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Baldur's Gate Series, and Icewind Dale Series Minimal Reload Challenge (Spoiler Warning!)



  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    Final Icewind Dale update.

    They had explored the remaining parts of Dorn's Deep. The group spared Marketh at Ginafae's request, and got his badge for free. Then, they saved some more deep gnomes. Next, they went and killed Illmadia. This creates a huge plot hole for IWD2 doesn't it? They were surrounded by Fire Giants in no time, so Ari had to cast some Sunfire spells, only to realize that they didn't affect fire giants.

    Next, they freed some priests of Illmater. Once that was done, they went up some stairs, and found Poquelin. They had nearly defeated him, when he used Crème Cinnabon! Crenshinibon, and teleported them to a, now very frosty, Easthaven. With it its own crystal tower!

    Ari, Vin, and Co. cleared the town out of Cyclopsi. They spoke to the priest, and found their way into the Crystal tower of doom. Cue Deekin in for the doom song please.

    They climbed the tower for an alternate entrance to the chamber that holds Jerrod's Stone. They ran into Pomab. They killed all of his copies, and then him. Ari was struck many times, but she knew she had to play dodge with the Crystal Sentries.

    The group made it to the chamber, where the Priest sacrificed himself a la Jerrod. That left the group in a fight with Belheifet. Ari cast magic missiles, stoneskin, and summoned some shadows. Severn summoned some monsters, and sang his bard song. Teri, Korin, Nella, and Vin struck the demon down with their swords, and arrows until the demon was sent back to the hells where he belonged!

    Arianna: Fighter/Mage - 17/16
    Vindictus: Fighter - 26
    Nella: Fighter < Cleric - 2 < 29
    Teri: Fighter/Thief - 17/20
    Severn: Bard - 30
    Korin: Ranger - 23

    Reloads: 5

    Notes: That's the end of that. Onwards to IWD2, and to Marina.
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    First Update of IWD2. I did have this long story thing written down, but it went poof.

    So, just know that Marina, and co are trying to find some Braehg, and a traitor in Targos.

    Marina: Silverstar of Selune - 2
    Sir Nord: Paladin of Helm - 15
    Peony: Illusionist - 12
    Jaemal: Sorcerer - 12
    Hildury: Barbarian - 3
    Prachi: Monk of the Old Order - 9

    Reloads: 0

    Notes: I've never played with Jaemal or Prachi before, so I really don't know their stories. Also, if Roederick, comes up, just know that its probably Vin, since it is in his personality to try to imitate a Lawful Good Paladin, or maybe its because his wife commanded it of him. lol
  • WanderonWanderon Member Posts: 1,418
    @ SapphireIce101

    What difficulty are you using? Are you playing HoF mode?
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    @Wanderon - I'm on Normal, but seeing as I have like three people above level 10 I should put it on HoF mode just to see how far I can get before I have to lower the difficulty.
  • WanderonWanderon Member Posts: 1,418

    @Wanderon - I'm on Normal, but seeing as I have like three people above level 10 I should put it on HoF mode just to see how far I can get before I have to lower the difficulty.

    Good idea - also as I recall the higher difficulties gave more experience didn't they or was that only IWD? Of course they made you work for it too LOL...

  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    @Wanderon - Last time I checked, you get more XP for higher difficulties as well in IWD2. I'm not really sure though. lol

    Also, due to some...bugs, I'm going to restart, but I will try to make things as similar as they were before. XD
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    edited June 2013
    Alright. I got an update, its mostly what I did yesterday, since I had to redo it all. Heh. Also, @Wanderon is correct about the higher difficulties giving more XP.

    Marina, and most of the people that her father, Roederic As we all know is Vindictus pretending to be a Lawful Good Paladin because, Ari told him to do it! I swear!, hired to protect her arrived at Targos on the 'Wicked Wench'. The town of Targos was rather quiet, it even made the captain rather nervous.

    Marina's group consisted of: Herself, a Wild Elf, and a Silverstar of Selune. Sir Nord, a Human, and a Paladin of Helm, and part of the Radiant Heart, he also worked with Marina's father. Peony, a Rock Gnome Illusionist from Silverymoon. Jaemal, an Aasimar Sorcerer. Prachi, a human monk. Lastly, Hildury, a Half-orc Barbarian, as well as Sir Nord's Squire, I guess that is what one would call her.

    Soon, the party learned that Targos was beset by Goblins. ...To make a rather long story short on that front, Several Chain Lightning, Acid Storm, and Ice Storm spells later, the group had found where the goblins came from. A cave under a warehouse. Luckily for Targos, the goblins were really bad sappers, and basically made it so then they were unable to do it again.

    Marina led her group the Lord of Targos, and joined the Targos army/militia. Marina was also tasked with finding out what was wrong with the Lady's diviner, and finding a traitor among them.

    Marina found the diviner in the tent, and he spoke about...needing some 'Braegh'. So, Marina found some braegh, and gave it to the diviner. With that, the diviner was no longer in his trance.

    Next, Marina went to Crawford, and fixed the wood shortage. As well as, figured out how to get a ghost to stop haunting the local inn.

    Crawford sent Marina and her group to Isherwood.

    Current Party:
    Marina: Silverstar of Selune - 6
    Sir Nord: Paladin of Helm - 16
    Peony: Illusionist - 13
    Jaemal: Sorcerer - 13
    Prachi: Monk of the Old Order/Rogue - 9/2
    Hildury: Barbarian/Battleguard of Tempus - 5/2

    Reloads: 0

    Notes: Heart of Fury Mode isn't a cakewalk guys. Goblins hit like Mack Trucks! Hell, Jaemal and Peony's spells hit like Mack Trucks. I have learned that Multiclassing may actually be your best friend. If I need another backup healer then Peony, or Jaemal will have to go Druid. Since, Peony is Chaotic Neutral, and Jaemal is Neutral Good, and we already have two clerics. Also, this whole backstory thing would make sense with Diriel, but I've played with Diriel too many times.
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    edited June 2013
    Marina had saved Targos from a traitor, goblin attacks, and a damned Doppleganger. Life is good.

    However, the group was being sent to Shaengarne to save the bridge for the Neverwinter reinforcements to safely travel across.

    There were some complications in that. Marina now has to fight her way through a tribe of orcs just to get to Shaengarne.

    Marina and her party saved a druid, and his wife as well.

    Current Party:
    Marina: Silverstar of Selune - 10
    Sir Nord: Paladin of Helm - 18
    Peony: Illusionist - 15
    Jaemal: Sorcerer - 15
    Prachi: Monk of the Old Order/Rogue - 9/4
    Hildury: Barbarian/Battleguard of Tempus - 5/5

    Reloads: 3

    Notes: All three reloads are due to hitting an ally, and basically all allies go hostile, therefore, making the main quest impossible to complete.

    Secondly, Hildury, you need more wisdom.

