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Baldur's Gate Series, and Icewind Dale Series Minimal Reload Challenge (Spoiler Warning!)



  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    edited April 2013
    Captain's Log, Stardate 042513:

    -We have defeated Thayvian wizards in the eastern Woods of Sharp Teeth. Our new sorcerer, Baeloth, recently taken aboard, continues to prove a valuable addition to my crew. We have begun to seek out the Iron Crisis boss known only as "Daveorn", deep in the Cloakwood Forest.

    -We had to turn back from the Cloakwood to seek critical medical attention for Dorn, who fell to wyvern poison. We have taken aboard a new archer, named Coran. It's just as well that we had to return from the Cloakwood, since Coran gave as a condition of joining my crew that he be allowed to present a wyvern head to the mayor of Beregost, who also happens to be the Dawnmaster of the Beregost Temple of Lathander. This action also made Rasaad, our cleric of Selune, very happy.

    -We decided to follow a lead suggesting the presence of ankhegs north of the FAI, hoping to find a head adequate to provide the bio material necessary for a second suit of ankheg armor for a second warrior.

    -We made our way back into the Cloakwood. Here are some images of a battle we were forced to fight with an enemy "starship" guarding the exit of the mines:


    As usual, web and fireballs overwhelm the enemy "starship". There seem to be few "starships" in this sector who can withstand the power of my own. The enemy "technology" seems simply outmatched at every turn. Their "ships" have some of the same capabilities as ours, based on our captured enemy tech, but they never seem to use it very effectively.

    -I decided to backtrack to where I had left Lieutenant Kivan waiting for us in the eastern Cloakwood. I had needed an officer guarding the main bridge into the Neutral Cloakwood Zone. I stationed Imoen at the bridge, replacing her in my crew with Kivan. I needed both a traps/locks specialist and an archery specialist, and, while Imoen is the best talent I've ever found at traps and locks, she is only average with her archery. Both Coran and Kivan, on the other hand, are genius-level archers, and Coran is about as competent with traps and locks as Imoen.


    Reloads: 0
    Party Deaths: 5 Dorn to two ogrillons, Rasaad to a gnoll crit, Rasaad and Imoen to the Firewine ogre mage, Dorn to wyvern poison
  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    edited April 2013
    Nashkel continues to serve as my base of operations. Following exploration of Dryad Falls I rested my followers @ the inn there before moving to Bear River due east of Nashkel & north of the Gnoll Stronghold. We fought & killed a Mountain Bear, a Cave Bear & a few Gibberling’s.

    Key Event: We were waylaid there by ‘the fairest lf the Bandits’ who tried to ambush us from a wood line as we were making our way along the river bank. His Hobgoblin Elite, five of them, tried to camouflage in the trees but stood out clearly for anyone with eyes to see. Dy ripped off a Fireball from her wand of Fire and incinerated them instantly. The ‘fair bandit’ himself was singed. I rushed in to melee him while my followers provided ranged backup. It was over very quickly.


    A short time later, we came upon 2 Ogre Berserkers & 3 more Hobgoblin Elites on a bridge. I fired off a bolt from my crossbow; Imoen cast Sleep & Dy used a Wand of Fear. As soon as I loosed my bolt, I drew Kondar +1 and charged the first Ogre Berserker. Minsc felled him w/an Arrow +1. Next I rushed the bridge & killed the 2nd Ogre Berserker. One of the Hobgoblin Elites was already dead, one was asleep & one was panicking in fear. They were easy picking.

    From Bear River we headed back west toward Nashkel by way of the Xvart Village. I had no qualms about massacring the 40 or so Xvarts & 2 Cave Bears we found there. Xvarts are nasty & attack on site so killing off the village full might well safe a life, or more, down the road.

    Treasure of note: We found a Flail +1 which I’m considering adding to my repertoire.

    Current Disposition: Resting, Recuperating, Resupplying @ the Nashkel Inn

    Next Steps: North Nashkel Road, South Beregost Road then to Beregost for resupply of enchanted arrows, sling stones, bolts

    Level Up: Imoen continued to master her Mage skills & has increased to Mage/4//Thief/7. She selected Chromatic Orb & Melf’s Acid Arrow to add to her memorized spells.

    Current Party: (Reputation: 20 - Heroic)
    Behmen von Bleibruck, Ftr(Wzd-Slr)/6 (19, 10, 16, 10, 1*, 11*)
    Akg PMail/LShld +1/+5 & BoG w/BSwd+1/+3 vs. SSs & HCBow; *ToL/I, TOW, MoGEx,
    Imoen: Mage/Thf//4/7, (Dart*); Wands (MM, Sleep)
    Khalid: Ftr/Lvl6, FPMail,RoP+2 & GoB (MShld +1) w/LBow +2, Varscona +2 LSwd & GWExp (MdShld); RoFA; (LSwd**, LBow**,Axe*)
    Jaheira: Ftr/Drd//5/6, PMail +1& MShld +1 w/Slg +1, Club +2 & Sctr +2 (Slg**,Clb**,Q/S*); RoH,
    RoAF; GWSk; Wand (Hvn x2)
    Minsc: Rgr/6, SLthr +1 w/CLBow &2HS+2&Mc+1; GoDx(LB**,2HS**,Mc*,2WS**,2HWS*)
    Dynahier: Mg-Invk/6, TvlRb w/BroDefAC7 & CloND w/Slg, Dgr+1; RoEm, RoP+1, AoMI (Slg*); Wands (MM, Frst, Fear, Pzn, Ltng)

    Reloads: 4 (wilderness Cave Bears x2); Nimbul; Wyvern (Cloakwood Wilderness)
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    edited April 2013
    Journal, Stardate 042713:

    -We have defeated the evil wizard Daveaorn. Our basic strategy was to pump up the entire party on potions of invulnerability, heroism, strength, grounding and insulation. I cast some Protection from Fire and Lightning spells, and Baeloth cast Haste. After that, Baeloth and I sought places to hide while our fighters and archers took care of Daveaorn. The archers used arrows of biting, ice, and acid. Daveaorn got off a Lightning blast that passed harmlessly through my well protected party, and even recoiled its way to both Baeloth's and my hiding places, doing no damage whatsoever. (Why mages always think it's a good idea to cast what I call "the suicide spell" in close quarters, I will never understand.) He then cast a Fireball as well, that damaged only Rasaad seriously. (He was protected from Fire at 50 percent, so I think he would have been killed without the protection.)


    -We have decided to investigate rumors of sirens along the Sword Coast. Rasaad has prayed for and received multiple Silence spells from Selune in order to neutralize their deadly songs. On the way, we encountered a sylph woman. I sensed through the Balance that she was big trouble, but Coran, enthralled as always by a beautiful female, walked right up to her and kissed her! Naturally, he was promptly killed. It turned out that she had an ogre mage for a master. (I got my first successful Chromatic Orb cast here - actually, Baeloth did, stunning the ogre mage just as he cast Invisibility. Which Baeloth promptly got rid of with his default Detect Invisibility spell. The ogre mage was defeated before he even got started.


