I guessed something like that. The Beastmaster kit kinda sucks, doesn't it?
It does but then the ranger/cleric is a little too awesome so I'm hoping this will be the goldilocks version and be just right. The beastmaster is mostly about nerf stew with a side order of roleplay - no metal weapons, no armor heavier than studded leather, and since I'm dualing at level 3 none of the animal summons perks which don't kick in until level 8.
So I have a female treehugger weilding a staff and sling in leathers who will be a cleric with all the druid spells too. She will of course also have 2 free pips in 2 weapon style so she can dual weild clubs if she gets bored with her staff and I suspect she will encourage the team not to even think about decimating the local bear population unless it's a rogue mankiller that she can't talk into behaving. (I'm thinking she will likely attempt to charm them instead to use them as allies (hence Baila Bearspeak).)
Edit: Discovered another nerf I had forgotten about - Beastmaster also get to summon familiar - but since I didn't make the beastmaster my main PC she doesn't get to use this (only charname can do so even in an MP scenario)
Mikeli Magebane was intrigued by the odd group he encountered in Winthrops Inn - They had arrived guarding a shipment of rare manuscripts recently discovered in Baldurs Gate and were celebrating their successful arrival with some of Winthrops fine ale. A dwarf with little use for mages and their trappings, an elven archer who was constantly preening the feathers on his arrows, a human beastmaster that they swore actually spoke to bears, and a gnome cleric whom the dwarf hinted had a somewhat shady past before taking his vows which led to his uncanny ability to find and disarm traps and could also free a sticky lock for you - just in case you lost your keys he said with a wink.
Mikeli gave them a tour of the premises and was glad he did when they encountered not one but two assasins apparently sent to kill him - the group dispatched them quickly of course but they must have been offered a massive reward to attack a group of 5 seasoned warriors and that troubled him. He bade them farewell when he and Gorion left that evening and the group bade him good fortune and said they would be leaving with the morning light to seek some new employment perhaps in Beregost.
Mikeli was filled with both anger and sorrow when he and Gorion were attacked outside Candlekeep and Gorion insisted he save himself and Mikeli saw him go down as he slipped into the dark woods. In the morning light he discovered Imoen had followed him and after much discourse he convinced her to go back but accepted the potions she had "borrowed" for him.
As he started down the road he was startled by a shout and his freinds from the night before came running up to him. They had seen the scene of the ambush and had tracked him to this path. They discussed the obvious gravity of the situation and agreed to follow him and get to the bottom of this mystery while the dwarf hammered out a payment agreement they would follow.
Gorion had told him to go to the Freindly Arms Inn but they decided it might be best to leave that be for the moment and head south in a effort to throw their enemies off thier track. They returned to the ambush scene where he discovered a cryptic note on Gorions body signed with a large E. They gave Gorion a short burial service and the dwarf gathered up anything of value from the fallen enemies and the party scouted the area before heading south.
They came across a hermit who warned them of a couple of shady characters ahead and as they approached them Mikeli got a whiff of undead typical around a necromancer and cast a detect evil which confirmed their bad intentions and the party struck them down without warning. The dwarf gathered their meager belongings and the group headed south through the woods.
In the vicinity of High Hedge they came across small groups of angry skeletons perhaps the work of the necromancer they had taken down to the north and the group dispatched them with little effort. A trio of gnolls provided a bit more challenge and one was carrying a short sword with a halfling mark on it that the dwarf set aside in hopes of finding the grateful owner.
They traveled further south where they encountered a talking chicken of all things and they managed to get it back to the grumpy mage who ran the shop in High Hedge where it was successfully returned to its former human shape. Both Mikeli and the dwarf were uncomfortable around these magic users but both the elf and the gnome vouched for him and the dwarf grumblingly admitted that it would serve no purpose to shut down a store that could be helpful to them in buying up their extra items.
The party left the shop and encountered a black bear - Baila went right up to it and spoke softly and the bear followed her like a cub. She sent it on ahead a bit and it encountered a ghast which it attacked right along with the party. Soon after it attacked a huge spider which it damaged severely but died in the encounter. Baila smoothed over it's ruffled fur and glared at the dwarf when he suggested they skin it and she said its body would serve to feed the other animals and most certainly would not become a robe to any rock headed dwarf.
The group turned east and found their way into Beregost where they were met by a husky halfling Barbarian named Tambul Twohand with two bastard swords sheathed to his back. After a bit if haggling the group voted to allow him to join up and they set off to the smithy to do some trading.
(I considered halbreds seriously but decided it would just look too silly ;-) )
I had originally thought to keep the last slot open for the occasional NPC but decided I could always drop someone off if I wanted to do that and added the halfling now which just about completes our multi-cultural affirmative action program.
The party traded a bit with Thunderhammer then entered Feldposts Inn where Mikeli had an argument with a local man who didn't care for adventurers. It was the first time he had considered that he and this group did in fact fit the profile of adventurers and he found himself quite pleased with that epiphany. In the end he calmed Marl down and they toasted his lost son and got some well needed rest. Upon leaving the next morning to explore the town they came upon a damsel in distress and Mikeli couldn't help but think it was just like in the stories he had heard around the fires at Winthrops altho this damsel didn't appear to be a trollop. It turned out to be a wild mage but he wasn't going to turn her over to those evil wizards of Thay who were chasing her and the battle was on and over in a trice.
She wanted to join them but Mikeli was having none of it and she headed off to the Freindly Arms Inn but not before the dwarf took her aside and apparently talked her out of a handy little gem bag she was carrying. When he questioned him about it the dwarf said he had taken it as payment for convincing the group that they should make a deal with the lass to remain at FAI and occasionally ID some magic items for them with the promise that she would never unleash her wild magics on the community. Mikeli glared at him but in the end agreed it was a workable solution and said he would confirm it with her when they reached the FAI.
They found a young bard called Garrick outside the Burning Wizard who offered them some work and Mikeli noticed Tarmin sneaking inside as the rest of the group spoke with Garrick and returning a few minutes later - he couldn't be certain but it appeared the gnomes mace was a bit bigger and brighter than before but was distracted by the dwarf nudging him that they should accept Garricks offer. Well it turned out Garricks boss was an evil mage thinking to trick them into killing innocents but Mikeli easily saw through her ruse and they took her down quickly giving Baila her nice shiny staff and not saying another word to hapless Garrick who was apparently unaware of the mages ruse.
The group headed off to the North to see what adventures awaited on the way to the FAI. Just north of Beregost they came upon a wrecked caravan hit by bandits no doubt altho they saw none along their way. They came across a few roving bands of xvarts and diseased gibberlings and a wolf or two which gave them no trouble but as they neared the FAI they stumbled on to a large ogre which posed a greater threat. The group was up to the task however and the dwarf took a large slice out with his axe then Baila stepped up and finished him off with a huge blow from her new staff and he was down and out before half the group even got a swing in.
They entered the courtyard at the FAI and were accosted by an evil mage on the stairs. Mikeli cast true sight taking down the mages defenses almost before they were up and without his mirrored image he fell before getting another spell off.
Once inside Mikeli found Jahiera and Khalid Gorions freinds and they offered their condolences but he declined to have them join in his quest. He found Neera in a corner and had a long talk with her eventually convincing her to erase all the spells in her spellbook except an identify spell and a simple armor spell she could use in an emrgency. She had already spoken to Bently Mirrorshade and he had offered her a room and board in return for some work around the inn and she seemed content to remain here indefinately. His wife helped her to change her appearance so the Red Wizards would be less likely to discover her whereabouts.
Bently suggested we speak to Joia who lived near the gate and when we found her she sent us off in search of a ring taken by hobgoblins. We found several hanging out very close to the walls of the keep and sent them all to the nine hells and found her ring on one of them.
As we returned along the east side of the keep the dwarf spotted something under a blue spruce and it turned out to be a ring of some magic design - the damn dwarf has tunnel vision when it comes to gold or trinkets and they just can't hide from him. We took it in and gave it to Neera and she was then able to increase the number of identify spells she could access and thought it looked just fabulous and wanted to know if it matched her eyes.
The dwarf started to say something about it matching something else but a glare from Mikeli left him muttering in his beard and he waddled off to get another ale while Olin took Neera over to a quiet corner to chat about wooded glades and other elfy stuff no doubt while the rest of the group settled in for some of Mirrorshades finest ale.