    Got Delayed Fireball, Seven Eyes, and Chain Lightning on Jaemal now I don't have to use Acid Storm!
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    Quick update here.

    Marina moved onto the next area, and closer to the Shaengarne Bridge.

    Marina met a fellow Silverstar, who had her blade stolen by a Troll while in a middle of a battle with the orcs. I'm sad theres no additional lines for a Silverstar of Selune.

    Then, a villager named Kaitlyn asked Marina to save the villagers, using an Invisibility potion. Marina gave Prachi the Invisibility potion. Prachi went into the orc's camp a stealth like, opened the gate, and came out. After many fireballs, Chain Lightnings, and Cone of Ices later, the villagers were freed.

    Next, they went after Torak. Again, many fireballs, Chain Lightnings, and even some of Marina's domain spells were used. Nine Hells, even Hildury tried to use some of her domain spells. Also, lots of healing went into Sir Nord, and Hildury.

    Finally, they went into a cave. Defeated a Troll with Peony casting a Melf's Acid Arrow. However, to get rid of most of the orcs, Jaemal cast some Horrid Wiltings, Delayed Fireballs, and Chain Lightnings. Peony also cast Mass Haste. Marina cast Bless, and some heal spells. Hildury tried to cast Chant, but got interrupted.

    Marina returned the moonblade to her fellow Silverstar, and now they could move further along the road.

    Current Party:
    Marina: Silverstar of Selune - 11
    Sir Nord: Paladin of Helm - 18
    Peony: Illusionist - 16
    Jaemal: Sorcerer - 16
    Prachi: Monk of the Old Order/Rogue - 9/4
    Hildury: Barbarian/Battleguard of Tempus - 6/5

    Reloads: 3

    Notes: So, Jaemal learned Horrid Wilting, and I noticed that it damages any party members in it as well.

    I forgot to say this in the last update, but Jaemal calls Marina 'Northern Lights', due to seeing the Northern Lights.

    Also, until the legal issues are solved, I'm probably going to be going back to BGT. Since I told myself that I wouldn't play BGEE until the patch came out.
  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    edited June 2013
    I returned to the 4th Labyrinth Level of DsT, setting my sites on completing adventures in the caverns. The place was swarming w/Greater Ghouls, Ghasts and Crypt Crawlers. W/Imoen’s thieving skills available we were much more confident & worked our way thru quickly. We had one major battle w/a Greater Ghoul named Grael who was accompanied by a Crypt Crawler & 2 Greater Ghouls. This was a vicious fight in which Minsc fell & nearly the entire party w/him. We returned to Nalin in Nashkel to Raise Dead on Minsc before returning to continue.


    Upon return, we worked our way thru halls slowly eliminating traps & making headway. We continued battling Greater Ghouls & found a room full of Spiders & Ghasts that we cleared. From there we found a token machine that we had a wardstone to fit. We found a huge storeroom w/two treasure chests & we loaded up on some good loot but not w/o getting blasted w/a Lightning trap that Imoen didn’t detect. From there we were able to complete our adventures opening a chest in another storeroom off the caverns and, finally, a throne room which was also full of treasure. We took all that back to High Hedge and did some trading w/Thalantyr before returning.

    Key Event: Durlag’s Ghost complimented me and led us to a secret room. There we met an adventurer, Clair, whose party had just been wiped out by a Demon Knight ‘beyond the door.’ Hearing Clair’s warning we prepared thoroughly for what we would find there. Using Potions of Invisibility we spread out around a round room looking down of the Demon Knight. Dy fired off a Spell Thrust, Immy a Dispel Magic & Jaheira Summon Insects. Khalid shot an Arrow of Dispelling while Minsc fired his bow also. Khalid switched to Arrows of Piercing while Dy fired off a Minor Sequencer w/back to back Magic Missiles & Immy fired a MM also. I moved in for melee now but the demon Knight blasted Minsc w/a massive Fireball and then moved to attack him in his stunned condition. He killed Minsc quickly. I caught up to him and started beating him like a rag doll. Khalid kept up the Arrows of Piercing. Jaheira cast Doom while Dy and Immy cast Melf’s Acid Arrow @ the Demon Knight. Finally one ofmy word blows brought him to his knees and & I cut his head off.


    Treasure of Note: Telbar’s Studded Leather Armor +2 (Minsc); Krotan’s Skullcrusher +2 (Minsc); Cloak of the Shield (Khalid); Staff of Striking +3 (Dy); Arla's Dragonbane +3 ((Jaheira); Pellan’s Shield +2 (Behmen)

    Current Disposition: resting @ the Red Sheaf.

    Next Steps: Getting ready to head back to Ulgoth’s Beard and return Soultaker to Hurgan Stoneblade.

    Level Up: Dy’s to Sorcerer (Mage-Invoker/9). She chose to learn Cloudkill and Monster Summoning III.

    Current Party: (Reputation: 20 - Heroic)
    Behmen von Bleibruck, Ftr(Wzd-Slr)/8 (19*, 10, 17*, 10, 17*, 11*)
    PMail +3/LShld +1/+5, HoDef & BoG w/BSwd+1/+3 vs. SSs, HCBow & Fl +1; *ToL/I, ToWx2, MoGE, MoBH, (BSwd**,CBow*,SSS**,SWS*)
    Imoen: Mage/Thf//7/7, (Dart*); KnRobe, BroDefAC7, GoB & CloProt +2; Multiple Wands, RoE,
    Khalid: Ftr/Lvl8, Lthr+3, GoB (MShld +1) & GSAm w/LBow of Mksmsp +2, Varscona +2 & Harrower +1/+3 vs.
    Und LSwds & GWExp (MdShld); RoFA; (LSwd**, LBow***,Axe*)
    Jaheira: Ftr/Drd//7/7, SLthr+1& MShld +1 w/Slg +3, Club +2 & Sctr +2 (Slg**,Clb**,Q/S*, Scim*); RoH,
    RoAF; GWSk; Wand (Hvn x2)
    Minsc: Rgr/7, SLthr+2, B/Stealth, GoP & CoP w/CLBow +1, Worlds Edge +3,2HS+2& Mc+2;
    Dynahier: Mg-Invk/9 RotGA; Stff/Skg +3 w/Slg; RoEm & RoP+2, AoMI (Slg*); Multiple Wands

    Reloads: 4 (wilderness Cave Bears x2); Nimbul; Wyvern (Cloakwood Wilderness)
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    edited June 2013
    @CharlestonianTemplar - So sad that Minsc didn't -- Wait a second. I don't like Minsc. Good update as always!

    I got an update now.

    Marina's group continued on. Destroying Orcs, Spiders, Harpies, and anything that came in their way.

    This included some Malarites that were making a dam at the Shaengarne Ford. Good thing though, is that Marina and co. destroyed the dam before it could even be finished. However, one of the support beams were hard to do, because only Marina and Peony had ranged weapons with ammunition.