    -The ogre mage had a defensive helm that I will use. I considered giving it to Dorn, but I decided to use it myself. Although Dorn is unequivocally the strongest member of my team, and if he falls, the rest of us will likely fall, I am the captain of this party. If the captain dies to fire and lightning, then the party dies. So I selfishly chose to protect myself. I hope it was the right decision, and that my leadership will be sufficient to keep everyone in my party alive.

  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    I wanted us to resupply our enchanted arrows, bolts & stones & know only of Beregost’s Thunderhammer, outside of BG to do so. I decided we’d adventure in the immediate areas on either side of the North Nashkel Road & South Beregost Roads.

    The North Nashkel Road yielded little of note. A couple of teams of Hobgoblins armed w/SBows & poison tipped arrows & a handful of Ghouls were about all we encountered. In one instance, we came across several Ghouls just as we were engaging 3-4 Hobgoblins so we ended up having to battle both @ the same time.

    The South Beregost Road was, all in all, the same as its southern neighbor. Hobgoblins, Ghouls & a few Ghasts wandered here & there.

    Key Event: One team of Hobgoblins we battled on the South Beregost Road yielded a pair of Worn Whispers (Boots of Stealth). Likewise, we found a Wand of Fire on a Hobgoblin we’d battled earlier in this same general area. The battles themselves were not of note, it was the unusual treasures we found in the possession of Hobgoblins.

    Treasure of note: of Worn Whispers (Boots of Stealth - Minsc); Wand of Fire (Dy)

    Current Disposition: Resting, Relaxing, Recuperating @ the Red Sheaf in Beregost


    Next Steps: We found an area called The Red Canyons due east of South Beregost Road. We’re headed there next.

    Level Up: None

    Current Party: (Reputation: 20 - Heroic)
    Behmen von Bleibruck, Ftr(Wzd-Slr)/6(19*, 10, 16, 10, 1*, 11*)
    Akg PMail/LShld +1/+5 & BoG w/BSwd+1/+3 vs. SSs & HCBow; *ToL/I, TOW, MoGE,
    Imoen: Mage/Thf//4/7, (Dart*); Wands (MM, Sleep)
    Khalid: Ftr/Lvl6, FPMail,RoP+2 & GoB (MShld +1) w/LBow +2, Varscona +2 LSwd & GWExp (MdShld); RoFA; (LSwd**, LBow**,Axe*)
    Jaheira: Ftr/Drd//5/6, PMail +1& MShld +1 w/Slg +1, Club +2 & Sctr +2 (Slg**,Clb**,Q/S*); RoH,
    RoAF; GWSk; Wand (Hvn x2)
    Minsc: Rgr/6, SLthr +1 w/CLBow &2HS+2&Mc+1; GoDx(LB**,2HS**,Mc*,2WS**,2HWS*)
    Dynahier: Mg-Invk/6, TvlRb w/BroDefAC7 & CloND w/Slg, Dgr+1; RoEm, RoP+1, AoMI (Slg*); Wands (MM, Frst, Fear, Pzn, Ltng)

    Reloads: 4 (wilderness Cave Bears x2); Nimbul; Wyvern (Cloakwood Wilderness)
  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    edited April 2013
    Key Event: Almost immediately upon entering the canyons, a boy approached me about someone nearby named Bassilus. We started to investigate when a skeleton walked right up to us but appeared not to notice us @ all. Minsc blended into stealth mode & approached a worship grove that was being used by Bassilus who appeared to be a cleric (we later found his holy symbol confirming our suspicion). Once Minsc came back & reported the situation, I had Dy & Imoen use simultaneous Fireballs from their Wands of Fire. This destroyed almost all the undead before they were able to react. I saw Bassilus trying to cast a spell & charged in to melee him. He was dead in a moment as were the remaining undead. We adventured throughout the remaining areas of the Red Canyons running into wolves, Ghouls, Ghasts & a few more of Bassilus’ undead.


    We came across a talking chicken named Melicamp! He convinced us he was the apprentice of a mage named Thalantyr who lived in a manor in a place called High Hedge, west of Beregost. I agreed to help him & after finishing my reconnaissance of the Red Canyons, headed north in search of the mage. We found Thalantyr’s High Hedge manor house & approached him w/chicken in ruck. He asked us to find a skull to help him w/some sort of incantation he was going to try to reverse Melicamp’s polymorph. High Hedge Manor is surrounded by lands crawling w/ skeletons. Within moments of leaving to search, we were attacked by skeletons & had our skull. Sadly, the incantation didn’t work & Melicamp perished. We continued adventuring around High Hedge Manor & battled roughly 20 more skeletons, about the same number of Gnolls, some Ghasts & a Giant Spider. We remembered a Halving in the Red Sheaf asking us to be on the lookout for a Gnoll w/a SSwd near High Hedge. We were able to find the exact sword, or so Perdue believed. We were happy to bring him closure for 50gps.

    Treasure of Note: We purchased the Robe of the Good Arch-Magi from Thalantyr which we gave to Dy. We were able to shift her Bracers to the Death (Defense AC6) to Imoen which lowered Dy’s AC from 5 to 4 & Imoen’s 4 to 0. We also purchased Minsc a C/LBow +1.

    Current Disposition: Resting, recovering, recuperating, resupplying in Beregost

    Next Steps: Our journey’s uncovered three new areas south & west of Beregost. I’ll go there next.

    Level Up: None

    Current Party: (Reputation: 20 - Heroic)
    Behmen von Bleibruck, Ftr(Wzd-Slr)/6(19*, 10, 16, 10, 1*, 11*)
    Akg PMail/LShld +1/+5 & BoG w/BSwd+1/+3 vs. SSs & HCBow; *ToL/I, TOW, MoGE,
    Imoen: Mage/Thf//4/7, (Dart*); KnRobe, BroDefAC7 & CloProt +2;Wands (MM, Sleep)
    Khalid: Ftr/Lvl6, FPMail,RoP+2 & GoB (MShld +1) w/LBow +2, Varscona +2 LSwd & GWExp (MdShld); RoFA; (LSwd**, LBow**,Axe*)
    Jaheira: Ftr/Drd//5/6, PMail +1& MShld +1 w/Slg +1, Club +2 & Sctr +2 (Slg**,Clb**,Q/S*); RoH,
    RoAF; GWSk; Wand (Hvn x2)
    Minsc: Rgr/6, SLthr +1 w/CLBow +1 &2HS+2&Mc+1; GoDx(LB**,2HS**,Mc*,2WS**,2HWS*)
    Dynahier: Mg-Invk/6, RotGA; CloND w/Slg, Dgr+1; RoEm, RoP+1, AoMI (Slg*); Wands (MM, Frst, Fear, Pzn, Ltng)

    Reloads: 4 (wilderness Cave Bears x2); Nimbul; Wyvern (Cloakwood Wilderness)
    Post edited by CharlestonianTemplar on
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  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    edited May 2013
    Following our adventures in the Red Canyons & near High Hedge Manor we rested & resupplied @ Beregost before heading SW toward Fisherman’s Lake.

