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The Greater Wolfwere in TotSC...



  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756
    edited March 2013
    CrevsDaak said:

    I tried with Fireshield Red, Neera used it and used Melf"s Minute Meteors, I haven't tried lowering the difficult setting, I play with the normal one or sometimes I make the game difficult for fun and XP.
    I tried with Invisibility 10' Radius, in a formation that made my entire Party invisible, I killed the Greater Wolfwere adn most of his minions, but the last one destroyed my StoneSkin on main char and killed it, always using Haste and a lot of protection spells.

    The Greater Wolfwere has a lot of magic resistance, I tried with almost every spell but they said Save Vs. Spell or Magic Resistance.

    Edit: I forgot to say that he also regenerates so when Kivan w/Sword of Balduran hits him, he gets regenerated before the next attack hits him.


    The Greater Wolfwere has 0 % magic resistance, but of course he can save against spells. He also has 50% elemental resistance and he regenerates 30 HP per round.

    Melf"s Minute Meteors are useless against him because they count as weapon instead of spell and they are not a silver weapon.

    Spells that do magic damage are very good against him, especially the ones without saves, like Magic Missile.

    Some wands (e.g. Wand of the Heavens) or potions (e.g. Potion of Fire Breath) are also able to hurt him.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    Yes, I tried again right now, and realized that the Greater Wolfwere don't has magic resistance, but his Wolfwere minions has, that was a simple confusion, I'll try with Minor Sequencer with 2 Magic Missiles.
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    edited March 2013
    Rather to my surprise, when I tried using Melf's Minute Meteors against Karoug in my current run, it turned out that they didn't harm him ('Weapon ineffective' message), but then I remembered (as @Erg says above) that they count as a weapon rather than a spell. But no matter, I just redirected my caster to use the rest of the Meteors against Karoug's minions (against whom they do work), and left it to my warriors to take down Karoug in melee. No reload required.

    Some people do seem to be having a lot of difficulty with Karoug, but I can't say that I've found him particularly difficult in any of my BGee runs. If you've got a decent AC and some protection buffs, he rarely hits you. If you've got a warrior who can hit hard (20+ per hit) and fast (>1 APR, preferably >>1 APR), then all it takes is to get a critical hit (40+) in the same round as an ordinary hit (20+) and he's gone - he's only got 66HP, one strong warrior ought to be able to kill him within a few rounds even without assistance (except buffs beforehand) from the rest of the party. If you pound him with Magic Missiles from your mage as well, then you don't even need much luck - a little luck on top would mean killing him in the first round of combat.

    If you've got more than one warrior in your party and you're still struggling to kill him, then either your warriors aren't very good or you're doing something wrong. The key thing to beating him in melee is to use the right weapons: the ones which will hurt him are
    Kondar +1/+3, Albruin +1, Werebane +1/+4, Flametongue +1/+2/+3/+4 and the Sword of Balduran.
    You probably won't have
    Flametongue (from the bottom level of Durlag's labyrinth) or the Sword of Balduran (from Karoug's own room)
    when you face him (I've never had those at that point), but the others are more than sufficient. You also might not have
    Albruin (from Dorn's quest)
    but you certainly ought to have
    Kondar and Werebane
    and that's enough to kill him.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    I used lvl 8 Thief Traps and Magic Missiles, and Kivan made a critical hit with Kondar and Sword of Balduran on Off-Hand, and then he "exploded".
    The battle if difficult because he summons 6+ Werewolves and the battle against the Loup Garou tend to be easier because you attack him alone.

    Off-Topic: After killing the Loup Garou, where can i find the Sea Chart???
  • Copastetic1985Copastetic1985 Member Posts: 277

    Kaishas should have dropped them after you killed her.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    edited April 2013
    She didn't, now I'm trapped in this island!!! Nooo!

    Edit: Din't have a single save before it, my sister deleted them. :(
  • Copastetic1985Copastetic1985 Member Posts: 277

    Welp, all I can say is hold that Tab key and start looking all over the place. Quest items don't vanish if dropped on the ground.
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
    If you really can't find it, just spawn one with the console.
  • Copastetic1985Copastetic1985 Member Posts: 277
  • PawnSlayerPawnSlayer Member Posts: 295


    No shame in it if it's a choice between that and losing an entire game that far through.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    edited April 2013
    I had also tried, I searched it half-an-hour, I can't enable the console because I'm playing on my iPad, maybe its bug, I'll try adding it to my inventory, using a text editor, but the bad thing is that I don't know its code.

    yes, it is. But its my second game with the same character, an Elf Mage/Thief, maybe I'll going to start a new one if i can't get out of the island.

    P.S: The scroll appears where Kaishas Gan died or where the Loup Garou died??
  • PawnSlayerPawnSlayer Member Posts: 295
    CrevsDaak said:

    I had also tried, I searched it half-an-hour, I can't enable the console because I'm playing on my iPad, maybe its bug, I'll try adding it to my inventory, using a text editor, but the bad thing is that I don't know its code.

    yes, it is. But its my second game with the same character, an Elf Mage/Thief, maybe I'll going to start a new one if i can't get out of the island.

    P.S: The scroll appears where Kaishas Gan died or where the Loup Garou died??

    Kaishas Gan - its on her body.
  • BadgerManBadgerMan Member Posts: 1
    If you have a wand of polymorph, just polymorph it, and then it can be killed easily. One magic missile will do it. If you want to conserve charges on the wand, you might like to hit it with Greater Malison first.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    Wowo said:

    I was wondering if the helm cleric kit seeking sword would hurt the various werewolfs that a +1 or +2 mace couldn't hurt?

    I was wondering the same thing.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317

    Wowo said:

    I was wondering if the helm cleric kit seeking sword would hurt the various werewolfs that a +1 or +2 mace couldn't hurt?