    Then, on the bridge, it seemed like forever, with Several Chain Lightnings, Delayed Fireballs, Horrid Wiltings, and any AoE spell that the group could use to get rid of all the orcs, bugbears, and mages. Jaemal used Elemental Barrier, Stoneskin, and Blank Mind to protect himself. Marina summoned a monster, and used ghost armor on herself. Hildury summoned an undead, which easily took out Xuki, or whatever her name was, as well as the ogres.

    The bridge was still intact, and everyone went back to Targos to Ulbrec.

    Current Party:
    Marina: Silverstar of Selune - 13
    Sir Nord: Paladin of Helm - 19
    Peony: Illusionist - 17
    Jaemal: Sorcerer - 17
    Prachi: Monk of the Old Order/Rogue - 9/6
    Hildury: Barbarian/Battleguard of Tempus - 6/7

    Reloads: 3

    Notes: I totally thought the bridge was going to be destroyed by the ogres, but apparently, HoF mode seemed to do something...
  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    edited June 2013
    End of the line to a great, great PC run!!!

    Once again, my party has been decimated. No way to justify reloading as there would be anyone left to raise anyone. I’d feel like I was breaking my own rules if I took a mulligan here.

    I’d already suffered a 5th reload against the Cult but everyone else made it so it was feasible to raise my PC.

    Key Event: Behmen tried to go in and rescue his party so he could take articles of their equipment to use in raising them. Sadly, although he had Aec’Letec ‘Near Death’ he wasn’t able to finish him. Since there were still some Cult Guards remaining it may have been academic anyway as I believe Aec’Letec just moves to another host if the first is killed and any Cult Guards remain. Since my PC was the last alive and bought the farm in the Cult basement, chances are no passerby would be along anytime soon to raise them. Need a better strategy against the Cult – the Cloudkill instakill doesn’t seem to work anymore. REALLY disappointed. Was looking forward to playing Behmen in BGII. Darn!



    Treasure of Note:

    Current Disposition: Party dead.

    Next Steps: New PC. Going back to Tutu. Don’t like EE as well as Tutu modded like I like it.

    Level Up:

    Final Party: (Reputation: 20 - Heroic)
    Behmen von Bleibruck: Ftr(Wzd-Slr)/8 (19*, 10, 17*, 10, 17*, 11*)
    PMail +3/LShld +2 (LShld +1/+5 vs. M), HoDef & BoG w/BSwd+1/+3 vs. SSs, HCBow & Fl +1;
    *ToL/I, ToWx2, MoGE, MoBH, (BSwd**,CBow*,SSS**,SWS*)
    Imoen: Mage/Thf//8/7, (Dart*); KnRobe, BroDefAC6, CloProt +2 & Gold/G; RoE,
    (B/Stealth)(Dart*,Dgr*, S/Swd*, S/Bow*); Multiple Wands
    Khalid: Ftr/Lvl8, Lthr+3, GoBl (MShld +1), Cl/Shld & GoAr w/LBow +2, LSwd +2 & L/Swd +1/+2 vs RC/+3
    vs CuC/+4 vs Und, B/Axe/WzS; RoF/Res & RoFAct; (LSwd**, LBow***,Axe*)
    Jaheira: Ftr/Drd//7/8, SLthr+, MShld +1, GoPrcg w/Slg +3, Club +2 & Sctr +2 & G/WExp; (Slg**,
    Clb**,Q/S*, Scim*); RoH
    Minsc: Rgr/7, SLthr+2, GoDx, B/Stlth, Kiels Helm, GoBl, Cl/Prot w/CLBow +1, 2HS +3,2HS+2/SB & Mc+2;
    RoF/Res; (LB**,2HS**,Mc*,2WS**,2HWS*)
    Dynahier: Mg-Invk/9 RoGA & Cl/Displ ; Stff/Skg +3 w/Slg +1; RoEm & RoP+2, Am/MI (Slg*); Multiple

    Reloads: 5 (wilderness Cave Bears x2); Nimbul; Wyvern (Cloakwood Wilderness) ; Cult Warrior Battle
  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    edited June 2013
    Thanks for all the comments everyone. It's been a great run.

    This is one of those battles I always struggle with - much more so than the Demon Knight.

    Even using the Cloudkill method seems a little 'cheap' since I wouldn't automatically KNOW to use THAT spell to end the battle. I used to justify that by telling myself that my PC, or one of the NPCs could have READ somewhere that Cloudkill was especially effective against that particular demon type.

    Post edited by CharlestonianTemplar on
  • WanderonWanderon Member Posts: 1,418
    @ CharlestonianTemplar

    It's all about the journey - not the final destination - great run!!
  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    Sad thing is...after I finished I thought about the times I collected all my parties gear and got it out of the area...then went and got them raised and came back for more.

    Funny, it never crossed my mind to do that. That would have been easy cause I had no issue outrunning Aec'Letec and as a Wizard Slayer I seemed to be immune to his death gaze. Too late. I've already reloaded Tutu and started thinking about what I'm gonna do for my next PC.
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    @CharlestonianTemplar - Like I said in an earlier post, I'm probably going to go back to BGT until this legal debacle is solved. Also, you were so close. However, I agree with @Wanderon, its all about the journey, not the final destination. So, yeah, good job! I hope that you're next character is awesome.
  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    edited June 2013
    Introducing Eric the Huntsman of Candlekeep. Eric has lived all his life in Candlekeep so far as his memory serves. Since his youth he has been tutored in the art of warfare by the Gatewarden of Candlekeep while being tutored in prophesy and wisdom by the Monks of Candlekeep. Despite his step-father Gorion’s reservation, from the time Eric was 16 he satisfied his wanderlust by serving as the Huntsman of Candlekeep which required him to hunt outside the walls of the keep. He became more and more acquainted with the woods and countryside in the area around Candlekeep and Lion’s Way but never ventured further out of respect for Gorion. Eric never understood why Gorion feared him going outside the walls but he loved his step-father enough to satiate his fears by agreeing to stay within a ‘stone’s throw’ of the walls. Eric’s skills as a Tracker are only those of a Runner but he prefers being a Ranger to the more formal role of a Paladin & while Eric tends toward Lawful Good, individualism makes him Chaotic in his goodness.


    Eric’s persona is borrowed from Eric the Huntsman from the movie Snow White and the Hunstman. His racial enemy, the Troll, is drawn from a battle he fights in the movie.

    Key Event: Today Gorion has informed Eric that they need to leave the keep immediately. Eric was been encouraged to quickly gather the supplies he needs for a journey but to where he does not know.

    Treasure of note: None


    Current Disposition: Standing in front of the Candlekeep Inn ready to make a last ‘round’ of the keep.

    Next Steps: Meet Gorion on the steps of the keep.