    Key Event: There, side by side w/Drizzt Do’Urden, we battled a small platoon of Gnolls to the death; encountered & defeated a foursome of Half-Ogres that had injured the Paladin Bjornin @ the Jovial Juggler & defeated a trio of Bandits consisting of a mage, a knight & a Hobgoblin.


    From there, we moved further SW to the area around an Archaeological Site on the Sword Coast. We came upon the Archaeological Site & agreed to provide security for the lead archaeologist, Charleston. The dig yielded only a cursed idol which brought us to combat w/a Doomsayer – a tough battle. Later, we came upon Brage. He was the guy w/a bounty on his head in Nashkel for murdering his family. We were able to disarm him so we could return him to the Temple of Helm in Nashkel. The culprit turned out to be a cursed sword. We stayed the night in Nashkel, and then went to the Temple of the Morning in Beregost to collect on Bassilus’ holy symbol. We spent another night @ the Red Sheaf, headed to High hedge to resupply our ranged ammo & then returned to the Archaeological Site to mop up.

    From there we headed due N to the Lighthouse on the Sword Coast. We came upon a woman who asked for our aid. It seems her son was ‘treed’ by Wargs in a lighthouse. We beat them off & at her request, left to allow her to coax him down. We had some sticky battles w/Sirenes before finding a treasure cave guarded by Flesh Golems & some prickly traps, especially since I have no thief right now. Later, we battled what amounted to a platoon of Hobgoblins beating them easily. A few Dire wolves later we headed N to the Shipwreck’s Coast. On the Shipwrecks Coast we ran into a large group of Ogres, Half-Ogres & Ogrillons but we beat them down, maybe 10 of ‘em. The only other event of note was when we ran into a Nereid that kissed Minsc & killed him immediately. We, in turn, started to destroy her when she revealed she was under control of an Ogre Mage. We agreed to help her & when he showed himself, we quickly defeated him, freeing her.

    Treasure of Note: Gift of Peace (Helm of Defense) & Manual of Bodily Health (Behmen); Cloak of the Wolf (Jaheira)

    Current Disposition: Resting @ the Burning Wizard (There were no rooms in the Red Sheaf)

    Next Steps: Starting with the area around the Temple, we’re going to explore areas west of Beregost.

    Level Up: I, Behmen, to Champion (Fighter/7) near the Archaeological Site. Khalid, also, to Champion (Fighter/7) in High Hedge. Jaheira to Myrmidon (Fighter/6) to compliment being an Initiate of the 4th Circle (Druid/6) & added proficiency w/a Scimitar to her choice of weapons.

    Current Party: (Reputation: 20 - Heroic)
    Behmen von Bleibruck, Ftr(Wzd-Slr)/7(19*, 10, 17*, 10, 1*, 11*)
    Akg PMail/LShld +1/+5, HoDef & BoG w/BSwd+1/+3 vs. SSs, HCBow * Fl +1; *ToL/I, TOW, MoGE, MoBH,
    Imoen: Mage/Thf//4/7, (Dart*); KnRobe, BroDefAC7 & CloProt +2;Wands (MM, Sleep)
    Khalid: Ftr/Lvl7, FPMail,RoP+2 & GoB (MShld +1) w/LBow of MkSmsp +2, Varscona +2 & Harrower +1/+3 vs. Und & GWExp (MdShld +1); RoFA; (LSwd**, LBow***,Axe*)
    Jaheira: Ftr/Drd//6/6, PMail +1& MShld +1 w/Slg +1, Club +2 & Sctr +2 (Slg**,Clb**,Q/S*; Scim*); RoH,
    RoAF; GWSk; Wand (Hvn x2)
    Minsc: Rgr/6, SLthr +1 w/CLBow +1 &2HS+2&Mc+1; GoDx(LB**,2HS**,Mc*,2WS**,2HWS*)
    Dynahier: Mg-Invk/6, RotGA; CloND w/Slg, Dgr+1; RoEm, RoP+1, AoMI (Slg*, QS*); Wands (MM, Frst, Fear, Pzn, Ltng)

    Reloads: 4 (wilderness Cave Bears x2); Nimbul; Wyvern (Cloakwood Wilderness)
    Post edited by CharlestonianTemplar on
  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    I stayed @ the Burning Wizard & allowed all of us to rest & resupply after our adventures to the E of Beregost. Before heading W beginning w/the area around the Temple of the Morning we visited the Paladin Bjornin to inform him of our success against his Half-Ogres but alas, he already knew & rewarded us w/an enchanted shield. We took one more night of rest at the BW & left early for the temple area.

    The temple area was really just wilderness teaming w/wolves and bears. We always try to avoid animals that might turn hostile, lest we are forced to kill them – Jaheira being a Druid. Unfortunately, we left a trail of wolves & a couple of bears in our wake. Still we were able to avoid confrontation w/ a few of the bears we encountered. We did encounter a small squad of Chill Hobgoblins but they were no trouble, more an annoyance really.

    Key Event: One pack of mixed wolves we came across included two Vampire Wolves in addition to four or five Dread Wolves. We killed them all w/nary a scratch but knowing the danger of a certain undead attacks to Hold a victim, I am always thankful to escape w/o losing one of my followers – or myself.


    Treasure of Note: None

    Current Disposition: I’ve started staying @ the Burning Wizard for a change of pace.

    Next Steps: Mutamin’s Garden, then Gullykin

    Level Up: None

    Current Party: (Reputation: 20 - Heroic)
    Behmen von Bleibruck, Ftr(Wzd-Slr)/7(19*, 10, 17*, 10, 1*, 11*)
    Akg PMail/LShld +1/+5, HoDef & BoG w/BSwd+1/+3 vs. SSs, HCBow & Fl +1; *ToL/I, ToW, MoGE, MoBH, (BSwd**,CBow*,SSS**,SWS*)
    Imoen: Mage/Thf//4/7, (Dart*); KnRobe, BroDefAC7 & CloProt +2;Wands (MM, Sleep)
    Khalid: Ftr/Lvl7, FPMail,RoP+2 & GoB (MShld +1) w/LBow of Mksmsp +2, Varscona +2 & Harrower +1/+3 vs. Und LSwds & GWExp (MdShld); RoFA; (LSwd**, LBow***,Axe*)
    Jaheira: Ftr/Drd//6/6, PMail +1& MShld +1 w/Slg +1, Club +2 & Sctr +2 (Slg**,Clb**,Q/S*, Scim*); RoH,
    RoAF; GWSk; Wand (Hvn x2)
    Minsc: Rgr/6, SLthr +1 w/CLBow +1 &2HS+2&Mc+1; GoDx(LB**,2HS**,Mc*,2WS**,2HWS*)
    Dynahier: Mg-Invk/6, RotGA; CloND w/Slg, Dgr+1; RoEm, RoP+1, AoMI (Slg*); Wands (, QS*MM, Frst, Fear, Pzn, Ltng)

    Reloads: 4 (wilderness Cave Bears x2); Nimbul; Wyvern (Cloakwood Wilderness)
  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    edited May 2013
    I made a tough decision & had Khalid switch from Full Plate to Studded Leather +1. His primary responsibility is archery so I don’t anticipate him being in melee more than 20% of the time & w/o the added weight he can carry more booty. I’m going to do the same w/Jaheira after this adventure as I use her sling & spell casting abilities at least 80% of the time.

