@CharlestonianTemplar - I've always wanted to say this, and now I'm going to....ONLY REAL MEN ROMANCE SHAR-TEEL!
Heh, reminds me of when I would yell "ONLY REAL MEN WATCH SAILOR MOON!"
lol. I love it. I like to say there's more to charisma than looks. Shar-Teel is meaner than a snake & doesn't take any crud, especially from men. That would turn any man off or make him run scared. If you look @ her image/picture though, she appears attractive. I'm attributing the '9' Charisma to her personality, not her looks.
Remember, my PC is a warrior for the cult of Malcanthet, Demon Queen of the Succubi & everything hedonistic. She wouldn't give her champion an ugly woman, Succubus & Lilitu are anything but...but they are Chaotic & Evil & so is Shar-Teel.
Traveling almost due east toward Gullykin, I suddenly felt let to turn more east southeast & I knew I was, instead, going to Firewine Bridge. My subordinates & I were attacked by six/eight Xvarts on the way which were dispatched like Gnats. I often wonder if humanoid creatures like these have any intelligence whatsoever when they mindlessly attack a party as heavily armed & obviously superior as mine…w/a presence as overwhelming as I am.
Upon arrival @ Firewine Bridge I realized immediately that my Queen had me travel there first b/c there was a Cleric of Ilmatar proselytizing & inviting others to follow that ‘boring & pointless God.’ I had him murdered after listening to his pitch until I felt like gagging. Having completed what I sensed Malcanthet desired I accomplish there, I decided I needed to make a sacrifice of his just as I feel compelled to do w/Gnolls, Flinds, Ghouls & Ghasts since they serve Demon Lords she despises. In this case, w/o a word, I knew telepathically that she wanted me to go to the bridge ruins & when I saw him, I saw him one to be sacrificed. A minor gods’ priest. I piled up some rocks, cut him into quarters & piled sage brush enough to cause a huge fire & offer him, quartered, up to my Queen.
I set about reconnoitering the rest of the bridge ruins. While doing so I had my minions kill 12 zombies, four Skeleton’s w/Composite Longbows & nine Kobolds w/Short bows.
While crossing the bridge I met a Bard who offered to sing for me. I recall when I saw Malcanthet in my dream she appeared as if she was in her plane of the abyss (number 570), Shendilavri, & I distinctly remember ‘haunting @ erotic melodies’ of Bards in the background as she revealed her beautiful, perfect chaos & evil. Hence, now I’m drawn to any Bard I see, aching to hear something, anything like those I heard in my dream…but alas, the sounds, I hear in Faerun do not compare in the least, so I fear it will only be when she brings me finally to Shedilavri that I will hear them again. Oh my Queen, when can I be in your presence for eternity?
Not unlike Ulcaster, the bridge spanned a dry river bed that is now parched w/the sun, scrub grass being the only vegetation. I ventured into the dry river bed & directed our killing six War Dogs & six Skeleton’s w/Maces & Small Shields. We met a crazy woman, a mage maybe, & Shar-Teel told her so, so the lady left. I actually tried to kill her just in case she was a mage w/something useful but she was out of reach quickly.
Key Event: Some loudmouth came up to us braggin’ about being the fastest sword in Faerun or something stupid. This one was tailor-made for Shar-Teel so I just pulled everyone back & she wailed on him like a sparring dummy. My woman can kick some serious butt!
Treasure of Note (Gold 19,061) Wand of Lightning (Quayle)
Current Disposition: I went to High Hedge Manor to identify Quayle’s new wand, had a battle w/s & some Skeleton’s w/Darts, sold their loot & skulls to Thalantyr.
Next Steps: Firewine Ruins
Level Up: None
Current Party: (Reputation: 6- Disliked)(-4 for killing Priest of Ilmater)
Ironside: Ftr/Fallen A-Pal//7, FP Mail +1 w/RoP +1) wBoots/Avoidance, Girdle/Bluntness, Gauntlet’s/WEx; Spiders Bane**, B/Sword+1/+3 vs SSs**, (THWS**); Lord Foreshadows Ring) (Greater Bassilisk) Shar-Teel: Ftr//7 w/FP Mail w/Clk/P +2 w/Boots of Grounding /2 L/Swords*** w Gauntlet’s/WS & RoFAction, (2HWS***)(Shoal the Nereid)(AI: Std Atk) Kagain: Ftr/Bkr//7 w/Pl Mail & RoP +1 & Girdle of Piercing; Battle Axe +1 *** (or Throwing Axe***)(2WS***)(Sword Spider)(AI: Sp/Cstr Atk) Viconia: Cleric//7, S/Mail RoP +1 w/S/Shield*, Mace*, Slg*; R/Animal Friendship, R/Holiness (Phahad a few se Spider)(AI: Clc Aggr) Safana: Thf//8 w/S/Leather, Dart +1x34, Wdgx11, Stgx3, etc.) *, S/Swd +1x2*, Dgr* (2WS) (Davaeorn) (AI: Thf Adv/Thf Sct) Quayle: Mage/Ill//8, Dgr +2*, Slg*(Whebber Ott) (AI: Mage Def)
The story of the group of Murder Hobos adventurers led by Phoenix Sykora continues.
The longer I spend in the Severed Hand, the more I wish that I was home with my brother. However, I knew that I could not bring him along on this journey, and it wasn’t because I doubted his strength. No, but I did doubt his mental capacity, and I don’t think he would be able to stand being away from Milana for a very long period of time.
So, we traveled up Labelas Tower. Only to find it in ruins, with the insane Larrel speaking about how he blew it up. It was a shame that he did blow it up. Now, we must go up one of the other towers to try to get to Larrel.
We went up Solonor Tower next, and found what seemed to be the High Priestess of the Hand of the Seldarine, Denaini. She explained why the Hand was like this. Why some of the ghosts had gone insane. Larrel had summoned a Mythal, and it succeeded and failed at the same time. I also decided that we needed to clear Solonor Tower and save the other priests from their insanity, which was the Mythal’s doing.
Within the Solonor Tower, we had found two potions. There was a potion that enhanced strength, but reduced dexterity permanently and a potion that enhanced wisdom, but reduced constitution. So, I gave the strength potion to Holvir, and the wisdom potion to Nella. We also found a part for an astrolabe. Perhaps it may be useful somewhere else in the Hand.
Solonor Tower was purified, and Korin had told Teri about Hanali, and some of his feelings about the subject. There were only a couple more towers to go, and hopefully we could bring Larrel back to the right state of mind.
Current Deaths: Phoenix – 0 Holvir – 2 Nella – 1 Teri – 4 Korin – 0 Severn - 3
Note: When it came to those potions, there was no better options than Holvir, who only had 11 dex, and like 18/97 Str, another option was giving the potion to Teri, but I figure she needed her 18 dex. Also, the +1 wis and -2 con potion went to Nella, because she's the cleric, and the 19 wis benefits trump the -2 con stuffs. Oh, also got some items that raised Phoenix's stats, albeit not permanently.
I disposed of the bounty from my raid outside and around the external Firewine Bridge & then returned prepared to descend into the Firewine Ruins. The tight hallways were neatly cut generally 10x10 w/a few larger, main, areas. I used a strategy w/Safana out in front, reconnoitering & Finding/Removing Traps usually an entire hallway @ a time, so that movement was as safe for me as possible. She used three different Potions of Invisibility & Quayle cast Invisibility on her once. She would return to Shar-Teel & Kagain to warn them of danger when enemies were out front but did not engage them so as to keep her Invisibility active for as long as possible The main body of the group was Shar-Teel & Kagain, she w/her Boots of Grounding, Ring of Free Action & Full Plate Armor; Kagain w/his Girdle of Piercing, Ring of Protection +1 & Plate Mail are well protected against frontal threats. I, in all my powerful glory followed shortly behind them. Quayle, almost always Invisible, trailed a short way behind me & Viconia provided rear guard to keep bands of Kobold & Kobold Commando’s from coming up on a soft target from behind. Safana used Potions of Invisibility & Find/Remove Traps to great effect, to the point that she’d already disarmed them before the rest of us ever came thru, so we never knew they’d been there. She did ‘set off’ a couple of traps but w/Potions of Healing @ the ready she overcame the damage she did take & though we heard the sounds up front, we never actually saw anything & she didn’t say anything, just continued about her business w/expert professionalism. When she asked for a couple of more Potions of Healing to restock her aid kit, everyone knew why. About Aid Kits: I have everyone but Shar-Teel & I carry five Potions of Healing & two Antidotes in their ‘quick item’ slot for emergency use. The last slot is reserved for a potion, scroll, item that suits their profession best. Shar-Teel & I carry Elixir’s of Health in our Quick Item Slots (to kill two birds w/one stone) which leaves us room for two special items – although she & I also have Potions of Healing & Antidotes in our packs so as not to waste the more expensive EoH if a battle is thru & we have time to get to the latter.
And so the Firewine Ruins were easily overcome but going was slow, the only real enemies being individual Kobold’s & Kobold Commando’s from a war band whose leader was yet TBD. We also killed a Ghost Knight of some kind, & thinking we might be rewarded w/something of value returned its ruined armor to a group of six harmless Ghost Knights we’d passed in the tunnels earlier. They gave me nothing for my efforts & could I have, I’d have killed them for certain.
Key Event: Safana returned from one of her excursion’s to tell Shar-Teel & Kagain that she’d seen a mage-type, an Ogrillon & a Kobold Commando @ a ‘T’ in the tunnels ahead. Mages in a dungeon are always bad news b/c for all their Intelligence, they seem just fine w/casting a Lightning Bolt & taking everyone they can out, including themselves, w/impunity. I used a Scroll of Magic Protection & I thought about giving one to Shar-Teel but she doesn’t mean that much to me so she used a Potion of Heroism, while Kagain became Enraged. Quayle cast Horror down to land at the intersection of the ‘T’ and Viconia cast Silence 15’ Radius right on top of it. Then Shar-Teel & Kagain charged into melee while I sat back & let them do what I have them here to do – kill my foes. Quayle moved up to use Blindness where he could & I lost track of Viconia. I waited till the battle was decided before endangering myself, even though I heard Shar-Teel holler, “Ogre Mage!” I was still surrounded by Protection from Magic. By the time I got down there, I attacked the Ogre Mage w/confidence. Safana was in an alcove & moved around to back-stab him as I attacked from in front. I did kill him & we ended up mopping up a stray Kobold & another Ogrillon before it became apparent that there was no more to the Firewine Ruins. I descended some stairs that ended up leading to a Hobbit home. It became apparent he was in cahoots w/the Ogre Mage. I killed him & we cleaned him out before emerging in Gullykin as the ‘heroes’ we are. Ha-ha!
Quayle lost what we knew to be a Wand of Frost while we were sorting through treasure, figuring out what to bring w/& what to leave behind. He’s been reprimanded thoroughly & I doubt he makes that mistake again. Malcanthet, let me be rid of him & find the Tome of Clear Thought so I can enact the change I feel you desire.
Treasure of Note (Gold 20,447) Wand of Monster Summoning (Quayle); Wand of Frost (Lost); Gondolar’s Lucky Ring (Shar-Teel);
Current Disposition: Back @ my camp in the Wood of the Sharp Teeth
Next Steps: I’ll return to Gullykin after organizing a bit, selling bounty & resting
I arrived in Gullykin & found it a sleepy, boring little village. They have a priest that venerates some Hobbit deity not worth honoring by even writing its name in ink, if I’d cared to find out the name to begin w/. He does have Elixirs of Health & Potions of Healing which I will likely buy some of before I leave this place & knock the dust off my boots as I do. I’ll probably grab up a few Antidotes too. He has no Cleric scrolls other than Stone to Flesh.
I got out of the village proper & had opportunity to kill & sacrifice three Ghast’s to my Queen. My minions are used to this by now & dare not challenge me in the least. I’ve not come across a Cult of Malcanthet so I honor her anytime she brings me the honor of killing the subjects of her enemies be they Gnolls, Flinds, Ghouls or Ghasts.
Key Event: I continued a short ways after finishing my sacrifice to Malcanthet, when I was hailed by a knight of some kind who was leading a group of four assassin’s looking for you know who? He showed up just in time b/c I was getting lonely since it’s been a while since that group of amazon chick’s attacked me. This was a brilliant battle if I do say so myself. Safana was Hidden in Shadow & moved out way right & then circled back behind Molkar. Quayle used the one & only charge he had in his Wand of Monster Summoning & hit the jackpot w/two huge Ogres. Viconia knocked the first guy we’d seen out cold w/a Command spell & I hollered @ Kagain to finish him while he was down. Shar-Teel headed in to kick butt wherever she could find it while I tried a Horror spell to no effect Then seeing Safana in place for a back stab & the Ogre’s keeping the three living assassin’s occupied facing north, I moved in behind them to attack from behind too. Just then I saw him, Quayle had lined up perpendicular to the three assassins who were standing side by side. He had his Wand of Lightning & was aiming to rake a bolt through all three of them. I hollered for everyone to step back three steps, just as Quayle fired off the wand, killing one of the assassin’s. We all waited b/c there was no way to know if it would come back but then…it was back dead on the same line. We all backed off an additional step & the bolt killed another assassin as it passed through again. Then I ordered everyone in on the one that was still alive…Molkar. After all was said & done, I figure there was another knight, a priest & a mage in addition to Molkar. Praise be to the Demon Queen of the Succubi.
The remainder of the area around Gullykin yielded two Dread Wolves, two Wolves, six Kobold’s & six Xvart’s. I headed for the priest, who happens to manage the winery too, & bought four Elixir’s of Health, one Potion of Healing, four Antidotes & a Scroll of Stone to Flesh. Then I headed back to Beregost to sell the pitiful bounty those assassins were carrying.
Treasure of Note (Gold 15,507) just Splint Mail, 2 sets, Chain Mail, 1 set & a few weapons and gold coins. Pathetic. Somewhere we found a Garnet Gem, I guess on one of the Ghasts.
Current Disposition: In Beregost, currently in the Red Sheaf.
Next Steps: I’m going to the place called Mutamin’s Garden
@CharlestonianTemplar - Yup, its the first IWD, and @Almateria made a fixpack for IWD2 that I feel like I may have to try sooner or later. I may also attempt a minimal reload IWD2 run again.
Also... BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE! KHORNE FLAKES FOR KHORNE! I would do the Slaanesh version, but we all know Slaanesh isn't really for PG-13 conversations/forums.
I headed to Mutamin’s Garden. I’d been there when my Queen led me to find Shar-Teel way back when.
Key Event: When I got there I just decided to go straight ahead where I ran into six Tasloi before coming upon four Gnolls. I saw red & started attacking the Gnoll’s w/fervor leaving my minion’s behind. Just as I was movin’ in for the kill w/the others in tow, suddenly a female voice issued a challenge but I was intent on finishing those darned Gnolls before I focused on my four aggressors who appeared to be warriors/knights &/or warrior/clerics. There were spells being casts so we know there were some casters but not sure if it was divine or mages magic. In my mind I was wary of the other attackers but could see anything but Gnolls & so I stayed until I mopped them up one side & down the other. Meanwhile, my minions began working on the other aggressors. Viconia cast Silence 15’ Radius while Quayle cast Blindness @ the leader & Safana moved out & behind Hidden in Shadow. Shar-teel & Kagain helped me finish up the Gnolls before starting to work on the other attackers who were obviously more talented than Gnolls. I’m bnot even sure what happened but the ‘back benchers’ took out one of ‘em before we even finished the Gnolls which was about the time I saw one of them heading for out lines in his Splint Mail. Jagain focused on that guy while Shar-Teel & I headed out to take out the spell casters. Viconia dropped the leader, who’d cast Mirror Image on herself, w/a Command Spell. Just then, Safana & Shar-Teel got to the second spellcaster. Kagain finished up his guy & headed up where the real fun was. We killed the spellcaster that was still standing & then focused on the leader & made her Sleep a lot more permanent.
In the running for ‘key event’ during this foray was a battle against a putrid little Gnome mage, I guess an Illusionist like Quayle, only better. He was more difficult than he might have been b/c he was accompanied by a Greater & a Lesser Basilisk. Shar-Teel & I quaffed Potions of Mirrored Eyes while I left Kagain & crew to deal w/the Gnome. Shar-Teel & I did our work & had to return to help Kagain who was taking a beating, including getting popped w/a Melf’s Acid Arrow & Magic Missile combo. Iintitally Quayle helped by casting Blindness on the Basilisks but for the second time today was unable to get to a place where he was able to use the Wand of Lightning. Then Quayle moved back to see if he could help kagain. Viconia had used her Silence 15’ Radius already in the earlier battle w/the four adventurers so she cast Miscast Magic hoping to throw the Gnome off but it didn’t seem to work. Regardless, got back & Shar-Teel & I pummeled him into the dirt.
While in the Garden, I also confronted & killed at least 4-5 additional Lesser Basilisk & 3-4 of the Greater types but, what really thrilled me was a chance to kill some wandering Ghoul & four Gnolls @ the same time!! Throw in the four Flinds I killed & sacrificed to Malcanthet later & there were bondfires of Ghouls, Gnolls & Flinds burning all over before I left there. I’m feeling good about my reputation on Layer 570.