The trip back to Beregost was uneventful but when the party entered the Red Sheaf Inn they were accosted by yet another bounty hunter but Tarmin commanded him to nap and the rest of the party took their shot and he was dead before he hit the floor. The dwarf gathered his stuff and then went over to see a halfling in the corner and it turned out to be halflings blade they found with the gnolls and he was almost pleased to part with 50 g for us bringing it back to him.
So far so good - no deaths - no reloads - no level ups yet most everyone has about 1700 exp except Tambul the Halfling who has about 800 since he came late to the party - Tarmin of course has his split between cleric/thief. Playing on Core and if things keep going this way I don't think I will drop back to Normal for levels unless I really get annoyed with low hps (and even then I will not reload to go back but may go back at next level)
I thought giving Neera the mage ring and using her as an ID bot was a decent compromise vs selling the ring and paying for IDs - having 9K gold this early would be a little OP I think.
I didn't even realize yesterday that you made an entirely original group...even though it was obvious to anyone who was awake...which obviously I was not.
Good for you. I've never done that but have always wanted to.
I didn't even realize yesterday that you made an entirely original group...even though it was obvious to anyone who was awake...which obviously I was not.
Good for you. I've never done that but have always wanted to.
Very cool. Good luck.
Thx - with less interaction from NPCs in BG1 you don't miss as much as you would in BG2 so it's a good place to work with it. Less banter (none except when you click on a party member to give orders) but you are free to RP personalities and motivations any way you wish without having any pre-determined personality like an NPC companion would - this also allows for interesting theme partys that you might have to shoehorn existing NPCs into slots that don't really fit them if you went that way.
I have never done an all player made run before usually when I go with multiple PCs it's just one or two and then add in-game companions for banter. The most I have used was three back in 2003 -an evil run with a bard leader (Blade in BG2), a fighter (dualed to druid in BG2) and an elven FT who teamed up with Kagain Viccy and Edwin in BG1 then replaced Kagain with Korgan in BG2. Didn't quite finish but got to the underdark in BG2 IIRC before some other grand idea took me elsewhere LOL.
I got this idea from Lemernis a week or so ago in some thread where he was talking about the Wizard Slayer and suggested a possible all PC mage hunter theme to go with it and I kept thinking about it and finally decided to build one and give it a shot. So far so good...
Cool. I've always wanted to have a PC Paladin (kit TBD) , a LG Fighter, a LG Ranger (prob Archer), LG Cleric, LG Mage and a CG or NG Thief/rogue custom party. I'm always a goodie-two-shoes.
Even when I pick NPCs from the game, I prefer the LG types.
As an aside, my 8th Lvl Fighter, Zbyszko and his followers just returned to the Iron Throne last night and took out Cynthandria (actually, being LG we let her go when she begged for mercy). Planning to complete the game this weekend and move on from BGEE to BG2/TOB.
@Wanderon - Welcome to the Minimal Reload Challenge!
Due to the new patch, I think I just may restart Kalyin over, and update some of my mods. Also, classes started back up, hence why I don't really update very much.
Same Character, new stats, and a new kit. Mode: Modded Mods: Neera Expansion, Isra, Valerie, BG2Tweaks, Armor Shop, Weapon Shop, Adventure Mart, High Level abilities, BPSeries, Some Cosmetic things, and BGPaint for BG:EE. Difficulty: Core Difficulty.
Here is where things start getting different.
The group found and defeated Kryll quite easily.
Dorn asked who was gossiping about him, and Kalyin quickly answered that Edwin was. Then, Kagain defeated Shar-Teel in a duel, which Imoen was quickly kicked out and killed. Shar-Teel was then dual-classed to Thief, and that started a quest to get Shar-teel up to par with the other members. Edwin's body was thrown to the wolves as well. Oh, and once she was caught up and most of the group was up to the 5th level, the group went to Larswood, and collected a certain..Drow Sorceror that has a love of alliteration, and providing entertainment for the masses.
Baeloth the Entertainer? As a party member? I LIKE IT! And here is his stats for anyone that wants to look.
Next, the group continued on with the mission at hand. Once in the Nashkel Mines, the newest member made a joke. Futher down into the mines they went, finding an elf and killing him without mercy, as well as a half-orc. Spells flew, but the only one that seemed to make a dent was the newest member's Fireball, and haste.
Once back in Nashkel, the group came across Nimbul. Another Haste spell, and he was dealt with easily, even a monk decided to talk to the merry band of evil.
To Beregost the group went, killing a whole inn filled with Flaming Fist pansies! More fireballs were used, as was a shield spell. Then, they went to Feldepost's Inn, and destroyed a mage named Tranzig.
The next part of the adventure was clearing out a whole base of bandits. They weren't under Kalyin's control, or influence, so she decided to kill them all. Then inside the tent, there were horror spells, Remove Fear, Minor Spell Deflection, Fireballs, and Magic Missiles being thrown everywhere.
Baeloth Barrityl aka Baeloth the Entertainer: Sorcerer - 7
Reloads: 0
Spell Choices for Kalyinara: 1st level: Blindness, Identify, Magic Missile, Shield, and Sleep 2nd Level: Horror, Melf's Acid Arrow, and Mirror Image 3rd Level: Remove Magic, Minor Spell Deflection
Notes: Kalyin's Charisma was at 17, and then I found the tome and it became 18. Also, after this update, the new member of the party will no longer be censored out, or put into spoiler tags.
Edit: Kept having problems with the spoiler tags. Should be fixed now.
All the Faerun is abuzz with tales about Zbyszko’s heroic rescue of Duke Eltan & his confrontation with Sarevok in the Ducal Palace. No one knows for sure what happened but Duke Eltan and Duke Belk confirms the basic facts. Those facts lead there to be no doubt that Zbyszko is an honorable and noble knight. They also make very clear that Zbyszko and his followers are a powerful force for good.
Regardless of the specifics, what is known is that Zbyszko did rescue Duke Eltan from an assassination attempt and he did save the city, and the Faerun, from domination by Sarevok. It is said that Zbyszko and his followers took the fight to Sarevok and his minions deep beneath the city of Baldur’s Gate.
Key Event: Beating Sarevok!
*** Sadly, I finished this run through with 17 reloads, three here in the Temple. I went into Durlag's Tower w/three & took 14 more between DT, Balduran's Isle & the Final Battle. Ouch!***
Treasure of note: Magma Bulwark +2 (Plate Armor +2) found in the Undercity (Ajantis)
Current Disposition: Word is that Zbyszko is resting comfortably somewhere in Baldur’s Gate
@CharlestonianTemplar - Congratulations on finally finishing the BG1 portion of the Minimal Reload Challenge! I hope you keep going with Zybszko in Baldur's Gate 2, and posting in this thread and on the Bioware forums thread if you wish, or make another paladin-like character! If @Belgarathmth were here he'd probably congratulate you too!
Mikeli and crew spent several days clearing the woods around Beregost of bandits including a misguided Flaming Fist with no respect for the law he was hired to uphold. Sad news for Firebeads neighbor who lost his son to the Hobgoblins but good news for Marianne who's husband seems to be safe for now.
The party eventually made it to Nashkel where the mayor asked them to look into the troubles at the mine. They were again attacked by a bounty hunter that failed to survive the encounter and made short work of another bounty hunter named Greywolf who should have been more open to negotiation and less eager to draw steel against a party of six now seasoned adventurers.
Mikeli has spoken to the mine owner and has permission to seek some answers in the depths - all but the dwarf would rather be above ground but they will do as they must.
Everyone is level 2 now and we will enter the mines next session then probably do some exploring - no reloads no deaths so far.
@Wanderon - Congratulations on not having any deaths or reloads! Also, Firebead has a neighbor? Did not know that. I'll have to do some exploring next time.
Sadly, due to some issues I had to uninstall BG:EE and reinstall, I'll try to get back to where I was at before I started having issues.
@CharlestonianTemplar - Congratulations on finally finishing the BG1 portion of the Minimal Reload Challenge! I hope you keep going with Zybszko in Baldur's Gate 2, and posting in this thread and on the Bioware forums thread if you wish, or make another paladin-like character!
Think I'm gonna carry Zbyszko over to BGII and immediately dual him to vanilla Cleric. Low Wisdom - Good thing I decided to use those two Tomes of Understanding on Zbyszko. Forgot to compensate for that when I worked my initial stats but I'll play through it. Looking forward to it. Since I didn't have the 'usual characters' here, I'll have more flexibility adding NPCs so that should be fun (Keldorn, Mazzy, Anomen & ALWAYS Nalia (fighter get's De'Arnise keep)!