    I set out headed for Mutamin’s Garden & ended up in the Spider Wood. As soon as we encountered 2 Ettercaps, I changed tactics to make use of Khalid’s Ring of Free Action & Minsc’s sword Spider’s Bane, which provides Free Action also. Khalid & Minsc were to recon ahead of the group & then return as they determined that there were no web traps. If there were, they’d be okay w/their free action ability. As advertised, we spend our time there fighting & killing Ettercaps & Spiders.

    Key Event: Khalid & Minsc came upon 3 Red Wizards obviously up to no good. The rest of us were close enough to see everything from the moment it started. Their leader insisted on battle which, as a Wizard Slayer, I was glad to give them. I charged in to melee while Jaheira, Dy & Imoen tried to destroy their spell casting ability. Minsc swapped Spider’s Bane for his Composite Longbow +1 while Khalid used Dead Shot +2. Jaheira led off w/Dispel Magic in the RWs vicinity, Dy hit the leader w/Spell Thrust & Imoen used a Fireball from her Wand of Fire. I took Melf’s Acid Arrow in the chest but kept fighting; quaffing 2 Elixir’s of Health. Khalid was knocked out w/a mind altering spell of some type. Both groups of spell casters slugged it out, Jaheira following w/Summon Insects, Imoen w/Melf’s Acid Arrow in a tit-for-tat & Dy went to Melf’s Minute Meteors. The RWs fired off a Color Spray to what effect I don’t know. In the end we killed them all. Good fight! That’s why we adventure!!


    Treasure of Note: As you can imagine, Dy and Immy had a good time sorting through the RWs treasure. Imoen ended up w/The Victor (Ring of Energy).
    Current Disposition: Resting, recuperating & memorizing spells in Beregost (BW)

    Next Steps: Mutamin’s Garden

    Level Up: Jaheira to Initiate of the 5th Circle (Druid/7) to accompany Myrmidon (Fighter/6) selected Cure Serious Wounds & Defensive Harmony to add to her divine spells. Dy to Enchanter (Mage/7), memorized Blur, Minor Sequencer & Fire Shield Red. She also changed out Dispel Magic for Remove Magic. Jaheira is going to cover the former.

    Current Party: (Reputation: 20 - Heroic)
    Behmen von Bleibruck, Ftr(Wzd-Slr)/7(19*, 10, 17*, 10, 1*, 11*)
    Akg PMail/LShld +1/+5, HoDef & BoG w/BSwd+1/+3 vs. SSs, HCBow & Fl +1; *ToL/I, ToW, MoGE, MoBH,
    Imoen: Mage/Thf//4/7, (Dart*); KnRobe, BroDefAC7 & CloProt +2;Wands (MM, Sleep); RoEngy
    Khalid: Ftr/Lvl7, FPMail,RoP+2 & GoB (MShld +1) w/LBow of Mksmsp +2, Varscona +2 & Harrower +1/+3 vs. Und LSwds &
    GWExp, (MdShld); RoFA; (LSwd**, LBow***,Axe*)
    Jaheira: Ftr/Drd//6/7, PMail +1& MShld +1 w/Slg +1, Club +2 & Sctr +2 (Slg**,Clb**,Q/S*, Scim*); RoH,
    RoAF; GWSk; Wand (Hvn x2)
    Minsc: Rgr/6, SLthr +1 w/CLBow +1 &2HS+2&Mc+1; GoDx(LB**,2HS**,Mc*,2WS**,2HWS*)
    Dynahier: Mg-Invk/7, RotGA; CloND w/Slg, Dgr+1; RoEm, RoP+1, AoMI (Slg*); Wands (, QS*MM, Frst, Fear, Pzn, Ltng)

    Reloads: 4 (wilderness Cave Bears x2); Nimbul; Wyvern (Cloakwood Wilderness)
  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    I made it to Mutamin’s Garden after having ended up in the Spider Wood the first time I tried to go there. When we got there I met a talking Ghoul, who I allowed to be our guide on condition that he behave. He assisted by moving on point giving us advanced warning of threats. His assistance was more valuable when we came upon Basilisks as he was immune to their gaze. It turned out the ‘Garden’ was the product of a mad Gnomish Cleric named Mutamin. He used Basilisk’s to turn passersby to stone for his sick pleasure. W/the help of my followers, we defeated him & his Basilisk’s but it wasn’t easy. In our 2nd encounter, I used a Scroll of Protection from Petrification but we had nothing else to protect against them. Minsc took a ‘gaze’ & was petrified just as he used his Berserk ability. This came back to haunt us after we used a Stone to Flesh scroll to bring him back. We travelled w/him back to Beregost to recover but when his Berserk status wore off it killed him. We took his belongings to the Temple of the Morning to ask Kelddath to Raise him. He did. In a subsequent encounter in MG, Jaheira too, became petrified. We learned two important lessons here; 1. Disperse items like Stone to Flesh scrolls so that everyone that can use them can use them if needed. Up to now, we’d had Jaheira carrying all scrolls but when she became petrified we were unable to get one to use on her, 2. The spell, Protection from Petrification & its scroll counterpart last for 5-6 hours each. Good to know next time we encounter Basilisk’s.

    Key Event: As a knight, I love a challenge & honor will not allow me to bend to one. We crossed a foursome of adventurers, led by a boisterous woman named Kirian, a Cleric maybe. She was supported by an archer & a couple of knights of one type or another. They were tougher than we’d thought & we were in for a fight. As a spell caster, Dy, Immy & Jaheira did all in their power to keep Kirian from casting a spell & aimed their spells toward that end. I too, as a Wizard Slayer, initially attacked Kirian but in route stopped to battle the charging enemy knights. To add confusion to the fight, a trio of Flinds attacked us from the E. We defeated them all in a tough fight!!!