Treasure of Note (Gold 23,512) Tome of Understanding (Viconia); Bracers of Defense AC8 (sold);
Current Disposition: Resting, recuperating @ my camp in the Wood of Sharp Teeth
Next Steps: To the place called Spider Wood before I begin moving north of the FAI
This episode of Murder Hobos Phoenix's journal is kind of small.
We entered Shevarash Tower, and met Kaylessa. I learned more about Larrel just by speaking to her, and it seems that the key to bringing Larrel back to sanity is through his Astrolabe. We will have look thoroughly through the Hand to find these pieces. However, Kaylessa has tasked us with killing the spirits within this tower in order to get a piece of the Astrolabe.
We cleared the tower, and gave Kaylessa her last wish. It was to die in battle. I tire of having to kill these spirits! They did nothing to deserve this! I hope that we won’t have to kill anymore elven spirits, but that would be hoping for too much.
Current Deaths: Phoenix – 0 Holvir – 2 Nella – 1 Teri – 4 Korin – 0 Severn - 3
Note: Phoenix is sick of killing undead things! Also, if anyone decides to make a ranger or a Ranger/Cleric make sure you pick some sort of undead for your racial enemy because IWD is full of them. :P
Also, if anyone decides to make a ranger or a Ranger/Cleric make sure you pick some sort of undead for your racial enemy because IWD is full of them. :P
You're making me want to go back & play IWD again. What mods to you use to 'improve' the game over the original version...which I loved playing 'as it was.' Still, w/all the mods I use in BG & BGII it seems there are surely some that improve the flow/play of the game.
@CharlestonianTemplar - 1PP, 1PP IWD fixes(this one lets you have the original paperdolls and avatars for IWD.), Item Upgrade, Unfinished Business IWD, IWD NPCS (This one gives you BG2-like NPCS that you can import), and IWD Tweaks. I'll post my Weidu.log for what components I have installed.
I'm not even familiar w/IWD-in-BG2 anyway. I just know the old game. Since I've played in BGII & then found Tutu to use the same engine to run BGI, I've always thought IWD would be too 'blah' compared to the graphics of BG Tutu so I've just never played anymore or thought about going 'backwards.'
As much as I would love BG2 features in IWD. It just doesn't feel the same. You can't make/import six people unless you use the multiplayer function. Some of the IWD spells aren't usable in IWD-in-BG2. Oh, and you lose the widely popular dual into specialist mages feature that everyone loves. At least, I think you can do that in IWD. I forget.
Before heading north with an eye on Ulgoth’s Beard, I wanted to visit the place called Spider Wood. As I headed east of the FAI, I encountered & killed three Huge Spiders.
Upon arriving, I decided to recon the wood in a clockwise motion moving from outside to inside, ensuring that I bypass nothing. After destroying three Giant Spiders I was looking for a place to camp b/c all three of my females were dragging, as was Quayle. As I led us northeast to southeast along the eastern edge of Spider Wood, Safana stumbled on a couple of Giant Spiders but by the time we got finished the battle had been joined by a Sword Spider, a Wraith Spider, a Phase Spider & another Giant Spiders. I thoroughly enjoyed this fight & headed for the Wraith Spider straightway. He was eventually supported by the Phase Spider & two of the four Giant Spiders. I beat the four of them down into the turf. Just a few steps away, Kagain & Shar-Teel were duking it out w/the other two Giant Spiders & the Sword Spider. Kagain took a few bites & had to back out & switch to his Throwing Axe +2 while Shar-Teel stayed in the middle of the fight. They ended up killing their spiders about the same time I finished my four. Afterword, I wondered what my Queen’s relationship w/Lolth, the Demon Queen of Spiders might be – before & after.
Continuing south still looking for a place to rest, I encountered & killed three more Huge Spiders before finally making camp in the southeast corner of Spider Wood.
Rested, I continued west along the south end of Spider Wood before travelling north where I killed six Tasloi & then headed back to the east again where we battled two more Giant Spiders. Continuing to circle inward toward the center of the Spider Wood I came across, & killed, three Ettercaps (which reminds me that I killed four other Ettercaps earlier).
Key Event: I killed six more Tasloi & three more Giant Spiders as I continued until Safana stopped in her tracks because she’d seen three Huge Spider’s to her left…but I was more concerned about three Mage’s to my right in what appeared to be an old temple. As they were wearing Red Robes I quickly used my Protection from Magic Scroll. I headed for battle w/them & Quayle cast a Scroll of Fireball and Safana threw a Oil of Fiery Burning right in the middle of them. Right there three of the Red Robes were dead but a fourth had emerged. Luckily, he was throwing a Dart or something – not casting a spell so Kagain & I ran him down & I swung the killing sword blow. Meanwhile, Shar-Teel & Safana dealt with the Huge Spiders. Done!
Treasure of Note (Gold 24,861) none really. Each of the Mages had a Mage Robe which I sold; Kagain picked up some scrolls including Melf’s Acid Arrow
Current Disposition: Resting @ my camp in the Wood of Sharp Teeth after cashing in on my booty @ the FAI.
Next Steps: Headed to the Fishing Village north of the FAI
I went down to Beregost to try & see if the fraud priest @ temple of the morning could identify a priest scroll I found in the Spider Wood. The scroll turned out to be cursed & worthless but while there I realized I’d never really looked around the Temple itself so I decided to see what was out there, east of the temple building.
Key Event: The first encounter I came upon was with a mixed pack of wolves, including two Vampiric Wolves. Safana started the party by throwing a Potion of Explosions Then it was a melee versus bite battle w/, in addition to the two Vampiric Wolves, two Dread Wolves & three Worgs, I think. Shar-Teel & Kagain charged in & started slugging it out, Kagain taking a few deep bite wounds. I joined them, focusing on the Vampiric Wolves, trying to get them out of the fight but then, I reealized there were three Hobgoblins taking pot-shots @ us from the south. I decided to take them out, assisted by Quayle who cast Horror from a scroll & panicked one of them. I got to them a short time later & beat them mercilessly. By the time I got finished w/the Hobgoblins the rest of my minions had finished the battle of the wolves.
The rest of the area was uneventful when compared to the action I’ve enjoyed lately. Next, I ran into a pack of War-Dogs that I let Shar-Teel & Kagain deal w/. It’s only noteworthy, b/c during the battle Viconia received new power from her goddess Shar. Afterord, we were approached by a band of Hobgoblins led by another of those mouthy Hobgoblin types. As usual, I backed off & let my subordinates handle the duty.
Treasure of Note (Gold 21,598) None
Current Disposition: I’m @ the Red Sheaf, maybe for the last time. I have my eye on a set of Shadow Armor & a Dagger of Venom that I’ve seen in Feldeposts. The former is about 25k gold but would be great for Safana to use.
Next Steps: Fishing Village north of the FAI. I’m drawn to Ulgoth’s Beard & plan to seek all the pain & misery I can deliver between here & there.
Level Up: Viconia received an increase in power from her goddess, Shar. She is now a Matriarch of Shar (Cleric/8). She added the spell, Cloak of Fear.
I arrived @ the Fishing Village & immediately came across four Bandits w/Short Bow & Long Sword which Shar-Tel dispatched on her own. Continuing on the road north, I met a knight, a nobleman, a Paladin, I think. We insulted him until he challenged us & Shar-Teel & Kagain smashed the weakling.
The road yielded four more Bandits, armed as before & then I decided to rest & make camp. I camped right on top of an Ankheg nest & after resting ended up in a immediately battling three Ankheg’s. After that battle, I tried again to rest & three more Ankheg’s came up right in the middle of our bivouac site, so we killed them too. Following a few hours rest, I decided to go to Beregost to try & sell the five Ankheg shells we had by now but no one was buying so I sold what I could & then went back.
Key Event: On return, after fighting & killing four more Bandits, my team found a group of three men in a small fishing village. They claimed a Priestess of Umberlee was killing them & preventing them from fishing the River Chlonthar which runs from the Sea of Swords between Baldur’s Gate & the Cloakwoods & the Fishing Village & is spanned by the bridge @ Wyrm’s Crossing. I talked them up to 20 gold & an enchanted weapon for my assistance & then went to confront the priestess who was ‘troubling them.’ I was kinda torn, not sure how my Queen feels about Umberlee & so I was gonna let her be when she told a tale of woe about the fisherman stealing some bowl from her mother after torturing her. Don’t get me wrong, I love torture but sensed I might be able to leverage an alliance w/the priestess. I did direct Safana to pickpocket her though & when she did, & failed, it brought us to battle. The priestess cast Entangle but it was ineffective against my subordinates & they easily killed her & then raided her home. On return, I continued to recon near the Fishing Village & had to kill two more Ankheg’s. Then my group came upon an old farmer wailing about losing his son. He wanted my aid, for free. Ha, I think not. I left him to wallow in self-pity as I continued my recon & killed another Ankheg & four more Bandits before meeting w/the fishermen again. The weasels tried blowing smoke up my butt but they paid up 120 gp & an enchanted Morning Star…but I killed them anyway. I think one got away…the one w/darned that bowl. Was hoping to carry that to Umberlee & try to leverage it. Curse that little man for running off before I could kill him.
Later, I found an Ankheg nest where I had my party kill a total of nine more Ankheg’s. Shar-Teel & Kagain did more of the work but I stepped out & swatted a couple or three. The nest had a treasure cove w/some good magic items, potions & gold. Good haul, this one.
Treasure of Note (Gold 25,186) The Ilvastarr Family Shield sold for 1000 gold; Flail +1 (sold 1000 gold); Ring of Energy (Safana); Shield Amulet (Safana); Cloak of Protection +1 (Quayle)
Current Disposition: I first went to the FAI to let Gellana identify the items I’d found in the Ankheg nest. Then I went to Beregost to sell the Bandit Scalps. Now I’m back @ the FAI, although unwelcome, I’m allowed to grab a room anyway up on the 3rd floor.
Next Steps: Finish exploring Wyrms Crossing – there’s an elf or half elf w/some wolves out front. If she’s still there I’d like to ambush her by night. Then it’ll be off the Farmlands before I head to Ulgoth’s Beard
Level Up: None
Current Party: (Reputation: 4- Despised) (lost 2 killing the fisherman, I guess)
I went back to Wyrm’s Crossing intent on by-passing after exploring, being wary of the FF. When I got to Wyrm’s crossing I checked to see if that Elf w/all the wolves was still there. She seems like a great target for roughing up. I think she’s an Elven Ranger & I expect there’s treasure to be had. She was still there, waiting for whoever it is. But since it was still light I decided to go explore the rest of the crossing & wait for nightfall to ambush her.
I checked out the rest of the Crossing but found only a single Ankheg, which my warriors destroyed w/ease. Then I had us rest until dark in that Priestess’ of Umberlee’s home since she’s not using it anymore. Heck, I might take it as a base of operations when I return to BG after my visit to Ulgoth’s Beard.
Key Event:. Nightfall came & I had my minions come w/me to where the Elven Ranger was still standing, waiting patiently for whoever. I gave explicit directions. Safana approached her & she was obviously waiting for someone but seemed disinterested in my group. So…on my signal I told Quayle to use his Wand of Lightning on her while asking Viconia cast Animate Dead & have her skeleton approach the Vampiric Wolf. Shar-Teel & Viconia were to get close to her & wait. When I was ready I hollered, ‘Execute!” The lightning bolt tore through her & weakened her while I cast a Larloch’s Minor Drain @ her. Shar-Teel & Kagain converged on her. From behind her I saw her Winter Wolf blast kagain w/his Breath Weapon & so I decided to kill that wolf myself & so I did but not before it blasted Kagain a second time. Kagain finished off the Ranger but Quayle had already toasted her w/the lightning bolt. She never even took a swing & she was dead & shortly so were her Wolf, Dread Wolf, Dire Wolf and then we all focused on the Vampiric Wolf. He broke & ran but we chased him down & killed him too. A great ambush which gave Shar-Teel two enchanted Long Swords for her two weapon style & Elven Chain Mail for Safana which she can use to do he thieving in. Jackpot!
Treasure of Note (Gold 25,186) Elven Chainmail (Safana); Long Sword +1 (Shar-Teel)
Current Disposition: Sleeping in the Umberlee Priestess’ former home I MIGHT USE THIS HOME AS A BASE OF OPERATIONS WHILE IN THE GATE
I blew through the farmlands & there’s really nothing to tell. I didn’t swing my blade one time because I have two brutal body-guards in Shar-Teel & Kagain to take care of my light work. Safana protects me by being my scout out of doors Hidden in Shadow & detecting traps, usually invisible when we are in dungeons, etc., & she will go toe-to-toe w/her dual Short Swords +1 or, & I pity the soul that takes her back stabs. Viconia continues to provide for my Clerical needs, using her spells, especially in battling other spellcasters & knocking out enemies with her Command. Quayle has come along & learned Improved Invisibility to fill up his 4th Level Spells x3. He also learned Deafness & Spook as they were provided to him last time a runner for his Illusionist Guild found him so he now has all Illusionist spells up to 4th Level in his Spellbook. Those, along w/all the Scrolls he carries & suddenly he’s working out in service to me & I may have to give up on Skie. .
Key Event:. While in the Farmlands my servants killed 20 Zombies. Zombies just explode when Shar-teel & Kagain hit them. We received 150 gold for our troubles.
I’ve now wiped out every square inch from the far south of Amn up to here @ Ulgoth’s Beard, save Baldur’s Gate to where I shall return, but now that I’m here I’m being led back to Durlag’s Tower.
Treasure of Note (Gold 8,443) None. I spent around 16k gold @ Ulgoth’s Beard Inn & purchased five Potions of Mirrored Eyes that I dispersed two to me & one each my lover Shar-Teel, Kagain & Safana as they are ‘front-line’ & most likely to meet a Basilisk first; I bought three Raise Dead Scrolls, a Flame Strike Scroll, a Mental Domination Scroll, a Defensive Harmony Scroll & 20 Stones +2 for Viconia.
Current Disposition: Resting @ the Ulgoth’s Beard Inn
Next Steps: Durlag’s Tower; two people I talked to pointed us that way & so I will take it that my Queen wants me to go there. It’s been so long since I heard from my glorious Demon Queen.
I decided to head to Beregost to make a donation to the fraud priest there so that he could blab about it & raise my reputation again after I killed those stupid fishermen in the Farmlands. I also wanted to dump a Winter Wolf Pelt & since I’m not welcome in the Nashkel Store I figured on killing both birds’ w/one stone in Beregost before heading to Durlag’s Tower to meet Ike. On the way I had my party slay two Wolves.
I headed to Nashkel but knowing the Nashkel Store was not going to provide service to me, I elected to make my base of Operations between the Potion Merchant & the Enchanted Weapons Merchant wagons @ Nashkel Carnival. After a few hours rest it was off to Durlag’s Tower. Once on the grounds I recon’d the outside of the tower moving left always until I came to a narrow stone bridge. In staggered column, I had us move across the bridge until Safana saw a Battle Horror & moved out of the way to let Kagain & Shar-Teel @ him. He focused on Shar-Teel & she took a couple of hits but ended up destroying him w/assistance from Kagain & I in melee. Viconia tried Mental Domination, Command & Cloak of Fear to no avail & finally switched to Shillelagh so she could enter melee. Meanwhile Quale cast Invisibility on himself before successfully casting Blindness on the Horror. We took just a couple of steps more & weren’t even formed up again when I saw another Battle Horror. Again I tried to get Shar-Teel, Kagain & I, as well as Viconia w/her Shillelagh to surround him & beat him to death. Again Quayle successfully cast Blindness on the Horror, helping our cause. I hit him hard twice, Viconia hit him, Shar-Teel hit him (& he her again) & finally Kagain finished him.
A little further up the path, Safana spied three Doppelgangers. I stayed back safely watching Kagain & Shar-Teel charge them for toe-to-toe combat while Viconia slung stones @ them. All three of them killed one of the Doppelgangers each. I had us continue & we found a path leading away from the tower, rerouted & moved up where we met Ike who was in a hurry but I was not. He went on in while I wanted to recon the courtyard & battlements. In the courtyard, once again,there were three Doppelgangers. Shar-Teel & Kagain attacked & killed them but not w/o taking more hits & each required a PoH. Shar-Teel got credit for all three kills.
Key Event:. When I finally climbed up the stairs to the battlements, I saw a third Battle Horror & six Skeletons w/Composite Long Bows. I told Quayle & Safana to go back down the stairs but Quayle got pushed out of the door & tried to cast Improved Invisibility on himself but was hit by an arrow before he could do so but then he was able to get back down stairs w/Safana. I directed Shar-Teel & Kagain to the Horror while I, w/my Boots of Avoidance, RoP +1 & Full-Plate +1 wanted to take care of the Skeletons. I took care of the three on one side, away from the Horror & then headed back to finish the other three when I saw Shar-Teel taking hits again. I directed her to finish the Skeletons & I joined Kagain in fighting the Battle Horror. I finished him w/a powerful blow.