    Level Up: None

    Current Party: (Reputation: 11 - Average)
    Eric the Huntsman, Ranger (Tracker)/1, 18/7/16/16/10/14/10

    Reloads: 0
    Post edited by CharlestonianTemplar on
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    edited June 2013
    @CharlestonianTemplar - A ranger, and to top it off, a stalker? That is different than your usual 'Knight' style. So, what was the thought process behind this character?

    ...Also, guys, I think my IWD2 playthrough is on hiatus since I'm starting a guild on RIFT with a friend, and I'm simply not in the mood for it right now. Send me a private message and such if you want to learn more about the guild.
  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855

    @CharlestonianTemplar - A ranger, and to top it off, a stalker? That is different than your usual 'Knight' style. So, what was the thought process behind this character?

    Well, first off, I fully expected to still be playing Behmen Von Bleibruck, my Wizard Slayer, right now, so having to come up w/a new persona caught me blind side.

    Second, I've watched Snow White and the Huntsman a few times lately and thought Eric the Huntsman would make a pretty cool BG PC. I've never played anything but Fighters, Clerics and Paladins, although I always thought Rangers, like Strider in TLotRs were cool and I've often used them in support of my PC, i.e. Kivan, Minsc.

    Not sure what I'm doing Sapph! I've added SCS as a mod and that might make it too tough for me. I already failed a new play thru last night @ Tarnish before I could even get a post up. LOL

    I'm gonna try to role play my Ranger/Stalker realistically and get into the persona. I kinda want to surround him w/Jaheira (retooled as a vanilla Druid - Lvl1NPC ) and Khalid (retooled as a Ranger/Archer - Lvl1NPC).

    Not sure about other NPCs. Would like to play Coran (never have), Branwen & Kivan but will need a Mage. Tired of Dy so looking to Xan or Quayle. I've never played Xan either. Not too fond of playing Ajantis or Yeslick this time. Oh well, I'll figure it out.


  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    @CharlestonianTemplar - I've heard that theres some critical bugs with the beta version of SCS, so if you're using the beta version...beware.

    As for a group, Coran would be a good addition, seeing as he is a fighter/thief. So if you have BG1NPC Project installed with the four areas of Cloakwood open, it would be good to seek him out, and attempt to do his wyvern quest. Jaheira as a vanilla druid is good. Khalid should probably be a regular fighter, so then he can tank, since your group is lacking one of those. Branwen should stay as a vanilla cleric unless you have Divine Remix installed, in which case you can make her a Battleguard of Tempus. Kivan should be the archer kit ranger. As for a mage, its debatable. However, most people would probably recommend Xan over Quayle any day of the week and twice on Sunday. The mage is probably going to replace Kivan, or Branwen. Depends on what you need most at the time, I guess.
  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    Upon leaving Candlekeep, Gorion & I were ambushed by a huge dark, knight, 2 Ogres & a cleric. Gorion ordered me to run & like a coward, I did so. I always obeyed Gorion but this time it was to my shame & he was killed. In the darkness, the fiendish knight couldn’t find me & @ first light I was suddenly talking to Imoen, who’d followed us out of Candlekeep. She insisted on coming along even though I tried to push her away b/c I didn’t want to endanger her. We found Gorion’s body & covered him gently & then looted the Ogre & cleric corpses before being attacked by 4 Diseased Gibberling’s. Imoen performed well w/her s/bow & we swatted them easily.

    Together Immy & I travelled toward the Friendly Arm Inn (FAI) where we met a hermit who advised us to find & travel w/ likeminded companions. We did come across 2 adventurers who were obviously not so but I let them join w/me despite Imoen’s protestations. I wanted the extra help until we could reach the people Gorion had admonished me to find should we become parted – Khalid & Jaheira. Still it was obvious she had an accurate 6th sense about them & I was ready to part company w/them as soon as we arrived @ the FAI. I was hoping for strength in #s, while avoiding treachery from w/in. Still, the 2, Montaron & Xzar were useful in helping us dispose of ~ 10 Diseased Gibberling’s that accosted us near a crossroads in the Coast Way.

    Key Event:When we arrived @ the FAI we were attacked by a Mage assassin named Tarnish which I know b/c I have his spellbook. In the battle, Montaron was of assistance while Xzar, w/o any spells remaining in memory could only use his dagger. Immy was helpful using her Wand of Magic Missiles very effectively to help weaken Tarnish. Tarnish did get off a ‘mind altering’ spell of some sort, Horror maybe, which sent me, Montaron & Xzar fleeing aimlessly. Immy continued to fight as did one of the FAI guards. Tarnish killed Xzar & then Immy w/MMs but, eventually the guard landed a blow that killed him but Immy’s assistance hitting Tarnish at least 3 times w/the WoMMs was critical. I immediately went into the FAI to seek help & found that there was a temple inside the FAI walls so I was able to have Gellana Mirrorshade, the priestess, cast Raise Dead on both Immy & Xzar.


    I met and joined w/the Khalid, another Ranger, specialized in Archery & Jaheira, a Druid. Upon doing so, I released Montaron & Xzar from my service. I told Immy I didn’t need her either but its b/c I want to keep her safe. As usual, she took the news in her good natured, positive way. On the other hand, maybe I could watch out for her better if she were w/me. Ugh.

    Treasure of note: Tarnish’s spellbook (MM, Web, Blind, Armor, F/Hands)

    Current Disposition: Resting, resupplying @ the FAI.

    Next Steps: Montaron & Xzar were headed to Nashkel & Jahiera & Khlaid want to go there too. I feel drawn there but I want to put together a formidable party too. Not sure what I’ll do in the morning.

    Level Up: None

    Current Party: (Reputation: 11 - Average)
    Eric the Huntsman, Ranger (Tracker)/1, 18/71/16/16/10/14/10; Stud Lthr, B/Axe, T/Axe (Axe**, 2HWS**,
    Khalid, Ranger (Archer)/1, Stud Lthr, LBow, BSwd (2WS***, LBow**, BSwd*)
    Jaheira, Druid/1, Stud Lthr, Slg, Club (Slg*, Clb*)
    Imoen, Thief (Swashbuckler)/1, Lthr, SBow, Dgr (SBow*, Dgr*)

    Reloads: 0

    Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; level1npcs-v1.7; bg2_tweaks-v11; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21
  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    edited July 2013
    I decided to bring Immy w/me. I just couldn’t bear leaving her @ the FAI to her own devices. W/Khalid & Jaheira, I led the four of us back thru Coast Way to Beregost. We encountered Gibberling’s, maybe 15 of ‘em along the way – at least these had some booty for our efforts.

    We made it to Beregost & after doing some business @ the smithy, headed to an inn, the Red Sheaf that had been recommended to us. Our guide said the place had a rough crowd but he didn’t say anything about assassin’s waiting @ the door. We battled a tough dwarf & it took us some work to take him down. We finally pushed into the tavern itself to gain some space. Then we spread out & I attacked w/my throwing axes, Jaheira w/her sling & Khalid & Immy w/arrows. After what seemed an eternity he fell.