I think I'm also going to start up a Paladin/Cavalier in BGEE. Still coming up with my personality. It'll be either of a King Arthur (or Camelot) figure, maybe Ivanhoe, or maybe I'll play a character names after my awesome son again! Have a little thinking to do.
Btw, knew you couldn't resit the new classes/kits! Also, notice you're already using mods on BGEE. I'm waitin' on Hard-Times myself.
Level by level they made their way down to the depths of the Nashkel mines with kobolds seemingly coming out of every shadow as they entered the lower levels. After Tarmin spotted a trap on the third level he and Olin teamed up with Olin stealthed and Tarmin on his heels detecting traps. When Olin detected a kobold ahead an arrow erupted out of his stealthy shadow often taking the pest down before it knew they were there and so they made their way to the entrance of the lowest level which was heavily trapped but no match for Tarmins skills.
Outside the entrace to a small cave on the lowest level Olin spied a trio of kobolds led my a commander but before he could loose an arrow Baila laid a hand on his shouder and pointed to herself - she slipped into stealth without a whisper of sound and sneaking behind their foes she suddenly exploded the commanders head with a swift strike of her staff and took out another with the backswing while Olin took out the third and the party hustled up and entered the cave.
After taking out a few kobolds they walked right into a furnished grotto and interrogated a slimey character called Mulahey who seemed to be responsible for the mines troubles. He called on his minions for help but barely lived long enough to see them arrive as Tarmin commanded him to nap and the party cut him to pieces then took down his kobolds and skeletons.
They encountered a morose elven mage that was being held captive and as he was apparently their enemies enemy they considered him an ally enough to send him on his way with his life intact altho the halfling seemed disappointed we didn't roast him for dinner.
The rangers smelled fresh air and led us to an exit guarded by a couple of pesky grey slimes that looked like bits of gruel splattered over the walls when we finished with them and we slipped out into the open air and breathed deeply.
Baila heard voices nearby and when the group investigated a foursome of churlish females began asking pointed questions. When Mikeli dismissed them rudely they attacked and the battle was on. Two appeared to be clerics of some sort and it was touch and go when they got a hold spell off that took half our group out of the fight - Mikeli however was not one of them and he quickly dispelled the effects on all but the dwarf and the battle raged on.
They all fell eventually but not without inflicting some serious wounds but Baila and Tarmin were pleased to find that some enchanted leathers they sported fit them quite well and Olin was fawning over a quiver of enchanted arrows they dropped.
Tarmin and Mikeli patched up the group as best they could and they headed right back to Nashkel to trade out some loot at the circus. They rested a bit at the Carnival then walked into Nashkel to give the mayor the good word. He thanked them and turned over 900 gold and the party headed towards the Inn where yet another bounty hunter accosted them.
His name was Nimbul but his reaction time wasn't and Tarmin laid him down with a command while Mikeli dismissed his mirrored images and the party cut him to ribbons without breaking a sweat then the dwarf gathered up his gear.
Tarmin had been having long conversations with Baila for some time now and as they bellied up to the bar at the Inn he announced that she was training as a cleric and had just been granted her first level of spells. He mentioned that she would need to concentrate entirely on her cleric training for a time and would be unable to use some of her more intensive ranger skills while doing so but that soon she would have the benefit of both and be even more useful to the group.
They rested at the Inn and then headed towards Beregost to seek out a contact of Mulaheys. Rather than take the main roads they traveled overland a bit to the east and came across a lovely area of green meadows with a scattering of rock formations. Sadly it turned out to be over run with Ogres Half-ogres and Ogrillions and they took the time to scour the landscape for them and send them to thier makers. Mikeli was pleased to find a well made enchanted sword he could weild on one of the huge bodies and they all worked on their martial skills and timing taking very little damage from the huge foes as they cleared the entire area. They helped a farmer kill off a flock of Xvarts that were harrasing his cows and got a nice jug of buttermilk to share when they finished then headed west & north to Beregost.
Elminster showed up in his pointy hat and Officer Vai of the Flaming Fist offered them 50g for every bandit scalp they brought in. They found Mulaheys contact Tranzig at Feldposts but he didn't survive the interrogation and their information on the whereabouts of their camp was too general to be of real use and they talked long into the night about which direction they should go next finally agreeing to let the decision wait until morning and if they couldn't decide they would toss the dice for direction.
Mikeli - Inquisitor 3 - Ankeg plate AC -4 (w RoP) wielding Two handed Sword +1 - (Thac0 15) ** two hand sword **longbow *THWS / HP-34
Tambul - Barb 3 - splint mail AC -1 (w RoP) Boots of avoidance - Dual bastard swords Thac0 16/20 **Bast sword *Hammer **TWF /HP-41
@Wanderon - I feel like that Nimbul has gotten easier. I mean, I remember having so many problems with him, and now hes just...not that hard anymore.
Alrighty, I've caught up, again. Same character, Stats, added stats due to kit, etc. Also, used EE:Keeper to change some of the NPCs kits, weapon proficiences, etc.
Baeloth made a comment about elves in the forest. It made Kalyin's eyes roll since Kalyin was an elf. Then again, this male drow was trying to remain one of the 'Five top spellcasters' in all the realms.
Once they reached their destination, aka the outside of the mines, they ran into a group. The group attacked, only to fail in their mission, for Baeloth's fireballs utterly destroyed them. Kalyin used a Minor Spell Deflection upon herself.
Then, clearing the mines of most of the bad guys. They came across the big bad leader. He was annhilated by magic missiles, arrows, bullets, and darts! His dimension door could not even save him, or his apprentice that quickly died after him. Nine hells, it couldn't even save all those drowned Slaves.
Upon reaching Baldur's Gate there was a bounty hunter named Tel-anon. His death was swift, and Kagain didn't really let the poor guy cast any spells. Across the bridge, after refusing Scar's offer, the group came upon Simmeon, who now had Blackguard powers like Dorn, except from another patron. The enemies went down one by one, fireball and Horror spells being flung out. Leaving nothing, but corpses in Kalyinara's wake.
After shopping, and browsing the wares of the local magic shop, Baeloth made a comment about making himself well known.
Notes: Robe of Vecna is from the Adventure Mart Mod. Also, picked up Shar-Teel earlier than usual. Also, Made Kagain a berserker because it seems to fit him the most. Made Viconia Cleric/Thief multi with Assassin kit because...well, I just like the idea of Viconia being a Cleric/Assassin. Also, 18 Con is due to Kalyin being a Dragon Disciple.
After their late night council at Feldposts during which they consumed mass quantities of his fine ale and several decanters of apple brandy the party was of the mind that perhaps they should put off the search for the main bandit hideout and clear up some of the local issues before they got out of hand as well. (And work off some of the after effects of their long night)
They located Bassilus and his undead minions and sent the lot of them to the Nine Hells along with a nasty group of Knobgoblins nearby. They headed SW and discovered the half-ogres the paladin from Beregost had taken a beating from and struck them down where they stood and followed up with a silly little group of bandits that thought they were too tough to handle until they lay bleeding in the dirt.
Right after that they ran across none other than the drow Drizzt himself and lent a hand with some gnolls that were pestering him tho he would have no doubt finished them off without breaking a sweat even if they had not happened along. They picked up a rumor of a mage held captive at a Gnoll fortress to the west and tho they cared little whether the witch survived or not they decided to clean the dogs out of their little fort lest they become a bigger nuisance. (was disappointed to discover that the smart mouth refusal to let her join in the first dialoge option - resulted in no experience for rescuing the witch)
To the south they ran across an addled dart tosser and his shill that died for their arrogance and a trio of braggarts from Amn that will never see that land again gaining some fine gear to spread around the group. They rescued a dying man call Samuel and took him all the way to the FAI and cleared the wolves from around the Beregost Temple and cleared the hobgblins and kobolds from around the Ulcaster school finishing up with a little dungeon crawl in the ruins.
The group is camping along the western coast tonight and once they have cleared those areas of riff raff that may threaten the realm they will be ready to pursue Tazok and discover his hidey hole.
Current Levels: Mikeli – Inquisitor 4 – same gear and weapons AC -4 and Thac0 14 with his +1 Two handed sword.
Tambul – Barb 4 – Splint mail AC -1 Bastard sword +1/Ashideena Thac0 14/18
Axel – WS - Plate & Lg shield +1 AC -2 Axe +1 Thac0 11
Baila Beastmaster 3 > Cleric 4 Un-ID leathers and Lg shield +1 AC 0 Club +1 Thac0 14 secondary scout
Tarmin – C4/T4 – Shadow armor Lg shield +1 AC -2 Stupifier or sling +1 Thac0 16 or 15 OL- 70 / FT- 80/ MS- 60/ HS- 50 (no points added to others)
@Wanderon - Ah, Bassilus, horrid memories of him...*shudder*. Otherwise, good progress!
