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Baldur's Gate Series, and Icewind Dale Series Minimal Reload Challenge (Spoiler Warning!)

SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
edited November 2014 in Challenges and Playthroughs
Alright, after seeing a No Reload Challenge Thread, I decided to make the Minimal Reload Challenge here. Also, the ones on the Bioware Forums haven't recieved much activity recently.

Also, this challenge is for all Baldur's Gate games, vanilla or no.

Major Rules for the Baldur's Gate Minimal Challenge:

1. If your Charname dies, you reload and continue on.

2. If you were doing a No Reload Challenge, then you must post where, and how you died in order to continue onwards.

3. The lowest difficulty that you can start at is 'Normal', and you can go as high as you want in difficulty.

Optional Rules/Challenges(These are optional and you don't have to do them.):

1. You can pay the temples of basically 'ressurecting' you, and you have to look at the Raise Dead spell to determine how much gold you need to donate.

2. No Pre-buffing, even if you know that something bad is coming.

3. Explore Every Area, including Durlag's Tower.

4. Pure Vanilla Challenge.

Alright, you can chronicle your charname's adventures via Journal/Story, story with pictures, video, or a combination of those.

You must name your type (Vanilla, BGT, TuTu, etc.), difficulty, mods, and obviously your Charname. Things that need to be listed with Charname is: Name, Alignment, Race, Class, Stats, Proficiencies, Thief Skills(If applicable), Spells(Again, if applicable).

Also, please keep a record of what party members your using , if any, as well as a reload counter.

That being said, let the games begin.

Icewind Dale Minimal Reload Challenge Rules:

1. Once your whole party is defeated, then you reload, and continue on with your adventures.

2. I'm going to be lenient on this one, and say the lowest difficulty is going to be easy.

Optional Rules/Challenges:

Same as above, and whatever else you can think of to make your game more challenging.

Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition Minimal Reload Challenge Rules:

1. Use of Story Mode is FORBIDDEN.

Heart of Fury use:
1. You are allowed to boost your characters to level 13 if you want to, since in IWD:EE that is the recommended level for HoF.

Okay, chronicle adventures.

Name if its Vanilla, Modded, IWD:EE, or IWD in BG2, difficulty, and party members (If they aren't part of the IWD NPC Project, or IWD2 NPC Project.). If you make your own party members, then you need to do what you would do for charname in the Baldur's Gate Minimal Reload Challenge.

Edit: Changed the name to include Icewind Dale, and the rules for Icewind Dale.
Post edited by SapphireIce101 on


  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    edited January 2013
    Alright, here comes my first challenger, I guess.


    Name: Kalyinara
    Alignment: Chaotic Evil
    Class: Sorcerer
    Stats: Str- 10 Dex- 19 Con- 17 Int- 18 Wis- 12 Cha- 12
    Weapon Profciencies: * Darts
    Spells: Sleep, and Blindness
    Difficulty: Normal
    Mods: Isra, Valerie, BG2 Tweaks, TBG Weapon/Armor/Adventurer's Mart mods, and Neera Expansion.

    Edit: Forgot the difficulty and mods used. Haha..
    Edit 2: I just noticed that BG2 Tweaks was listed twice.
    Post edited by SapphireIce101 on
  • mjsmjs Member Posts: 742
    love the portrait!
  • IllustairIllustair Member Posts: 878
    This is an awesome idea. I don't think I could ever complete a no reload challenge, but your challenge seems doable and more importantly, enjoyable. No pre-buffing is also nice.
  • EnterHaerDalisEnterHaerDalis Member Posts: 813
    Cool, I'm in on this. Took my second roll :) I will be updating soon

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,675
    edited January 2013
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • IllustairIllustair Member Posts: 878
    Nice pic. Where did you get it?
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    edited January 2013
    @EnterHaerDalis - Awesome Picture, Awesome Stats. Reminds me of the time I rolled a 92, and accidently clicked 'roll'. I kicked myself in the pants for it.

    @Bhaaldog - You sir, win one free interwebz.

    @fredamora - On the Bioware Forums, the no pre-buffing was not an optional rule. Same with the 'give gold to the temple if you die' rule. @BelgarathMTH participated in a few Minimal Reload Challenges a few times, too.

    @mjs - Thank you!

    Time for my update, I'm kind of hoping that the screenshots won't be too huge?

    Traveling around the relative safety of Candlekeep, doing tasks for the inhabitants...finding two guys that wanted to kill our Sorceress for reasons of evil. They were both dealt with in the same manner. A Blindess spell, and two darts being impaled into their flesh.

