.