@Bhaaldog - To end...like this? Kidding. Kidding. I would imagine that it would be challenging to try a no reload challenge with a wild mage.
I felt really good today after taking an exam in my Anatomy & Physiology class, so I figured I would play some Baldur's Gate...and finish it. Prepare for some...unexpected things?
Kalyin's group was contacted by some Shadow Thieves to gather some things for an airship. They killed three mages. Fireballs, lightning bolts, healing spells were thrown about, and apparently Viconia cast Draw Upon Holy Might upon herself. Dorn took a Lightning Bolt, but that same Lightning bolt killed the female mage that casted it. Then, the group returned to the thieves guild, and destroyed another mage. Stopping whatever transaction was about to happen. Then again, they didn't pay Kalyin for any of it, and that greatly upset her.
Adventuring around Baldur's Gate, a crazy Harper tried to kill Kalyin for being like her 'father'. Kalyin already knew that Gorion wasn't her father, he didn't have the pointy ears. However, she did not know who her birth father was. How that Harper was talking, it seemed like he was a bad guy. Awesome.
Finally, Kalyin spoke to Scar, who told her to go talk to Duke Eltan. Duke Eltan ultimately told her that she had to go 'investigate' the Iron Throne. Once on the third floor, Baeloth talked about getting a room. Once on the last floor the group came across another group, and mercilessly killed them. Minor Spell Deflection, Fireballs, Wraithform, and other spells being tossed about. One spell had got Shar-Teel. Then, they destroyed the other man within the other room. They told Duke Eltan and got sent back home to Candlekeep.
Baeloth made a comment about the library. One that Kalyin agreed with. There was no flair, or excitement. Well, that was until the Iron Throne leaders were murdered by Kalyin! Again, more fireballs and Minor Spell Deflections were cast. After being put into Candlekeep's prision, and then quickly teleported out, Baeloth made another comment. Something about how rock crushes lizard. Which made Kalyin think of how parchment covers rock. Perhaps there should be a game called 'Rock, Parchment, Lizard.' Then the group faced a bunch of dopplegangers, many of the same tactics were used. After that, they found a group led by some guy named 'Prat'. He died, same tactics, except a detect invisiblity spell was used.
Then, Kalyin led her group back to Baldur's Gate. They defeated Sarevok's lackies one by one. Nine Hells, they even saved the remaining Dukes...Well, they didn't go rescue Eltan, but Kalyin didn't like him anyway. Then, they went into the Undercity, Baeloth made another comment. Defeated more lackies including Tamoko. Baeloth makes another comment, something about getting him home after defeating Sarevok. Lastly, more lackies went down with Sarevok. Fireballs, Minor Spell Deflections, and Defensive Harmony were all cast.
Current Party: Kalyinara: Dragon Disiple - 10
Kagain: Berserker - 9
Dorn: Blackguard - 8
Shar-teel: Fighter < Thief - 2 < 11
Viconia: Cleric/Assassin - 8/9
Baeloth: Sorcerer - 10
Reloads: 0
Notes: No reloads? What is this?! Also, MVP is a tie between Dorn and Shar-Teel. 2nd place goes to Baeloth's Fireballs, not Baeloth, but his Fireballs. Also, yay for no XP cap! Tried out that Breath Weapon. Didn't like it much. Alright, gonna start again...with a Kensai!
@Bhaaldog - Heh. Good one. You may take me in, but you -will- take the Wild Mages as well!
Already started on the new playthrough.
Name: Saki Race: Human Class: Kensai Alignment: True Neutral Weapon Proficiencies: ** Katana, ** Two Weapon Style Mods: Same ones as before. Difficulty: Core Difficulty Mode: Modded, with a Modded BG2 as well.
The adventure began in boring, old Candlekeep. Two men attacked Saki, both easily fell after hitting her at once. Saki finished up the rest of her chores, and errands after that.
Then, Saki spoke with Imoen, and Gorion. Gorion fell the armored figure. Then, Saki picked up Imoen, and two more people along the way to the Friendly Arm Inn. Once at the Friendly Arm Inn, Saki and her party members were faced with another Assassin. He was killed before he could perform any magic spells upon them.
Once Khalid and Jaheira joined, the group went to Beregost, where they found a Wild Mage named Neera. She was trying to escape from Red Wizards. Saki couldn't just sit by and let the Red Wizards take Neera, so battle began. Montaron was hit with a Melf's Acid Arrow. Imoen used her wand of Magic Missile. Neera was casting some sort of magic. Xzar was demolished by the enemy Red Wizard's Magic Missile, while the left over acid finished off Montaron. Then, Neera joined the party, Saki just left Montaron and Xzar's corpses in the street.
Next, the group came upon a young bard named Garrick. Saki decided to help the young man's mistress. Only to find out that she wasn't a very nice person. Silke was killed before any harmful magic was cast from her. Mainly due to Neera casting a useful Magic Missile spell at her. Garrick joined the party.
The party went to the Red Sheaf inn. Another assassin was there. He had almost killed Saki and Khalid. However, Saki's healing potions, Jaheira's Light cure wounds, and Imoen's Wand of Magic Missile saved the day. Neera's Nahal's Reckless Dweomer did absolutely nothing, except cause everyone to get hiccups!
Next the party traveled to their destination of Nashkel. Where another assassin was waiting. Imoen kept using her Wand while Garrick sang. Neera just threw darts while Jaheria cast a Bless spell. Then, Saki was trapped in a hold person spell. However, by the time the assassin could strike at Saki, she was dead.
Notes: Khalid, Imoen, and Garrick may be getting kits in the next update. I'll take any suggestions on what kits they should be. However, the plan is to dual Imoen at 6. Also, Saki will continue onto BG2 because her kit is in BG2, and it also explains why Kalyin isn't moving on.
Did some minor exploring, but hey, exploring is exploring.
Once Saki had talked to the Mayor of Nashkel, she lead her group back in a northernly direction, and back to Beregost. She had turned in an amulet, and gotten some nice rewards for it. She also cleared out a spider infested house, and then killed an ogre. Neera's wild magic proving mostly useless to the party, especially when a surge happens. Saki led her group to the Friendly Arm Inn to collect their reward.
Saki dropped off Imoen at the Friendly Arm Inn. Saki deemed Imoen as too 'good' for her party, due to the fact that Imoen kept saying 'Its good on you if you save the day.' line.
Then, Saki led her smaller party to the coast near Candlekeep. There was a succubus type woman. She kissed Garrick and killed him! Then, She told 'Shoal' that she would deal with an ogre mage on the condition that she revive Garrick. Then the ogre showed up, luckily Garrick already has his gear on. It was a vicious battle, Neera's wild magic proved to be utterly useless and did not give any edges, Garrick sang his song which just inspired courage, even in dear Khalid. Saki even used her 'Kai' ability. Jaheira cast her heals whenever need on Saki and Khalid, she also cast a bless spell. Then, the ogre went down, and he dropped a nice helm for Khalid. (That was the 2nd attempt on this fight. The first attempted ended BADLY. Neera used wild magic and summoned a demon! Jaheira turned into a wolfwere out of no where. It was horrid.)
Further along the coast, the group came upon a mad man. Saki decided that the man was probably better of dead, than roaming in the wilds as a madman and potentially kill someone. However, that decision damaged the group's reputation.
Even further along the coast, the group came upon some ogres, ogrillions, and half-orcs. As well as a mage. The mage was harmless...until Neera's wild magic created a fireball, and ultimately hit him. Then the battle started to get interesting. Neera cast a sleep spell with no wild surge, which was good. Garrick still sung his song. Jaheira was still casting heals. All in all, people didn't die.
Oops. Maybe it's just too late in the day but what's a Dwarf WS?
So I have a female treehugger weilding a staff and sling in leathers who will be a cleric with all the druid spells too. She will of course also have 2 free pips in 2 weapon style so she can dual weild clubs if she gets bored with her staff and I suspect she will encourage the team not to even think about decimating the local bear population unless it's a rogue mankiller that she can't talk into behaving. (I'm thinking she will likely attempt to charm them instead to use them as allies (hence Baila Bearspeak).)