    Treasure of Note: Golden Girdle of Ernst (Jaheira)

    Current Disposition: Resting @ the BW in Beregost

    Next Steps: Gullykin

    Level Up: Minsc to Pathfinder (Ranger/7)

    Current Party: (Reputation: 20 - Heroic)
    Behmen von Bleibruck, Ftr(Wzd-Slr)/7(19*, 10, 17*, 10, 1*, 11*)
    Akg PMail/LShld +1/+5, HoDef & BoG w/BSwd+1/+3 vs. SSs, HCBow & Fl +1; *ToL/I, ToW, MoGE, MoBH, (BSwd**,CBow*,SSS**,SWS*)
    Imoen: Mage/Thf//4/7, (Dart*); KnRobe, BroDefAC7 & CloProt +2;Wands (MM, Sleep), RoEngy
    Khalid: Ftr/Lvl7, FPMail,RoP+2 & GoB (MShld +1) w/LBow of Mksmsp +2, Varscona +2 & Harrower +1/+3 vs. Und LSwds & GWExp (MdShld); RoFA; (LSwd**, LBow***,Axe*)
    Jaheira: Ftr/Drd//6/7, PMail +1& MShld +1 w/Slg +1, Club +2 & Sctr +2 (Slg**,Clb**,Q/S*, Scim*); RoH,
    RoAF; GWSk; Wand (Hvn x2)
    Minsc: Rgr/7, SLthr +1 w/CLBow +1 &2HS+2&Mc+1; GoDx(LB**,2HS**,Mc*,2WS**,2HWS*)
    Dynahier: Mg-Invk/7, RotGA; CloND w/Slg, Dgr+1; RoEm, RoP+1, AoMI (Slg*); Wands (, QS*MM, Frst, Fear, Pzn, Ltng)

    Reloads: 4 (wilderness Cave Bears x2); Nimbul; Wyvern (Cloakwood Wilderness)
  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    edited May 2013
    One of the things on my ‘bucket list’ was to visit Gullykin, the Hobbit village, sometime in my life. I led my followers there after some time in & around Beregost. Once there, I met a delightful Hobbit named Gandolar who I take to me the de facto mayor. He asked if we were on the way to or from Durlag’s Tower but we told him we were here to visit Gullykin itself. He gladly invited us to do so & so we were off. It was quiet there save a few wolves & Kobolds until…

    Key Event: …we were attacked by a team of assassins led by a dual-wielding knight who said, “When you die, know that it was Molkar who killed you.” Molkar is dead now so it didn’t quite work that way. Jaheira annihilated Molkar’s mage w/her Wand of the Heavensw/o him ever getting off a spell. I charged into melee w/Molkar himself & the dual started. Meanwhile his other two compatriots were dying @ my right & left hand. Molkar parried & as he stepped to my right & attempted to get behind me, he was cut down & the battle was over. Not quite the challenge that I expected w/all his bravado.


    When we returned to the village proper, Gandolar asked us if I’d look into the Firewine Ruins that we could reach thru a secret door in the winery. I accepted but knew a dungeon adventure would be a challenge w/o a thief. Using Minsc’s ability to Hide in Shadow & Jaheira’s spell Find Traps, I separated the party widely & inched us thru the ruins behind their recon. When they found traps, we worked carefully to skirt them taking damage from FBs, LBs, MMs here & there. We waded, ankle deep thru Kobold after Kobold after Kobold stinging us w/Arrows of Fire. We did manage to bring some peace to some Ghost Knights that had fallen in battles long ago betrayed by an Undead Knight. In killing him we were able to retrieve a set of armor needed to allow them to fulfill a common vow they'd pledged to one another. We finally came upon the masterminds behind the Kobolds that were plaguing Gullykin. Another vile Ogre Mage! This one assisted by a mage & 2 or 3 Flesh Golems. I used a Scroll of Magic Protection as soon as I heard incantations while Minsc, who was on point, quaffed a Potion of Magic Blocking. We took down the mage & 1 of the FGs while under fire from Kobold Commando’s w/Arrows of Fire. Jaheira & Khalid went after the Kobolds who were behind us while Minsc & I pushed forward toward the ogre Mage. Immy fired a Wand of Sleep & Dy a Wand of Fear into the vicinity hoping to take a couple of KCs out of the fight. I took out the OM while Minsc mopped up another FG. Khalid & Jaheira finished up their work. We went up a set of stairs that led to a Hobbit home where we were promptly attacked by & killed the owner who’d been on the take. Gandolar was pleased & we were happy to rid these peaceful people of the threat to their homes.

    Treasure of Note: Scroll of Cloudkill (Dy)

    Current Disposition: Resting, resupplying & recuperating in Nashkel

    Next Steps: Firewine Bridge

    Level Up: None

    Current Party: (Reputation: 20 - Heroic)
    Behmen von Bleibruck, Ftr(Wzd-Slr)/7(19*, 10, 17*, 10, 1*, 11*)
    Akg PMail/LShld +1/+5, HoDef & BoG w/BSwd+1/+3 vs. SSs, HCBow & Fl +1; *ToL/I, ToW, MoGE, MoBH, (BSwd**,CBow*,SSS**,SWS*)
    Imoen: Mage/Thf//4/7, (Dart*); KnRobe, BroDefAC7 & CloProt +2;Wands (MM, Sleep), RoEngy
    Khalid: Ftr/Lvl7, FPMail,RoP+2 & GoB (MShld +1) w/LBow of Mksmsp +2, Varscona +2 & Harrower +1/+3 vs. Und LSwds & GWExp (MdShld); RoFA; (LSwd**, LBow***,Axe*)
    Jaheira: Ftr/Drd//6/7, PMail +1& MShld +1 w/Slg +1, Club +2 & Sctr +2 (Slg**,Clb**,Q/S*, Scim*); RoH,
    RoAF; GWSk; Wand (Hvn x2)
    Minsc: Rgr/7, SLthr +1 w/CLBow +1 &2HS+2&Mc+1; GoDx(LB**,2HS**,Mc*,2WS**,2HWS*)
    Dynahier: Mg-Invk/7, RotGA; CloND w/Slg, Dgr+1; RoEm, RoP+1, AoMI (Slg*); Wands (, QS*MM, Frst, Fear, Pzn, Ltng)

    Reloads: 4 (wilderness Cave Bears x2); Nimbul; Wyvern (Cloakwood Wilderness)
    Post edited by CharlestonianTemplar on
  • gunmangunman Member Posts: 215
    I have finished BG:EE with a single reload, but my current attempt at no-reload challenge is with original BG, which I find more enjoyable to play.

    BG is arguably harder than BG:EE because:
    - no pause on inventory screens, which means very careful planning of quick slots before battles
    - no luring of enemies in another area, you have to fight them on their grounds
    - a more limited selection of spells (no Doom for example)
    - spellcasters seem harder to disrupt

    The intended lineup was PC (Paladin), Branwen, Xan and Coran.
    Coran got perma-killed on ice island, and was replaced with Imoen.
    Imoen got chunked by Cult Assasins and was replaced with Safana.