I crossed over to the other side of the courtyard & headed up a staircase behind Safana, Hidden in Shadow, with the others behind. Safana spied a Skeleton w/a Warhammer & Buckler. I called for Shar-Teel & Kagain to come up but as they did a Doom Guard & three more Skeletons, one w/Composite Longbow, one w/Warhammer & one w/a Mace, the latter two also w/Bucklers all appeared.. I wanted Shar-Teel to move around behind the Doom Guard but she ended up fighting the Skeletons w/the Doom Guard Swinging @ her back while Kagain & I were swinging @ his. I hollered for her to turn & face the Doom Guard & she did but just as she took a hit. I hit him w/two crushing blows from Spiders Bane, the second time killing him. Shar-Teel & Viconia finished the skeletons. I had us clear the battlements completely & ended up killing three more Skeletons w/Composite Longbows before we’d done what I came to do for now. I’m headed back to the carnival to rest & sell my loot. I don’t care if Ike’s there or not when I return.
Treasure of Note (Gold 7,193) Gems only including two Bloodstone Amulets
Current Disposition: Resting & selling loot @ the Nashkel Carnival
Next Steps: Enter Durlag’s Tower after an eight hour rest or so for spells learning etc.
Level Up: Shar-Teel was promoted to Super-villainess (Fighter/8)
Current Party: (Reputation: 8 – Disliked – 1500 gold to Temple of the Morning)
I returned to Durlag’s Tower after a day or so & headed up the long, narrow path to the portcullis. Once again, as I approached a large rough, stone arch, Safana came back to inform us that there were three Doppelgangers just beyond the arch. Maybe a pattern to expect as they play the role of guard? I sent Shar-Teel & Kagain forward to do my dirty work & the rest of my minions joined in. Shar-Teel got credit for two kills, Viconia for one.
Then I realized I am going to have to play smart in here. Ike was there tryin’ to pawn off some rune stone, which I refused when suddenly a supernatural knight appeared. My followers went off on him & he exploded a fireball w/Shar-Teel, Kagain & Safana all within the blast zone, as was I. Safana collapsed dead in a moment but I knew I cold raise her & I intended to. The Demon Knight exploded another Fireball & Kagain’s morale failed. He wandered around & I feared he would walk over a trap & become toast but he didn’t. He’d be hard to replace, that’s all. Back to Nashkel to Nalin. At least his god is neutral, even if Lawful. So I returned, raised Safana @ w/Nalin’s help, forgetting one again that Viconia has five Raise Dead scrolls in her pack. I had us sleep a few hours to regain lost spells & allow Safana to regain her strength & then headed straight back & killed three more Doppelgangers @ that very same location & then went back across the drawbridge & gatehouse portcullis & through the portcullis leading into the courtyard & thru the huge doorway & portcullis into the donjon.
On return there was no Demon night & no traps to deal w/on the entrance floor - & no treasure to speak of. I has Safana & Shar-Teel go up the donjon stairs to make sure the coast was clear & it was so the rest of us climbed up. Once there, moving around Shar-Teel spied a Ghast in a room to the right of the top of the stairs. I hollered for no one to enter the room for fear (as Safana had detected one like that on the first ground. So I told everyone to let him come to us only to realize there were two more Ghasts behind him. Before all was said & done there were five Ghasts in all. You know me, I see red when I see any followers of my Queens enemy Dorsain, Demon King of Ghouls. I started hacking @ them, waiting in the doorway to get first crack but everyone was doing their jobs & killing Ghasts. Kagain took a swipe that made him nauseous & Safana did trip a trap & was Held but out of danger b/c she was out in the main room so I got between her & the Ghasts. Shar-Teel killed three of them & I killed the other two.
Key Event:. I took a crushing blow in Durlag’s Tower early on. I lost my lover Shar-Teel to a Greater Basilisk! We’d killed the five Ghasts & found a sixth Ghast in one of the rooms on the first level up in the donjon. Safana & Shar-Teel led, Safana Detecting Traps & Shar-Teel just behind to provide quick muscle if needed. We’d pretty much cleaned out that level of the donjon when Safana & Shar-Teel found a hall. It was trapped & caught Safana off guard & stunned her. Once she got her wits back & quaffed a PoH, she & Shar-Teel found stairs going up so I had Quayle cast Invisibility 15’ Radius on them & they went up. When they got there, there was a Lesser Basilisk so Shar-Teel quaffed a Potion of Mirrored Eyes & spanked him mercilessly. Now wary of Basilisks, we gathered as a group & got out Potions of Mirrored Eyes @ the ready & headed up another, outdoor staircase where about half-way up I met three Doppelgangers & as usual whipped them good, this time I joined in w/Kagain & Shar-Teel. I sent Shar-Teel & Safana up the stairs a little further to where they could go through an opening onto what turned out to be a flat roof on another battlement. There Shar-Teel & Safana saw another Basilisk, this one of the greater types. Once they informed me, I sent Kagain up also providing Potions of Mirrored Eyes to both of them & Safana. But Shar-Teel attacked w/o quaffing her PoME & once upon him was petrified. Irritating but not something we could overcome, so I sent Viconia to cast a Stone to Flesh on her but as she did so, in a steady rain, a bolt of lightning came out of the sky & blew her petrified statue to pieces where nothing was left to allow Viconia to cast Raise Dead. Kagain had finished the culprit Basilisk in the meantime. I had depended on Shar-Teel & for a moment I was furious so I quaffed a Potion of Mirrored Eyes & took off around the battlement looking for more & there were two more Greater Basilisks that I single handedly destroyed.
To carry on w/o Shar-Teel, I need to improve Kagain’s weapons skill, strength if possible & anything else that will make him more lethal quickly. I will pray to Malcanthet for guidance while holding a massive bond fire of the Ghast carcasses which includes Five more Ghasts I came across in the lover floor when we accidently went down to the basement which we cleared so that now we’re cleared two donjon levels up & one down.
Treasure of Note (Gold 9,041)
Current Disposition: Resting @ the Nashkel Carnival in my usual place, praying to Malcanther for an answer ro my predicament.
Next Steps: Waiting for guidance & leading from Malcanther w/o which I will return to Durlag’s Tower w/five followers
Level Up: Safana was approached by a runner from her Guild Master & informed that she is now a full Name-Level THIEF (Thief/9). He also warned her that the Guild master wanted to make clear to her that he would not tolerate the competition of a new Thieves Guild in Calimport, from where she hails. She was welcome to remain w/her current guild in Calimport, as a senior advisor, but any treachery, the runner said, would be dealt w/expediently.
I just want to say that the way I lost Shar-Teel borders on 'unsportsmanlike', harsh rules. I made a mistake that should have been rectified w/a Stone to Flesh Scroll. How many times does a PC/NPC get struck by lightning to little affect in this game, but in this case, it blows my primary NPC to bits. I had a good mind to replay that over but decided to accept the challenge no matter how poor the reason the developers had for allowing that. There's no strategy, nothing that could have prevented that.
Reminds me of one time in Candlekeep when everyone was trying to arrest me. I ran up a floor & found the Gatewarden who challenged me. Once again, I chose to 'fight' really intent on running to see what I could pull off. Instead, the Gatewarden had a flame burst from the sky come down & obliterate my Fighter/Paladin, whatever who had about 64 HPs @ the time.
I think that's stupid. They could'a found another way to make sure the PC was arrested instead of killing him outright. Just my thoughts. CK
My Queen, Malcanthet led me directly to my replacement for Shar-Teel. There was that woman who was petrified just a few yards from where I was I’ve been camping @ Nashkel Carnival. She was still there so I had Viconia cast a Stone to Flesh Scroll on her & she was flesh. She turned out to be a Warrior Priestess of Tempus & she appears utterly fearless. With her ability to compliment Viconias’ spells I now have a one-two divine punch coming from two deities w/different aims. Viconia, though weak, can wade into melee when I need extra an extra weapon arm & I’ve little doubt Branwen can do the same. I sense no conflict between Malcanthet & either Shar or Tempus as they are deities & she is more concerned w/the political intrigues she is constantly concerned w/in the Abyss. As long as I stay focused on killing the servants of Yeenoghu & his vassal, Dorsain, King of the Ghouls, @ least for now. I bought Branwen a Morning Star +1 from the enchanted weapons merchant, a suit of Plate Mail & a helm. I redistributed our PoH & Antidotes so that she & Kagain would have five each & two Antidotes. Safana & Viconia got four & two, Quayle three & two based on their expected exposure to front line melee.
With Shar-Teel gone Viconia is more receptive to my advances to join her in her bedroll & I think Branwen might fill Shar-Teels’ role also. After all, I serve the Demon Queen of Succubi who lives in a paradise of hedonism.
Returning to Durlag’s Tower, I led us back past the usual three Doppelganger’s & Branwen jumped right up into the melee like a warrior, exactly what I need. She took a few whacks so after we killed them I ordered a rest to allow her time to heal & to recapture both my Clerics’ Command Spells. Following that, I led us up to the third layer up in the donjon where after looking through a library I sent Safana down a down a hall that was directly in front of us when we came up the stairs. She was gone just a few moments when she came back through whispering, “Ghost, ghost.” Quayle used a Scroll of Monster Summoning I & sent a rapid dog down the passageway & I could hear the sounds of an angry dog in a fight. Suddenly, the ghost was in our midst. I’d read about Ghosts in Candlekeep but this one didn’t exactly fit the mold. Quayle used a Scroll of Dispel Magic, Viconia cast Miscast Magic & Branwen cast, Doom I think. Somewhere in there, either Branwen or Viconia cast Silence 15’ Radius which becomes obvious pretty quickly in the heat of battle. I cast Chaos on myself & was able to hit him w/Spiders Bane while his attempts to cast spells against us were harmless. Eventually Safana, seeing that I was hitting him, came over to try & Back-stab him but in the heat of things, I don’t know if she was successful. He died pretty easily.
On that same floor, my party was looting some chests when a rogue tried to push us out of his territory. Safana refused on my behalf, slipped out of the way & Kagain called for help as he’d been acting as her bodyguard as she scouted ahead of the main body of my party. The dude took some pretty good hits before he succumbed to my overwhelming power so he was likely a high-level rogue of some sort.
Key Event: On the uppermost floor, I found & killed five Ghasts down some tunnels. I couldn’t do my usual quartering & burning of their bodies as a full sacrifice to my Queen but they were quartered & piled in a heap, then I offered them to Malcanthet as a sacrifice to her glory & the expansion of her dominion in the abyss. As I headed back into the main central room, I was approached by Succubus whose initial offer sounded promising but then it became far more & something I was not going to fall into. I admit I was confused knowing that my Queen is the Queen of the Succubi. Why would a Succubus attack me, when it was Succubus who first drew me toward my Queen way back when I had my dream encounters in Candlekeep. I think this Succubus was trapped here by a powerful magic so maybe it was out of desperation she attacked, b/c had she gotten entrapped in that way, she would certainly be in disfavor w/my Queen for allowing such an indignity to herself & indirectly to my Queen. Whatever the case, this Succubus wanted to entrap me here & that just didn’t register as something my Queen had destined for me, so I had my subordinates attack. I can’t remember now if it was against the Ghost that I cast Chaos but now it seems it was in this battle. At any rate, I waded in w/Spiders Bane & attacked hitting her when I could get @ her b/c she teleported around the room @ least four times. Kagain became enraged & went after her w/his Battle Axe +1 & Warhammer +2 swingin’ for a kill. When she would teleport, he’d grab his Throwing Axe +2 & fire it @ her across the room until he could get close to her again. My clerics stayed back, trying to break her down w/various spells: Doom, Dispel Magic, etc. I was finally able to corner her & kill her.
I wondered what has become of her. Just as we were exiting the room, her corpse exploded in into tiny, 1-inch duplicates of the Succubus & started fighting amongst each other. We watched until only one was left. That one then vanished in a puff of smoke. I know that normally, when a demon is killed outside of the abyss, its essence returns to the abyss where it returns to raw chaos & reforms as a new demon, usually demoted to a Dretch or a Manes or the like. Only a demon lord can intervene to save the disgraced demon from punishment. With that, we headed toward the Carnival for a rest & to unload & identify loot.
After selling most of my booty & spending a few hours resting @ the Nashkel Carnival, I headed to The Temple of Helm in town & Nalin was able to identify a Manual of Gainful Exercise. Still I wanted to have someone look @ an amulet we found & tell me what, if anything, a lock of succubus hair was worth – it was separated from her head when I killed her & I picked it up off the floor. I went to Thalantyr & he nailed them both – I got 250 gold for the hair & the amulet was a Greenstone Amulet.
That night I stayed in the Red Sheaf before leading us back to Durlag’s Tower. I had a dream:
My Queen Malcanthet came to me & informed me that The Succubus I killed had given her loyalty to Shami-Amourai A minor Demon-Lord who desires the title of Queen of the Succubi The Succubus was left to the results of her own entrapment because Shami-Amourae lacked to desire, or the power, to release her minion But had she killed me, Malcanthets Champion in Faerun Shami-Amourae would certainly have made every effort to release the bound Succubus & reward her for killing me! Instead, said my Queen, I have humiliated the potential usurper & for that, Malcanther was pleased!
Treasure of Note (Gold 4,900) Manual of Gainful Exercise & Greenstone Amulet (Me); Lock of Succubus hair (sold); many gems, most valuable Fire Opal Ring (sold)
Current Disposition: Resting @ the Red Sheaf
Next Steps: Heading back to Durlag’s Tower
Level Up: None
Current Party: (Reputation: 8 – Disliked)
Ironside: Ftr/Fallen A-Pal//7, FP Mail +1 w/RoP +1) wBoots/Avoidance, Girdle/Bluntness, Gauntlet’s/WEx; Spiders Bane**, B/Sword+1/+3 vs SSs**, (THWS**); Lord Foreshadows Ring) (Greater Basilisk)
I led my subordinates back to Durlag’s Tower to begin investigation of the labyrinths below ground. En route I had them slay two wolves & six Kobolds that got in my way.
Once there, I had us descend. I’d had us go down once just to look around & Safana detected a trap right across the main entrance but couldn’t disarm it. On return, she was still not successful so I quaffed a Potion of Absorption & a Potion of Fire Resistance, not knowing what kind of trap it was. I tripped it & took a practically harmless Fireball. Looking around it became obvious that I was looking @ the Great Hall that had once been the center of life in Durlag’s Keep. I immediately directed Safana to do nothing but look for traps, then I had us stay left & work our way thru the level. In all, I led the destruction of four Gnolls, eight Ghasts, two Skeleton Warriors, two Battle Horrors, three Greater Doppelgangers, four Flesh Golems, twelve Phase Spiders, two Wraith Spiders, two Mustard Jellies, about 17 Skeletons & 28 Zombies as I tore thru the place. My subordinates made mistakes & cost me four of the five Raise Dead scrolls that Viconia was packing. There were numerous traps & Safana, even as a NAME LEVEL thief capable of heading her own Thieves Guild, was not up to finding all of them & there were a few she did find that she couldn’t disarm, as well as some locks she couldn’t pick. Off of the Great Hall were a library, a lush bedroom, a smaller bedroom, servant’s quarters, a reading room, a store room & a forge room among others.
I was finding some weird items amongst the treasure & leaving them until I found a gong & remembered I’d seen a gong mallet & mallet head. When I found the forge room I knew I could put the mallet back together. Then I remembered some grapes we found, a winepress, a strange stone & some switch. Then I remembered how when I found the reading room after having Quayle read thru tomes about Durlag suddenly there was a voice from the next room saying something about my having, ‘raised my deeds.’ I suddenly felt the need to put these pieces together. There were some little runty Dwarven warders that spoke in riddles when I had them approached. It started to make sense so I fixed the gong & had Kagain ring it. Nothing happened except a small hum but I went out & had Safana approach the warders again & three of them said I’d solved the riddle & they disappeared. I looked @ the map I had Kagain scratching out & realized there was an incomplete part between a treasure room I found & the wine press & just east of the servants quarters. Sure enough there was a room w/a strange engine & the switch I’d found turned it on just enough so I knew it was so. I went back & got the grapes & took them to the wine press because I remembered the last warder had mentioned a crimson drink or something. When I went back to the winepress it was finicky but suddenly it pressed the grapes & I had Safana catch the juice in a bottle that we capped took to the last warder. He seemed satisfied & threatened to kill us but nothing happened. I tried beating the snot out of him but he just stood there, so dawg tired & out of spells, I went to Beregost to sell all the gems etc & ID a set of Bracers that turned out to be cursed but still brought 150 gold. On the way to Beregost I had my subordinates smash six Gibberling’s that attacked…stupid, mindless creatures. While on the way to Beregost & back, Safana realized the wine was still in her belt pouch, the warder hadn’t taken it, so Quayle checked it out, made a positive ID & I immediately headed us back to go battle the warders. Knowing that they’re going to attack is a great advantage.