Edit: Discovered another nerf I had forgotten about - Beastmaster also get to summon familiar - but since I didn't make the beastmaster my main PC she doesn't get to use this (only charname can do so even in an MP scenario)
Mikeli Magebane was intrigued by the odd group he encountered in Winthrops Inn - They had arrived guarding a shipment of rare manuscripts recently discovered in Baldurs Gate and were celebrating their successful arrival with some of Winthrops fine ale. A dwarf with little use for mages and their trappings, an elven archer who was constantly preening the feathers on his arrows, a human beastmaster that they swore actually spoke to bears, and a gnome cleric whom the dwarf hinted had a somewhat shady past before taking his vows which led to his uncanny ability to find and disarm traps and could also free a sticky lock for you - just in case you lost your keys he said with a wink.
Mikeli gave them a tour of the premises and was glad he did when they encountered not one but two assasins apparently sent to kill him - the group dispatched them quickly of course but they must have been offered a massive reward to attack a group of 5 seasoned warriors and that troubled him. He bade them farewell when he and Gorion left that evening and the group bade him good fortune and said they would be leaving with the morning light to seek some new employment perhaps in Beregost.
Mikeli was filled with both anger and sorrow when he and Gorion were attacked outside Candlekeep and Gorion insisted he save himself and Mikeli saw him go down as he slipped into the dark woods. In the morning light he discovered Imoen had followed him and after much discourse he convinced her to go back but accepted the potions she had "borrowed" for him.
As he started down the road he was startled by a shout and his freinds from the night before came running up to him. They had seen the scene of the ambush and had tracked him to this path. They discussed the obvious gravity of the situation and agreed to follow him and get to the bottom of this mystery while the dwarf hammered out a payment agreement they would follow.
Gorion had told him to go to the Freindly Arms Inn but they decided it might be best to leave that be for the moment and head south in a effort to throw their enemies off thier track. They returned to the ambush scene where he discovered a cryptic note on Gorions body signed with a large E. They gave Gorion a short burial service and the dwarf gathered up anything of value from the fallen enemies and the party scouted the area before heading south.
They came across a hermit who warned them of a couple of shady characters ahead and as they approached them Mikeli got a whiff of undead typical around a necromancer and cast a detect evil which confirmed their bad intentions and the party struck them down without warning. The dwarf gathered their meager belongings and the group headed south through the woods.
In the vicinity of High Hedge they came across small groups of angry skeletons perhaps the work of the necromancer they had taken down to the north and the group dispatched them with little effort. A trio of gnolls provided a bit more challenge and one was carrying a short sword with a halfling mark on it that the dwarf set aside in hopes of finding the grateful owner.
They traveled further south where they encountered a talking chicken of all things and they managed to get it back to the grumpy mage who ran the shop in High Hedge where it was successfully returned to its former human shape. Both Mikeli and the dwarf were uncomfortable around these magic users but both the elf and the gnome vouched for him and the dwarf grumblingly admitted that it would serve no purpose to shut down a store that could be helpful to them in buying up their extra items.
The party left the shop and encountered a black bear - Baila went right up to it and spoke softly and the bear followed her like a cub. She sent it on ahead a bit and it encountered a ghast which it attacked right along with the party. Soon after it attacked a huge spider which it damaged severely but died in the encounter. Baila smoothed over it's ruffled fur and glared at the dwarf when he suggested they skin it and she said its body would serve to feed the other animals and most certainly would not become a robe to any rock headed dwarf.
The group turned east and found their way into Beregost where they were met by a husky halfling Barbarian named Tambul Twohand with two bastard swords sheathed to his back. After a bit if haggling the group voted to allow him to join up and they set off to the smithy to do some trading.
Tambul Twohand - NG - M Halfling - Barbarian - 17 19 18 10 12 10 - **Bastard sword ** TWS
(I considered halbreds seriously but decided it would just look too silly ;-) )
I had originally thought to keep the last slot open for the occasional NPC but decided I could always drop someone off if I wanted to do that and added the halfling now which just about completes our multi-cultural affirmative action program.
The party traded a bit with Thunderhammer then entered Feldposts Inn where Mikeli had an argument with a local man who didn't care for adventurers. It was the first time he had considered that he and this group did in fact fit the profile of adventurers and he found himself quite pleased with that epiphany. In the end he calmed Marl down and they toasted his lost son and got some well needed rest.
Upon leaving the next morning to explore the town they came upon a damsel in distress and Mikeli couldn't help but think it was just like in the stories he had heard around the fires at Winthrops altho this damsel didn't appear to be a trollop. It turned out to be a wild mage but he wasn't going to turn her over to those evil wizards of Thay who were chasing her and the battle was on and over in a trice.
She wanted to join them but Mikeli was having none of it and she headed off to the Freindly Arms Inn but not before the dwarf took her aside and apparently talked her out of a handy little gem bag she was carrying. When he questioned him about it the dwarf said he had taken it as payment for convincing the group that they should make a deal with the lass to remain at FAI and occasionally ID some magic items for them with the promise that she would never unleash her wild magics on the community. Mikeli glared at him but in the end agreed it was a workable solution and said he would confirm it with her when they reached the FAI.
They found a young bard called Garrick outside the Burning Wizard who offered them some work and Mikeli noticed Tarmin sneaking inside as the rest of the group spoke with Garrick and returning a few minutes later - he couldn't be certain but it appeared the gnomes mace was a bit bigger and brighter than before but was distracted by the dwarf nudging him that they should accept Garricks offer. Well it turned out Garricks boss was an evil mage thinking to trick them into killing innocents but Mikeli easily saw through her ruse and they took her down quickly giving Baila her nice shiny staff and not saying another word to hapless Garrick who was apparently unaware of the mages ruse.
The group headed off to the North to see what adventures awaited on the way to the FAI. Just north of Beregost they came upon a wrecked caravan hit by bandits no doubt altho they saw none along their way. They came across a few roving bands of xvarts and diseased gibberlings and a wolf or two which gave them no trouble but as they neared the FAI they stumbled on to a large ogre which posed a greater threat. The group was up to the task however and the dwarf took a large slice out with his axe then Baila stepped up and finished him off with a huge blow from her new staff and he was down and out before half the group even got a swing in.
They entered the courtyard at the FAI and were accosted by an evil mage on the stairs. Mikeli cast true sight taking down the mages defenses almost before they were up and without his mirrored image he fell before getting another spell off.
Once inside Mikeli found Jahiera and Khalid Gorions freinds and they offered their condolences but he declined to have them join in his quest. He found Neera in a corner and had a long talk with her eventually convincing her to erase all the spells in her spellbook except an identify spell and a simple armor spell she could use in an emrgency. She had already spoken to Bently Mirrorshade and he had offered her a room and board in return for some work around the inn and she seemed content to remain here indefinately. His wife helped her to change her appearance so the Red Wizards would be less likely to discover her whereabouts.
Bently suggested we speak to Joia who lived near the gate and when we found her she sent us off in search of a ring taken by hobgoblins. We found several hanging out very close to the walls of the keep and sent them all to the nine hells and found her ring on one of them.
As we returned along the east side of the keep the dwarf spotted something under a blue spruce and it turned out to be a ring of some magic design - the damn dwarf has tunnel vision when it comes to gold or trinkets and they just can't hide from him. We took it in and gave it to Neera and she was then able to increase the number of identify spells she could access and thought it looked just fabulous and wanted to know if it matched her eyes.
The dwarf started to say something about it matching something else but a glare from Mikeli left him muttering in his beard and he waddled off to get another ale while Olin took Neera over to a quiet corner to chat about wooded glades and other elfy stuff no doubt while the rest of the group settled in for some of Mirrorshades finest ale.
The trip back to Beregost was uneventful but when the party entered the Red Sheaf Inn they were accosted by yet another bounty hunter but Tarmin commanded him to nap and the rest of the party took their shot and he was dead before he hit the floor. The dwarf gathered his stuff and then went over to see a halfling in the corner and it turned out to be halflings blade they found with the gnolls and he was almost pleased to part with 50 g for us bringing it back to him.
***** ***** ******* ******* ******** ****** ****** ****** ****
So far so good - no deaths - no reloads - no level ups yet most everyone has about 1700 exp except Tambul the Halfling who has about 800 since he came late to the party - Tarmin of course has his split between cleric/thief. Playing on Core and if things keep going this way I don't think I will drop back to Normal for levels unless I really get annoyed with low hps (and even then I will not reload to go back but may go back at next level)
I thought giving Neera the mage ring and using her as an ID bot was a decent compromise vs selling the ring and paying for IDs - having 9K gold this early would be a little OP I think.
Good for you. I've never done that but have always wanted to.
Very cool. Good luck.