    After conducting some business we headed S along the S Beregost Rd. My strategy to protect Immy went lacking quickly when we encountered 2 Ogrillons & after defeating 1 easily enough the 2nd caught Immy w/a blow & killed her. We finished him off & decided to push S toward Nashkel instead of back to Beregost – now down to 3 people.


    Key Event: After defeating a band of Hobgoblins on the N Nashkel Road, we ran into some Kobolds & I rushed in to bring them to melee. Bad idea. Next thing I knew, I was w/Immy & we were hobbling back into Beregost having been raised by Kelddath Ormlyr, the priest @ the Temple of the Morning in Beregost. Thanks to Khalid & Jaheira. They're going nowhere!!

    Treasure of note: We grabbed a few scrolls that Immy seems to be relishing even though she’s a Thief/Swashbuckler. These were important in acquiring enough gold to raise both Immy & I. She still has Tarnish’s spellbook & a couple of others left but what she’ll do w/the, I don’t know.

    Current Disposition: Resting back @ the Red Sheaf

    Next Steps: Continue again toward Nashkel

    Level Up: None

    Current Party: (Reputation: 11 - Average)
    Eric the Huntsman, Ranger (Tracker)/1, 18/71/16/16/10/14/10; Stud Lthr, B/Axe, T/Axe (Axe**, 2HWS**,
    Khalid, Ranger (Archer)/1, Stud Lthr, LBow, BSwd (2WS***, LBow**, BSwd*)
    Jaheira, Druid/1, Stud Lthr, Slg, Club (Slg*, Clb*)
    Imoen, Thief (Swashbuckler)/1, Stud Lthr, SBow, Dgr (SBow*, Dgr*)

    Reloads: 1 (Kobold, N. Nashkel Rd.)

    Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; level1npcs-v1.7; bg2_tweaks-v11; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21
  • Draith012Draith012 Member Posts: 174
    edited July 2013
    Chapter 1: Leaving Candlekeep

    Fiona Winters (Neutral Evil) Elven Mage/Thief

    Str: 14 Dex:19 Con:11 Int: 17 Wis:15 Cha: 18

    Thief Skills: OL (25) FT (15) PP (35) MS (30) HiS (60) DI (0) ST (20)
    Wea Pro: Longsword* Shortbow*
    Spells: Friends, Find Familiar

    Modded/No Reloads/D&D rules

    (Mods Added)
    Avatar Morph and Need to Identify Potions and Gems.

    I was originally going to use a non altered stat roll but I got an insanely lucky one (not using an autoroller) with a strength score that was WAY over the original character concept (17). So I lowered it and minorly altered Wis, Int and Con by 1 point each.

    Fiona Winters is an extremely bright and clever individual; thought of as quite a promising adapt by Gorion. She, however, had turned out to be quite a devious and manipulative young lady.
    Growing up in Candlekeep, Fiona became aware of her alluring features and its affects on men. More often than not, she would recieve gifts of affection from various suitors, young and old. Travelers alike showered her with attention and trinkets when she loitered the local tavern. Fiona delighted in the attentioned and felt it was her right to be charished and loved causing her teenage years to be consumed by ways to improve upon her charm. She even learned to cast the 'Friends' enchantment just for when she strolls around the keep. Winthrop was never able to get a good deal haggling with her, but on all accounts, he didn't seem to mind much.
    Fiona never spent too much time with any one man. She often found interest elsewhere when he was spent up. Her behaivor earned the ire from the local women, which didn't matter much to her, it has, however caused problems with some males who couldn't handle rejection well. A few scenes were caused at Winthrop's and a guard even lost his job.
    Imoen and Fiona were little deliquents throughout the keep. Where Imoen would pop a lock or slinck off with something from within a pocket, Fiona would dart around inn's bedroom drawers and shopkeepers' storage for suitible suvieners. More than half of their ill-gotten loot was returned due to a gently phrased remark by Gorion. Anything that they did keep, they spent or gave away to fanciful whimseys. On all accounts, Fiona loves necklaces.

    Quests Completed:
    Dreppin's Cow (if I knew I wasn't gonna get anything for it I wouldn't have bothered)
    Phlydia's Book (nice little gem... nice little old lady...)
    Reevor's Storehouse (made the familiar do it)
    Hull's Sword (20 gold, not bad for just walking it over to him)
    An Erren for Fuller (gave me his father's dagger! Bit old for me though.)
    Firebead's Scroll (oh wait... never gave that to him...)

    Fiona's gear upon leaving Candlekeep:
    Longsword (haggled from Winthrop)
    +1 Dagger (generous gift from a guard)
    Shortbow (haggled from Winthrop)
    Arrows x240 (haggled from Winthrop)
    Studded Leather Armor (haggled from Winthrop)
    Potion of Healing x2 (offered by our dear priest and... obtained from further charity)
    Silver Necklace (curious trinket found in some no one's drawer in the inn)
    Silver Ring (found in Reevor's storehouse)
    Flamedance Ring (chased out the inn for stealing, didn't get caught)
    Scroll of Infravision (found stashed away in a chest)
    Scroll of Mage Armor (found stashed away in the same chest)
    Scroll of Identify (to be returned but somehow found its way into my spellbook)
    Unidentified Potion (another curious trinket in some no one's drawer)
    212 Gold

    Fiona: "Reevor wants you to kill the rats."
    Familiar: "What?! He asked you!"
    Fiona: "But my hand is too delicate for such a brutish task."
    Familiar: "So is your sense of duty."
    Familiar: "What the hell?!"
    Fiona: "Ow... my hand..."

    And thus Fiona's Journey begins...
    Post edited by Draith012 on
  • Draith012Draith012 Member Posts: 174
    edited July 2013
    Chapter 2: The Morning After...

    It all caught me off guard. Why we were ambushed was beyond my knowing. Gorion stayed behind. He knew far more and shared less than he should of!

    I wasn't sure what I was doing or how I got so far into the woods. After I got snagged by an arrow, all I could do was panic and ran. T'was not even the arrow that clinched it, but Gorion's last words and those ogres baring down on him, it was only a moment after I noticed I was struck... Wherever I went or how far, I didn't know. I collapsed in a heap from exhaustion till morning.

    Jolting out of my slumber, I realized it was dawn. It took me a moment to realize I was hearing the sounds of foot-falls upon the grass and I stammered for the enchanted dagger Fuller gave me. Thinking back on it, it must of been Fuller's story about the dagger that made me grab it. I was far better with a bow, a sword even, yet I drew neither. My mind was racing at the thought of those ogre trampling towards me flailing their massive clubs into my flank. Don't think I could even manage to stand if I were to see them. Fortunately it wasn't the case, trodding along cautiously was Imoen. Relief filled her eyes when she saw me but I couldn't shake the fear that was upon me nor register what was occurring. Imoen had to yell at me a few times before I came through.