Key Event: I found the last warder, offered him the wine & the fight was on, made more difficult when an Ogre Quayle created from a Scroll of Monster Summoning III & a Skeleton created by either Viconia or Branwen, I think the latter, turned hostile when they got caught up in Grease also created by one of Quayle’s scrolls. W/Spiders Bane I was able to traverse the Grease & offer the wine to the final warder. Then I made my way back toward the main body of my subordinates, unhappy to see that they were still struggling w/the Ogre & the Skeleton. To make matters worse, Branwen had gotten her feet in the Grease. Before I got back, one of the warders was already there fighting w/Kagain & Kagain was taking hits but giving back too. I hollered for my subordinates to go up the stairs but when we got there I realized Branwen was still stuck in the Grease trying frantically to get to the stairs. Two of the warders were waiting in the archway leading to the stairs &, try as she might, she couldn’t get her footing & eventually died there. I had the rest of us focus on one warder that was in our midst & we killed him – but I forgot about him. Once Branwen fell & we killed the warder nearest us, I led the remainder of my subordinates up the stairs to the first lower level. The two warders that killed Branwen came up quickly, one was near death, the other injured. Safana tried to free herself but was trapped & one of them took her life. I, too, was stuck in the doorway & the two warders had gotten in front of me in the confusion. Kagain got free, badly injured & switched to his Throwing Axe +2. Viconia & Quayle started using their Slings, Viconia w/+2 Stones & Quayle w/+1 Stones & they were affective breaking down the two warders. I finally killed one of the two but I too was taking hits & had to quaff a PoH or EoH, can’t remember which I used. Then all four of us turned our attention to the third warder & he, like the other two eventually evaporated into a burst of red steam that seemed to vanish upward into the air, exactly like a Doom Guard. I had Kagain quaff a PoH & I guess I did too, but I wasted no time going back down to the Great Hall to find the fourth warder & destroy him. He immediately saw us as we came into the archway & he chased me up the stairs where he fought a moment or two, hit me once, but then became eviscerated like the others. They were all dead but as I searched & searched I couldn’t find the key to the 2nd labyrinth level. After going back over our steps I had us go thru all the tunnels thinking maybe I’d only killed three. In so doing, I killed two more Ghasts, seven Zombies & two more Phase Spiders. In the battle w/the Phase Spiders, Quayle got cornered & fell to poison. As the last Phase Spider fell, my Queen Malcanthet granted me a new surge of power & I knew then that I was even more imposing than ever before. I had Viconia use her last of five Raise dead Scrolls she’d come to DsT with in hand. There was just too much to carry & for whatever reason, I chose Quayle @ that moment over Safana or Branwen. I guided us out of the tunnels past two more Flesh Golems & then back out into the Great Hall, where we searched everywhere before finding the Rune Stone needed to descent to the 2nd labyrinth level. Then it was out of there to raise Safana & Branwen. We crossed six stupid Xvarts on the way & swatted them like flies. I raised my subordinates, reorganized a bit, especially my Cleric & Mage Scrolls to make the more important ones easy to locate. Then it was back to the Durlag’s Castle & Keep to descend.
Treasure of Note (Gold 1,009) Bunches of High Quality Gems & Jewelry, most valuable Pearl Necklace
Current Disposition: Resting @ the Nashkel Carnival
Next Steps: 2nd labyrinth level of Durlag’s Castle & Keep
Level Up: Malcanthet saw fit to raise me to Villain (Anti-Paladin/8) but I sense she can do little else to empower me – I thing she was trying to add assassin skills to my repertoire but they just wouldn’t come through. Quayle’s Illusionist Guild send a Prestidigitator runner out to inform him that he was selected to be a Spellbinder (Illusionist/9) & he was given a scroll of Shadow Door. Kagain also received word on a promotion to Berserker/8.
Current Party: (Reputation: 8 – Disliked)
Ironside: Ftr/Fallen A-Pal//8, FP Mail +1 w/RoP +1) wBoots/Avoidance, Girdle/Bluntness, Gauntlet’s/WEx; Spiders Bane**, B/Sword+1/+3 vs SSs**, (THWS**); Lord Foreshadows Ring) (Greater Basilisk) Kagain: Ftr/Bkr//8 w/Pl Mail & RoP +1 & Girdle of Piercing; W/Hammer +2 & Battle Axe +1 *** (or Throwing Axe +2***)(2WS***)(Imanel Silversword)(AI: Sp/Cstr Atk) Branwen: Piest of Tempus/8 w/Plate Mail, Lg Shield & Morning Star +1 (Riggilo)(AI: Clc Aggr) Viconia: Cleric//8, S/Mail RoP +1 w/S/Shield +1*, Mace*, Slg*; R/Animal Friendship, R/Holiness (Phase Spider)(AI: Clc Aggr) Safana: Thf//9 w/Elven Chainmail & Algernon’s Clk w/Shd Am & RoEnergy; Dart +1x34, Wdgx11, Stgx3, etc.) *, S/Swd +1x2*, Dgr* (2WS) (Davaeorn) (AI: Thf Adv/Thf Sct) Quayle: Mage/Ill//9, Robe of the N A-Magi w/Clk/P +1; Dgr +2*, Slg*(Whebber Ott) (AI: Mage Def)
Key Event: I’m pretty ticked but here’s the deal. Been fighting thru levels two & thru the maze garden & into the hall that leads to the elemental chambers. I know of the trap that’s around the corner, but Safana didn’t detect it & I couldn’t allow myself foreknowledge. I saw a Ghast, which is among Ironside’s two most hated foes, next to Gnoll’s. I attacked knowing I was gonna take a hit from a fireball (forgot that there were more than one). Anyway, the party was getting blasted & I think it was a Ghast that landed the killing blow. DARN IT!!! So close to that +3 Two-Handed Sword.
I thought I might make it! I really hate to leave this party behind.
Treasure of Note (Gold 1,009) Kiel’s Helmet (Me);
Current Disposition:
Next Steps:
Level Up:
Current Party: (Reputation: 8 – Disliked)
Ironside: Ftr/Fallen A-Pal//8, FP Mail +1 w/RoP +1) wBoots/Avoidance, Girdle/Bluntness, Gauntlet’s/WEx; Spiders Bane**, B/Sword+1/+3 vs SSs**, (THWS**); Lord Foreshadows Ring) (Greater Basilisk) Kagain: Ftr/Bkr//8 w/Pl Mail & RoP +1 & Girdle of Piercing; W/Hammer +2 & Battle Axe +1 *** (or Throwing Axe +2***)(2WS***)(Imanel Silversword)(AI: Sp/Cstr Atk) Branwen: Piest of Tempus/8 w/Plate Mail, Lg Shield & Morning Star +1 (Kiel the Legion Killer)(AI: Clc Aggr) Viconia: Cleric//8, S/Mail RoP +1 w/S/Shield +1*, Mace*, Slg*; R/Animal Friendship, R/Holiness (Phase Spider)(AI: Clc Aggr) Safana: Thf//9 w/Lthr Arm +1 wDart*, , S/Swd +1x2*, Dgr* (2WS) (Davaeorn) (AI: Thf Adv/Thf Sct) Quayle: Mage/Ill//9, Robe of the N A-Magi w/Clk/P +1; Dgr +2*, Slg*(Whebber Ott) (AI: Mage Def)
It's a lot late, but if the fisherman runs into the house, you can kill him there. Easiest with a hidden thief/ranger as he won't run away. Otherwise it is easiest with one person inside and one outside.
Alright, I've started a party! Proficiencies are shown in the pictures, also, this might be a pretty long post. Oh, and some of the biographies aren't very good.
Biography: Alexa Moonsong is a Bardess from the Forest of Tethyr. She travels around to tell stories, and to sing songs to anyone who wants to hear them.
One day in the city of Neverwinter, Alexa was recounting a story, and one of the listeners was a man named Michael St. Claire. Michael recruited Alexa to join him on an adventure to go to Easthaven, and giving her a new tale to tell. Alexa was interested, so she accepted and joined Michael on his journey.
Spells Memorized: Light Cure Wounds, Bless, and Remove Fear.
Biography: Michael St. Claire is a Holy Justice of Tyr from the city of Neverwinter. He grew up learning about Tyr, and what he stood for. Michael wanted to become part of the order Knights of Holy Judgment.
Michael was sent to Icewind Dale to do his duty to Tyr, and along the way he found some friends, as well as future enemies.
Biography: Alexander Knight is a young man from one of the ten-towns. He was learning how to become a Knight, but ultimately he had too much rage within him, and he was starting to learn some things from a nearby druid.
One day, a messenger from Kuldahar arrived, and Alexander was sent to Easthaven to find out what was causing Kuldahar issues. Upon arriving in Easthaven, Alexander met Michael St. Claire and joined up with his party.
Biography: Kai Yuki is a man from Kara-Tur. Kai traveled to Neverwinter, where he sold his skills to whoever could pay the most.
Michael St. Claire, obviously, paid for Kai’s services, so Kai followed his new employer to Easthaven all for money and treasures that would get him more money.
Thief Skills: Open Locks-60%, Find Traps-20%, Pick Pockets-35%, Move Silently-45%, Hide in Shadows-50%, Detect Illusion-10%
Biography: Kelli is from the small Halfling village Gullykin. She had ventured to Neverwinter and met Michael St. Claire. Michael had paid for Kelli’s services, as well was promised adventure to the young Halfling.
Kelli, however, just wanted whatever loot she could get her hands on. To which, Michael promised that too, and in turn Kelli accepted.
Spells Memorized: Nahal's Reckless Dweomer, and Sleep.
Biography: Nadia is from the elven fortress of Evereska. She had been struck by wanderlust and power when she had left. Her adventures lead her to Easthaven where she met Michael, and his group. So, she joined them for the promise of finding more power, as well as finding elven artifacts.
Heh, reminds me of when I would yell "ONLY REAL MEN WATCH SAILOR MOON!"
Remember, my PC is a warrior for the cult of Malcanthet, Demon Queen of the Succubi & everything hedonistic. She wouldn't give her champion an ugly woman, Succubus & Lilitu are anything but...but they are Chaotic & Evil & so is Shar-Teel.
Upon arrival @ Firewine Bridge I realized immediately that my Queen had me travel there first b/c there was a Cleric of Ilmatar proselytizing & inviting others to follow that ‘boring & pointless God.’ I had him murdered after listening to his pitch until I felt like gagging. Having completed what I sensed Malcanthet desired I accomplish there, I decided I needed to make a sacrifice of his just as I feel compelled to do w/Gnolls, Flinds, Ghouls & Ghasts since they serve Demon Lords she despises. In this case, w/o a word, I knew telepathically that she wanted me to go to the bridge ruins & when I saw him, I saw him one to be sacrificed. A minor gods’ priest. I piled up some rocks, cut him into quarters & piled sage brush enough to cause a huge fire & offer him, quartered, up to my Queen.
I set about reconnoitering the rest of the bridge ruins. While doing so I had my minions kill 12 zombies, four Skeleton’s w/Composite Longbows & nine Kobolds w/Short bows.
While crossing the bridge I met a Bard who offered to sing for me. I recall when I saw Malcanthet in my dream she appeared as if she was in her plane of the abyss (number 570), Shendilavri, & I distinctly remember ‘haunting @ erotic melodies’ of Bards in the background as she revealed her beautiful, perfect chaos & evil. Hence, now I’m drawn to any Bard I see, aching to hear something, anything like those I heard in my dream…but alas, the sounds, I hear in Faerun do not compare in the least, so I fear it will only be when she brings me finally to Shedilavri that I will hear them again. Oh my Queen, when can I be in your presence for eternity?
Not unlike Ulcaster, the bridge spanned a dry river bed that is now parched w/the sun, scrub grass being the only vegetation. I ventured into the dry river bed & directed our killing six War Dogs & six Skeleton’s w/Maces & Small Shields. We met a crazy woman, a mage maybe, & Shar-Teel told her so, so the lady left. I actually tried to kill her just in case she was a mage w/something useful but she was out of reach quickly.
Key Event: Some loudmouth came up to us braggin’ about being the fastest sword in Faerun or something stupid. This one was tailor-made for Shar-Teel so I just pulled everyone back & she wailed on him like a sparring dummy. My woman can kick some serious butt!
Treasure of Note (Gold 19,061) Wand of Lightning (Quayle)
Current Disposition: I went to High Hedge Manor to identify Quayle’s new wand, had a battle w/s & some Skeleton’s w/Darts, sold their loot & skulls to Thalantyr.
Next Steps: Firewine Ruins
Level Up: None
Current Party: (Reputation: 6- Disliked)(-4 for killing Priest of Ilmater)
Ironside: Ftr/Fallen A-Pal//7, FP Mail +1 w/RoP +1) wBoots/Avoidance, Girdle/Bluntness, Gauntlet’s/WEx; Spiders
Bane**, B/Sword+1/+3 vs SSs**, (THWS**); Lord Foreshadows Ring) (Greater Bassilisk)
Shar-Teel: Ftr//7 w/FP Mail w/Clk/P +2 w/Boots of Grounding /2 L/Swords*** w Gauntlet’s/WS & RoFAction, (2HWS***)(Shoal the Nereid)(AI: Std Atk)
Kagain: Ftr/Bkr//7 w/Pl Mail & RoP +1 & Girdle of Piercing; Battle Axe +1 *** (or Throwing Axe***)(2WS***)(Sword
Spider)(AI: Sp/Cstr Atk)
Viconia: Cleric//7, S/Mail RoP +1 w/S/Shield*, Mace*, Slg*; R/Animal Friendship, R/Holiness (Phahad a few se Spider)(AI: Clc
Safana: Thf//8 w/S/Leather, Dart +1x34, Wdgx11, Stgx3, etc.) *, S/Swd +1x2*, Dgr* (2WS) (Davaeorn) (AI: Thf
Adv/Thf Sct)
Quayle: Mage/Ill//8, Dgr +2*, Slg*(Whebber Ott) (AI: Mage Def)
Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; X0black101 (Blackguard); level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)
Blue Font: New information;
Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
(Best kill)(Current AI)
The longer I spend in the Severed Hand, the more I wish that I was home with my brother. However, I knew that I could not bring him along on this journey, and it wasn’t because I doubted his strength. No, but I did doubt his mental capacity, and I don’t think he would be able to stand being away from Milana for a very long period of time.
So, we traveled up Labelas Tower. Only to find it in ruins, with the insane Larrel speaking about how he blew it up. It was a shame that he did blow it up. Now, we must go up one of the other towers to try to get to Larrel.
We went up Solonor Tower next, and found what seemed to be the High Priestess of the Hand of the Seldarine, Denaini. She explained why the Hand was like this. Why some of the ghosts had gone insane. Larrel had summoned a Mythal, and it succeeded and failed at the same time. I also decided that we needed to clear Solonor Tower and save the other priests from their insanity, which was the Mythal’s doing.
Within the Solonor Tower, we had found two potions. There was a potion that enhanced strength, but reduced dexterity permanently and a potion that enhanced wisdom, but reduced constitution. So, I gave the strength potion to Holvir, and the wisdom potion to Nella. We also found a part for an astrolabe. Perhaps it may be useful somewhere else in the Hand.
Solonor Tower was purified, and Korin had told Teri about Hanali, and some of his feelings about the subject. There were only a couple more towers to go, and hopefully we could bring Larrel back to the right state of mind.
Current Party:
Phoenix – Enchanter - 10
Holvir – Paladin - 9
Nella – Fighter < Cleric – 2 < 9
Teri – Fighter/Thief – 8/9
Korin – Ranger - 9
Severn – Bard - 11
Reloads: 0
Current Deaths:
Phoenix – 0
Holvir – 2
Nella – 1
Teri – 4
Korin – 0
Severn - 3
Note: When it came to those potions, there was no better options than Holvir, who only had 11 dex, and like 18/97 Str, another option was giving the potion to Teri, but I figure she needed her 18 dex. Also, the +1 wis and -2 con potion went to Nella, because she's the cleric, and the 19 wis benefits trump the -2 con stuffs. Oh, also got some items that raised Phoenix's stats, albeit not permanently.
And so the Firewine Ruins were easily overcome but going was slow, the only real enemies being individual Kobold’s & Kobold Commando’s from a war band whose leader was yet TBD. We also killed a Ghost Knight of some kind, & thinking we might be rewarded w/something of value returned its ruined armor to a group of six harmless Ghost Knights we’d passed in the tunnels earlier. They gave me nothing for my efforts & could I have, I’d have killed them for certain.
Key Event: Safana returned from one of her excursion’s to tell Shar-Teel & Kagain that she’d seen a mage-type, an Ogrillon & a Kobold Commando @ a ‘T’ in the tunnels ahead. Mages in a dungeon are always bad news b/c for all their Intelligence, they seem just fine w/casting a Lightning Bolt & taking everyone they can out, including themselves, w/impunity. I used a Scroll of Magic Protection & I thought about giving one to Shar-Teel but she doesn’t mean that much to me so she used a Potion of Heroism, while Kagain became Enraged. Quayle cast Horror down to land at the intersection of the ‘T’ and Viconia cast Silence 15’ Radius right on top of it. Then Shar-Teel & Kagain charged into melee while I sat back & let them do what I have them here to do – kill my foes. Quayle moved up to use Blindness where he could & I lost track of Viconia. I waited till the battle was decided before endangering myself, even though I heard Shar-Teel holler, “Ogre Mage!” I was still surrounded by Protection from Magic. By the time I got down there, I attacked the Ogre Mage w/confidence. Safana was in an alcove & moved around to back-stab him as I attacked from in front. I did kill him & we ended up mopping up a stray Kobold & another Ogrillon before it became apparent that there was no more to the Firewine Ruins. I descended some stairs that ended up leading to a Hobbit home. It became apparent he was in cahoots w/the Ogre Mage. I killed him & we cleaned him out before emerging in Gullykin as the ‘heroes’ we are. Ha-ha!
