Unofficial Game Manual for Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition - Unofficial Game Manual
Download v.1.1.4
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I am pleased to announce the release of the Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition - Unofficial Game Manual. This manual, based directly from official documents (BG:EE and BG1/BG2 manuals), combines BG:EE Manual 1 and Manual 2 into a single, 5.6"x8" document. It adds some content from the BG1 and BG2 manuals, as well has other data taken from the game.
What you'll find:
Updated Spell information
Updated Kit information
Improved tables
Reorganization of Part 2 and Part 3 for improved flow
Update ability score descriptions
Updated UI descriptions
New, full color photographs
And much more ...
The goal of this manual was to maintain the original look and feel of the BG1 and BG2 manuals and to keep the spirit of the BG:EE Manuals, while making improvements along the way.
I created this document to ease the process of adding content and making changes to the current game manuals. I also saw this project as an opportunity to express my own creativity, and as a chance to implement many of the features and fixes that the fans wanted in the official manuals.
The current version is only that, a version. I look forward to feedback and suggestions that would help further enhance and shape this manual. If you find any errors in this manual, please let me know via this thread or private message.
I would like to give special thanks to the following forum members who provided guidance and assistance with this project:
[spoiler=Change Log]
-Minor spelling adjustments in tables headings
-Removed Monk and Sorcerer from kit exception list on pg. 34
-Add new familiars to spell description from v.2014 patch
-Adjusted a couple table alignment issues
-Removed invalid thieving armor penalties and put in correct ones
-Changed thieving armor penalties from v.2014 patch
-Updated THAC0 window description and image
-Removed Injuring an Innocent from reputation adjustment table (it was never implemented)
-Weapons table - Fixed missing dart damage
-Removed dual-class restrictions from Experience section (it's listed earlier in the manual)
-Added 5 new kits from v.2014 patch
-Added note about erasing spells from spellbook
-Constitution Table - Adjusted fatigue bonus to read as +, rather than - & better defined 'Warrior'
-Rearranged weapon proficiency description section, moving bonus/penalty information to tables
-Broke Weapons and Armor/proficiency tables into 2 table sections
-Expanded Weapons and Armor tables by including more items (shields and weapons)
-Added additional information to Casting from Scrolls
-Corrected Monk ST vs Spell progression and removed erroneous number
-Adjusted formatting on some tables
-Adjusted justifications on a few paragraphs
-Added “Total Roll:"to ability scores in character creation
-Corrected some flavor text capitalization in Special Abilities
-Added note to Turn Undead regarding evil Clerics/Blackguards turning Paladins.
-Corrected random grammar
-Added some missing text for Racial Enemy description in Special Abilities
-Added ability score prime requisite data
-Added note about dual class ability score requirements.
-Corrected error in Seeking Sword, Storm Shield, and Boon of Lathander durations
Cleaned up Credits
Initial Release
Post edited by bigdogchris on
I gave you some support from earlier comments on another thread... Will not mention it again.
It got wiped... I am so glad and thankful they allowed you to post it here!
An example is originally the Player Actions did not mention spell casting, it only mentioned combat, then combat specifics, then moved into character creation information. I moved spell casting data up so that combat then casting, was explained in that order, leaving more specifics for later sections.
How does the player think BG game manual should read?
Noticed my Halfling gets 16 Thac0 when using darts - he has 19 Dex (so -3 thac0 right there) but is only proficient in darts (thief class). I know Halfling's gain -1 thac0 with Slings, but does this also include darts? He gets no extra thac0 reduction when using Bows or Throwing Daggers. Anyone feel like testing this?
20 THAC0 -1 proficiency -3 DEX = 16
Hmm, this may be some mod of mine, I guess. It's a bit wierd. :S
*edit* OK, I see you did specifically say "Proficient" proficiency level.
I verified that a halfling Fighter with 1 slot of Dart shows 16 THAC0 in the character record, but only +3 missile adj. The other +1 must be from halfling bonus some how. I switched to throwing dagger with 0 slots and had 19 THAC0 (22-3), which is correct.
@Oxford_Guy, can you check with your crew on the other side to see if this is a known issue?
Interesting. Another thing the devs forgot to mention... :P
I don't know why this was done, nor how exacly it works in BG:EE, but I've noticed some people around here complaining about the numbers not matching up. I discovered this myself in BG2 about a year go, frustrated that my chars failed continously at learning spells with 19-20 INT! Even the vanilla BG2 manual states this as a percentile chance - my best guess is that when BG2 was released it really was, but they changed it later in a patch.
This is straight from intmod.2da:
0 0
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0
5 0
6 0
7 0
8 0
9 35
10 40
11 45
12 50
13 55
14 60
15 65
16 70
17 75
18 85
19 95
20 96
21 97
22 98
23 99
24 150
25 150
So at 19 int you do have 95% of chance to learn a spell from a scroll and from 20 to 23 it goes from 96% to 99%. There is other interesting information in that 2da, such as the amount of time a Maze spell affects you and the amount of spells/level you can learn.
I apologize for any confusion this has caused; I was certain I was right. :S