    Upon leaving Candlekeep, losing Gorion, gaining Imoen (Shes just a filler for Dorn, I swear!) as a party member, then gaining Montaron and Xzar as party members (Pretty sure they're just fillers for Shar-Teel, and Edwin.). Kalyin headed to the Friendly Arm Inn, perhaps for some safety, but alas it wouldn't come true. For there was a mage assassin there, wanting to kill her. He was dealt a few darts, arrows, sword and dagger strikes, but he resisted the sleep spell.

    Kalyin did some tasks for the residents of the Friendly Arm Inn, and basically told Khalid and Jaheira to shove off. She led what little party she had to Peldvale, and saved a drow named Viconia from the Flaming Fist. Pfah! The Flaming Fist.

    Now, it was time to head south to Beregost. Once there, the group met a wild mage named Neera, helped her with her problem, and then stole her stuff. She said she would go back to the Friendly Arm Inn whenever Kalyin wanted to apologize. Psh. Then, Kalyin led her group to a store and recruited the Dwarf named Kagain. After that, they went to Firebead's house, got a scroll case, and then murdered the mage in his home. Using the same tactics as usual, plus a charge from Imoen's wand of Magic Missile.

    Next, they went to an inn, and killed an unruly drunk for basically being insulting.

    Lastly, the group got recruited by a woman named Silke, they assisted her with her problem, and then murdered her in the street.

    Kalyinara: Sorcerer - 1
    Imoen: Thief - 1
    Montaron: Fighter/Thief - 1/1
    Xzar: Necromancer - 1
    Viconia: Cleric - 2
    Kagain: Fighter - 1

    Reloads: 0

    Notes: I usually don't go all story like that, but I figured 'why not?' this time. If the screenshots are too big, I might just stop using them..

    Edit: Because in my stuff I mispelled Sorcerer? Hmm.
    Post edited by SapphireIce101 on
  • EnterHaerDalisEnterHaerDalis Member Posts: 813
    edited January 2013
    Okay Desriel has died twice now and has prompted me to pull the plug on her failing adventures. Some short highlights include...

    Jaheira getting mauled to death ;

    photo bgee-20130117-152604_zps03b77cdc.png

    Neera avenging her with a fiery feminine whack with her quarterstaff

    photo bgee-20130117-152625_zps5e5f2be9.png

    Desriel getting murdered by a Ghoul

    photo bgee-20130117-153343_zpsf1543ef5.png

    and a pack of Gibberlings (7 damage mind you...)

    photo bgee-20130117-153608_zpsf423adad.png

    Conclusion - Firstly, I always thought Blades and other bard kits had access to all thieving abilities including lockpicking. Very noober-esque of me to think so. Also only starting with 6 hit points makes for a rough way of life for a guy who rarely plays bards like me. Because of her over zealous style the sword coast gobbled her up for breakfast.

    Enter Kiandra, a Wild Mage of Thay who has studied the darker parts of the wild magics with remarkable dedication. Her magics and powers of lust strike fear into the hearts of all who know her name. Hopefully she can provide a more sinister and precise destruction of the coast with her astounding 15 Hit Point roll at level 1!!!!! Roll #1 of 81 was used.

    photo bgee-20130117-154638_zps85b86328.png

    Imp Minstrel of Thay is summoned by Kiandra

    photo bgee-20130117-154627_zpsa5211a14.png

    Kiandra gets some fresh air with fellow master of magics Firebead Elvenhair and the Imp Minstrel of Thay before her big journey. She puts on her best smile and tries not to let him know how much of an old rotten goody good snob he really is.

    photo bgee-20130117-155614_zps18294ab6.png

    More ghastly long posts and mammoth sized screenshots to come........maybe..

    Post edited by EnterHaerDalis on
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,761
    I like this thread very much! The screenshots and the texts are amazing!

    @SapphireIce101 - you use some interesting portraits. Where do they come from?
  • bbearbbear Member Posts: 1,180
    edited January 2013
    Just a suggestion, you may want to put the images in Spoiler when you have too many images. The format is (exclude quotation marks):

    <"your images">

  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    edited January 2013
    Inspired by the newest awesome update to the game to play yet again, I am entering this character here:


    The roleplaying idea is to loosely follow the myth of Kal-El (Superman). I have chosen a barbarian for the first attempt - extra hitpoints, extra speed, immunity to almost anything except being sent to the Phantom Zone (imprisonment), and eventual damage resistances.