    The current lineup is PC (lvl 8 Paladin), Branwen (lvl 9 Cleric), Xan (lvl 8 Enchanter) and Safana (lvl 6 thief)

    No reloads so far (only on occasional crashes). The most closer to death my PC was when tanking the Demonknight. His buffs were dispelled and then he was stunned when the DK cast Power Word: Stun on him. Fortunately Xan was able to cast dispel magic when he was only one hit away from being killed, and restored to full health by drinking the cup of blood.

    Killing Demonknight:

    Killing Aec'Letec:
  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    gunman said:


    The current lineup is PC (lvl 8 Paladin), Branwen (lvl 9 Cleric), Xan (lvl 8 Enchanter) and Safana (lvl 6 thief)

    No reloads so far (only on occasional crashes). The most closer to death my PC was when tanking the Demonknight. His buffs were dispelled and then he was stunned when the DK cast Power Word: Stun on him. Fortunately Xan was able to cast dispel magic when he was only one hit away from being killed, and restored to full health by drinking the cup of blood.

    @gunman: I like the PC & party, especially Branwen. I've never played her thru & her character background makes for an interesting backdrop to party chemistry.

    As for "The most closer to death my PC was when tanking the Demonknight." I don't know. He looks like he's hurtin' in that Aec'Letec fight too!

  • gunmangunman Member Posts: 215
    Did it! Defeated Sarevok and completed the game with no reloads. After killing Semaj, I buffed to ridiculous levels and lured only Sarevok into a toe-to-toe battle. My Paladin whacked at him with Ashideena while the rest of the party was supporting with everything at hand, spells/wand of heaven/ranged weapons. He fell quickly.

    My paladin's stats from the final save. With all the tomes used on him (except a tome of wisdom I think), he became quite a monster by the end of the game.
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    @gunman - Welcome, and congratulations!

    Decided to give a progress report today, because its my finals week, and well, I've been gone for a while. I've started playing the Neverwinter Open Beta. I kind of like it.

    Also, I want everyone's opinion on extending the Minimal Reload Challenge to IWD, IWD2, PST(Not really sure if this is viable, then again, I have gotten to a point where TNO goes unconscious.), etc. I would like to extend it to DnD CRPGs. However, I'm not sure if others would be thrilled about it.

    Update Time!

    Saki led her group through the druid grove. Destroying any Shadow Druids in her path. Then, within the grove, there was a woman named Faldorn. Saki had sent Arath in to fight Faldorn. Arath shapeshifted into a spider, and basically poisoned Faldorn to death, even after she shapeshifted into a Panther.

    Then, Saki dealt with the Dao Jinn at Corprith's command. This lead the party back to the druid grove to destroy a Rakshasa. Once Saki turned the Rakshasa's head in, her party became the 'Heroes of Trademeet.'

    Now, she has to choose between a lord or a lady.

    Current Party
    Saki: Kensai - 10
    Jaheira: Fighter/Druid - 9/12
    Yoshimo: Bounty Hunter - 12
    Cernd: Totemic Druid - 12
    Arath: Avenger - 12
    Nalia: Thief < Mage - 4 < 11

    Notes: I've never had Faldorn turn into a Panther before. That was different. I have no idea which mod made her do that. It was awesome though. Nearly killed Arath though.
  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    edited May 2013
    Having rested & resupplied after our adventures in/around Gullykin I decided we needed to recon the Firewine Bridge itself so I headed there next. The impressive structure is long since crumbling, destroyed in a battle some 300 years ago. Other than a Kobolds & skeletons I found little of interest other than crossing swords w/ & defeating a swordsman who claimed to be the best swordsman in Faerun.

    Key Event: If I were reincarnated as a Ranger, my racial enemy would w/o a doubt be the Ogre Mage. I’ve never met a demon or devil but short of those, I’ve believe the Ogre Made is the most vile creature in the realm. There’s the one in the Cloakwood Mines & another in the Baldur’s Gate sewers, both surrounded w/dead bodies; the Ogre Mage last week that had been wreaking havoc on the Hobbits in Gullykin & the one who’d entrapped the Neried near the coast, not to mention those we’ve met on the road – they’ve all been hideous and evil to the core. We met another here who’d entrapped a young female adventurer. We tried to help her but released the vile monster & destroyed him.


    After that, I took us on over to Ulcaster where we trekked around the ruins of the Ulcaster School. We ran into a number of various Hobgoblin types & skeletons galore. We did run into a Skeleton Warrior who put up a fight but we took him out. We met the ghost of Ulcaster who indicated a tome somewhere in the rubble beneath. We went down there & went through clearing the place out quickly, killing mostly wolves, including a Vampiric Wolf. We found the tome & returned it to Ulcasters Ghost. The most harrowing part in all this was, once again, inching through a dungeon w/o a thief. Jaheira used her Find Traps spell to great affect w/Minsc out front w/her as our point man. Great job team!


    Treasure of Note: Worn Whispers (Boots of Stealth – saving for Imoen)

    Current Disposition: Resting, recuperating, resupplying in Beregost

    Next Steps: On the way to the Firewine bridge, we found a a place I’d heard of - Lonely Peaks. I’ll go there next.

    Level Up: None

    Current Party: (Reputation: 20 - Heroic)
    Behmen von Bleibruck, Ftr(Wzd-Slr)/7(19*, 10, 17*, 10, 1*, 11*)
    Akg PMail/LShld +1/+5, HoDef & BoG w/BSwd+1/+3 vs. SSs, HCBow & Fl +1; *ToL/I, ToW, MoGE, MoBH, (BSwd**,CBow*,SSS**,SWS*)
    Imoen: Mage/Thf//4/7, (Dart*); KnRobe, BroDefAC7 & CloProt +2;Wands (MM, Sleep), RoEngy
    Khalid: Ftr/Lvl7, FPMail,RoP+2 & GoB (MShld +1) w/LBow of Mksmsp +2, Varscona +2 & Harrower +1/+3 vs. Und LSwds & GWExp (MdShld); RoFA; (LSwd**, LBow***,Axe*)
    Jaheira: Ftr/Drd//6/7, PMail +1& MShld +1 w/Slg +1, Club +2 & Sctr +2 (Slg**,Clb**,Q/S*, Scim*); RoH,
    RoAF; GWSk; Wand (Hvn x2)
    Minsc: Rgr/7, SLthr+1, B/Stealth w/CLBow +1 &2HS+2&Mc+1; GoDx(LB**,2HS**,Mc*,2WS**,2HWS*)
    Dynahier: Mg-Invk/7, RotGA; CloND w/Slg, Dgr+1; RoEm, RoP+1, AoMI (Slg*); Wands (, QS*MM, Frst, Fear, Pzn, Ltng)

    Reloads: 4 (wilderness Cave Bears x2); Nimbul; Wyvern (Cloakwood Wilderness)
  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    edited May 2013
    gunman said:

    Did it! Defeated Sarevok and completed the game with no reloads. After killing Semaj, I buffed to ridiculous levels and lured only Sarevok into a toe-to-toe battle. My Paladin whacked at him with Ashideena while the rest of the party was supporting with everything at hand, spells/wand of heaven/ranged weapons. He fell quickly.

