There will be any difference, besides the verification process that updates will have to go through, between downloading from beamdog or downloading from the Apple Store?
If buying the game on Beamdog, do you need to install a client such as Steam or you will only download a game client (WoW or Diablo III style) in order to play the game. I already have Steam, and of course the App Store, installed, and if I can avoid installing another program that would be nice.
Nevertheless, if Apple is going to be annoying all the time, or if you just download a game client Diablo III style, I prefer to have it downloaded right now from Beamdog.
I predict a strange and rare disease with unspecified symptoms will affect Mac users all over the world in the same day. Scientists will study this phenomena for years, but will never discover the cause of this mysterious and sudden disease. Conspiracy theorists will say that it was caused by a computer virus able to infect human DNA and that is spread solely trough OSX...
Seems my computer is now a carrier, I just located the "virus" in my applications folder. In one hour it'll be fully ready to deploy, though I hear it instead is going into some form of silly hibernation for 9 frickin days. I mean, YAY!!! I've pre-loaded.
Just 8 days... at least where I live... Oh no... Wait. Does it mean it will be playable on 22nd US Time Zone? Oh man! I felt the dagger piercing through my heart... That´s a... Bazinga! In my face! :O
This is so great. I bought right away from Beamdog and I'm already pre-loaded, both on my Mac Pro Quad and Macbook Pro (I'll be using Dropbox for saves till the cloud function arrives).
I really didn't hesitate to buy from Beamdog: 1. More money for development team that deserves it. 2. Way more control over the content. For example, I want to borrow this game to my cousin, he's not really into RPG that much but since there's a translation for our language (he's not an english speaker), he'd like to give it a try. Doing this with App Store version is possible but harder to do.
Anyway, I wanted to ask you guys. Since there's a WHOLE week of waiting ahead, I was thinking... my co-worker has PC version on his laptop at work (hehe and he's been teasing me, I had to watch him play it. So I thought maybe I could create my character on that PC version and then copy it to the Mac version once it's playable.
Is this possible? I already tweeted @TrentOster but I'd like to know from you. Are there any specific folders where I can copy the file? Or is there Import function?
Did you guys buy the PC version too (accidentally?) (trying to dilute my stupidity here)
Nope, sorry. My silliness didn't extend that far :P
On a separate note, my launcher keeps quitting unexpectedly. It was doing it last night so I left it to try this morning and it keeps doing it. I've tried restarting the laptop (that's as far as my IT knowledge goes :P) but it's still crashing. Any suggestions, wise denizens of the Mac forum?
I don't know about quitting, but mine just got stuck on 0 bytes (the PC launcher did the same on release day). I deleted the launcher and data and then 're-installed' it this morning and it works fine. Maybe there is an issue with your launcher, in which case maybe try to re-download it?
@comatory@Bhaalog Yes, saves are interoperable between Mac, PC, and iPad. The Mac save location is user/Documents/Baldur's Gate Enhanced/Save. Just put them in there.
@Jairyanna system specs? Make sure you copied the installer to your Applications folder (although it shouldn't be quitting anyway). You could also try deleting the com.beamdog preferences file in user/library/preferences.
@Eudaemonium: just tried re-downloading, the problem persists. It seems to remember the login-information, so whether it was truly deleted...
EDIT: The program seems to say 'Starting up', then for like 0,25 seconds 'Update available', then 'Downloading 0b of 1,9Gb', and this last message takes forever...
@FuzzyPuffin How do I find out what my system specs are..? It's just a basic MacBook Pro March 2012. I put the file in Applications, opened it, clicked on the launcher, it comes up with a warning about it being an application downloaded from the internet, I click open anyway, and it quits before doing anything. Tried deleting the first one, re-downloaded it, and the same thing happens (I don't know how to get to the user/library/preferences...) Typical. This would happen to me! :P
@comatory@Bhaalog Yes, saves are interoperable between Mac, PC, and iPad. The Mac save location is user/Documents/Baldur's Gate Enhanced/Save. Just put them in there..