    All he knows about himself at the start of the game is that Gorion told him he was found just outside Candlekeep as an infant, and adopted into the community. From toddlerhood, he began to exhibit preternatural strength and speed. He grew into a very handsome and kind young man, with a strong sense of compassion and justice, but not completely above an occasional underhanded move. He wants to use his super strength to protect the innocent and bring evil-doers to justice.

    I will be playing on normal level. I want a nice, relaxing romp around the Sword Coast as opposed to a challenge - something to kick back with and enjoy after work. I may keep a reduced party for a while - I'm not sure yet.

    I've just gotten out of Candlekeep and collected Xzar and Monty.

    Abbreviated updates and any interesting battle screenies I can capture to follow.

    Reloads: 0

    EDIT: I took an assortment of blunt weapon proficiencies. The plan is to use the Hammer +2 in this game, and then use Azuredge and the Flail of Ages if I export to BG2. I am roleplaying that I can't stand cutting things, and the whole feel and sound of slashed flesh and bone. The axe will be a reluctantly used weapon, usually only hitting with the flat of the blade or thrown with great force, unless fighting undead.

    EDIT #2: Tonight, I played up through reaching Beregost.

    -Defeated FAI mage. With four member party, it was easy. He never got a single spell off - my barby chunked him in one hit, after raging as a precaution.
    -Picked up Jaheira and Khalid, got Joia's ring.
    -Kicked Monty and Xzar. All you have to do to get good roleplaying reasons for party forming decisions is to click "info" and "biography".
    -Killed Silke. Again, she got chunked in one hit from my barby, who had cast rage first as a precaution. Immy interrupted her one spell attempt with the WoM.
    -Picked up Garrick and Kagain. I am thinking about keeping Garrick as an item identifier and crossbowman, who has arcane talent.
    -Still trying to decide about Kivan, Minsc, Dynaheir, Branwen (later Yeslick), and/or Xan. Neera will join long enough for us to get the only gem pouch in the game, and then realize how dangerous she is to herself and others. Jaheira and Khalid are going to get roleplayed out soon, I think. (Separating to spread our investigations. Will not reunite until SoA, if I do that.)
    Post edited by BelgarathMTH on
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    edited January 2013
    @EnterHaerDalis - Ouchies on the bard....Hope you do better with the Wild Mage!

    @Bengoshi - The Party's portraits come from the BGPaint pack. You can get it at Spellhold Studios if you wished.

    @bbear - Thats actually a good idea.

    @belgarathmth - Welcome back to the Challenge! Also, I don't think I've ever seen someone try to do a Superman like playthrough. Hope it works!

    After murdering Silke in the streets, the group went inside of the Red Sheaf, and found a dwarven bounty hunter. He had almost destroyed Kagain a few times, but everyone's missile weapons kept him at bay, as well as a minor drain from Xzar.

    However, since Xzar was complaining about not going to Nashkel, the group headed down south. They ran across some...giants, and a Flaming Fist pansy! Bah, Flaming Fist. Even the Bandits pose more of a threat than those pansies! Kalyinara had cast blindness on the pansy.

    Upon reaching Nashkel, some of the guards had attacked, but were killed quite easily. The head of the guards told the group not to cause trouble. Then, soon after that a guy named 'Bounty Hunter' attacked. He was more of a pansy than the Flaming Fist guy. Blindness was cast upon him. After that, the group murdered a monk named Rasaad, and took his boots to sell for gold.

    Next, the group went into the Nashkel Inn, and found another bounty hunter named Neira. She was killed quite easily as well. A blindness and resist fear were used, and not much else to say about that.

    After resting at the inn, talking to the Mayor, recruiting a mage named Edwin, cutting ties with Xzar and Montaron, and claiming to be Greywolf to get gold, the group met a man named Minsc. He was quite insane after Kalyin refused to help him save his 'Witch'. Therefore, Minsc was murdered in a street infront of a bunch of people.

    On the way to the mines, the group was ambushed by some people. A half-orc came, and helped the group destroy 'Senjak and Dorotea' as he called them. Sleep, Armor, Color Spray were cast, a Bless spell was in the mix, but had gotten interupted. The Half-Orc was named Dorn and he was on a quest of revenge.

    Exploring the mine area, the group came across a man named Prism and a female Paladin. They were both killed, and Kalyin took the Emeralds.

    On the way to the gnoll stronghold, the group came across some bandits. Kalyin had cast sleep, and blindness. The guy throwing the darts had almost killed Dorn, but Dorn's Absorb Health, and Viconia's Light Cure wounds saved that day. As well as Kagain's Healing Potions.