    I was wondering the same thing.
    Nah it won't.
  • Demonoid_LimewireDemonoid_Limewire Member Posts: 424
    Right when you go there, you should have finished all other area's quests. You should have ended up with a +2 dagger, specifically designed to harm lycanthropes. Also, Balduran's surviving mage, rewards you with an amulet designed to help land hits and do more damage to lupines, but i think this is after that battle, so you have little use for it (save the hostile village later and their leader, in final battle on ship).

    Behind him in chest, should be balduran's golden sword, a weapon ideal against lycanthropes. Use it well (sneak with thief there to get it, while enemies are occupied with the bulk of your group's fighters). Not very hard, especially if your chars are of high level there and then.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    Personally I think Karoug is a really horribly designed boss. Certain parties simply don't have a way to beat him. What if no one in your party can use daggers or bastard swords? Also, don't you have to beat Karoug in order to leave the island? What if you came unprepared and you had no choice but to stay on the island forever?
  • GreenWarlockGreenWarlock Member Posts: 1,354
    Party of clerics is fun! No sharp edges, no effective weapons...
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited September 2014

    Personally I think Karoug is a really horribly designed boss. Certain parties simply don't have a way to beat him. What if no one in your party can use daggers or bastard swords? Also, don't you have to beat Karoug in order to leave the island? What if you came unprepared and you had no choice but to stay on the island forever?

    Considering the game has it so that Imoen initially talks to you (unless you run away), asks you to get Jaheira and Khalid from the Friendly Arm Inn, puts Montaron and Xzar on the road you find yourself initially on, and provides you with numerous other opportunities to find NPCs that can wield a bastard sword or dagger (keeping in mind that for warriors its only a -2 Thac0 penalty to wield a weapon they aren't proficient in) I find it hard to blame the boss design here. Especially since you have to be in chapter 5 to start the quest (since you need to be able to enter Baldur's Gate to get the map).
    Post edited by elminster on
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    While I agree Clerics should have an option to damage Karoug via weapons, he is otherwise not too bad of a boss to beat. The game is designed to be played with a party, not soloed by a cleric. *shrug* its also not a mandatory quest.

    An anti shapeshifter flail or morningstar would have been nice, seeing as flails get up to +1 in the game, and morningstars are either +1 or psychokiller civilian killer stick.
  • GreenWarlockGreenWarlock Member Posts: 1,354
    The problem is not so much for a solo cleric, but for example, a party of CharName cleric, Branwen, Viconia, Yeslick, Quayle and Tiax. A viable party of 6 and not a sharpie among them. If I wanted to be really perverse, I would swap out Quayle for Faldorn to be sure I could not accidentally use magery to solve the problem! BTW, the all-cleric party was one of my early play-throughs, and saved from Werewolf island only because I caught this thread a while back. The problem is that once you get on that boat, there is no coming back until you solve the Karoug problem. I can't think of any other point-of-no-return in the game that has such a specific problem that must be defeated to return to the game.

    And yes, other playthroughs have relied on Imoen as the only sharpie-wielder on my party taking down Karoug with her unskilled dagger of anti-werewolfing - which demonstrated that unless you really back yourself into a corner the encounter is usually do-able, but not advised for a no-reload unless you are planning properly for it.
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    Faldorn can use daggers. ;)

    Candlekeep's little pest problem at the emergency exit point downstairs can be an 'oh ****' moment of no return iirc.
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,473
    Gotural said:

    If you are playing a Cleric and really need to defeat him, you could always put something like 100 Glyphs of guards somewhere and lure him into them.

    Yes! An unbalanced party may require some unusual and unbalanced tactics!
  • BillyBroBillyBro Member Posts: 62
    I used a wand of polymorphing. Works like a charm... except it turned it in a very weak squirrel rather than charming it to my side.
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    Who hasn't horded every potion/Wand by that point? Firebreath, Potion of Explosions, Wand of the Heavens etc, plus a few Fire Resistance ones so you can have a tank engage him whilst everyone bombs him to death?
  • Leveler22Leveler22 Member Posts: 5
    edited October 2016
    Nothing prevent you to leave the ship before killing Greater Werewolf. Keep him busy and use thief to steal loot from chest, kill weaker monsters (mass fear wand is handy here) , then escape to Dradeel hut. Identify Balduran sword, load as many magic missiles and held spells as possible. Arm your strongest character with balduran sword. Rest. go back, use held spells, then hit him with balduran sword and missiles until he is dead. Indeed, he is DAMN hard opponent even to well developed team. Mainly because he regenerates. I wasted lot of time to find a trick that stops him regenerating. Like sun beam or something. but theres none...
  • Drago_DarkstormDrago_Darkstorm Member Posts: 18
    I was able to defeat Karoug the first time through without reloading, but it was definitely a difficult fight. My party was an average of level 7, though most of my characters were multi or dual classed 6/6s. Before the battle I had prepped with Stoneskin, Mirror Image, Improved Invisibility, Haste, Bless, Prot from Evil 10' Radius, and Armor (for Imoen). Once the battle began I had Branwen cast Defensive Harmony and 3 characters cast Smite Evil, and also cast Slow, Fireball, Horror. By then only Karoug was left and I actually only had the +4 dagger which I gave to Neera (who did not have dagger proficiency lol). I had two of my arcane casters alternate Wands of Paralyzation with Magic Missile and Melf's Acid Arrow, Branwen used her Wand of the Heavens, divine casters occasionally cast Command. It took longer than any other fight I'd been in to that point, and at one point I had my main character quickslot the Belladonna and consume it because I thought it might give me an edge (it did NOT lol). Tough fight but not impossible.
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