I'm talking only about character, does it have to be a save file? I'd like to just generate my character and import it once I want to play.
I don't know about quitting, but mine just got stuck on 0 bytes (the PC launcher did the same on release day). I deleted the launcher and data and then 're-installed' it this morning and it works fine. Maybe there is an issue with your launcher, in which case maybe try to re-download it?
Re-installing (if you can call that on OS X) rewrites the application files only, preference and cache files usually sit in a different folder (Library/Application Support/folderwithbaldursgatesomething). Deleting so-called .plist file usually solves the problem (it is rebuilt when the app is launched again).
You can download an application called App Cleaner from App Store which can delete every file tied to an app. Just open App Cleaner and drag Baldurs Gate launcher onto it, it should show all the files and if you hit delete, it gets rid of everything.
My experience have been great so far. Launcher installed with no hiccups and download speeds were blazing, the whole game was on my drive in 9 minutes or so.
If the steps above don't help I suggest contacting Beam Dog.
@Jairyanna to get to the preferences file option-click the Go menu and select Library in the finder. Then click on your preferences folder. Though TBH if it's crashing right away I doubt it's created a prefs file. I would try running the insaller from the .dmg directly. If you are still getting crashes copy and paste the crash log to a support ticket and send it to Beamdog. @comatory sure, there are import/export buttons. But it's really easier just to save the game right at the beginning, since you have to export your character in-game anyway.
If buying the game on Beamdog, do you need to install a client such as Steam or you will only download a game client (WoW or Diablo III style) in order to play the game. I already have Steam, and of course the App Store, installed, and if I can avoid installing another program that would be nice.
Nevertheless, if Apple is going to be annoying all the time, or if you just download a game client Diablo III style, I prefer to have it downloaded right now from Beamdog.
Thanks in advance guys!
Seems my computer is now a carrier, I just located the "virus" in my applications folder. In one hour it'll be fully ready to deploy, though I hear it instead is going into some form of silly hibernation for 9 frickin days. I mean, YAY!!! I've pre-loaded.
I really didn't hesitate to buy from Beamdog:
1. More money for development team that deserves it.
2. Way more control over the content. For example, I want to borrow this game to my cousin, he's not really into RPG that much but since there's a translation for our language (he's not an english speaker), he'd like to give it a try. Doing this with App Store version is possible but harder to do.
Anyway, I wanted to ask you guys. Since there's a WHOLE week of waiting ahead, I was thinking... my co-worker has PC version on his laptop at work (hehe
Is this possible? I already tweeted @TrentOster but I'd like to know from you. Are there any specific folders where I can copy the file? Or is there Import function?
Anyone have this problem?
On a separate note, my launcher keeps quitting unexpectedly.
@Jairyanna system specs? Make sure you copied the installer to your Applications folder (although it shouldn't be quitting anyway). You could also try deleting the com.beamdog preferences file in user/library/preferences.
The program seems to say 'Starting up', then for like 0,25 seconds 'Update available', then 'Downloading 0b of 1,9Gb', and this last message takes forever...
I cannot find com.beamdog anywhere on my Mac...
I put the file in Applications, opened it, clicked on the launcher, it comes up with a warning about it being an application downloaded from the internet, I click open anyway, and it quits before doing anything. Tried deleting the first one, re-downloaded it, and the same thing happens
(I don't know how to get to the user/library/preferences...)
Typical. This would happen to me! :P
You can download an application called App Cleaner from App Store which can delete every file tied to an app. Just open App Cleaner and drag Baldurs Gate launcher onto it, it should show all the files and if you hit delete, it gets rid of everything.
My experience have been great so far. Launcher installed with no hiccups and download speeds were blazing, the whole game was on my drive in 9 minutes or so.
If the steps above don't help I suggest contacting Beam Dog.
now i just have to resist the temptation not to download BG:EE for the mac at work and practice my cmd+tab skills...
@comatory sure, there are import/export buttons. But it's really easier just to save the game right at the beginning, since you have to export your character in-game anyway.
I will have to wait until the Canadians get up and read my e-mail...