    After finally making it to the gnoll stronghold, the group was held up by some giants. Kalyin had cast sleep upon them and they fell quite easily. Thats what you get for trying to make her pay a toll to cross a bridge! Then, they found who Edwin was looking for. That Dynaheir woman..She was brutally murdered by Kalyin.

    Kalyinara: Sorcerer - 2
    Imoen: Thief - 2
    Viconia: Cleric - 3
    Kagain: Fighter - 1
    Edwin: Conjurer - 1
    Dorn: Blackguard - 1

    Reloads: 0

    Notes: No new spells learned, Kalyin's Charisma went up by one, the party's reputation is one, and Imoen hasn't left yet, but she'll get replaced by Shar-Teel anyway.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    -Had a close call with Karlat. I had to drink two potions of healing, an oil of speed, and Jaheira had to stand behind me and cast two Cure Lights. I thought it was going to be a dreaded reload, but I pulled through, thanks, I think, to the oil of speed.

    -Didn't want to waste the rest of the oil of speed, so I went south of town and finished off the ogrillons to get Mirianne's letter and a ring of protection. Killed a few hobbies while the oil was still active. Had to party-kite a ghoul right when it wore off. Went back to town and felt guilty for being so careless.

    -Took Kagain up to inspect his lost caravan. Took him back to town and left him at Feldpost's Inn. I'm trying to come up with a four member party eventually so I can get an xp bonus, but, so far, I'm not there. I need Jaheira for a healer at least until I can get Branwen, and she and Khalid are a package deal. (I'm a good character- no deliberate King David passive murders are going to happen.)

    -Helped Neera and took her in long enough to ID some items and give us a gem pouch as a reward for saving her. Took a chance and let her cast some Sleep spells on Liandrin's spiders. Went back to Feldpost's and found out through talking to Neera that she does not have control of her powers. A mage with no control is far too dangerous. Took her to the FAI and left her under the protection of the Mirrorshades. Gave Liandrin back her possesions, and Jaheira started complaining that I was taking too long to get to Nashkel.

    I will have to let her and Khalid go soon, because we just don't see eye to eye. I want to explore and take my time; she wants to hurry, hurry, go, go, go.

    Found Zhurlong's boots on a hobbie and returned them to him. Found extra healing potions in a cave.

    -Arrived in Nashkel after several skirmishes with hobbies and bandits. Got a suit of ankheg plate. Too bad I can't wear it. Jaheira will wear it until I can give it to Branwen.

    Average party level is two.

    Reloads: 0

    Note: I've gotten distracted by playing a Neverwinter Nights Saga of Aielund game, so I may or may not play this run for awhile. I'll keep watching to see if participation picks up.
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    edited January 2013
    Update on Kalyin, and a bump for the thread.

    Out and about, scouring the woods, Kalyin came upon a woman named Sendai, and murdered her outright for being, well, Sendai. Sleep, blindness, potions, and light cure wounds were being thrown about!

    Kalyin, being sick of the area, led her group to another area, where this ghoul wanted to be friends with her, only to be killed, simply because Kalyin did -not- want a ghoul for a friend. In the same area, the group had met Shar-Teel. Kagain dueled Shar-teel and defeated her easily. The group dropped Imoen, and killed her for the items that she had.

    Kalyinara: Sorcerer - 2
    Viconia: Cleric - 3
    Kagain: Fighter - 2
    Edwin Conjurer - 1
    Dorn: Blackguard -1
    Shar-Teel: Fighter < Thief - 2 < 1

    Reload: 0

    Reputation: 1

    Note: The < means dual-class. Kagain nearly died a couple of times. Got attacked by bounty hunters/Flaming Fist whenever arriving in a town. This is fun.
  • Zbyszko’s heroic reputation grows. Tales of his exploits grace the lyrics of song in every Bard’s repertoire. In every tavern throughout the Faerun, patrons drunken & not-so speak the name Zbyszko w/awe – many claiming to have known him or met him @ one time or another. It’s said that Zbyszko & his loyal & powerful followers recently laid siege to Durlag’s Tower, conquered all within & then vanquished a terrible Demon Knight who’d made that terrible place his lair. And while the tales grow wilder by the telling, their essence is true.


    Key Event: While there were many mistakes, two nearly perfect battles lay claim to being the key events in Zbyszko’s brilliant success in Durlag’s Tower Labyrinth Levels.

