Happy holidays!

It has been a very big year for us here at Overhaul Games, as I'm sure many of you know. 2012 has seen the release of Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, which many of you are now playing on PC or iPad. The vast majority of you have been enjoying it, and a large amount of you have taken the time to let us know! For this support, we cannot thank you enough - it means a lot to hear that we've been successful in bringing back a beloved game into people's lives.
We have (and are) committed to improving the experience of Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, and as fast as we can. I think we must have set a record somewhere for the speed, amount and quality of patches we've rolled out the game since our launch just a few weeks ago. Four patches later, a great many issues reported to us have been fixed and even a number of user-requested features such as being able to modify the game's speed (frames per second), adjust the scaling of the UI, and even some changes to our introductory video were made at the behest of those enjoying the game. We are truly fortunate to have people so passionate about the game that we can get such great feedback to work with. It has helped make Baldur's Gate better, and will help make our future projects better as well. We're not done yet, and will be constantly improving and adding to the game experience as much as we can going forward - we have more improvements on their way as soon as we can get them to you.
We've been working extremely hard on this project and will continue to do so in our on-going support. In fact, we are not only committed to providing a better experience on what's already in the marketplace, but after a short holiday break we'll have some more information for those who have been waiting to hear what's going on with the Android tablet version in the New Year. With regards to the Mac OS X version, we are working hard to build a great version which will not only pass approvals without issue, but will also be a great product for our fans out of the gate. We still have to pass approvals before it can go on sale in the Mac App Store, so we ask for your continued patience.
So, from us to you: thank you for your support and patience with us as we worked on and released this game. Our release wasn't perfect, but we absolutely pledge to learn everything we can from this experience so we can make it better for everyone involved going forward.
Happy holidays from Overhaul, and hey! If you still have some last minute shopping to do, why not give the gift of Baldur's Gate? Sarevok will happily come down your chimney this holiday season... he's made his list and checked it twice, and YOU will go first.
We're going to be taking a bit of a break now for our team to try and recover some of the humanity we lost over the summer and fall. We'll continue our support efforts and maintain a presence but I'm encouraging our team to get some much needed rest so we can return in the new year with exciting new features and launch on our remaining planned platforms.
Trent & the 12 other Overhaul crew members
We have (and are) committed to improving the experience of Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, and as fast as we can. I think we must have set a record somewhere for the speed, amount and quality of patches we've rolled out the game since our launch just a few weeks ago. Four patches later, a great many issues reported to us have been fixed and even a number of user-requested features such as being able to modify the game's speed (frames per second), adjust the scaling of the UI, and even some changes to our introductory video were made at the behest of those enjoying the game. We are truly fortunate to have people so passionate about the game that we can get such great feedback to work with. It has helped make Baldur's Gate better, and will help make our future projects better as well. We're not done yet, and will be constantly improving and adding to the game experience as much as we can going forward - we have more improvements on their way as soon as we can get them to you.
We've been working extremely hard on this project and will continue to do so in our on-going support. In fact, we are not only committed to providing a better experience on what's already in the marketplace, but after a short holiday break we'll have some more information for those who have been waiting to hear what's going on with the Android tablet version in the New Year. With regards to the Mac OS X version, we are working hard to build a great version which will not only pass approvals without issue, but will also be a great product for our fans out of the gate. We still have to pass approvals before it can go on sale in the Mac App Store, so we ask for your continued patience.
So, from us to you: thank you for your support and patience with us as we worked on and released this game. Our release wasn't perfect, but we absolutely pledge to learn everything we can from this experience so we can make it better for everyone involved going forward.
Happy holidays from Overhaul, and hey! If you still have some last minute shopping to do, why not give the gift of Baldur's Gate? Sarevok will happily come down your chimney this holiday season... he's made his list and checked it twice, and YOU will go first.
We're going to be taking a bit of a break now for our team to try and recover some of the humanity we lost over the summer and fall. We'll continue our support efforts and maintain a presence but I'm encouraging our team to get some much needed rest so we can return in the new year with exciting new features and launch on our remaining planned platforms.
Trent & the 12 other Overhaul crew members
Post edited by Nathan on
Have a good holiday. You guys deserve it.
But I'm not one of them.
You've all done a fantastic job and you deserve the time off. So go enjoy the holidays, and best wishes to you all and your families ( for being gracious enough to let us monopolise your time ). Thanks Overhaul.
Overhaul has made a brazilian really happy!
Enjoy the hollydays and, ig the world doen't end tomorrow I'll keep preotdering every thing from you guys!
May your stockings be filled with whatever your hearts desire.
See you next year!
Merry Christmas, to you
Best voice ever
And remember to gather your party before venturing in the next year.
I'm really gratefull to your dev team and i will for sure buy your next games!
Now before eat your Panettone and/or Pandoro give me my servers multiplayer for play with my mate in these holydais then you can enjoy the Christmas!
I don't think I'll be sleeping Christmas Eve o_o
ONLY wishlist... and I know its been a problem with this game since it was made... pathfinding issues. If those could be fixed, AMAZING.
Other than that digging the extra content, better interface, 0 load times, etc.