    My paladin's stats from the final save. With all the tomes used on him (except a tome of wisdom I think), he became quite a monster by the end of the game.

    Wow! Great PC Gunman! Great avatar also. That was quick. Did you do all the sidequests or just the main storyline? I've gone through Candlekeep Chapter 6 but now I'm doin' sidequests, planning to finish up all the Ulgoth's Beard stuff including Durlag's Tower before heading back to BG to finish up.

    sapphire: I see you're in BGII. Cool. Gotta get back over to that game.

    As for other NRCs, I'd be interested. haven't played IWD in a while but wouldn't mind a change. Don't know what D&D CRPGs is....Dungeons and Dragons...CR Playing Games?


  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    I've decided that a Wizard Slayer ain't so bad after all. When I first started, I thought he was the weakest fighter sub-class I'd ever player. Now, only four reloads later, three of them against 'waylaying enemies' and one by the hair of his chinny chin chin, this guys pretty solid.

    Knockin' on wood now.

  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    edited May 2013
    @CharlestonianTemplar - DnD CRPGs is Dungeons and Dragons Computer Roleplaying Games. Examples are: Baldur's Gate Series, Icewind Dale Series, Planescape: Torment, Temple of Elemental Evil, etc.

    Also, its good to be back, or rather, not lurking around.

    Another thing, I'm not sure why people hate Wizard Slayers. I remember making Khalid a Wizard Slayer all the time in BGT, and it really didn't hinder him any. Mostly because, Khalid is one of the best tanks in Baldur's Gate, or at least in my opinion he is. I don't quite get the hate for him either, is it because people want Jaheira all to themselves, or do people put him out of position, and cause his morale to break? *shrug*
  • gunmangunman Member Posts: 215

    Wow! Great PC Gunman! Great avatar also. That was quick. Did you do all the sidequests or just the main storyline? I've gone through Candlekeep Chapter 6 but now I'm doin' sidequests, planning to finish up all the Ulgoth's Beard stuff including Durlag's Tower before heading back to BG to finish up.

    Thanks! I think I've done over 90% of the sidequests, including TotSC part. I've skipped the thieves or evil quests (for the obvious reason I was playing a Paladin).
  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    We headed SE to the Lonely Peaks to see what was in those peaks. We found it to be inhabited, largely by Ogres and their ilk, Wolves, Kobolds, Xvarts, etc. Nothing much to challenge us & it was a tiring trip out of the way. Still I’m glad I didn’t leave the ‘stone unturned.’

    Key Event: We were able to aid a farmer whose only cow was being attacked by a squad of Xvarts. Imoen used a Wand of Sleep and Dy, a Wand of fear and that incapacitated all of them. We cut ‘em down & got their gold. The farmer was grateful.

    I allowed us to enjoy some downtime at the Burning Wizard before we begin heading north.


    Treasure of Note: None

    Current Disposition: Resting, recuperating, resupplying in Beregost

    Next Steps: North toward the FAI. Planning to head up the Ulgoth’s Beard soon.

    Level Up: None

    Current Party: (Reputation: 20 - Heroic)
    Behmen von Bleibruck, Ftr(Wzd-Slr)/7(19*, 10, 17*, 10, 1*, 11*)
    Akg PMail/LShld +1/+5, HoDef & BoG w/BSwd+1/+3 vs. SSs, HCBow & Fl +1; *ToL/I, ToW, MoGE, MoBH, (BSwd**,CBow*,SSS**,SWS*)
    Imoen: Mage/Thf//4/7, (Dart*); KnRobe, BroDefAC7 & CloProt +2;Wands (MM, Sleep), RoEngy
    Khalid: Ftr/Lvl7, FPMail,RoP+2 & GoB (MShld +1) w/LBow of Mksmsp +2, Varscona +2 & Harrower +1/+3 vs. Und LSwds & GWExp (MdShld); RoFA; (LSwd**, LBow***,Axe*)
    Jaheira: Ftr/Drd//6/7, PMail +1& MShld +1 w/Slg +1, Club +2 & Sctr +2 (Slg**,Clb**,Q/S*, Scim*); RoH,
    RoAF; GWSk; Wand (Hvn x2)
    Minsc: Rgr/7, SLthr+1, B/Stealth w/CLBow +1 &2HS+2&Mc+1; GoDx(LB**,2HS**,Mc*,2WS**,2HWS*)
    Dynahier: Mg-Invk/7, RotGA; CloND w/Slg, Dgr+1; RoEm, RoP+1, AoMI (Slg*); Wands (, QS*MM, Frst, Fear, Pzn, Ltng)

    Reloads: 4 (wilderness Cave Bears x2); Nimbul; Wyvern (Cloakwood Wilderness
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    @gunman - I hope you continue onto BG2. :)

    @CharlestonianTemplar - We need more cow saving quests in Baldur's Gate. *sagenod.*

    Update timeeee.


    Saki had decided to help Lady Luraxxol (I'm a bad speller with names. No lie.). Her group took out the skeletons and got the mantle. Only to give it to Corprith. Saki was done with these crazy families!

    After that, Saki helped a man named Tiris with his problem. Apparently, his girlfriend was turned into a Skin Dancer, by that dastardly Reijek! So, Saki helped, naturally, destroying the skin dancers were easy, just a magic missile, and a chromatic orb used.

    Next, Saki went to Waukeen's promenade. Apparently, Cernd had a problem that the group needed to attend to, and Nalia had to go to her father's funeral. So, first, the group dealt with Cernd's problem, and saving his son, which he named Ahsdale. Then, the group went to Nalia's father's funeral, and ran into the bastard that was an insult to all bastards, Isaea Roenall! On the way back to pick up Cernd...Nalia was taken by Isaea. Saki understood why Nalia called him a bastard that was an insult to all bastards. However, while trying to save Nalia, Jaheira got cursed by an enemy of hers.

    To make a long story, short. Saki had saved both of her female companions from their respective sticky ends.

    Current Party
    Saki: Kensai - 10
    Jaheira: Fighter/Druid - 9/12
    Arath: Avenger - 12
    Yoshimo: Bounty Hunter - 13
    Cernd: Totemic Druid - 12
    Nalia: Thief < Mage - 4 < 11

    Notes: Nothing really important here.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @SapphireIce101, I'd love to see minimal reload threads for Icewind Dale 1 and 2. The Bioware boards always forbid even mentioning them. I guess it would need to go in the off-topic forum, since it technically is.