Quayle lost what we knew to be a Wand of Frost while we were sorting through treasure, figuring out what to bring w/& what to leave behind. He’s been reprimanded thoroughly & I doubt he makes that mistake again. Malcanthet, let me be rid of him & find the Tome of Clear Thought so I can enact the change I feel you desire.
Treasure of Note (Gold 20,447) Wand of Monster Summoning (Quayle); Wand of Frost (Lost); Gondolar’s Lucky Ring (Shar-Teel);
Current Disposition: Back @ my camp in the Wood of the Sharp Teeth
Next Steps: I’ll return to Gullykin after organizing a bit, selling bounty & resting
Level Up: None
Current Party: (Reputation: 6- Disliked)
Ironside: Ftr/Fallen A-Pal//7, FP Mail +1 w/RoP +1) wBoots/Avoidance, Girdle/Bluntness, Gauntlet’s/WEx; Spiders
Bane**, B/Sword+1/+3 vs SSs**, (THWS**); Lord Foreshadows Ring) (Greater Basilisk)
Shar-Teel: Ftr//7 w/FP Mail w/Clk/P +2 w/Boots of Grounding /L/Swords +1*** & L/S/Sword*** w Gauntlet’s/WS,
RoFAction & GRoL, (2HWS***)(Shoal the Nereid)(AI: Std Atk)
Kagain: Ftr/Bkr//7 w/Pl Mail & RoP +1 & Girdle of Piercing; W/Hammer +2 & Battle Axe +1 *** (or Throwing Axe
+2***)(2WS***)(Sword Spider)(AI: Sp/Cstr Atk)
Viconia: Cleric//7, S/Mail RoP +1 w/S/Shield +1*, Mace*, Slg*; R/Animal Friendship, R/Holiness (Phase Spider)(AI:
Clc Aggr)
Safana: Thf//8 w/S/Leather +1 & Algernon’s Clk, Dart +1x34, Wdgx11, Stgx3, etc.) *, S/Swd +1x2*, Dgr* (2WS)
(Davaeorn) (AI: Thf Adv/Thf Sct)
Quayle: Mage/Ill//8, Dgr +2*, Slg*(Whebber Ott) (AI: Mage Def)
Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; X0black101 (Blackguard); level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)
Blue Font: New information;
Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
(Best kill)(Current AI)
I got out of the village proper & had opportunity to kill & sacrifice three Ghast’s to my Queen. My minions are used to this by now & dare not challenge me in the least. I’ve not come across a Cult of Malcanthet so I honor her anytime she brings me the honor of killing the subjects of her enemies be they Gnolls, Flinds, Ghouls or Ghasts.
Key Event: I continued a short ways after finishing my sacrifice to Malcanthet, when I was hailed by a knight of some kind who was leading a group of four assassin’s looking for you know who? He showed up just in time b/c I was getting lonely since it’s been a while since that group of amazon chick’s attacked me. This was a brilliant battle if I do say so myself. Safana was Hidden in Shadow & moved out way right & then circled back behind Molkar. Quayle used the one & only charge he had in his Wand of Monster Summoning & hit the jackpot w/two huge Ogres. Viconia knocked the first guy we’d seen out cold w/a Command spell & I hollered @ Kagain to finish him while he was down. Shar-Teel headed in to kick butt wherever she could find it while I tried a Horror spell to no effect Then seeing Safana in place for a back stab & the Ogre’s keeping the three living assassin’s occupied facing north, I moved in behind them to attack from behind too. Just then I saw him, Quayle had lined up perpendicular to the three assassins who were standing side by side. He had his Wand of Lightning & was aiming to rake a bolt through all three of them. I hollered for everyone to step back three steps, just as Quayle fired off the wand, killing one of the assassin’s. We all waited b/c there was no way to know if it would come back but then…it was back dead on the same line. We all backed off an additional step & the bolt killed another assassin as it passed through again. Then I ordered everyone in on the one that was still alive…Molkar. After all was said & done, I figure there was another knight, a priest & a mage in addition to Molkar. Praise be to the Demon Queen of the Succubi.
The remainder of the area around Gullykin yielded two Dread Wolves, two Wolves, six Kobold’s & six Xvart’s. I headed for the priest, who happens to manage the winery too, & bought four Elixir’s of Health, one Potion of Healing, four Antidotes & a Scroll of Stone to Flesh. Then I headed back to Beregost to sell the pitiful bounty those assassins were carrying.
Treasure of Note (Gold 15,507) just Splint Mail, 2 sets, Chain Mail, 1 set & a few weapons and gold coins. Pathetic. Somewhere we found a Garnet Gem, I guess on one of the Ghasts.
Current Disposition: In Beregost, currently in the Red Sheaf.
Next Steps: I’m going to the place called Mutamin’s Garden
Level Up: Sadly, none.
Current Party: (Reputation: 6- Disliked)
Ironside: Ftr/Fallen A-Pal//7, FP Mail +1 w/RoP +1) wBoots/Avoidance, Girdle/Bluntness, Gauntlet’s/WEx; Spiders
Bane**, B/Sword+1/+3 vs SSs**, (THWS**); Lord Foreshadows Ring) (Greater Basilisk)
Shar-Teel: Ftr//7 w/FP Mail w/Clk/P +2 w/Boots of Grounding /L/Swords +1*** & L/S/Sword*** w Gauntlet’s/WS,
RoFAction & GRoL, (2HWS***)(Shoal the Nereid)(AI: Std Atk)
Kagain: Ftr/Bkr//7 w/Pl Mail & RoP +1 & Girdle of Piercing; W/Hammer +2 & Battle Axe +1 *** (or Throwing Axe
+2***)(2WS***)(Sword Spider)(AI: Sp/Cstr Atk)
Viconia: Cleric//7, S/Mail RoP +1 w/S/Shield +1*, Mace*, Slg*; R/Animal Friendship, R/Holiness (Phase Spider)(AI:
Clc Aggr)
Safana: Thf//8 w/S/Leather +1 & Algernon’s Clk, Dart +1x34, Wdgx11, Stgx3, etc.) *, S/Swd +1x2*, Dgr* (2WS)
(Davaeorn) (AI: Thf Adv/Thf Sct)
Quayle: Mage/Ill//8, Dgr +2*, Slg*(Whebber Ott) (AI: Mage Def)
Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; X0black101 (Blackguard); level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)
Blue Font: New information;
Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
(Best kill)(Current AI)
Also... BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE! KHORNE FLAKES FOR KHORNE! I would do the Slaanesh version, but we all know Slaanesh isn't really for PG-13 conversations/forums.
Key Event: When I got there I just decided to go straight ahead where I ran into six Tasloi before coming upon four Gnolls. I saw red & started attacking the Gnoll’s w/fervor leaving my minion’s behind. Just as I was movin’ in for the kill w/the others in tow, suddenly a female voice issued a challenge but I was intent on finishing those darned Gnolls before I focused on my four aggressors who appeared to be warriors/knights &/or warrior/clerics. There were spells being casts so we know there were some casters but not sure if it was divine or mages magic. In my mind I was wary of the other attackers but could see anything but Gnolls & so I stayed until I mopped them up one side & down the other. Meanwhile, my minions began working on the other aggressors. Viconia cast Silence 15’ Radius while Quayle cast Blindness @ the leader & Safana moved out & behind Hidden in Shadow. Shar-teel & Kagain helped me finish up the Gnolls before starting to work on the other attackers who were obviously more talented than Gnolls. I’m bnot even sure what happened but the ‘back benchers’ took out one of ‘em before we even finished the Gnolls which was about the time I saw one of them heading for out lines in his Splint Mail. Jagain focused on that guy while Shar-Teel & I headed out to take out the spell casters. Viconia dropped the leader, who’d cast Mirror Image on herself, w/a Command Spell. Just then, Safana & Shar-Teel got to the second spellcaster. Kagain finished up his guy & headed up where the real fun was. We killed the spellcaster that was still standing & then focused on the leader & made her Sleep a lot more permanent.
In the running for ‘key event’ during this foray was a battle against a putrid little Gnome mage, I guess an Illusionist like Quayle, only better. He was more difficult than he might have been b/c he was accompanied by a Greater & a Lesser Basilisk. Shar-Teel & I quaffed Potions of Mirrored Eyes while I left Kagain & crew to deal w/the Gnome. Shar-Teel & I did our work & had to return to help Kagain who was taking a beating, including getting popped w/a Melf’s Acid Arrow & Magic Missile combo. Iintitally Quayle helped by casting Blindness on the Basilisks but for the second time today was unable to get to a place where he was able to use the Wand of Lightning. Then Quayle moved back to see if he could help kagain. Viconia had used her Silence 15’ Radius already in the earlier battle w/the four adventurers so she cast Miscast Magic hoping to throw the Gnome off but it didn’t seem to work. Regardless, got back & Shar-Teel & I pummeled him into the dirt.
While in the Garden, I also confronted & killed at least 4-5 additional Lesser Basilisk & 3-4 of the Greater types but, what really thrilled me was a chance to kill some wandering Ghoul & four Gnolls @ the same time!! Throw in the four Flinds I killed & sacrificed to Malcanthet later & there were bondfires of Ghouls, Gnolls & Flinds burning all over before I left there. I’m feeling good about my reputation on Layer 570.
Treasure of Note (Gold 23,512) Tome of Understanding (Viconia); Bracers of Defense AC8 (sold);
Current Disposition: Resting, recuperating @ my camp in the Wood of Sharp Teeth
Next Steps: To the place called Spider Wood before I begin moving north of the FAI
Level Up: None
Current Party: (Reputation: 6- Disliked)
Ironside: Ftr/Fallen A-Pal//7, FP Mail +1 w/RoP +1) wBoots/Avoidance, Girdle/Bluntness, Gauntlet’s/WEx;
Spiders Bane**, B/Sword+1/+3 vs SSs**, (THWS**); Lord Foreshadows Ring) (Greater Basilisk)
Shar-Teel: Ftr//7 w/FP Mail w/Clk/P +2 w/Boots of Grounding /L/Swords +1*** & L/S/Sword*** w
Gauntlet’s/WS, RoFAction & GRoL, (2HWS***)(Greater Basilisk)(AI: Std Atk)
Kagain: Ftr/Bkr//7 w/Pl Mail & RoP +1 & Girdle of Piercing; W/Hammer +2 & Battle Axe +1 *** (or
Throwing Axe +2***)(2WS***)(Sword Spider)(AI: Sp/Cstr Atk)
Viconia: Cleric//7, S/Mail RoP +1 w/S/Shield +1*, Mace*, Slg*; R/Animal Friendship, R/Holiness (Phase
Spider)(AI: Clc Aggr)
Safana: Thf//8 w/S/Leather +1 & Algernon’s Clk, Dart +1x34, Wdgx11, Stgx3, etc.) *, S/Swd +1x2*, Dgr*
(2WS) (Davaeorn) (AI: Thf Adv/Thf Sct)
Quayle: Mage/Ill//8, Dgr +2*, Slg*(Whebber Ott) (AI: Mage Def)
Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; X0black101 (Blackguard); level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)
Blue Font: New information;
Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
(Best kill)(Current AI)
We entered Shevarash Tower, and met Kaylessa. I learned more about Larrel just by speaking to her, and it seems that the key to bringing Larrel back to sanity is through his Astrolabe. We will have look thoroughly through the Hand to find these pieces. However, Kaylessa has tasked us with killing the spirits within this tower in order to get a piece of the Astrolabe.
We cleared the tower, and gave Kaylessa her last wish. It was to die in battle. I tire of having to kill these spirits! They did nothing to deserve this! I hope that we won’t have to kill anymore elven spirits, but that would be hoping for too much.
Current Party:
Phoenix – Enchanter - 10
Holvir – Paladin - 9
Nella – Fighter < Cleric – 2 < 9
Teri – Fighter/Thief – 8/10
Korin – Ranger - 9
Severn – Bard - 11
Reloads: 0
Current Deaths:
Phoenix – 0
Holvir – 2
Nella – 1
Teri – 4
Korin – 0
Severn - 3
Note: Phoenix is sick of killing undead things! Also, if anyone decides to make a ranger or a Ranger/Cleric make sure you pick some sort of undead for your racial enemy because IWD is full of them. :P
// Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods
// The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
// ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version]
~DDRAWFIX/DDRAWFIX.TP2~ #0 #2 // DDrawFix -> Use WineD3D's DDraw Library: v1.0
~1PP_IWD_FIXES/1PP_IWD_FIXES.TP2~ #0 #0 // 1ppv: Fix character attack animation sounds in TotLM
~1PP_IWD_FIXES/1PP_IWD_FIXES.TP2~ #0 #1 // 1ppv: Fix combat animation bug (enable combat stance animations)
~IWDFIXPACK/SETUP-IWDFIXPACK.TP2~ #0 #0 // Assorted Fixes: v6
~IWDFIXPACK/SETUP-IWDFIXPACK.TP2~ #0 #100 // Game Text Update: v6
~1PP_HQ_MUSIC_IWD/1PP_HQ_MUSIC_IWD.TP2~ #0 #0 // 1pp: High quality music for IWD HoW/TotLM
~IU_IWD/SETUP-IU_IWD.TP2~ #0 #0 // Item Upgrade for Icewind Dale: v5
~UB_IWD/SETUP-UB_IWD.TP2~ #0 #0 // The Voice of Durdel Anatha: v7
~UB_IWD/SETUP-UB_IWD.TP2~ #0 #100 // Malavon's Golems: v7
~UB_IWD/SETUP-UB_IWD.TP2~ #0 #200 // Expanded Guello/Beorn Quest: v7
~UB_IWD/SETUP-UB_IWD.TP2~ #0 #300 // Marketh's Ring: v7
~UB_IWD/SETUP-UB_IWD.TP2~ #0 #400 // Presio's Duel: v7
~UB_IWD/SETUP-UB_IWD.TP2~ #0 #500 // Orrick's Rhino Beetle Shield: v7
~UB_IWD/SETUP-UB_IWD.TP2~ #0 #600 // The High Baptist's Flock: v7
~UB_IWD/SETUP-UB_IWD.TP2~ #0 #1500 // Minor Item Restorations: v7
~IWDNPC/SETUP-IWDNPC.TP2~ #0 #0 // Icewind Dale NPCs: v4
~1PP/1PP.TP2~ #0 #101 // 1ppv4: Core paperdolls
~1PP/1PP.TP2~ #0 #103 // 1ppv4: Extended palette entries -> Full install (recommended)
~1PP/1PP.TP2~ #0 #105 // 1ppv4: Avatar fixes
~1PP/1PP.TP2~ #0 #109 // 1ppv4: Female Dwarves -> Separate Avatars for Female Dwarves - Icewind Dale I HoW
~1PP/1PP.TP2~ #0 #110 // 1ppv4: Thieves Galore -> IWD HoW/TotL - Unique Thief Avatars
~1PP/1PP.TP2~ #0 #113 // 1ppv4: Smart Avatar & Armour Switching
~1PP/1PP.TP2~ #0 #114 // 1ppv4: Softer Spell Effects
~1PP/1PP.TP2~ #0 #200 // 1ppv4: Core content patches
~1PP/1PP.TP2~ #0 #203 // 1ppv4: Restored flame sword animations
~1PP/1PP.TP2~ #0 #204 // 1ppv4: Colourable Quarterstaves
~1PP/1PP.TP2~ #0 #205 // 1ppv4: Legacy Shields
~1PP/1PP.TP2~ #0 #206 // 1ppv4: Additional Shield Animations (core)
~1PP/1PP.TP2~ #0 #207 // 1ppv4: Wizards' Staves (core)
~1PP/1PP.TP2~ #0 #209 // 1ppv4: Attachable wings (core)
~1PP/1PP.TP2~ #0 #210 // 1ppv4: Increased paperdoll object variety (core)
~1PP/1PP.TP2~ #0 #400 // 1ppv4: Core updates and item patches
~1PP/1PP.TP2~ #0 #401 // 1ppv4: Improved projectile effects
~1PP/1PP.TP2~ #0 #301 // 1ppv4: Miscellaneous content fixes
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #40 // Restore IWD Loading Screens: v15
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #60 // Icon Improvements: v15
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #70 // Force All Dialogue to Pause Game: v15
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1010 // Add Bags of Holding: v15
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2010 // Two-Handed Bastard Swords: v15
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2020 // Universal Clubs: v15
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2030 // Remove Experience Cap: v15
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2061 // Wear Multiple Protection Items -> No Restrictions: v15
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2080 // Multi-Class Grand Mastery (Weimer): v15
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2090 // BG2 Grand Mastery: v15
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2100 // Change Magically Created Weapons to Zero Weight: v15
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2110 // Un-Nerfed THAC0 Table: v15
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2120 // Alter Mage Spell Progression Table -> Un-Nerfed Table (Blucher): v15
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2130 // Alter Bard Spell Progression Table -> Un-Nerfed Table (Blucher): v15
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2140 // Alter Priest Spell Progression Table -> Un-Nerfed Table (Blucher): v15
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2150 // Druids Use Cleric Level and Spell Progression: v15
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2160 // Druids Use 3e Alignment Restrictions (NG, LN, TN, CN, NE): v15
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2170 // Loosen Item Restrictions for Multi- and Dualclass Clerics and Druids: v15
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3031 // Easy Spell Learning -> 100% Learn Spells and No Maximum Cap: v15
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3040 // Make Bags of Holding Bottomless: v15
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3110 // Rest Anywhere (Japheth): v15
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3142 // Friendly Random Drops -> Exchange With Merchants: v15
Oh, and I play with regular IWD, not IWD-in-BG2.