    On the 4th Labyrinth Level, knowing ahead of time that battle with a Demon Knight lay beyond the next door, Zbyszko’s strategy led allowed him to vanquish the demon Knight in less than a minute. The only shortfall here is that Neera was torched to death w/a Fireball & that same Fireball took Rasaad out of the fight. This may have been averted had Zbyszko asked Neera to use a Spell Thrust before casting Greater Malison. While this victory is the one that all the Faerun is buzzing about…

    … The unsung winner of ‘Key Event’ goes to Zbyszko’s perfect victory in a madman’s game of Chess on the 3rd Labyrinth Level. Not one scratch fell upon Zbyszko or his followers. Zbyszko’s patience in not assaulting the chess board was key. He purposely gave his opponent the initiative & when there was no movement, Zbyszko had Imoen use a Wand of Fireballs in the front rank. It destroyed a number of Pawns & weakened a Knight. W/that knowledge & the fact that his opponent remained motionless, Zbyszko had Neera cast Greater Malison in the front rank of Pawns just in front of King & Queen position. A follow-on Fireball led to serious damage to the King & Queen, a Bishop & more Pawns. Still no movement to retaliate. Zbyszko continued the artillery barrage until his opponents pieces were utterly destroyed & easily claimed the victory & The World’s Edge +3, a ferocious Two-Handed Sword +3 that Zbyszko gave to his friend, the Paladin Ajantis.

    Even so, it may be the fact that Zbyszko led his party through Durlag’s Tower w/o the assistance of a Thief. Imoen is still dual-classing from Thief to Mage-Thief & is unable to use her Thieving skills. Rasaad’s limited ability to detect traps, Yeslick’s Clerical spell Detect Traps & the Mage spell Knock used by both Neera & Imoen helped but there were many ‘crushing’ moments.

    Treasure of note: The Practical Defense (Plate Mail) +3, Kiel’s Helmet & Krotan’s SkullCrusher (Mace) +2(Yeslick); World’s Edge (2-Handed Sword) +3 (Ajantis); Pellan’s Shield +2 (Zbyszko); Soul Taker Dagger; Arla’s DragonBane (Sling) +3 (Neera)

    Current Disposition: Resting and recuperating in Nashkel

    Next Steps: Return to Ulgoth’s Beard

    Level Up: Neera to Wild Mage/Level 8; Imoen to Mage/7//Thief/7; Yeslick to Ftr/7//Clr/7; Zbyszko to Ftr/8;

    Current Party:(Reputation: 20 - Heroic)
    Zbyszko, Ftr/8 (19*, 15, 16, 10, 12*, 11*); AnkPlate, LShield +2, ClkProt+2, Greenstone Aml; B/Axe+1,
    ThAxe+2 , MStar+1; GauntWExp; *Tomes of L/I, Understanding(x2) & Manual of BH
    Ajantis, Pal/7; Plate+1, LShield +1; ClkDispl; 2HS +3, BSwd +1, Mace+1; GauntWpnExp
    Imoen, Thf/7//Mg/7; Robe Good A/Magi ; Wand of Fire
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    @CharlestonianTemplar - Welcome to the new Minimal Reload Challenge thread! Ick, Durlag's Tower, and that should be a challenge idea. "No doing Durlag's Tower with a Thief in the party." Seeing as Imoen was dual-classing at the time, she doesn't really count. Heh.
  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    edited February 2013
    Durlag's Tower is brutal WITH a thief. I went in w/four reloads and came out w/nine (although, only two of them were from traps). The other three were stupidity - gotta quaff that Potion of Mirrored Eyes BEFORE you rush headlong at the Basilisk.

    We've finished Ice Island. Torn between Balduran and the Cult next. IU'll write something up later and post.
  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    edited February 2013
    Zbyszko’s legend grows as the tales of his exploits grow taller. Before the echoes of stories about his vanquishing a Demon Knight in Durlag’s Tower were even finished reverberating, new stories had him destroying Wizards on a mysterious ‘Ice island’ & another terrible Demon far to the north in Ulgoth’s Beard. It’s whispered that, “like a ‘holy apparition’ he appears out of nowhere to destroy evil throughout the Faerun.” Evil, it is said, cannot hide from the wrath of his gentle goodness.

    Indeed, Zbyszko & his followers, did destroy several wizards in an island prison &, w/great difficulty, defeated Aec’Letec. Zbyszko will not let you forget that without his followers, he’d long since have been dead & forgotten in the wilderness south of the Nashkel Mines.