    I'm currently playing Sacred 2 and probably will for a while, and I still haven't finished Torchlight 2, and I've got a lot of other arpg's on my backburner that I want to play again, but if I see other people doing and posting Icewind Dale runs, I might join in with one.

    I always use the IWD npc pack, though. Olver, Teri, Severn, Nella, and company for IWD1, and Sir Nord, Hildury, etc. for IWD2. I find IWD unbearable nowadays without some character interaction.
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    @belgarathmth - Eh, Bioware forbid them on the Baldur's Gate sub-section of the forums, because even though they use the same engine its not Baldur's Gate. In all honesty though, I would love to keep it in this thread, but if we have to make a new one in off topic then so be it.

    I'm also accustomed to using the NPC packs for IWD and IWD2. I always seem to make an evil elf just to romance Diriel. Curse that evil druid to the Nine Hells.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    edited May 2013
    @Dee, how about it? May we combine Icewind Dale runs here in this thread together with BG:EE runs, without incurring moderator wrath?

    @SapphireIce101, Lol. I'm not a Diriel fan. I actually love Hildury as the one female archetype that might make me straight instead of gay. Barring that, Sir Nord seems like a pretty sexy bear, and Nikosh is exactly my type for a cute little guy with a beard and a playful disposition.

    And then there's Jaemal, who is actually written for my little niche player market. Unfortunately, the writers chose to do "nerfed gay" and make him a eunuch with severe issues with masculinity. So, he's kind of a fail as an attempt by straight people to write for gay people, although I usually take him along and try to help him by being a counselor to him.

    Meanwhile, I also really like Peony - she reminds me of Finch. I have two female archetypes who appeal to me in a borderline sexual, but finally only-as-a-beloved-friend manner - Wonder Woman/Xena/Jaheira/Branwen/Kara (Supergirl), etc. etc., and the emotionally needy ever cheerful intellectual with glasses type, aka Finch/Peony/Raj's new girlfriend on BBT/Amy, etc. (Ha, I just said two Big Bang Theory female characters as "my types". Penny would be the opposite of "my type", as far as attractions to females.)

    LOL - boy, talk about off-topic.

    But anyway, at least slightly more on-topic, @Dee, how about it, as far as IWD discussion and posting in here?
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    I think it would be better to start a new thread, if only because it would make it easier for people to find the discussion they're looking for. But I won't stop you from discussing Icewind Dale--and if @SapphireIce101 doesn't mind changing the topic, you don't need my permission to do so. :)
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,675
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    edited May 2013
    @Samus - To end...LIKE THIS?! /(O,.,O)?

    @Dee - Thanks for the answer! Time to do some thread re-naming. :P

    @blegarathmth - I like Sir Nord. He is definitely not like your ordinary paladins, and if you have Salomeya, and Hildury in the party it gets so funny. Peony is definitely one of those best friend types, like Imoen!

    Making a note to try to play IWD2 without Diriel.

    Edit: New Rules for IWD in the OP, do keep in mind if any rule is bad, we can chuck it. If there needs to be an additional rule, then we can add it in.
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    Apologies for the double post, but I have a tiny update.


    It was time to rescue Imoen. Saki felt that the only way to get to Imoen was to go with the Shadow Thieves. They were the demon that she knew, unlike that other thieves guild that she had no information about.

    Saki spoke to Aran Linvail, and he sent Saki and her group to Mook. Mook, however, was killed shortly after by a vampire, Lassal. Lassal was getting smacked by swords, and hit by arrows, and then he fled back to whatever hole he crawled out of.

    Saki returned ton Linvail, only to find out that he had more tasks for her. Saki didn't mind, she was biding her time, so then she could save Imoen.

    Current Party:
    Saki: Kensai - 11
    Jaheira: Fighter/Druid - 9/12
    Arath: Avenger - 13
    Yoshimo: Bounty Hunter - 14
    Cernd: Totemic Druid - 13
    Nalia: Thief < Mage - 4 Notes: Aran Linvail...Mmm....I like his voice. I will -always- love that voice. Damn you Cam Clarke. *cough*
  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    I’ve run out of ideas for where to go next here in Amn so I’m slowly leading my followers N w/my mind set on visiting Ulgoth’s Beard soon. Last time I passed through Lion’s Way & Coast Way I stayed to the roads, as I was on quest. Now that I’m taking it slowly, I decided we’d see what else lay here. We battled a few Gibberling’s, many wolves, some Xvarts a Black Bear & an Ogre.

    Key Event: After a small battle w/Gibberling’s, Imoen advanced as a Mage. This is key, as we desperately await return of her thieving skills.


    Treasure of Note: Elves Bane (Girdle of Piercing – Minsc);

    Current Disposition: Resting, recuperating, resupplying @ the FAI

    Next Steps: Ankheg Hunting near the Fishing Village

    Level Up: Imoen has advanced in Magician (Mage/6) & needs 2 more levels before she can retrieve her Sharper (Thief/7) skills. She selected Haste to add to her memorized spells.

    Current Party: (Reputation: 20 - Heroic)
    Behmen von Bleibruck, Ftr(Wzd-Slr)/7(19*, 10, 17*, 10, 1*, 11*)
    Akg PMail/LShld +1/+5, HoDef & BoG w/BSwd+1/+3 vs. SSs, HCBow & Fl +1; *ToL/I, ToW, MoGE, MoBH, (BSwd**,CBow*,SSS**,SWS*)
    Imoen: Mage/Thf//6/7, (Dart*); KnRobe, BroDefAC7, GoB & CloProt +2;Wands (MM, Sleep), RoEngy
    Khalid: Ftr/Lvl7, SLthr+1, & GoB (MShld +1) w/LBow of Mksmsp +2, Varscona +2 & Harrower +1/+3 vs. Und LSwds & GWExp (MdShld); RoFA; (LSwd**, LBow***,Axe*)
    Jaheira: Ftr/Drd//6/7, SLthr+1& MShld +1 w/Slg +1, Club +2 & Sctr +2 (Slg**,Clb**,Q/S*, Scim*); RoH,
    RoAF; GWSk; Wand (Hvn x2)
    Minsc: Rgr/7, SLthr+2, B/Stealth & GoP w/CLBow +1 &2HS+2&Mc+1; GoDx(LB**,2HS**,Mc*,2WS**,2HWS*)
    Dynahier: Mg-Invk/7, RotGA; CloND w/Slg, Dgr+1; RoEm & RoP+2, AoMI (Slg*); Wands (, QS*MM, Frst, Fear, Pzn, Ltng)

    Reloads: 4 (wilderness Cave Bears x2); Nimbul; Wyvern (Cloakwood Wilderness)
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