I have never done an all player made run before usually when I go with multiple PCs it's just one or two and then add in-game companions for banter. The most I have used was three back in 2003 -an evil run with a bard leader (Blade in BG2), a fighter (dualed to druid in BG2) and an elven FT who teamed up with Kagain Viccy and Edwin in BG1 then replaced Kagain with Korgan in BG2. Didn't quite finish but got to the underdark in BG2 IIRC before some other grand idea took me elsewhere LOL.
I got this idea from Lemernis a week or so ago in some thread where he was talking about the Wizard Slayer and suggested a possible all PC mage hunter theme to go with it and I kept thinking about it and finally decided to build one and give it a shot. So far so good...
Even when I pick NPCs from the game, I prefer the LG types.
As an aside, my 8th Lvl Fighter, Zbyszko and his followers just returned to the Iron Throne last night and took out Cynthandria (actually, being LG we let her go when she begged for mercy). Planning to complete the game this weekend and move on from BGEE to BG2/TOB.
Due to the new patch, I think I just may restart Kalyin over, and update some of my mods. Also, classes started back up, hence why I don't really update very much.
Same Character, new stats, and a new kit.
Mode: Modded
Mods: Neera Expansion, Isra, Valerie, BG2Tweaks, Armor Shop, Weapon Shop, Adventure Mart, High Level abilities, BPSeries, Some Cosmetic things, and BGPaint for BG:EE.
Difficulty: Core Difficulty.
Here is where things start getting different.
The group found and defeated Kryll quite easily.
Dorn asked who was gossiping about him, and Kalyin quickly answered that Edwin was. Then, Kagain defeated Shar-Teel in a duel, which Imoen was quickly kicked out and killed. Shar-Teel was then dual-classed to Thief, and that started a quest to get Shar-teel up to par with the other members. Edwin's body was thrown to the wolves as well. Oh, and once she was caught up and most of the group was up to the 5th level, the group went to Larswood, and collected a certain..Drow Sorceror that has a love of alliteration, and providing entertainment for the masses.
Next, the group continued on with the mission at hand. Once in the Nashkel Mines, the newest member made a joke. Futher down into the mines they went, finding an elf and killing him without mercy, as well as a half-orc. Spells flew, but the only one that seemed to make a dent was the newest member's Fireball, and haste.
Once back in Nashkel, the group came across Nimbul. Another Haste spell, and he was dealt with easily, even a monk decided to talk to the merry band of evil.
To Beregost the group went, killing a whole inn filled with Flaming Fist pansies! More fireballs were used, as was a shield spell. Then, they went to Feldepost's Inn, and destroyed a mage named Tranzig.
The next part of the adventure was clearing out a whole base of bandits. They weren't under Kalyin's control, or influence, so she decided to kill them all. Then inside the tent, there were horror spells, Remove Fear, Minor Spell Deflection, Fireballs, and Magic Missiles being thrown everywhere.
Current Party:
Kalyinara: Dragon Disciple - 7
Kagain: Fighter - 6
Dorn: Blackguard - 6
Viconia: Cleric - 7
Shar-Teel: Fighter < Thief - 4 < 7
Reloads: 0
Spell Choices for Kalyinara:
1st level: Blindness, Identify, Magic Missile, Shield, and Sleep
2nd Level: Horror, Melf's Acid Arrow, and Mirror Image
3rd Level: Remove Magic, Minor Spell Deflection
Notes: Kalyin's Charisma was at 17, and then I found the tome and it became 18. Also, after this update, the new member of the party will no longer be censored out, or put into spoiler tags.
Edit: Kept having problems with the spoiler tags. Should be fixed now.
Regardless of the specifics, what is known is that Zbyszko did rescue Duke Eltan from an assassination attempt and he did save the city, and the Faerun, from domination by Sarevok. It is said that Zbyszko and his followers took the fight to Sarevok and his minions deep beneath the city of Baldur’s Gate.
Key Event: Beating Sarevok!
*** Sadly, I finished this run through with 17 reloads, three here in the Temple. I went into Durlag's Tower w/three & took 14 more between DT, Balduran's Isle & the Final Battle. Ouch!***
Treasure of note: Magma Bulwark +2 (Plate Armor +2) found in the Undercity (Ajantis)
Current Disposition: Word is that Zbyszko is resting comfortably somewhere in Baldur’s Gate
Next Steps: Zbyszko’s future plans are unknown
Level Up: Ajantis to Pal/8
Final Party:(Final Reputation: 20 - Heroic)
Zbyszko, Ftr/8 (19*, 15, 16, 10, 12*, 11*); AnkPlate, LShield +2, ClkProt+2, Greenstone Aml; B/Axe+1,
Bala's Axe; ThAxe+2 , MStar+1; GauntWExp; *Tomes of L/I, Understanding(x2) & Manual of BH
Ajantis, Pal/8; Plate Armor +2, LShield +1; ClkDispl; 2HS +3, BSwd +1, Mace+1; GauntWpnExp
Imoen, Mg/8//Thf/7; Knave's Robe; Prot of the Dyad's +2; Wands of Fear/Sleep/MM
Rasaad, Mk/8; Gaunt/Dex, RProt+1; Katana+1, Ninjato+1; BStealth & BSpeed
Yeslick, Ftr/7//Clr/7; Plate +3, RProt+1; WHammer +2, Mace +2, Slg+1; GauntWpSkill
Neera, WldMg/9; Robe Neut A/Magi, AmProt+1; Aule’s Staff +3, Arla’s DragonBane +3; GauntWpSkill;
Wands Fear/Sleep
Reloads: 17 (Cave Bear near Nashkel Mines; 1st Battle of Iron Throne (unbuffed); Basilisk (Mutamin’s Garden); Basilisk (Durlag’s Tower); Trap – Lightning (Durlag’s Tower, LL2); Trap – Crushing (Durlag’s Tower, LL3); Skeleton Warrior (Durlag’s Tower – LL3); Greater Wyvern (Durlag’s Tower, LL3); Aec’letec; 11-14 (Karoug & Werewolves, Imoen/Yeslick & Rasaad as Greater Wolfwere’s, Buldaron’s Island); 15-17 (Temple of Bhaal)
Again, Congratulations on beating Sarevok!
Mikeli and crew spent several days clearing the woods around Beregost of bandits including a misguided Flaming Fist with no respect for the law he was hired to uphold. Sad news for Firebeads neighbor who lost his son to the Hobgoblins but good news for Marianne who's husband seems to be safe for now.
The party eventually made it to Nashkel where the mayor asked them to look into the troubles at the mine. They were again attacked by a bounty hunter that failed to survive the encounter and made short work of another bounty hunter named Greywolf who should have been more open to negotiation and less eager to draw steel against a party of six now seasoned adventurers.
Mikeli has spoken to the mine owner and has permission to seek some answers in the depths - all but the dwarf would rather be above ground but they will do as they must.
Everyone is level 2 now and we will enter the mines next session then probably do some exploring - no reloads no deaths so far.
Sadly, due to some issues I had to uninstall BG:EE and reinstall, I'll try to get back to where I was at before I started having issues.
Keep up the good work/progress everyone!
@ Wanderon: Keep it up. Like the party. Would like to see a 'current party' recap each time. You know, current equipment etc. Think I'm gonna carry Zbyszko over to BGII and immediately dual him to vanilla Cleric. Low Wisdom - Good thing I decided to use those two Tomes of Understanding on Zbyszko. Forgot to compensate for that when I worked my initial stats but I'll play through it. Looking forward to it. Since I didn't have the 'usual characters' here, I'll have more flexibility adding NPCs so that should be fun (Keldorn, Mazzy, Anomen & ALWAYS Nalia (fighter get's De'Arnise keep)!
I think I'm also going to start up a Paladin/Cavalier in BGEE. Still coming up with my personality. It'll be either of a King Arthur (or Camelot) figure, maybe Ivanhoe, or maybe I'll play a character names after my awesome son again! Have a little thinking to do.
Btw, knew you couldn't resit the new classes/kits! Also, notice you're already using mods on BGEE. I'm waitin' on Hard-Times myself.
Nashkel mines:
Level by level they made their way down to the depths of the Nashkel mines with kobolds seemingly coming out of every shadow as they entered the lower levels. After Tarmin spotted a trap on the third level he and Olin teamed up with Olin stealthed and Tarmin on his heels detecting traps. When Olin detected a kobold ahead an arrow erupted out of his stealthy shadow often taking the pest down before it knew they were there and so they made their way to the entrance of the lowest level which was heavily trapped but no match for Tarmins skills.