    Zbyszko’s team of mages, Neera & Imoen, are a tough match for any wizard & they proved so on ice isle. The combination of Spell Thrust by Neera &, a moment later, Greater Malison by Imoen were too much for the wizards’ defenses in the tunnels of the isle.


    Key Event: Zbyszko & his followers fought three highly charged battles to infiltrate & destroy the Cult of Aec’Letec. After defeating them in the street, Zbyszko withdrew to rest unmolested. He returned & took out a second group of defenders inside the cult building a day later. Both fights were difficult & took all of the group’s skill & prowess to win, especially w/o taking any losses. Again Zbyszko withdrew only to return the next day intent on heading into the basement. Expecting resistance, Zbyszko, Ajantis, Yeslick & Rasaad quaffed various Potions of Giant Strength (Zbyszko Storm Giant) & Magic Blocking or Shielding. Yeslick cast Protection from Evil 10’. Descending the stairs they immediately fell into battle with Cult members & Aec’Letec. Zbyszko & the other fighters attacked the Cult Guards intent on killing them first while Neera & Imoen focused on breaking down Aec’Letec’s defenses. After killing all the Cult Guards Neera cast Cloudkill & with great difficulty Zbyszko, Ajantis & Yeslick finished Aec’Letec. Imoen & Rasaad were killed. *

    * I took a reload here. Not sure what happened. This is the 2nd time in this run that my PC is just suddenly dead w/no obvious source. I’ll take the hit & attribute it to Aec’Letec but I sure didn’t see it.
    Treasure of note: None

    Current Disposition: Resting and recuperating in Ulgoth’s Beard

    Next Steps: Balduran Island

    Level Up: Neera to Wild Mage/Level 9

    Current Party:(Reputation: 19 - Heroic)
    Zbyszko, Ftr/8 (19*, 15, 16, 10, 12*, 11*); AnkPlate, LShield +2, ClkProt+2, Greenstone Aml; B/Axe+1,
    ThAxe+2 , MStar+1; GauntWExp; *Tomes of L/I, Understanding(x2) & Manual of BH
    Ajantis, Pal/7; Plate+1, LShield +1; ClkDispl; 2HS +3, BSwd +1, Mace+1; GauntWpnExp
    Imoen, Thf/7//Mg/7; Robe Good A/Magi ; Wand of Fire
    Rasaad, Mk/8; Gaunt/Dex, RProt+1; Katana+1, Ninjato+1; BStealth & BSpeed
    Yeslick, Ftr/7//Clr/7; Plate +3, RProt+1; WHammer +2, Mace +2, Slg+1; GauntWpSkill
    Neera, WldMg/9; Robe Neut A/Magi, AmProt+1; Aule’s Staff +3, Arla’s DragonBane +3; GauntWpSkill ; Wands MonSum & Fear

    Reloads: 10 (Cave Bear near Nashkel Mines; 1st Battle of Iron Throne (unbuffed); Basilisk (Mutamin’s
    Garden); Basilisk (Durlag’s Tower); Trap – Lightning (Durlag’s Tower, LL2); Trap – Crushing (Durlag’s
    Tower, LL3); Skeleton Warrior (Durlag’s Tower – LL3); Greater Wyvern (Durlag’s Tower, LL3); Aec’letec
    Post edited by CharlestonianTemplar on
  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    edited February 2013
    Struggling with inserting my photos. Don't mind this post. Nothing interesting here. CT
  • Jared4242Jared4242 Member Posts: 130
    edited February 2013
    (I don't know how to take pictures, so do excuse that >.<)

    Andelver Aerasumé (If you know where I got this, well done)
    Type: Vanilla
    Difficulty: Normal
    No mods :3

    Andelver: Chaotic Good Elven Ranger

    Strengh: 13
    Dexterity: 19
    Consitution: 15
    Intelligince: 14
    Wisdom: 14
    Charisma: 13

    ** In Scimitars
    ** In Two-Handed Swords
    ** Two Weapon Style

    Currently traveling about the northern reaches of the map. Likely won't recruit any members until I reach Lv 5. Best of luck to all other challengers!
  • styggastygga Member Posts: 467
    @enterhaerdalis How on earth did you manage to get a mage who has four hit dice to roll a 15 starting out?
  • EnterHaerDalisEnterHaerDalis Member Posts: 813
    stygga said:

    @enterhaerdalis How on earth did you manage to get a mage who has four hit dice to roll a 15 starting out?

