Kobold PCs

For a variety of reasons (underdogs, mechanical trickery, Tucker's Kobolds, adorable for some (?), etc.), these ugly, smelly, weak but vicious, dragon-blooded, trap-laying little bastards have been a surprisingly popular choice for player characters on tabletop in the recent years.
If it were possible (and it probably never will be), would you like to see them as a player character choice in Baldur's Gate, possibly with a couple NPCs added up to the mix as well?
If it were possible (and it probably never will be), would you like to see them as a player character choice in Baldur's Gate, possibly with a couple NPCs added up to the mix as well?
- Kobold PCs152 votes
- Yeah, sure.30.26%
- No. Ew.42.11%
- Don't care.11.18%
- Where's the love for xvarts?!16.45%
Post edited by JuliusBorisov on
Personally, I'd pay a fortune to have playable giant-kin (Firbolg and Voadkyns) in BG:EE. They're a old time favourite of mine. Saurials are a close second on my playable-races-we-will-never-see-in-BG:EE wishlist.
Trite as it may be, I'd prefer subrace implementation. If we were talking in the realm of infinite resources, I'd pick "don't care," but the opportunity cost might be something I'd rather have. Rational self interest and all.
Besides, i can think of a lot of other things that I would prefer being worked on before this.
Would any town or city greet him openly or assume he is a spy or scout for a larger band.
A game that truly embraced the concept of a "monster" trying to integrate into normal society would be fun but I don't think we'll see it here.
But if they are going to bring in monstrous humanoids then Wemic clearly wins out over Kobolds
***Yes, but why would Gorion bring a kobold to Candlekeep?***
Because he wanted something to eat?