My cat saved my life

Never used familiars even once before. After casting the spell they always went straight into the bag and stayed there for the rest of the game, untill today.

While I was running around in terror from failing to save against a horro spell, my mighty kitty killed the enemy mage by herself, surving so much damage that would have easily killed me.

While I was running around in terror from failing to save against a horro spell, my mighty kitty killed the enemy mage by herself, surving so much damage that would have easily killed me.
I have a pseudo-dragon as a familiar and it basically takes in space in my inventory as well. Never found much use for it
I too am paranoid about getting my familiar out much in BG due to having so low hitpoints on the low levels in which the game takes place. I've even been thinking I shouldn't have summoned it in the first place; the extra hit points are nice but I'd much prefer my inventory slot.
The hit point bonus to a beginner mage is nice, but the problem doesn't stop there. Evil and chaotic good characters get familiars capable of casting powerful spells, as well as tanking. (Dust mephit, imp, faerie dragon).
Notwithstanding, as a cat lover, I still love the idea of playing with "Supercat". I even SK'd my lawful good sorcerer to chaotic neutral for the time it took for him to summon a cat, and then back again, because I love cats so much.
However, I have not put my beloved Kitty into battle, even though she can do it from levels 1-5 or so, with very little danger. The thing is, any danger is too much danger for my Kitty Cat. I won't risk her.
I'd much rather just keep her in my pack where it's safe, and feed her pieces of treat meat from our kills. How about some hobgoblin flavored Meow Mix, Kitty Cat? Mmmm.
Have you talked to Kitty and read her dialogues? They are absolutely hilarious! Whoever wrote them has got to have been a cat owner!
@szb, a lot of people playing mages are taking Find Familiar as one of their first two spell picks, so that they don't have to wait for Nimbul. Mages are now able to leave Candlekeep with 20 hit points, and a tanking and, in some cases, spell-casting pet.
The imp even has a polymorph self spell capable of taking forms that can defeat Firebead Elvenhair while in Candlekeep.
Now if only D&D Next would allow wizards to have dog familiars.
Back on topic; you seem to be playing a Thief szb, how is it you have a familiar? Used scroll with that high-level thief ability that lets you use anything?
Edit: Derp. Probably playing a thief/illusionist. Should've thought of that.