    Imoen: "Fiona, what happened to you?"
    Looking down, I realized that the arrow from the night before only grazed me and only sliced the side of my arm at that.
    It took some time for Imoen to console me. We had nowhere to go and the only person who could have taken care of us was now dead somewhere in the woods.
    Imoen mentioned that she happened to have read one of Gorion's letters and came out looking for us in fear of events gone bad. We both reluctantly made our way back to the site of Gorion's death.

    The light of day did little to ease the horrifying visages on the corpses strewn about the field. Bits of an ogre everywhere, another charged along with the two thugs with bows... and of course, Gorion: mangled far worse than I could have imagined. The act of rifling through his belongs was not a pleasent one.

    Imoen: "Should we... bury him?"
    There wasn't much point. What was Gorion was now gone. Just a mass of decaying flesh and organs.
    Fiona: "We can't stay long. Whoever is out there isn't going to sit idle for us to get our barings."
    I looked back at the note. Someone named 'E' warned Gorion. Still didn't tell us what in the nine hells is going on. "Gorion said I should meet up with some friends of his at the Friendly Arms. We should make for the road and leave immediately."
    Imoen: "But Fiona, he was your father."
    Fiona: "We have no shovels."
    Imoen peered around. Once finding something, Imoen stood up from his corpse and dusted herself off. She began gathering rocks to stack over Gorion's body. I couldn't leave her and the thought of being alone was too much to bear. So what else could I do? I helped...

    Once we found the road, we head off to the east. Along the road we came upon a devilish looking halfling and bizaar slender man. I hoped for them to ignored me, but the tall one bellowed out...

    Man: "Be still Montaron! This poor wayfarer is in need. Danger befelled you, elfling, and you barely managed the escape with your life.
    Halfling: "Aye, been roughed up quite well, she has."
    Man: "Indeed. I can bestowed you a healing potion, if you so wish it. A thing of goodwill.
    Fiona: "I..."
    Imoen: *whispers to Fiona* "I don't like the looks of them."
    Fiona: *whispers to Imoen* "I'll handle it. *To the man* "Thank you! Certainly kind of you to do so."
    Man: "Tis just simple potions with not a drop to fear, and not a debt entitled to, though a fair conscience would know otherwise."
    Halfling: "Just like all good people."
    Fiona: "Uh..." Imoen squeezes my arm.
    Man: "Perhaps in return you would accompony us to Nashkel. A troubled area with troubled rumors. We are to investigate the mines. The iron shortage has our aquantinces very concerned, particularly to whom shall lay blame in the matter. You'd be quite useful, though you are not held to it. We are to meet the mayor there, a man named Berrum Ghastkill, I believe.
    Halfling: "May your conscience be your guide."
    Fiona: "Well, I really love to, but I was to meet some friends at the Friendly Arms..."
    Man: "You hear that Montaron?! She wish to include some more able bodies to our task!"
    Halfling: "Aye, we can spare the time if it makin' the job quicker. But do not doddle!"
    Imoen: *whisper* "What just happened?!"
    Fiona: *whisper* "I think we were just enlisted..."

    Area east of Candlekeep
    Fiona Winters: Level 1/1 Mage/Thief
    Montaron: Level 1/1 Fighter/Thief
    Imoen: Level 1 Thief
    Xzar: Level 1 Necromancer

    Identify and Mage Armor memorized to Fiona's Spellbook
    Gorion's unidentified belt
    Gave Imoen half my arrows since she didn't bring an adequate amount
    A spare longsword from one of my assaulters. Imoen refused to wear the leather armor...
    Gold increased to 558
    Xzar refuse to give me his scrolls.
    Post edited by Draith012 on
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @CharlestonianTemplar, good luck in your newest run. I always enjoy reading your style of narrative combined with military reporting.

    @Draith012, welcome to the challenge. I very much look forward to reading your story. I like the way you combine first person point of view together with some scenes written in script or screenplay style. I also am enjoying the way you roleplay not only Fiona but the NPC's, with things like fleshing out the NPC lines and having them refuse to give or take equipment according to your interpretation of what they might really do if they had minds of their own.
  • Draith012Draith012 Member Posts: 174
    edited July 2013
    Thanks for commenting belgarathmth. I'll try to keep up the progress.

    Chapter 3: Gorion's Friends

    The trip to the Friendly Arms Inn was a fairly quiet one. The man and halfling turned out to be named Xzar and Montaron. The things they say were quite nonsensical... despite this, they made fine fodder if I were to run into that mysterious assailent again. We reached the crossroads and headed north, with no deviation from the road.

    We came upon the inn after sunset and I was determined to not sleep on the cold ground another night. At the foot of the steps we were hailed by a robed figured with lots of questions. Much like those at the bunkhouse back at Candlekeep. I promptly denied any association to my past life yet the bastard still knew me for who I was. Even my face was well known by these people.

    He tried to put up a good fight, but with the four of us, he really didn't stand too much of hassle. His illusion spell only delayed the inevitable while his fear spell cause me, Imoen and Montaron to run in a frenzy while Xzar stood his ground giggling with glee as he continued to stab the man. My familiar clawed him from the other side.

    The man quickly realized he was outmatched and fled to the inn which he waited in ambush for us. Upon pursuit, he blasted my familiar with magic missiles. I nearly went pale from feeling my familiar get trashed so. He barely survived the casting and flew about the tavern in a wild desperation. Xzar had the pleasure of finishing the fool off. The whole inn was in shock.

    After the fight, Gorion's friends spotted me in an instant. At least, my enemies weren't the only ones that knew my face. They were an half-elf couple too, named Jeheira and Khalid. Jeheira seemed to me like a strong but bossy woman while Khalid was like a frighten mouse with fractured nerves... probably one too many years with the wife no doubt.

