Your gonna use your holidays to play Baldur's Gate...
I am.
Christmas is a time when we remember that God sent his son to walk the earth after a time of troubles, he then grew up, collected a fellow team of adventures that defeated a whole lot of evil, before conquering death and darkness and then ascending to God hood...
... many issues reported to us have been fixed and even a number of user-requested features such as being able to modify the game's speed (frames per second), adjust the scaling of the UI, and even some changes to our introductory video were made at the behest of those enjoying the game.
I didn't know they added UI scaling. Could anyone explain how it works? I looked through the options, but I couldn't find anything.
Thanks Trent! Enjoy some happy holidays too, and may 2013 be a good year for you and your talented team! Can't wait to see what you guys have in store for us!
Trent is spreading a re-interpretation of the old ways with the help of his twelve disciples, causing both controversy and admiration...I think you all know where I'm going with this...
Right... for the Beamdog team and for all you BG fans... something even older than BG. A LOT older. From 1916, in fact. But still going strong:
@TrentOster Thank you man. You and the rest of the crew. I love the spirit of this because you've not only improved the game and made it more fun to play, but you're allowing for things to be improved upon even further through playing and reporting bugs as well as being friendly to the mod community. This is still one of my favorite games ever and I'm having a Bahl playing it again over the holidays now that I can get in some real quality time with it.
Happy holidays and merry christmas to you guys! Despite the setbacks I would really like to thank you for your hard work, and hope that all is going well in Overhaul and will continue to do so in 2013! Kellemes ünnepeket! Boldog karácsonyt! From Hungary
P.S.: I would also like to thank you for making my holiday season more fun with BG:EE! You guys are great!
I am.
Christmas is a time when we remember that God sent his son to walk the earth after a time of troubles, he then grew up, collected a fellow team of adventures that defeated a whole lot of evil, before conquering death and darkness and then ascending to God hood...
This sounds oddly familiar...
Merry Christmas.
Happy holidays to you... and make sure you have the right new year resolutions! ;D
(There should really be a toggle for this in-game though.)
I'm even play testing a cool mod @RomulanPaladin made.
Happy holidays to you guys, I hope you all have a great break!
Haha, legend.
Have a good Christmas guys. I for one shall get totally blotto.
(I've been waiting 8 years to say that on a forum again! :P)
Kellemes ünnepeket! Boldog karácsonyt! From Hungary
P.S.: I would also like to thank you for making my holiday season more fun with BG:EE! You guys are great!
So enjoy your holidays, and keep up the good work when you get back!
Patiently awaiting BGEE for Mac OS X,