Upon arriving, I decided to recon the wood in a clockwise motion moving from outside to inside, ensuring that I bypass nothing. After destroying three Giant Spiders I was looking for a place to camp b/c all three of my females were dragging, as was Quayle. As I led us northeast to southeast along the eastern edge of Spider Wood, Safana stumbled on a couple of Giant Spiders but by the time we got finished the battle had been joined by a Sword Spider, a Wraith Spider, a Phase Spider & another Giant Spiders. I thoroughly enjoyed this fight & headed for the Wraith Spider straightway. He was eventually supported by the Phase Spider & two of the four Giant Spiders. I beat the four of them down into the turf. Just a few steps away, Kagain & Shar-Teel were duking it out w/the other two Giant Spiders & the Sword Spider. Kagain took a few bites & had to back out & switch to his Throwing Axe +2 while Shar-Teel stayed in the middle of the fight. They ended up killing their spiders about the same time I finished my four. Afterword, I wondered what my Queen’s relationship w/Lolth, the Demon Queen of Spiders might be – before & after.
Continuing south still looking for a place to rest, I encountered & killed three more Huge Spiders before finally making camp in the southeast corner of Spider Wood.
Rested, I continued west along the south end of Spider Wood before travelling north where I killed six Tasloi & then headed back to the east again where we battled two more Giant Spiders. Continuing to circle inward toward the center of the Spider Wood I came across, & killed, three Ettercaps (which reminds me that I killed four other Ettercaps earlier).
Key Event: I killed six more Tasloi & three more Giant Spiders as I continued until Safana stopped in her tracks because she’d seen three Huge Spider’s to her left…but I was more concerned about three Mage’s to my right in what appeared to be an old temple. As they were wearing Red Robes I quickly used my Protection from Magic Scroll. I headed for battle w/them & Quayle cast a Scroll of Fireball and Safana threw a Oil of Fiery Burning right in the middle of them. Right there three of the Red Robes were dead but a fourth had emerged. Luckily, he was throwing a Dart or something – not casting a spell so Kagain & I ran him down & I swung the killing sword blow. Meanwhile, Shar-Teel & Safana dealt with the Huge Spiders. Done!
Treasure of Note (Gold 24,861) none really. Each of the Mages had a Mage Robe which I sold; Kagain picked up some scrolls including Melf’s Acid Arrow
Current Disposition: Resting @ my camp in the Wood of Sharp Teeth after cashing in on my booty @ the FAI.
Next Steps: Headed to the Fishing Village north of the FAI
Level Up: None
Current Party: (Reputation: 6- Disliked)
Ironside: Ftr/Fallen A-Pal//7, FP Mail +1 w/RoP +1) wBoots/Avoidance, Girdle/Bluntness, Gauntlet’s/WEx; Spiders
Bane**, B/Sword+1/+3 vs SSs**, (THWS**); Lord Foreshadows Ring) (Greater Basilisk)
Shar-Teel: Ftr//7 w/FP Mail w/Clk/P +2 w/Boots of Grounding /L/Swords +1*** & L/S/Sword*** w Gauntlet’s/WS,
RoFAction & GRoL, (2HWS***)(Greater Basilisk)(AI: Std Atk)
Kagain: Ftr/Bkr//7 w/Pl Mail & RoP +1 & Girdle of Piercing; W/Hammer +2 & Battle Axe +1 *** (or Throwing Axe
+2***)(2WS***)(Sword Spider)(AI: Sp/Cstr Atk)
Viconia: Cleric//7, S/Mail RoP +1 w/S/Shield +1*, Mace*, Slg*; R/Animal Friendship, R/Holiness (Phase Spider)(AI:
Clc Aggr)
Safana: Thf//8 w/S/Leather +1 & Algernon’s Clk, Dart +1x34, Wdgx11, Stgx3, etc.) *, S/Swd +1x2*, Dgr* (2WS)
(Davaeorn) (AI: Thf Adv/Thf Sct)
Quayle: Mage/Ill//8, Dgr +2*, Slg*(Whebber Ott) (AI: Mage Def)
Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; X0black101 (Blackguard); level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)
Blue Font: New information;
Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
(Best kill)(Current AI)
Key Event: The first encounter I came upon was with a mixed pack of wolves, including two Vampiric Wolves. Safana started the party by throwing a Potion of Explosions Then it was a melee versus bite battle w/, in addition to the two Vampiric Wolves, two Dread Wolves & three Worgs, I think. Shar-Teel & Kagain charged in & started slugging it out, Kagain taking a few deep bite wounds. I joined them, focusing on the Vampiric Wolves, trying to get them out of the fight but then, I reealized there were three Hobgoblins taking pot-shots @ us from the south. I decided to take them out, assisted by Quayle who cast Horror from a scroll & panicked one of them. I got to them a short time later & beat them mercilessly. By the time I got finished w/the Hobgoblins the rest of my minions had finished the battle of the wolves.
The rest of the area was uneventful when compared to the action I’ve enjoyed lately. Next, I ran into a pack of War-Dogs that I let Shar-Teel & Kagain deal w/. It’s only noteworthy, b/c during the battle Viconia received new power from her goddess Shar. Afterord, we were approached by a band of Hobgoblins led by another of those mouthy Hobgoblin types. As usual, I backed off & let my subordinates handle the duty.
Treasure of Note (Gold 21,598) None
Current Disposition: I’m @ the Red Sheaf, maybe for the last time. I have my eye on a set of Shadow Armor & a Dagger of Venom that I’ve seen in Feldeposts. The former is about 25k gold but would be great for Safana to use.
Next Steps: Fishing Village north of the FAI. I’m drawn to Ulgoth’s Beard & plan to seek all the pain & misery I can deliver between here & there.
Level Up: Viconia received an increase in power from her goddess, Shar. She is now a Matriarch of Shar (Cleric/8). She added the spell, Cloak of Fear.
Current Party: (Reputation: 6- Disliked)
Ironside: Ftr/Fallen A-Pal//7, FP Mail +1 w/RoP +1) wBoots/Avoidance, Girdle/Bluntness, Gauntlet’s/WEx; Spiders
Bane**, B/Sword+1/+3 vs SSs**, (THWS**); Lord Foreshadows Ring) (Greater Basilisk)
Shar-Teel: Ftr//7 w/FP Mail w/Clk/P +2 w/Boots of Grounding /L/Swords +1*** & L/S/Sword*** w Gauntlet’s/WS,
RoFAction & GRoL, (2HWS***)(Greater Basilisk)(AI: Std Atk)
Kagain: Ftr/Bkr//7 w/Pl Mail & RoP +1 & Girdle of Piercing; W/Hammer +2 & Battle Axe +1 *** (or Throwing Axe
+2***)(2WS***)(Sword Spider)(AI: Sp/Cstr Atk)
Viconia: Cleric//8, S/Mail RoP +1 w/S/Shield +1*, Mace*, Slg*; R/Animal Friendship, R/Holiness (Phase Spider)(AI:
Clc Aggr)
Safana: Thf//8 w/S/Leather +1 & Algernon’s Clk, Dart +1x34, Wdgx11, Stgx3, etc.) *, S/Swd +1x2*, Dgr* (2WS)
(Davaeorn) (AI: Thf Adv/Thf Sct)
Quayle: Mage/Ill//8, Dgr +2*, Slg*(Whebber Ott) (AI: Mage Def)
Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; X0black101 (Blackguard); level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)
Blue Font: New information;
Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
(Best kill)(Current AI)
The road yielded four more Bandits, armed as before & then I decided to rest & make camp. I camped right on top of an Ankheg nest & after resting ended up in a immediately battling three Ankheg’s. After that battle, I tried again to rest & three more Ankheg’s came up right in the middle of our bivouac site, so we killed them too. Following a few hours rest, I decided to go to Beregost to try & sell the five Ankheg shells we had by now but no one was buying so I sold what I could & then went back.
Key Event: On return, after fighting & killing four more Bandits, my team found a group of three men in a small fishing village. They claimed a Priestess of Umberlee was killing them & preventing them from fishing the River Chlonthar which runs from the Sea of Swords between Baldur’s Gate & the Cloakwoods & the Fishing Village & is spanned by the bridge @ Wyrm’s Crossing. I talked them up to 20 gold & an enchanted weapon for my assistance & then went to confront the priestess who was ‘troubling them.’ I was kinda torn, not sure how my Queen feels about Umberlee & so I was gonna let her be when she told a tale of woe about the fisherman stealing some bowl from her mother after torturing her. Don’t get me wrong, I love torture but sensed I might be able to leverage an alliance w/the priestess. I did direct Safana to pickpocket her though & when she did, & failed, it brought us to battle. The priestess cast Entangle but it was ineffective against my subordinates & they easily killed her & then raided her home. On return, I continued to recon near the Fishing Village & had to kill two more Ankheg’s. Then my group came upon an old farmer wailing about losing his son. He wanted my aid, for free. Ha, I think not. I left him to wallow in self-pity as I continued my recon & killed another Ankheg & four more Bandits before meeting w/the fishermen again. The weasels tried blowing smoke up my butt but they paid up 120 gp & an enchanted Morning Star…but I killed them anyway. I think one got away…the one w/darned that bowl. Was hoping to carry that to Umberlee & try to leverage it. Curse that little man for running off before I could kill him.
Later, I found an Ankheg nest where I had my party kill a total of nine more Ankheg’s. Shar-Teel & Kagain did more of the work but I stepped out & swatted a couple or three. The nest had a treasure cove w/some good magic items, potions & gold. Good haul, this one.
Treasure of Note (Gold 25,186) The Ilvastarr Family Shield sold for 1000 gold; Flail +1 (sold 1000 gold); Ring of Energy (Safana); Shield Amulet (Safana); Cloak of Protection +1 (Quayle)
Current Disposition: I first went to the FAI to let Gellana identify the items I’d found in the Ankheg nest. Then I went to Beregost to sell the Bandit Scalps. Now I’m back @ the FAI, although unwelcome, I’m allowed to grab a room anyway up on the 3rd floor.
Next Steps: Finish exploring Wyrms Crossing – there’s an elf or half elf w/some wolves out front. If she’s still there I’d like to ambush her by night. Then it’ll be off the Farmlands before I head to Ulgoth’s Beard
Level Up: None
Current Party: (Reputation: 4- Despised) (lost 2 killing the fisherman, I guess)
Ironside: Ftr/Fallen A-Pal//7, FP Mail +1 w/RoP +1) wBoots/Avoidance, Girdle/Bluntness, Gauntlet’s/WEx; Spiders
Bane**, B/Sword+1/+3 vs SSs**, (THWS**); Lord Foreshadows Ring) (Greater Basilisk)
Shar-Teel: Ftr//7 w/FP Mail w/Clk/P +2 w/Boots of Grounding /L/Swords +1*** & L/S/Sword*** w Gauntlet’s/WS,
RoFAction & GRoL, (2HWS***)(Greater Basilisk)(AI: Std Atk)
Kagain: Ftr/Bkr//7 w/Pl Mail & RoP +1 & Girdle of Piercing; W/Hammer +2 & Battle Axe +1 *** (or Throwing Axe
+2***)(2WS***)(Sword Spider)(AI: Sp/Cstr Atk)
Viconia: Cleric//8, S/Mail RoP +1 w/S/Shield +1*, Mace*, Slg*; R/Animal Friendship, R/Holiness (Phase Spider)(AI:
Clc Aggr)
Safana: Thf//8 w/S/Leather +1 & Algernon’s Clk w/Shd Am & RoEnergy; Dart +1x34, Wdgx11, Stgx3, etc.) *, S/Swd
+1x2*, Dgr* (2WS)
(Davaeorn) (AI: Thf Adv/Thf Sct)
Quayle: Mage/Ill//8, Robe of the N A-Magi w/Clk/P +1; Dgr +2*, Slg*(Whebber Ott) (AI: Mage Def)
Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; X0black101 (Blackguard); level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)
Blue Font: New information;
Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
(Best kill)(Current AI)
I checked out the rest of the Crossing but found only a single Ankheg, which my warriors destroyed w/ease. Then I had us rest until dark in that Priestess’ of Umberlee’s home since she’s not using it anymore. Heck, I might take it as a base of operations when I return to BG after my visit to Ulgoth’s Beard.
Key Event:. Nightfall came & I had my minions come w/me to where the Elven Ranger was still standing, waiting patiently for whoever. I gave explicit directions. Safana approached her & she was obviously waiting for someone but seemed disinterested in my group. So…on my signal I told Quayle to use his Wand of Lightning on her while asking Viconia cast Animate Dead & have her skeleton approach the Vampiric Wolf. Shar-Teel & Viconia were to get close to her & wait. When I was ready I hollered, ‘Execute!” The lightning bolt tore through her & weakened her while I cast a Larloch’s Minor Drain @ her. Shar-Teel & Kagain converged on her. From behind her I saw her Winter Wolf blast kagain w/his Breath Weapon & so I decided to kill that wolf myself & so I did but not before it blasted Kagain a second time. Kagain finished off the Ranger but Quayle had already toasted her w/the lightning bolt. She never even took a swing & she was dead & shortly so were her Wolf, Dread Wolf, Dire Wolf and then we all focused on the Vampiric Wolf. He broke & ran but we chased him down & killed him too. A great ambush which gave Shar-Teel two enchanted Long Swords for her two weapon style & Elven Chain Mail for Safana which she can use to do he thieving in. Jackpot!
Treasure of Note (Gold 25,186) Elven Chainmail (Safana); Long Sword +1 (Shar-Teel)
Current Disposition: Sleeping in the Umberlee Priestess’ former home
Next Steps: Farmlands
Level Up: None
Current Party: (Reputation: 6- Disliked)
Ironside: Ftr/Fallen A-Pal//7, FP Mail +1 w/RoP +1) wBoots/Avoidance, Girdle/Bluntness, Gauntlet’s/WEx; Spiders
Bane**, B/Sword+1/+3 vs SSs**, (THWS**); Lord Foreshadows Ring) (Greater Basilisk)
Shar-Teel: Ftr//7 w/FP Mail w/Clk/P +2 w/Boots of Grounding /L/Swords +1*** x2 w Gauntlet’s/WS,
RoFAction & GRoL, (2HWS***)(Greater Basilisk)(AI: Std Atk)
Kagain: Ftr/Bkr//7 w/Pl Mail & RoP +1 & Girdle of Piercing; W/Hammer +2 & Battle Axe +1 *** (or Throwing Axe
+2***)(2WS***)(Imanel Silversword)(AI: Sp/Cstr Atk)
Viconia: Cleric//8, S/Mail RoP +1 w/S/Shield +1*, Mace*, Slg*; R/Animal Friendship, R/Holiness (Phase Spider)(AI:
Clc Aggr)
Safana: Thf//8 w/Elven Chainmail & Algernon’s Clk w/Shd Am & RoEnergy; Dart +1x34, Wdgx11, Stgx3, etc.) *, S/Swd
+1x2*, Dgr* (2WS)
(Davaeorn) (AI: Thf Adv/Thf Sct)
Quayle: Mage/Ill//8, Robe of the N A-Magi w/Clk/P +1; Dgr +2*, Slg*(Whebber Ott) (AI: Mage Def)
Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; X0black101 (Blackguard); level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)
Blue Font: New information;
Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
(Best kill)(Current AI)
Key Event:. While in the Farmlands my servants killed 20 Zombies. Zombies just explode when Shar-teel & Kagain hit them. We received 150 gold for our troubles.
I’ve now wiped out every square inch from the far south of Amn up to here @ Ulgoth’s Beard, save Baldur’s Gate to where I shall return, but now that I’m here I’m being led back to Durlag’s Tower.
Treasure of Note (Gold 8,443) None. I spent around 16k gold @ Ulgoth’s Beard Inn & purchased five Potions of Mirrored Eyes that I dispersed two to me & one each my lover Shar-Teel, Kagain & Safana as they are ‘front-line’ & most likely to meet a Basilisk first; I bought three Raise Dead Scrolls, a Flame Strike Scroll, a Mental Domination Scroll, a Defensive Harmony Scroll & 20 Stones +2 for Viconia.
Current Disposition: Resting @ the Ulgoth’s Beard Inn
Next Steps: Durlag’s Tower; two people I talked to pointed us that way & so I will take it that my Queen wants me to go there. It’s been so long since I heard from my glorious Demon Queen.