    Jeheira: "It's you? Isn't it!"
    Fiona: "Pardon?"
    Jeheira: "Gorion's wards. He written to us about you. Seems he did not exaggerate your features in the least though they did sound fanciful when first read. You hold true to the very description."
    Khalid: "J-J-Jeheira! S-s-she doesn't know us in the s-slightest."
    Jeheira: "There'll be enough time for that later. Where is Gorion?"
    Neither I nor Imoen knew how to answer that, but it seemed our faces did it for us.
    Jeheira: "I see... If you are here without him than I take it he was fell by the very forces that he mentioned to us."
    Fiona: "He told you what is hunting me?"
    Jeheira: "No. His letter was vague."
    Khalid: "As his r-r-right to be. I'm truly sorry for your loss. He will be missed."
    Imoen: "How long have you known him?"
    Khalid: "Oh. For many years he has been a f-f-friend to us and to m-many ac-cquantances of ours. They shall mourn his p-passing in harpsong."
    Montaron: "Eh? Who's this blithering pigeon? So a man is left to the dirt. There be plenty more before summer ends."
    Xzar: "Silence Montaron! Don't fester at the wound while their skin bleach from lack of blood."
    Jeheira: "And who are these... individuals that stumbled in along with you?"
    Imoen: *murmurs* "A bad decision if you ask me."
    Fiona: "Uh. Eh, they are fellow travelers that aided us when things were bleak. They were hoping to head down to Nashkel to investigate the mines."
    Jeheira: "Truly? We, too, were planning on visiting the area, though Gorion's request had us stay our hands here."
    Fiona: "Yes. He wanted me to see you as his last wish."
    Jeheira: "Gorion had asked us to be your guardians if something like this were to happen to you. Though you're of age to make your own decisions and who you travel with."
    Khalid: "We can ac-acompany you for a time if you wish. H-help you f-find a better f-footing."
    Fiona: "Well, I wouldn't say no to Gorion's last wishes. Guess we're off to Neshkel Imoen."
    Imoen: "What? Now?!"
    Jeheira: "No, child. We'll rest and set out in the morning."
    Imoen: "Oh good. Everything looks so colorful here compared to Candlekeep."

    After all pleasantries were concluded, I put up for the most expensive room at the inn and settled in quite nicely. Jeheira and Khalid told me about the iron crisis and its affects on the region. I never knew the political implications that was going around. Candlekeep certainly felt isolated in hindsight. But I really don't know why I'm involving myself in this Nashkel business. Don't really have a reason not to either. Montaron and Xzar kept their distance. Things felt tense with all of us here. Came morning we re-provisioned and headed south.

    Area: Friendly Arms Inn
    Fiona Winters 1/1 Mage/Thief
    Khalid 1 Fighter
    Jeheira 1/1 Druid/Fighter
    Montaron 1/1 Fighter/Thief
    Imoen 1 Thief
    Xzar 1 Necromance

    Magic Missile added to Fiona's spellbook
    Stocked up on arrows for both Fiona and Imoen
    Bought Jeheira slint mail, helmet, a club and a small shield
    Bought Montaron a sling, a helmet and 240 bullets
    Gave Imoen Jeheira's old leather armor
    All wearable jewelry was divided and worn by Fiona and Imoen
    Gold remaining: 621
    Post edited by Draith012 on
  • Draith012Draith012 Member Posts: 174
    edited July 2013
    Chapter 4: The Crossroads to Beregost

    Leaving the Friendly Arms was a lot harder than it was getting to it. There were numerous gibberlings that sprung up out of the vegetation. None of which were challenging to my band of... acquaintances and mad men. Still, a few encounters had given us some concern:

    Like the two half-ogres that were attacking travelers between Friendly Arms and the crossroads...

    Khalid: "Oh dear. They're quite large!"

    The dread wolf...

    *Wolf gnawing on my familiar on the ground*
    Familiar: "Hate you! Hate you aaaaallll!!!!"
    Fiona: "Just distract him a little longer!" *pulls back arrow on bow string*

    And of course the ogre with a girdle fetish...

    Montaron: "There's the belt lover now!" *flings bullet from his sling hitting the ogre square in the head*
    Everyone look at the ogre in shock of Montaron's actions. Except maybe Xzar.

    Xzar: "Ooh, Monty. Do send in the jester!"
    The consternation of the ogre changed from frustrated bewilderment to pure rage.

    Ogre: "Aaarrrrgh!"
    Khalid: "Oooh. They keep g-g-getting larger."
    Jeheira: "Hold your ground, Khalid. I need you here."

    The ground rumbled from the ogres monstrous charge of waving limbs and bellowing voice.
    Imoen: "Hold it. I got this!" *raises wand of magic missile*

    A spark of energy flies out from her wand and ruptures upon the ogre's chest. He barely flinched as he raises his flail above his head while he stood towering over Khalid.

    Imoen: "Eek! That usually works!"
    Khalid: "Aaah!"

    Khalid topples over to one side as the flail bares down on him; collapsing onto the ground was his best manuever from getting hit.

    Khalid: "Sw-sw-sweet Lathander!"
    Jeheira: "Damn it Khalid. Stand up!"
    Montaron: "To the hell with this. No fair hogging all the fun!" *Puts aside his sling and draws his shortsword and charges to the line*

    The ogre kept receiving new injuries from Fiona's and Imoen's arrows. He begins to stammer as Jeheira lays her club into his knee cap. Khalid craws away and onto his feet as Montaron came jumping in, swinging wildly at the ogre. Xzar bounced up and down in excitement, contributing little to the life threatening encounter. In the end, the ogre succumbed to one final arrow to the throat from Fiona.

    2 unidentified belts *from creepy ogre*
    1 unidentified ring *found stashed inside a rock*
    and 1 story to tell the grand kids...

    Fiona: "Oh. Isn't that lovely?" *lifts her hand up in front of her as she examines the new ring*
    Imoen: "Wow! Can I see it?"
    Fiona: "This one's mine Imoen!"
    Imoen: "You always get the nice ones."
    Fiona: "You can have the next one, I promise."
    Imoen: "You swear it?"
    Fiona: "I swear it."
    Imoen: "Pinky swear me if you mean it."
    Fiona: "Fine." We both wrap our pinkies around each other...
    Fiona: "Nice try." I reclaim my new ring from her hand. Imoen just sticks her tongue at me in childish humor.

    While rifling through the ogre's belongings, Imoen snatches out a red leather belt from Xzar's hands.
    Imoen: "A-hah! I'm claiming this one!" *puts it on promptly*

    Everyone watched in silence as what was the figure of Imoen changed drastically.
    Imoen: "Huh. Feels kinda odd." *she says with a manly voice*
    Jeheira: "And that is why you never wear magical items without identifying them first."
    Imoen: "What do you mean?"
    Montaron: "Bwahahaha. Puberty does strange things to a lad. I had no idea Imoen!"
    Fiona: "Imoen, it changed you into a man!"

    Imoen looks about herself and her eyes widen in horror while her hands gropes her chest in denial.
    Khalid: "N-n-now calm yourself dear."
    Imoen: "No! I-I can't be a man! Fiona fix it!"
    Fiona: "Calm down. We just have to visit the temple at Beregost... but I do say, you're quite a handsome male."
    Imoen: "Fiona, stop it."
    Fiona: "Oh, don't be that way. How 'bout a kiss?"
    Imoen: *begins to cry* "It's not funny."
    Fiona: "Aw. We'll take care of it. Don't worry."

    No level ups...
    Post edited by Draith012 on
  • Draith012Draith012 Member Posts: 174
    edited July 2013
    Chapter 5: A Stroll Through Beregost and Quick Monetary Gains

    Upon reaching Beregost, we were greeted by an idle local. He was kind enough to tell us where we could get good drinks and a nice room. Personally, I could think of better things to do with my time than loitering about the streets accosting visitors but evidently he did not. Nevertheless, we made off to Feldepost's Inn.