Outside the entrace to a small cave on the lowest level Olin spied a trio of kobolds led my a commander but before he could loose an arrow Baila laid a hand on his shouder and pointed to herself - she slipped into stealth without a whisper of sound and sneaking behind their foes she suddenly exploded the commanders head with a swift strike of her staff and took out another with the backswing while Olin took out the third and the party hustled up and entered the cave.
After taking out a few kobolds they walked right into a furnished grotto and interrogated a slimey character called Mulahey who seemed to be responsible for the mines troubles. He called on his minions for help but barely lived long enough to see them arrive as Tarmin commanded him to nap and the party cut him to pieces then took down his kobolds and skeletons.
They encountered a morose elven mage that was being held captive and as he was apparently their enemies enemy they considered him an ally enough to send him on his way with his life intact altho the halfling seemed disappointed we didn't roast him for dinner.
The rangers smelled fresh air and led us to an exit guarded by a couple of pesky grey slimes that looked like bits of gruel splattered over the walls when we finished with them and we slipped out into the open air and breathed deeply.
Baila heard voices nearby and when the group investigated a foursome of churlish females began asking pointed questions. When Mikeli dismissed them rudely they attacked and the battle was on. Two appeared to be clerics of some sort and it was touch and go when they got a hold spell off that took half our group out of the fight - Mikeli however was not one of them and he quickly dispelled the effects on all but the dwarf and the battle raged on.
They all fell eventually but not without inflicting some serious wounds but Baila and Tarmin were pleased to find that some enchanted leathers they sported fit them quite well and Olin was fawning over a quiver of enchanted arrows they dropped.
Tarmin and Mikeli patched up the group as best they could and they headed right back to Nashkel to trade out some loot at the circus. They rested a bit at the Carnival then walked into Nashkel to give the mayor the good word. He thanked them and turned over 900 gold and the party headed towards the Inn where yet another bounty hunter accosted them.
His name was Nimbul but his reaction time wasn't and Tarmin laid him down with a command while Mikeli dismissed his mirrored images and the party cut him to ribbons without breaking a sweat then the dwarf gathered up his gear.
Tarmin had been having long conversations with Baila for some time now and as they bellied up to the bar at the Inn he announced that she was training as a cleric and had just been granted her first level of spells. He mentioned that she would need to concentrate entirely on her cleric training for a time and would be unable to use some of her more intensive ranger skills while doing so but that soon she would have the benefit of both and be even more useful to the group.
They rested at the Inn and then headed towards Beregost to seek out a contact of Mulaheys. Rather than take the main roads they traveled overland a bit to the east and came across a lovely area of green meadows with a scattering of rock formations. Sadly it turned out to be over run with Ogres Half-ogres and Ogrillions and they took the time to scour the landscape for them and send them to thier makers.
Mikeli was pleased to find a well made enchanted sword he could weild on one of the huge bodies and they all worked on their martial skills and timing taking very little damage from the huge foes as they cleared the entire area. They helped a farmer kill off a flock of Xvarts that were harrasing his cows and got a nice jug of buttermilk to share when they finished then headed west & north to Beregost.
Elminster showed up in his pointy hat and Officer Vai of the Flaming Fist offered them 50g for every bandit scalp they brought in. They found Mulaheys contact Tranzig at Feldposts but he didn't survive the interrogation and their information on the whereabouts of their camp was too general to be of real use and they talked long into the night about which direction they should go next finally agreeing to let the decision wait until morning and if they couldn't decide they would toss the dice for direction.
Mikeli - Inquisitor 3 - Ankeg plate AC -4 (w RoP) wielding Two handed Sword +1 - (Thac0 15) ** two hand sword **longbow *THWS / HP-34
Tambul - Barb 3 - splint mail AC -1 (w RoP) Boots of avoidance - Dual bastard swords Thac0 16/20 **Bast sword *Hammer **TWF /HP-41
Baila - Beastmaster 3>Cleric 2 - leather +2 AC 1 weilding club/lg shield *club * S&S (other pips inactive) Thac0 18 /HP-32
Axel Wizard slayer Plate mail AC -1 weilding axe +1/lg shield ***axe **S&S Thac0 12 /HP-37
Tarmin C3/T3 Stud leather +1 AC 1 weilding stupifier/sling * Mace * sling Thac0 17/16 /HP-20
Olin Archer 3 stud leather AC 2 (w RoP) weilding comp longbow/Varscona **Longbow *longsword *SWS **TWS Thac0 9/13 /HP 35
No reloads - no deaths - (core rules)
If I was to guess I'd say they may go hammer hunting next... ;-)
"His name was Nimbul but his reaction time wasn't..." Well done.
Alrighty, I've caught up, again. Same character, Stats, added stats due to kit, etc. Also, used EE:Keeper to change some of the NPCs kits, weapon proficiences, etc.
Baeloth made a comment about elves in the forest. It made Kalyin's eyes roll since Kalyin was an elf. Then again, this male drow was trying to remain one of the 'Five top spellcasters' in all the realms.
Once they reached their destination, aka the outside of the mines, they ran into a group. The group attacked, only to fail in their mission, for Baeloth's fireballs utterly destroyed them. Kalyin used a Minor Spell Deflection upon herself.
Then, clearing the mines of most of the bad guys. They came across the big bad leader. He was annhilated by magic missiles, arrows, bullets, and darts! His dimension door could not even save him, or his apprentice that quickly died after him. Nine hells, it couldn't even save all those drowned Slaves.
Upon reaching Baldur's Gate there was a bounty hunter named Tel-anon. His death was swift, and Kagain didn't really let the poor guy cast any spells. Across the bridge, after refusing Scar's offer, the group came upon Simmeon, who now had Blackguard powers like Dorn, except from another patron. The enemies went down one by one, fireball and Horror spells being flung out. Leaving nothing, but corpses in Kalyinara's wake.
After shopping, and browsing the wares of the local magic shop, Baeloth made a comment about making himself well known.
Current Party:
Kalyinara: Dragon Disciple - 7
Kagain: Berserker - 7
Dorn: Blackguard - 6
Shar-Teel: Fighter < Thief - 2 < 7
Viconia: Cleric/Assassin - 6/6
Baeloth the Entertainer: Sorcerer - 7
Reloads: 0
Notes: Robe of Vecna is from the Adventure Mart Mod. Also, picked up Shar-Teel earlier than usual. Also, Made Kagain a berserker because it seems to fit him the most. Made Viconia Cleric/Thief multi with Assassin kit because...well, I just like the idea of Viconia being a Cleric/Assassin. Also, 18 Con is due to Kalyin being a Dragon Disciple.
After their late night council at Feldposts during which they consumed mass quantities of his fine ale and several decanters of apple brandy the party was of the mind that perhaps they should put off the search for the main bandit hideout and clear up some of the local issues before they got out of hand as well. (And work off some of the after effects of their long night)
They located Bassilus and his undead minions and sent the lot of them to the Nine Hells along with a nasty group of Knobgoblins nearby. They headed SW and discovered the half-ogres the paladin from Beregost had taken a beating from and struck them down where they stood and followed up with a silly little group of bandits that thought they were too tough to handle until they lay bleeding in the dirt.
Right after that they ran across none other than the drow Drizzt himself and lent a hand with some gnolls that were pestering him tho he would have no doubt finished them off without breaking a sweat even if they had not happened along. They picked up a rumor of a mage held captive at a Gnoll fortress to the west and tho they cared little whether the witch survived or not they decided to clean the dogs out of their little fort lest they become a bigger nuisance. (was disappointed to discover that the smart mouth refusal to let her join in the first dialoge option - resulted in no experience for rescuing the witch)
To the south they ran across an addled dart tosser and his shill that died for their arrogance and a trio of braggarts from Amn that will never see that land again gaining some fine gear to spread around the group.
They rescued a dying man call Samuel and took him all the way to the FAI and cleared the wolves from around the Beregost Temple and cleared the hobgblins and kobolds from around the Ulcaster school finishing up with a little dungeon crawl in the ruins.
The group is camping along the western coast tonight and once they have cleared those areas of riff raff that may threaten the realm they will be ready to pursue Tazok and discover his hidey hole.
Current Levels:
Mikeli – Inquisitor 4 – same gear and weapons AC -4 and Thac0 14 with his +1 Two handed sword.