Level Up: None
Current Party: (Reputation: 3 - Despised)
Ironside: Ftr/Fallen A-Pal//7, FP Mail +1 w/RoP +1) wBoots/Avoidance, Girdle/Bluntness, Gauntlet’s/WEx; Spiders
Bane**, B/Sword+1/+3 vs SSs**, (THWS**); Lord Foreshadows Ring) (Greater Basilisk)
Shar-Teel: Ftr//7 w/FP Mail w/Clk/P +2 w/Boots of Grounding /L/Swords +1*** x2 w Gauntlet’s/WS,
RoFAction & GRoL, (2HWS***)(Greater Basilisk)(AI: Std Atk)
Kagain: Ftr/Bkr//7 w/Pl Mail & RoP +1 & Girdle of Piercing; W/Hammer +2 & Battle Axe +1 *** (or Throwing Axe
+2***)(2WS***)(Imanel Silversword)(AI: Sp/Cstr Atk)
Viconia: Cleric//8, S/Mail RoP +1 w/S/Shield +1*, Mace*, Slg*; R/Animal Friendship, R/Holiness (Phase Spider)(AI:
Clc Aggr)
Safana: Thf//8 w/Elven Chainmail & Algernon’s Clk w/Shd Am & RoEnergy; Dart +1x34, Wdgx11, Stgx3, etc.) *, S/Swd
+1x2*, Dgr* (2WS)
(Davaeorn) (AI: Thf Adv/Thf Sct)
Quayle: Mage/Ill//8, Robe of the N A-Magi w/Clk/P +1; Dgr +2*, Slg*(Whebber Ott) (AI: Mage Def)
Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; X0black101 (Blackguard); level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)
Blue Font: New information;
Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
(Best kill)(Current AI)
I headed to Nashkel but knowing the Nashkel Store was not going to provide service to me, I elected to make my base of Operations between the Potion Merchant & the Enchanted Weapons Merchant wagons @ Nashkel Carnival. After a few hours rest it was off to Durlag’s Tower. Once on the grounds I recon’d the outside of the tower moving left always until I came to a narrow stone bridge. In staggered column, I had us move across the bridge until Safana saw a Battle Horror & moved out of the way to let Kagain & Shar-Teel @ him. He focused on Shar-Teel & she took a couple of hits but ended up destroying him w/assistance from Kagain & I in melee. Viconia tried Mental Domination, Command & Cloak of Fear to no avail & finally switched to Shillelagh so she could enter melee. Meanwhile Quale cast Invisibility on himself before successfully casting Blindness on the Horror. We took just a couple of steps more & weren’t even formed up again when I saw another Battle Horror. Again I tried to get Shar-Teel, Kagain & I, as well as Viconia w/her Shillelagh to surround him & beat him to death. Again Quayle successfully cast Blindness on the Horror, helping our cause. I hit him hard twice, Viconia hit him, Shar-Teel hit him (& he her again) & finally Kagain finished him.
A little further up the path, Safana spied three Doppelgangers. I stayed back safely watching Kagain & Shar-Teel charge them for toe-to-toe combat while Viconia slung stones @ them. All three of them killed one of the Doppelgangers each. I had us continue & we found a path leading away from the tower, rerouted & moved up where we met Ike who was in a hurry but I was not. He went on in while I wanted to recon the courtyard & battlements. In the courtyard, once again,there were three Doppelgangers. Shar-Teel & Kagain attacked & killed them but not w/o taking more hits & each required a PoH. Shar-Teel got credit for all three kills.
Key Event:. When I finally climbed up the stairs to the battlements, I saw a third Battle Horror & six Skeletons w/Composite Long Bows. I told Quayle & Safana to go back down the stairs but Quayle got pushed out of the door & tried to cast Improved Invisibility on himself but was hit by an arrow before he could do so but then he was able to get back down stairs w/Safana. I directed Shar-Teel & Kagain to the Horror while I, w/my Boots of Avoidance, RoP +1 & Full-Plate +1 wanted to take care of the Skeletons. I took care of the three on one side, away from the Horror & then headed back to finish the other three when I saw Shar-Teel taking hits again. I directed her to finish the Skeletons & I joined Kagain in fighting the Battle Horror. I finished him w/a powerful blow.
I crossed over to the other side of the courtyard & headed up a staircase behind Safana, Hidden in Shadow, with the others behind. Safana spied a Skeleton w/a Warhammer & Buckler. I called for Shar-Teel & Kagain to come up but as they did a Doom Guard & three more Skeletons, one w/Composite Longbow, one w/Warhammer & one w/a Mace, the latter two also w/Bucklers all appeared.. I wanted Shar-Teel to move around behind the Doom Guard but she ended up fighting the Skeletons w/the Doom Guard Swinging @ her back while Kagain & I were swinging @ his. I hollered for her to turn & face the Doom Guard & she did but just as she took a hit. I hit him w/two crushing blows from Spiders Bane, the second time killing him. Shar-Teel & Viconia finished the skeletons. I had us clear the battlements completely & ended up killing three more Skeletons w/Composite Longbows before we’d done what I came to do for now. I’m headed back to the carnival to rest & sell my loot. I don’t care if Ike’s there or not when I return.
Treasure of Note (Gold 7,193) Gems only including two Bloodstone Amulets
Current Disposition: Resting & selling loot @ the Nashkel Carnival
Next Steps: Enter Durlag’s Tower after an eight hour rest or so for spells learning etc.
Level Up: Shar-Teel was promoted to Super-villainess (Fighter/8)
Current Party: (Reputation: 8 – Disliked – 1500 gold to Temple of the Morning)
Ironside: Ftr/Fallen A-Pal//7, FP Mail +1 w/RoP +1) wBoots/Avoidance, Girdle/Bluntness, Gauntlet’s/WEx; Spiders Bane**, B/Sword+1/+3 vs SSs**, (THWS**); Lord Foreshadows Ring) (Greater Basilisk)
Shar-Teel: Ftr//7 w/FP Mail w/Clk/P +2 w/Boots of Grounding /L/Swords +1*** x2 w Gauntlet’s/WS,
RoFAction & GRoL, (2HWS***)(Greater Basilisk)(AI: Std Atk)
Kagain: Ftr/Bkr//7 w/Pl Mail & RoP +1 & Girdle of Piercing; W/Hammer +2 & Battle Axe +1 *** (or Throwing
Axe +2***)(2WS***)(Imanel Silversword)(AI: Sp/Cstr Atk)
Viconia: Cleric//8, S/Mail RoP +1 w/S/Shield +1*, Mace*, Slg*; R/Animal Friendship, R/Holiness (Phase Spider)
(AI: Clc Aggr)
Safana: Thf//8 w/Elven Chainmail & Algernon’s Clk w/Shd Am & RoEnergy; Dart +1x34, Wdgx11, Stgx3, etc.) *,
S/Swd +1x2*, Dgr* (2WS) (Davaeorn) (AI: Thf Adv/Thf Sct)
Quayle: Mage/Ill//8, Robe of the N A-Magi w/Clk/P +1; Dgr +2*, Slg*(Whebber Ott) (AI: Mage Def)
Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; X0black101 (Blackguard); level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)
Blue Font: New information;
Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
(Best kill)(Current AI)
Then I realized I am going to have to play smart in here. Ike was there tryin’ to pawn off some rune stone, which I refused when suddenly a supernatural knight appeared. My followers went off on him & he exploded a fireball w/Shar-Teel, Kagain & Safana all within the blast zone, as was I. Safana collapsed dead in a moment but I knew I cold raise her & I intended to. The Demon Knight exploded another Fireball & Kagain’s morale failed. He wandered around & I feared he would walk over a trap & become toast but he didn’t. He’d be hard to replace, that’s all. Back to Nashkel to Nalin. At least his god is neutral, even if Lawful. So I returned, raised Safana @ w/Nalin’s help, forgetting one again that Viconia has five Raise Dead scrolls in her pack. I had us sleep a few hours to regain lost spells & allow Safana to regain her strength & then headed straight back & killed three more Doppelgangers @ that very same location & then went back across the drawbridge & gatehouse portcullis & through the portcullis leading into the courtyard & thru the huge doorway & portcullis into the donjon.
On return there was no Demon night & no traps to deal w/on the entrance floor - & no treasure to speak of. I has Safana & Shar-Teel go up the donjon stairs to make sure the coast was clear & it was so the rest of us climbed up. Once there, moving around Shar-Teel spied a Ghast in a room to the right of the top of the stairs. I hollered for no one to enter the room for fear (as Safana had detected one like that on the first ground. So I told everyone to let him come to us only to realize there were two more Ghasts behind him. Before all was said & done there were five Ghasts in all. You know me, I see red when I see any followers of my Queens enemy Dorsain, Demon King of Ghouls. I started hacking @ them, waiting in the doorway to get first crack but everyone was doing their jobs & killing Ghasts. Kagain took a swipe that made him nauseous & Safana did trip a trap & was Held but out of danger b/c she was out in the main room so I got between her & the Ghasts. Shar-Teel killed three of them & I killed the other two.
Key Event:. I took a crushing blow in Durlag’s Tower early on. I lost my lover Shar-Teel to a Greater Basilisk! We’d killed the five Ghasts & found a sixth Ghast in one of the rooms on the first level up in the donjon. Safana & Shar-Teel led, Safana Detecting Traps & Shar-Teel just behind to provide quick muscle if needed. We’d pretty much cleaned out that level of the donjon when Safana & Shar-Teel found a hall. It was trapped & caught Safana off guard & stunned her. Once she got her wits back & quaffed a PoH, she & Shar-Teel found stairs going up so I had Quayle cast Invisibility 15’ Radius on them & they went up. When they got there, there was a Lesser Basilisk so Shar-Teel quaffed a Potion of Mirrored Eyes & spanked him mercilessly. Now wary of Basilisks, we gathered as a group & got out Potions of Mirrored Eyes @ the ready & headed up another, outdoor staircase where about half-way up I met three Doppelgangers & as usual whipped them good, this time I joined in w/Kagain & Shar-Teel. I sent Shar-Teel & Safana up the stairs a little further to where they could go through an opening onto what turned out to be a flat roof on another battlement. There Shar-Teel & Safana saw another Basilisk, this one of the greater types. Once they informed me, I sent Kagain up also providing Potions of Mirrored Eyes to both of them & Safana. But Shar-Teel attacked w/o quaffing her PoME & once upon him was petrified. Irritating but not something we could overcome, so I sent Viconia to cast a Stone to Flesh on her but as she did so, in a steady rain, a bolt of lightning came out of the sky & blew her petrified statue to pieces where nothing was left to allow Viconia to cast Raise Dead. Kagain had finished the culprit Basilisk in the meantime. I had depended on Shar-Teel & for a moment I was furious so I quaffed a Potion of Mirrored Eyes & took off around the battlement looking for more & there were two more Greater Basilisks that I single handedly destroyed.
To carry on w/o Shar-Teel, I need to improve Kagain’s weapons skill, strength if possible & anything else that will make him more lethal quickly. I will pray to Malcanthet for guidance while holding a massive bond fire of the Ghast carcasses which includes Five more Ghasts I came across in the lover floor when we accidently went down to the basement which we cleared so that now we’re cleared two donjon levels up & one down.
Treasure of Note (Gold 9,041)
Current Disposition: Resting @ the Nashkel Carnival in my usual place, praying to Malcanther for an answer ro my predicament.
Next Steps: Waiting for guidance & leading from Malcanther w/o which I will return to Durlag’s Tower w/five followers
Level Up: Safana was approached by a runner from her Guild Master & informed that she is now a full Name-Level THIEF (Thief/9). He also warned her that the Guild master wanted to make clear to her that he would not tolerate the competition of a new Thieves Guild in Calimport, from where she hails. She was welcome to remain w/her current guild in Calimport, as a senior advisor, but any treachery, the runner said, would be dealt w/expediently.
Current Party: (Reputation: 8 – Disliked)
Ironside: Ftr/Fallen A-Pal//7, FP Mail +1 w/RoP +1) wBoots/Avoidance, Girdle/Bluntness, Gauntlet’s/WEx; Spiders
Bane**, B/Sword+1/+3 vs SSs**, (THWS**); Lord Foreshadows Ring) (Greater Basilisk)
Kagain: Ftr/Bkr//7 w/Pl Mail & RoP +1 & Girdle of Piercing; W/Hammer +2 & Battle Axe +1 *** (or Throwing Axe
+2***)(2WS***)(Imanel Silversword)(AI: Sp/Cstr Atk)
Viconia: Cleric//8, S/Mail RoP +1 w/S/Shield +1*, Mace*, Slg*; R/Animal Friendship, R/Holiness (Phase Spider)(AI:
Clc Aggr)
Safana: Thf//9 w/Elven Chainmail & Algernon’s Clk w/Shd Am & RoEnergy; Dart +1x34, Wdgx11, Stgx3, etc.) *, S/Swd +1x2*, Dgr* (2WS) (Davaeorn) (AI: Thf Adv/Thf Sct)
Quayle: Mage/Ill//8, Robe of the N A-Magi w/Clk/P +1; Dgr +2*, Slg*(Whebber Ott) (AI: Mage Def)
Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; X0black101 (Blackguard); level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)
Blue Font: New information;
Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
(Best kill)(Current AI)
Reminds me of one time in Candlekeep when everyone was trying to arrest me. I ran up a floor & found the Gatewarden who challenged me. Once again, I chose to 'fight' really intent on running to see what I could pull off. Instead, the Gatewarden had a flame burst from the sky come down & obliterate my Fighter/Paladin, whatever who had about 64 HPs @ the time.
I think that's stupid. They could'a found another way to make sure the PC was arrested instead of killing him outright. Just my thoughts. CK
With Shar-Teel gone Viconia is more receptive to my advances to join her in her bedroll & I think Branwen might fill Shar-Teels’ role also. After all, I serve the Demon Queen of Succubi who lives in a paradise of hedonism.
Returning to Durlag’s Tower, I led us back past the usual three Doppelganger’s & Branwen jumped right up into the melee like a warrior, exactly what I need. She took a few whacks so after we killed them I ordered a rest to allow her time to heal & to recapture both my Clerics’ Command Spells. Following that, I led us up to the third layer up in the donjon where after looking through a library I sent Safana down a down a hall that was directly in front of us when we came up the stairs. She was gone just a few moments when she came back through whispering, “Ghost, ghost.” Quayle used a Scroll of Monster Summoning I & sent a rapid dog down the passageway & I could hear the sounds of an angry dog in a fight. Suddenly, the ghost was in our midst. I’d read about Ghosts in Candlekeep but this one didn’t exactly fit the mold. Quayle used a Scroll of Dispel Magic, Viconia cast Miscast Magic & Branwen cast, Doom I think. Somewhere in there, either Branwen or Viconia cast Silence 15’ Radius which becomes obvious pretty quickly in the heat of battle. I cast Chaos on myself & was able to hit him w/Spiders Bane while his attempts to cast spells against us were harmless. Eventually Safana, seeing that I was hitting him, came over to try & Back-stab him but in the heat of things, I don’t know if she was successful. He died pretty easily.
On that same floor, my party was looting some chests when a rogue tried to push us out of his territory. Safana refused on my behalf, slipped out of the way & Kagain called for help as he’d been acting as her bodyguard as she scouted ahead of the main body of my party. The dude took some pretty good hits before he succumbed to my overwhelming power so he was likely a high-level rogue of some sort.
Key Event: On the uppermost floor, I found & killed five Ghasts down some tunnels. I couldn’t do my usual quartering & burning of their bodies as a full sacrifice to my Queen but they were quartered & piled in a heap, then I offered them to Malcanthet as a sacrifice to her glory & the expansion of her dominion in the abyss. As I headed back into the main central room, I was approached by Succubus whose initial offer sounded promising but then it became far more & something I was not going to fall into. I admit I was confused knowing that my Queen is the Queen of the Succubi. Why would a Succubus attack me, when it was Succubus who first drew me toward my Queen way back when I had my dream encounters in Candlekeep. I think this Succubus was trapped here by a powerful magic so maybe it was out of desperation she attacked, b/c had she gotten entrapped in that way, she would certainly be in disfavor w/my Queen for allowing such an indignity to herself & indirectly to my Queen. Whatever the case, this Succubus wanted to entrap me here & that just didn’t register as something my Queen had destined for me, so I had my subordinates attack. I can’t remember now if it was against the Ghost that I cast Chaos but now it seems it was in this battle. At any rate, I waded in w/Spiders Bane & attacked hitting her when I could get @ her b/c she teleported around the room @ least four times. Kagain became enraged & went after her w/his Battle Axe +1 & Warhammer +2 swingin’ for a kill. When she would teleport, he’d grab his Throwing Axe +2 & fire it @ her across the room until he could get close to her again. My clerics stayed back, trying to break her down w/various spells: Doom, Dispel Magic, etc. I was finally able to corner her & kill her.
I wondered what has become of her. Just as we were exiting the room, her corpse exploded in into tiny, 1-inch duplicates of the Succubus & started fighting amongst each other. We watched until only one was left. That one then vanished in a puff of smoke. I know that normally, when a demon is killed outside of the abyss, its essence returns to the abyss where it returns to raw chaos & reforms as a new demon, usually demoted to a Dretch or a Manes or the like. Only a demon lord can intervene to save the disgraced demon from punishment. With that, we headed toward the Carnival for a rest & to unload & identify loot.