    I was stunned at first but then I realized it was the permanent bonus you get from summoning a familiar. You get a bonus equal to half of the familiars HP. Imps have the worst HP at 18, so the bonus is only +9. My mage started with 6 HP. All the other familiars have 24HP giving a +12 bonus.

  • styggastygga Member Posts: 467
    Gotcha! Had forgotten about that
  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    edited February 2013
    Jared4242 said:

    (I don't know how to take pictures, so do excuse that >.<)

    When you have somethin' you want to take a pic of, just click, 'Ctrl' & 'PrSc' @ the same time. The pic will appear in your game folder in an internal folder called, 'ScrnShot'.

    Then just click, 'Attach a file' at the bottom of your post & go search it out in the folder ya just put it in (yeah, I ended that sentance w/a preposition).

  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    edited February 2013
    There is truth to the phrase, “confidence is good, but overconfidence sinks the ship.” While that may not be what landed the inhabitants of Balduran’s Island there, it is certainly apropos to Zbyszko’s journey to that Lycanthrope infested place.

    Zbyszko & his followers had a tough going @ Balduran’s Island. The culprit? Wolfwere’s. Especially, Greater Wolfwere’s!

    Zbyszko managed to get to the lair of a powerful Greater Wolfwere w/o much difficulty after battling through many 'lesser' Wolfwere’s, Vampiric Wolves & various other Wolves thinking he was assisting the local populace. The Greater Wolfwere was EXTREMELY difficult to kill & Zbyszko lost both Ajantis, his Lieutenant, & Neera, his senior Mage, for the remainder of his time on the Isle.


    After defeating the Greater WolfWERE & saving the village, Zbyszko returned to share the ‘good news’ only to find he & his followers, now down to three plus himself, attacked by WEREwolves. Yes, that’s right. Wolfwere’s on the north of the island, Werewolves in the south.

    Zbyszko rescued a baby, recovered a ‘man’s’ lost brother & even a small child’s dolly only to be attacked by them later. Eventually Zbyszko was directed to a cave complex & managed to get to a ship the village had been saving for their own use. Even here, he once again had a battle against a Loup Garou (Kaishas) before he, Imoen, Yeslick & Rasaad could finally depart for the Ulgoth’s Beard.

    *After having negotiated Durlag’s Tower & the Cult of Aec’Letec w/six reloads between them, we took four reloads here! Ouch! Hint, hint! Don’t try resting in or out of the caves after you kill Karoug & meet w/Kaishas!*

    They returned to Ulgoth's Beard & then had to fight two more Loup Garou, one of them Mendas, who'd sent them to the Island under false-pretenses.

    Key Event: Getting the heck off the Island!

    Treasure of note: Sword of Balduran (Zbyszko); Werebane +1 (Imoen); We lost Imoen Robe of the Good Arch-Mage in the confusion after the battle w/Aec’Letec. Imoen had to be raised after the battle & somehow we didn’t get her robe!

    Current Disposition: Resting and recuperating in Ulgoth’s Beard

    Next Steps: Adoy’s Enclave

    Level Up: Neera to Wild Mage/Level 9 & FINALLY! Imoen to Mage/8//Thief/7 (oh, how we have missed her thieving skills & short bow!

    Current Party:(Reputation: 19 - Heroic)
    Zbyszko, Ftr/8 (19*, 15, 16, 10, 12*, 11*); AnkPlate, LShield +2, ClkProt+2, Greenstone Aml; B/Axe+1,
    Bala's Axe; ThAxe+2 , MStar+1; GauntWExp; *Tomes of L/I, Understanding(x2) & Manual of BH
    Ajantis, Pal/7; Plate+1, LShield +1; ClkDispl; 2HS +3, BSwd +1, Mace+1; GauntWpnExp
    Imoen, Mg/8//Thf/7; Knave's Robe; Prot of the Dyad's +2; Wands of Fear/Sleep/MM
    Rasaad, Mk/8; Gaunt/Dex, RProt+1; Katana+1, Ninjato+1; BStealth & BSpeed
    Yeslick, Ftr/7//Clr/7; Plate +3, RProt+1; WHammer +2, Mace +2, Slg+1; GauntWpSkill
    Neera, WldMg/9; Robe Neut A/Magi, AmProt+1; Aule’s Staff +3, Arla’s DragonBane +3; GauntWpSkill;
    Wands Fear/Sleep