Tambul – Barb 4 – Splint mail AC -1 Bastard sword +1/Ashideena Thac0 14/18
Axel – WS - Plate & Lg shield +1 AC -2 Axe +1 Thac0 11
Baila Beastmaster 3 > Cleric 4 Un-ID leathers and Lg shield +1 AC 0 Club +1 Thac0 14 secondary scout
Tarmin – C4/T4 – Shadow armor Lg shield +1 AC -2 Stupifier or sling +1 Thac0 16 or 15 OL- 70 / FT- 80/ MS- 60/ HS- 50 (no points added to others)
Olin – Archer 4 -Stud leather w RoP+1 /AC +2 Comp Longbow +1 Thac0 5 Varscona Thac0 12 Primary scout
So far so good – No reloads – no deaths
@Bhaaldog - To end...like this? Kidding. Kidding. I would imagine that it would be challenging to try a no reload challenge with a wild mage.
I felt really good today after taking an exam in my Anatomy & Physiology class, so I figured I would play some Baldur's Gate...and finish it. Prepare for some...unexpected things?
Kalyin's group was contacted by some Shadow Thieves to gather some things for an airship. They killed three mages. Fireballs, lightning bolts, healing spells were thrown about, and apparently Viconia cast Draw Upon Holy Might upon herself. Dorn took a Lightning Bolt, but that same Lightning bolt killed the female mage that casted it. Then, the group returned to the thieves guild, and destroyed another mage. Stopping whatever transaction was about to happen. Then again, they didn't pay Kalyin for any of it, and that greatly upset her.
Adventuring around Baldur's Gate, a crazy Harper tried to kill Kalyin for being like her 'father'. Kalyin already knew that Gorion wasn't her father, he didn't have the pointy ears. However, she did not know who her birth father was. How that Harper was talking, it seemed like he was a bad guy. Awesome.
Finally, Kalyin spoke to Scar, who told her to go talk to Duke Eltan. Duke Eltan ultimately told her that she had to go 'investigate' the Iron Throne. Once on the third floor, Baeloth talked about getting a room. Once on the last floor the group came across another group, and mercilessly killed them. Minor Spell Deflection, Fireballs, Wraithform, and other spells being tossed about. One spell had got Shar-Teel. Then, they destroyed the other man within the other room. They told Duke Eltan and got sent back home to Candlekeep.
Baeloth made a comment about the library. One that Kalyin agreed with. There was no flair, or excitement. Well, that was until the Iron Throne leaders were murdered by Kalyin! Again, more fireballs and Minor Spell Deflections were cast. After being put into Candlekeep's prision, and then quickly teleported out, Baeloth made another comment. Something about how rock crushes lizard. Which made Kalyin think of how parchment covers rock. Perhaps there should be a game called 'Rock, Parchment, Lizard.' Then the group faced a bunch of dopplegangers, many of the same tactics were used. After that, they found a group led by some guy named 'Prat'. He died, same tactics, except a detect invisiblity spell was used.
Then, Kalyin led her group back to Baldur's Gate. They defeated Sarevok's lackies one by one. Nine Hells, they even saved the remaining Dukes...Well, they didn't go rescue Eltan, but Kalyin didn't like him anyway. Then, they went into the Undercity, Baeloth made another comment. Defeated more lackies including Tamoko. Baeloth makes another comment, something about getting him home after defeating Sarevok. Lastly, more lackies went down with Sarevok. Fireballs, Minor Spell Deflections, and Defensive Harmony were all cast.
Current Party:
Kalyinara: Dragon Disiple - 10
Kagain: Berserker - 9
Dorn: Blackguard - 8
Shar-teel: Fighter < Thief - 2 < 11
Viconia: Cleric/Assassin - 8/9
Baeloth: Sorcerer - 10
Reloads: 0
Notes: No reloads? What is this?! Also, MVP is a tie between Dorn and Shar-Teel. 2nd place goes to Baeloth's Fireballs, not Baeloth, but his Fireballs. Also, yay for no XP cap! Tried out that Breath Weapon. Didn't like it much. Alright, gonna start again...with a Kensai!
Already started on the new playthrough.
Name: Saki
Race: Human
Class: Kensai
Alignment: True Neutral
Weapon Proficiencies: ** Katana, ** Two Weapon Style
Mods: Same ones as before.
Difficulty: Core Difficulty
Mode: Modded, with a Modded BG2 as well.
The adventure began in boring, old Candlekeep. Two men attacked Saki, both easily fell after hitting her at once. Saki finished up the rest of her chores, and errands after that.
Then, Saki spoke with Imoen, and Gorion. Gorion fell the armored figure. Then, Saki picked up Imoen, and two more people along the way to the Friendly Arm Inn. Once at the Friendly Arm Inn, Saki and her party members were faced with another Assassin. He was killed before he could perform any magic spells upon them.
Once Khalid and Jaheira joined, the group went to Beregost, where they found a Wild Mage named Neera. She was trying to escape from Red Wizards. Saki couldn't just sit by and let the Red Wizards take Neera, so battle began. Montaron was hit with a Melf's Acid Arrow. Imoen used her wand of Magic Missile. Neera was casting some sort of magic. Xzar was demolished by the enemy Red Wizard's Magic Missile, while the left over acid finished off Montaron. Then, Neera joined the party, Saki just left Montaron and Xzar's corpses in the street.
Next, the group came upon a young bard named Garrick. Saki decided to help the young man's mistress. Only to find out that she wasn't a very nice person. Silke was killed before any harmful magic was cast from her. Mainly due to Neera casting a useful Magic Missile spell at her. Garrick joined the party.
The party went to the Red Sheaf inn. Another assassin was there. He had almost killed Saki and Khalid. However, Saki's healing potions, Jaheira's Light cure wounds, and Imoen's Wand of Magic Missile saved the day. Neera's Nahal's Reckless Dweomer did absolutely nothing, except cause everyone to get hiccups!
Next the party traveled to their destination of Nashkel. Where another assassin was waiting. Imoen kept using her Wand while Garrick sang. Neera just threw darts while Jaheria cast a Bless spell. Then, Saki was trapped in a hold person spell. However, by the time the assassin could strike at Saki, she was dead.
Current Party:
Saki: Kensai - 1
Khalid: Fighter - 1
Jaheira: Fighter/Druid - 2/2
Neera: Wild Mage - 1
Imoen: Thief - 1
Garrick: Bard - 1
Reloads: 0
Notes: Khalid, Imoen, and Garrick may be getting kits in the next update. I'll take any suggestions on what kits they should be. However, the plan is to dual Imoen at 6. Also, Saki will continue onto BG2 because her kit is in BG2, and it also explains why Kalyin isn't moving on.
Once Saki had talked to the Mayor of Nashkel, she lead her group back in a northernly direction, and back to Beregost. She had turned in an amulet, and gotten some nice rewards for it. She also cleared out a spider infested house, and then killed an ogre. Neera's wild magic proving mostly useless to the party, especially when a surge happens. Saki led her group to the Friendly Arm Inn to collect their reward.
Saki dropped off Imoen at the Friendly Arm Inn. Saki deemed Imoen as too 'good' for her party, due to the fact that Imoen kept saying 'Its good on you if you save the day.' line.
Then, Saki led her smaller party to the coast near Candlekeep. There was a succubus type woman. She kissed Garrick and killed him! Then, She told 'Shoal' that she would deal with an ogre mage on the condition that she revive Garrick. Then the ogre showed up, luckily Garrick already has his gear on. It was a vicious battle, Neera's wild magic proved to be utterly useless and did not give any edges, Garrick sang his song which just inspired courage, even in dear Khalid. Saki even used her 'Kai' ability. Jaheira cast her heals whenever need on Saki and Khalid, she also cast a bless spell. Then, the ogre went down, and he dropped a nice helm for Khalid. (That was the 2nd attempt on this fight. The first attempted ended BADLY. Neera used wild magic and summoned a demon! Jaheira turned into a wolfwere out of no where. It was horrid.)
Further along the coast, the group came upon a mad man. Saki decided that the man was probably better of dead, than roaming in the wilds as a madman and potentially kill someone. However, that decision damaged the group's reputation.
Even further along the coast, the group came upon some ogres, ogrillions, and half-orcs. As well as a mage. The mage was harmless...until Neera's wild magic created a fireball, and ultimately hit him. Then the battle started to get interesting. Neera cast a sleep spell with no wild surge, which was good. Garrick still sung his song. Jaheira was still casting heals. All in all, people didn't die.
Current Party:
Saki: Kensai - 3
Khalid: Wizard Slayer - 3
Jaheira: Fighter/Druid - 2/3
Neera: Wild Mage - 2
Garrick: Skald - 2
Reload: 1
Note: Go Neera! Summon more squirrels, and less gates!