After selling most of my booty & spending a few hours resting @ the Nashkel Carnival, I headed to The Temple of Helm in town & Nalin was able to identify a Manual of Gainful Exercise. Still I wanted to have someone look @ an amulet we found & tell me what, if anything, a lock of succubus hair was worth – it was separated from her head when I killed her & I picked it up off the floor. I went to Thalantyr & he nailed them both – I got 250 gold for the hair & the amulet was a Greenstone Amulet.
That night I stayed in the Red Sheaf before leading us back to Durlag’s Tower. I had a dream:
My Queen Malcanthet came to me & informed me that
The Succubus I killed had given her loyalty to Shami-Amourai
A minor Demon-Lord who desires the title of Queen of the Succubi
The Succubus was left to the results of her own entrapment because Shami-Amourae
lacked to desire, or the power, to release her minion
But had she killed me, Malcanthets Champion in Faerun
Shami-Amourae would certainly have made every effort to release the bound Succubus
& reward her for killing me!
Instead, said my Queen, I have humiliated the potential usurper & for that,
Malcanther was pleased!
Treasure of Note (Gold 4,900) Manual of Gainful Exercise & Greenstone Amulet (Me); Lock of Succubus hair (sold); many gems, most valuable Fire Opal Ring (sold)
Current Disposition: Resting @ the Red Sheaf
Next Steps: Heading back to Durlag’s Tower
Level Up: None
Current Party: (Reputation: 8 – Disliked)
Ironside: Ftr/Fallen A-Pal//7, FP Mail +1 w/RoP +1) wBoots/Avoidance, Girdle/Bluntness, Gauntlet’s/WEx;
Spiders Bane**, B/Sword+1/+3 vs SSs**, (THWS**); Lord Foreshadows Ring) (Greater Basilisk)
Kagain: Ftr/Bkr//7 w/Pl Mail & RoP +1 & Girdle of Piercing; W/Hammer +2 & Battle Axe +1 *** (or
Throwing Axe +2***)(2WS***)(Imanel Silversword)(AI: Sp/Cstr Atk)
Branwen: Piest of Tempus/8 w/Plate Mail, Lg Shield & Morning Star +1 (Riggilo)(AI: Clc Aggr)
Viconia: Cleric//8, S/Mail RoP +1 w/S/Shield +1*, Mace*, Slg*; R/Animal Friendship, R/Holiness (Phase
Spider)(AI: Clrc Aggr)
Safana: Thf//9 w/Elven Chainmail & Algernon’s Clk w/Shd Am & RoEnergy; Dart +1x34, Wdgx11, Stgx3,
etc.) *, S/Swd +1x2*, Dgr* (2WS) (Davaeorn) (AI: Thf Adv/Thf Sct)
Quayle: Mage/Ill//8, Robe of the N A-Magi w/Clk/P +1; Dgr +2*, Slg*(Whebber Ott) (AI: Mage Def)
Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; X0black101 (Blackguard); level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)
Blue Font: New information;
Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
(Best kill)(Current AI)
Once there, I had us descend. I’d had us go down once just to look around & Safana detected a trap right across the main entrance but couldn’t disarm it. On return, she was still not successful so I quaffed a Potion of Absorption & a Potion of Fire Resistance, not knowing what kind of trap it was. I tripped it & took a practically harmless Fireball. Looking around it became obvious that I was looking @ the Great Hall that had once been the center of life in Durlag’s Keep. I immediately directed Safana to do nothing but look for traps, then I had us stay left & work our way thru the level. In all, I led the destruction of four Gnolls, eight Ghasts, two Skeleton Warriors, two Battle Horrors, three Greater Doppelgangers, four Flesh Golems, twelve Phase Spiders, two Wraith Spiders, two Mustard Jellies, about 17 Skeletons & 28 Zombies as I tore thru the place. My subordinates made mistakes & cost me four of the five Raise Dead scrolls that Viconia was packing. There were numerous traps & Safana, even as a NAME LEVEL thief capable of heading her own Thieves Guild, was not up to finding all of them & there were a few she did find that she couldn’t disarm, as well as some locks she couldn’t pick. Off of the Great Hall were a library, a lush bedroom, a smaller bedroom, servant’s quarters, a reading room, a store room & a forge room among others.
I was finding some weird items amongst the treasure & leaving them until I found a gong & remembered I’d seen a gong mallet & mallet head. When I found the forge room I knew I could put the mallet back together. Then I remembered some grapes we found, a winepress, a strange stone & some switch. Then I remembered how when I found the reading room after having Quayle read thru tomes about Durlag suddenly there was a voice from the next room saying something about my having, ‘raised my deeds.’ I suddenly felt the need to put these pieces together. There were some little runty Dwarven warders that spoke in riddles when I had them approached. It started to make sense so I fixed the gong & had Kagain ring it. Nothing happened except a small hum but I went out & had Safana approach the warders again & three of them said I’d solved the riddle & they disappeared. I looked @ the map I had Kagain scratching out & realized there was an incomplete part between a treasure room I found & the wine press & just east of the servants quarters. Sure enough there was a room w/a strange engine & the switch I’d found turned it on just enough so I knew it was so. I went back & got the grapes & took them to the wine press because I remembered the last warder had mentioned a crimson drink or something. When I went back to the winepress it was finicky but suddenly it pressed the grapes & I had Safana catch the juice in a bottle that we capped took to the last warder. He seemed satisfied & threatened to kill us but nothing happened. I tried beating the snot out of him but he just stood there, so dawg tired & out of spells, I went to Beregost to sell all the gems etc & ID a set of Bracers that turned out to be cursed but still brought 150 gold. On the way to Beregost I had my subordinates smash six Gibberling’s that attacked…stupid, mindless creatures. While on the way to Beregost & back, Safana realized the wine was still in her belt pouch, the warder hadn’t taken it, so Quayle checked it out, made a positive ID & I immediately headed us back to go battle the warders. Knowing that they’re going to attack is a great advantage.
Key Event: I found the last warder, offered him the wine & the fight was on, made more difficult when an Ogre Quayle created from a Scroll of Monster Summoning III & a Skeleton created by either Viconia or Branwen, I think the latter, turned hostile when they got caught up in Grease also created by one of Quayle’s scrolls. W/Spiders Bane I was able to traverse the Grease & offer the wine to the final warder. Then I made my way back toward the main body of my subordinates, unhappy to see that they were still struggling w/the Ogre & the Skeleton. To make matters worse, Branwen had gotten her feet in the Grease. Before I got back, one of the warders was already there fighting w/Kagain & Kagain was taking hits but giving back too. I hollered for my subordinates to go up the stairs but when we got there I realized Branwen was still stuck in the Grease trying frantically to get to the stairs. Two of the warders were waiting in the archway leading to the stairs &, try as she might, she couldn’t get her footing & eventually died there. I had the rest of us focus on one warder that was in our midst & we killed him – but I forgot about him. Once Branwen fell & we killed the warder nearest us, I led the remainder of my subordinates up the stairs to the first lower level. The two warders that killed Branwen came up quickly, one was near death, the other injured. Safana tried to free herself but was trapped & one of them took her life. I, too, was stuck in the doorway & the two warders had gotten in front of me in the confusion. Kagain got free, badly injured & switched to his Throwing Axe +2. Viconia & Quayle started using their Slings, Viconia w/+2 Stones & Quayle w/+1 Stones & they were affective breaking down the two warders. I finally killed one of the two but I too was taking hits & had to quaff a PoH or EoH, can’t remember which I used. Then all four of us turned our attention to the third warder & he, like the other two eventually evaporated into a burst of red steam that seemed to vanish upward into the air, exactly like a Doom Guard. I had Kagain quaff a PoH & I guess I did too, but I wasted no time going back down to the Great Hall to find the fourth warder & destroy him. He immediately saw us as we came into the archway & he chased me up the stairs where he fought a moment or two, hit me once, but then became eviscerated like the others. They were all dead but as I searched & searched I couldn’t find the key to the 2nd labyrinth level. After going back over our steps I had us go thru all the tunnels thinking maybe I’d only killed three. In so doing, I killed two more Ghasts, seven Zombies & two more Phase Spiders. In the battle w/the Phase Spiders, Quayle got cornered & fell to poison. As the last Phase Spider fell, my Queen Malcanthet granted me a new surge of power & I knew then that I was even more imposing than ever before. I had Viconia use her last of five Raise dead Scrolls she’d come to DsT with in hand. There was just too much to carry & for whatever reason, I chose Quayle @ that moment over Safana or Branwen. I guided us out of the tunnels past two more Flesh Golems & then back out into the Great Hall, where we searched everywhere before finding the Rune Stone needed to descent to the 2nd labyrinth level. Then it was out of there to raise Safana & Branwen. We crossed six stupid Xvarts on the way & swatted them like flies. I raised my subordinates, reorganized a bit, especially my Cleric & Mage Scrolls to make the more important ones easy to locate. Then it was back to the Durlag’s Castle & Keep to descend.
Treasure of Note (Gold 1,009) Bunches of High Quality Gems & Jewelry, most valuable Pearl Necklace
Current Disposition: Resting @ the Nashkel Carnival
Next Steps: 2nd labyrinth level of Durlag’s Castle & Keep
Level Up: Malcanthet saw fit to raise me to Villain (Anti-Paladin/8) but I sense she can do little else to empower me – I thing she was trying to add assassin skills to my repertoire but they just wouldn’t come through. Quayle’s Illusionist Guild send a Prestidigitator runner out to inform him that he was selected to be a Spellbinder (Illusionist/9) & he was given a scroll of Shadow Door. Kagain also received word on a promotion to Berserker/8.
Current Party: (Reputation: 8 – Disliked)
Ironside: Ftr/Fallen A-Pal//8, FP Mail +1 w/RoP +1) wBoots/Avoidance, Girdle/Bluntness, Gauntlet’s/WEx; Spiders
Bane**, B/Sword+1/+3 vs SSs**, (THWS**); Lord Foreshadows Ring) (Greater Basilisk)
Kagain: Ftr/Bkr//8 w/Pl Mail & RoP +1 & Girdle of Piercing; W/Hammer +2 & Battle Axe +1 *** (or Throwing Axe
+2***)(2WS***)(Imanel Silversword)(AI: Sp/Cstr Atk)
Branwen: Piest of Tempus/8 w/Plate Mail, Lg Shield & Morning Star +1 (Riggilo)(AI: Clc Aggr)
Viconia: Cleric//8, S/Mail RoP +1 w/S/Shield +1*, Mace*, Slg*; R/Animal Friendship, R/Holiness (Phase Spider)(AI:
Clc Aggr)
Safana: Thf//9 w/Elven Chainmail & Algernon’s Clk w/Shd Am & RoEnergy; Dart +1x34, Wdgx11, Stgx3, etc.) *,
S/Swd +1x2*, Dgr* (2WS) (Davaeorn) (AI: Thf Adv/Thf Sct)
Quayle: Mage/Ill//9, Robe of the N A-Magi w/Clk/P +1; Dgr +2*, Slg*(Whebber Ott) (AI: Mage Def)
Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; X0black101 (Blackguard); level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)
Blue Font: New information;
Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
(Best kill)(Current AI)
IRONSIDE DIED! Labyrinth Level 3 Durlag’s Tower
Key Event: I’m pretty ticked but here’s the deal. Been fighting thru levels two & thru the maze garden & into the hall that leads to the elemental chambers. I know of the trap that’s around the corner, but Safana didn’t detect it & I couldn’t allow myself foreknowledge. I saw a Ghast, which is among Ironside’s two most hated foes, next to Gnoll’s. I attacked knowing I was gonna take a hit from a fireball (forgot that there were more than one). Anyway, the party was getting blasted & I think it was a Ghast that landed the killing blow. DARN IT!!! So close to that +3 Two-Handed Sword.
I thought I might make it! I really hate to leave this party behind.
Treasure of Note (Gold 1,009) Kiel’s Helmet (Me);
Current Disposition:
Next Steps:
Level Up:
Current Party: (Reputation: 8 – Disliked)
Ironside: Ftr/Fallen A-Pal//8, FP Mail +1 w/RoP +1) wBoots/Avoidance, Girdle/Bluntness, Gauntlet’s/WEx; Spiders
Bane**, B/Sword+1/+3 vs SSs**, (THWS**); Lord Foreshadows Ring) (Greater Basilisk)
Kagain: Ftr/Bkr//8 w/Pl Mail & RoP +1 & Girdle of Piercing; W/Hammer +2 & Battle Axe +1 *** (or Throwing Axe
+2***)(2WS***)(Imanel Silversword)(AI: Sp/Cstr Atk)
Branwen: Piest of Tempus/8 w/Plate Mail, Lg Shield & Morning Star +1 (Kiel the Legion Killer)(AI: Clc Aggr)
Viconia: Cleric//8, S/Mail RoP +1 w/S/Shield +1*, Mace*, Slg*; R/Animal Friendship, R/Holiness (Phase Spider)(AI:
Clc Aggr)
Safana: Thf//9 w/Lthr Arm +1 wDart*, ,
S/Swd +1x2*, Dgr* (2WS) (Davaeorn) (AI: Thf Adv/Thf Sct)
Quayle: Mage/Ill//9, Robe of the N A-Magi w/Clk/P +1; Dgr +2*, Slg*(Whebber Ott) (AI: Mage Def)
Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; X0black101 (Blackguard); level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)
Blue Font: New information;
Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
(Best kill)(Current AI)
Also, I may be starting a IWD:EE minimal reload playthrough in the near future.
Name: Alexa Moonsong
Gender: Female
Race: Half-Elf
Alignment: Neutral Good
Class: Bard
Kit: N/A
Stats: Strength – 16, Dexterity – 18, Constitution -10, Intelligence-13, Wisdom –15, Charisma-18
Thief skills: Pick Pockets-60%
Biography: Alexa Moonsong is a Bardess from the Forest of Tethyr. She travels around to tell stories, and to sing songs to anyone who wants to hear them.
One day in the city of Neverwinter, Alexa was recounting a story, and one of the listeners was a man named Michael St. Claire. Michael recruited Alexa to join him on an adventure to go to Easthaven, and giving her a new tale to tell. Alexa was interested, so she accepted and joined Michael on his journey.
Name: Michael St. Claire
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Alignment: Lawful Good
Class: Cleric
Kit: Holy Justice of Tyr( Priest of Tyr)
Stats: Strength-18, Dexterity-16, Constitution-16, Intelligence-10, Wisdom-18, Charisma-10
Spells Memorized: Light Cure Wounds, Bless, and Remove Fear.
Biography: Michael St. Claire is a Holy Justice of Tyr from the city of Neverwinter. He grew up learning about Tyr, and what he stood for. Michael wanted to become part of the order Knights of Holy Judgment.
Michael was sent to Icewind Dale to do his duty to Tyr, and along the way he found some friends, as well as future enemies.
Name: Alexander Knight
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Alignment: True Neutral
Class: Fighter
Kit: Berserker
Stats: Strength-18/26, Dexterity-10, Constitution-15, Intelligence-10, Wisdom-17, Charisma- 17
Biography: Alexander Knight is a young man from one of the ten-towns. He was learning how to become a Knight, but ultimately he had too much rage within him, and he was starting to learn some things from a nearby druid.
One day, a messenger from Kuldahar arrived, and Alexander was sent to Easthaven to find out what was causing Kuldahar issues. Upon arriving in Easthaven, Alexander met Michael St. Claire and joined up with his party.
Name: Kai Yuki
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Class: Fighter
Kit: Kensai
Stats: Strength-18/00, Dexterity-10, Constituion-18, Intelligence-18, Wisdom-10, Charisma-10
Biography: Kai Yuki is a man from Kara-Tur. Kai traveled to Neverwinter, where he sold his skills to whoever could pay the most.
Michael St. Claire, obviously, paid for Kai’s services, so Kai followed his new employer to Easthaven all for money and treasures that would get him more money.
Name: Kelli Bigtoes
Gender: Female
Race: Halfling
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Class: Thief
Kit: Shadowdancer
Stats: Strength-17, Dexterity-19, Constitution-16, Intelligence-14, Wisdom-10, Charisma-12
Thief Skills: Open Locks-60%, Find Traps-20%, Pick Pockets-35%, Move Silently-45%, Hide in Shadows-50%, Detect Illusion-10%
Biography: Kelli is from the small Halfling village Gullykin. She had ventured to Neverwinter and met Michael St. Claire. Michael had paid for Kelli’s services, as well was promised adventure to the young Halfling.
Kelli, however, just wanted whatever loot she could get her hands on. To which, Michael promised that too, and in turn Kelli accepted.
Name: Nadia Darkshadow
Gender: Female
Race: Elf
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Class: Mage
Speciality: Wild Magic
Stats: Strength-10, Dexterity-19, Constitution-16, Intelligence-18, Wisdom-13, Charisma-10
Spells Memorized: Nahal's Reckless Dweomer, and Sleep.
Biography: Nadia is from the elven fortress of Evereska. She had been struck by wanderlust and power when she had left. Her adventures lead her to Easthaven where she met Michael, and his group. So, she joined them for the promise of finding more power, as well as finding elven artifacts.