    Reloads: 14 (Cave Bear near Nashkel Mines; 1st Battle of Iron Throne (unbuffed); Basilisk (Mutamin’s Garden); Basilisk (Durlag’s Tower); Trap – Lightning (Durlag’s Tower, LL2); Trap – Crushing (Durlag’s Tower, LL3); Skeleton Warrior (Durlag’s Tower – LL3); Greater Wyvern (Durlag’s Tower, LL3); Aec’letec; 11-14 (Karoug & Werewolves, Imoen/Yeslick & Rasaad as Greater Wolfwere’s, Buldaron’s Island)
    Post edited by CharlestonianTemplar on
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    Excellent thread! I just love the concept of minimal reload. No-reload is just too sour, but loading only if the pc is dead (and trying to keep him alive at all costs all the time) adds tremendous excitement and fun to an already wonderful game. Like when only pc is left alive after a brutal battle, you don't load and try again, but deal with it. Or in case an NPC is chunked..

    I was playing on insane difficulty for a time, then it became too much for me, Durlag's Tower kept killing my NPCs, I did not reload but had to travel back to town and forth to raise them after every important skirmish...Which quickly became tiresome. (although, Tiax getting chunked by a berserking Minsc was pure awesome!)

    So I restarted on core rules, decided to take my time and sharpen my skills further. Doing nicely now, party lvl 4-5 and still haven't been to Nashkel Mines and still zero reload. Game is fun. PS:Korax the ghoul is extremely useful! Had an invisible party member escort him and he tore all the basilisk AND Mutamin apart. He never went hostile too, I guess since the party member near his vicinity was invisible, he couldn't activate his dialogue 'I will eat you now, pls don't squirm much!' thus he remained under control for a very long time. Gained tons of xp with no risk whatsoever. Cheese? :-)
  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    edited February 2013
    I'm not sure all of Sapphires rules for the minimal here but I DEFINATELY try to keep my PC alive because I pay whatever it cost to raise him @ a temple or to purchase a Raise dead Scroll every time I have to reload, i.e. I was out 3200 GPs when I finally got back to a temple this time.

    I try to do the same for all NPCs that croak w/me too. That can definately cut into your booty haul!

    Another rule I play by, is if the party is decimated - the party is decimated! No more reloads b/c there'd be no one there to drag your dead carcass/equipment back to a temple.

    I've softened my 'self-rule' on this one in that if I can get some of the NPCs equipment back to a cleric, I assume they can use DNA from their clothing/equipment to raise them so they don't need the body (I have to assume in cases where I reload that one of the NPCs would've done the same for my PC - that's why 'Good parties' make 'Good sense' - not sure parties led by/comprised of Neutral or Evil folks would do so - they'd take the money & run unless they absolutely needed that person to survive). So, if my PC is the only one left I make sure they get the armor/cloak/robe/gauntlets/helm... something from each NPC so they can take it to the priest. Lot's a dodgin' & duckin' sometimes w/like 10 hps left. LOL

    Post edited by CharlestonianTemplar on
  • WanderonWanderon Member Posts: 1,418
    edited February 2013
    I've started a multi/solo minimal reload game (built team in multi then moved save to single player) based on an idea Lemernis posted a while back.

    I'm calling them the Witch Hunters and there will be no mages in this group.

    Starting group consists of
    Inquisitor (Leader and main PC)
    Dwarf WS
    Human Beastmaster (will dual to cleric at level 3)
    Elf Archer
    Gnome Cleric/thief

    I'll put in the details after work tonight or tomorrow morning.

    EDIT: Some details:

    Mikeli Magebane -M- Inquisitor LG 18/21 18 18 11 14 18 - ** Two handed Sword, * Longbow, * THW Style

    Axel -M- Dwarf WS - LN 18/62 17 18 12 12 8 - ** axe ** S & S Style

    Baila Bearspeak - F - Human- CG Beastmaster 18/98 18 18 8 18 8 - ** Staff *sling **THWS **TWS (will dual to cleric at level 3)

    Olin Oakbow - M - Elf - CG - Archer - 18/52 19 18 11 14 12 - **Longbow *Longsword *SWS **TWS

    Tarmin Trapmaster -M- NG- Gnome C/T 18 18 18 9 17 8 - *Mace *Sling (OL 40 FT 50)
    Post edited by Wanderon on
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    Can you explain the Beastmaster/Cleric build?
  • WanderonWanderon Member Posts: 1,418

    Can you explain the Beastmaster/Cleric build?

    Just a little different take on the Ranger Cleric - the beastmaster is mostly just for it's nerf value I guess altho the extra stealth should allow him to be a better scout.
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