    It was late into the night so the streets were bare and the Inn was boisterous. Even the entrance was decorated with some of the most... aggressive tarts. Some of which required a man to be quite desperate indeed to inquire for such accompaniment. And aside from them, we were stopped yet again, this time by some drunkard that didn't know his place. He kept barking at us and Montaron even warned him to back off but that's what set him off. The man came brawling at Jeheira, quite ineptly I may add. She made quick work of him. Very feisty, this woman. We paid for luxury rooms and spent the night. Imoen was eager to start our day for obvious reasons.

    Come morning, I took the time to prep an Identify spell and divined the lore out of the ring I found. Surely, I'd never had a find quite like this before. T'was a Ring of the Princes known to ward of danger to it's wearer. Imoen would be so jealous if not for her miserable look upon her face about the accursed belt we found. For her sake, we sought out the temple as soon as we left the inn. 500 gold for the release was far less funny than it was when it first happened! I got angrier than I thought I would. Wished I hadn't raised my voice at her as I did. Imoen promised to pay me back though.

    It was certainly a bustling town by morn. And the goings-ons of the town crier caught my ear, being elven as I was. I had to stop for this one. 5,000 gold for the head of some crazed man in the wilderness! Nashkel could wait. This bounty must be ours before another claimed it. Jeheira and Khalid agreed that the cleric had to be put down and Montaron and Xzar would tolerate the delay if abundant gold was afoot. We had our next destination in mind.

    We took up work as sellswords for a bard name Silke. She claimed she was under the ire of Feldepost and was wanted for not performing when she was suppose to. Silke was so eager to have us help that she offered us 400 gold for our swordarm. Whatever the case, the men that came were obviously not who she claimed to be. I knew this wasn't going to end well.
    Montaron: "What'er we waiting for? Let's make our pay already!"

    Montaron jumped at the chance to earn his keep. I glanced at Khalid and Jeheira, sure enough, Khalid was in disbelief while Jeheira was disgusted. I already knew Imoen would be to shocked to do anything. But this posed a problem. It was as though Gorion's spirit was still here hassling me to do what's right. But damn it, I can't have everyone turn on each other while Bassilus was still about!

    The bodies were starting to stack up and a decision had to be made. So I did what felt impulsive. I shot the last one with my bow. The gods know what kind of scolding I'm about to receive. They weren't even much of a match.

    Khalid: "I can't believe Gorion's own ward!"
    Jeheira: "You do well in sullying his name. Is this the kind of career you seek for yourself?"
    Fiona: "They'd would have died by one hand or another. In the end of the day, I have to take responsibility for those around me regardless how deranged."
    Jeheira: "Playing leader are you? Nevertheless, to choose to continue association with these individual is the same as subscribing to their creed. As Gorion's w..."
    Fiona: "There are far bigger causes to deal with. I'm sure these thugs were no better than Silke, associating with her as they were."
    Jeheira: "Truly? I wonder if those that claimed Gorion's life prejudge you much to the same light."
    Imoen: "Let's not do this. Silke is gone now! Can't we just pay the money to have them revived? She gave us more than enough."
    Xzar: "Blasphemy! They're as peaceful as they ever were. Piece-ful... pieces-full..."
    Montaron: "Shut up, wizard! Aye, don't be spending OUR money. If you wanted a share, than you shoulda put up your blade to the task as well, coward!"
    Imoen: "I'm not a coward!"
    Jeheira: "We're done here? I doubt much will get accomplish with present company in tow."
    Montaron: "Aye, we're done here, druid."
    Xzar: "Ooh Montaron, how about a story of a paw-less squirrel and 12 peanuts!"
    Montaron: "Damn it mage, stow it already!
    Looking about, the town folk were keeping their distance and gawking as they do. I may have bought some time by siding with Montaron but another incident would surely turn things sour. I just hope this 5,000 gold reward was resolved before then.

    As we continue our way through town, Imoen perked up suddenly.
    Imoen: "Hey, Fiona, didn't Firebead had a house out here?"
    Fiona: "How would I know?"
    Imoen: "I'mma go look for him. He always gives me stuff!"
    Fiona: "Whatever, just meet us back at the town center before noon."
    Imoen: "Aye aye, boss."
    Imoen took off without hesitation. Seemed like she could use some fresh air from the group.

    Imoen met us at our agreed location and she bounced along with a pleased smile about her.
    Imoen: "Lookie, told you he always gives me stuff."
    Imoen stuck out her arms with a scroll case and an old book.
    Fiona: "Goodie. Smells like Candlekeep already."
    Imoen: "Heheh. I know. I think I'm gonna keep this one."
    Fiona: "Pfft. When did you read books?"
    Imoen: "I don't. I just want this one."
    Fiona: "Okay..."
    I could tell by her intimate gaze towards the book that she was starting to miss that peaceful life we had. I agreed with her sentiment.

    Identified ring of protection +1 (in Fiona's possession)
    Identified belt of piercing (in Jeheira's possession)
    Sold off useless items
    Obtained scroll case and book (will remain in Imoen's backpack)
    Reputation: Disliked (8)
    Gold 776

    Fiona Winters 1/1 Mage/Thief
    Khalid 1 Fighter
    Jeheira 2/2 Druid/Fighter
    Montaron 1/1 Fighter/Thief
    Imoen 1 Thief
    Xzar 1 Necromancer

    Jeheira's Level Up
    +10 HP +1 Lore 19 THAC0 +1 Level 1 Druid Spell

    To all you who's been reading, thank you for liking. Hope you're enjoying my entries as I do making them.
    Post edited by Draith012 on
  • Draith012Draith012 Member Posts: 174
    edited July 2013
    Chapter 6: Disaster Begot Disaster

    To the west was High Hedge, eastward was the temple and to the south was the road to Nashkel. I wasn't sure were to look for this Bassilus so we took the road south and let fate decide.

    We came across a pair of ogrillons who slain a halfling messenger. Montaron leaped at them once again. For whatever reason we bought him that sling was starting to be lose to me seeing how often he forgets it. This time, however, his attack landed the ogrillon true and brought a foe down three or four times his height. Personal note if I were to have to deal with Montaron in the future, height surely isn't an advantage. Imoen found a curious note on one of them. She decided to keep it in her scroll case for all the good it would do her.

    As we explore the region a flaming fist accused us of being bandits.

    Jeheira: "You hear that, Khalid? We're bandits."
    Khalid: "N-n-nows not the time, dear!"

    On some quick thinking, I made up a lie about us working for some Athkatla noble named so-n-so. He didn't care too much for our story but let us go nevertheless. Montaron wanted just to kill the bloke. But I didn't need another incident like we had with Silke so soon.

    Examining the abandon sunken house a ghast crept out from the woods. From what I understand, such creatures can be peril-less if not dealt with correctly, however, a marksman hobgoblin approached from the south and we had little time to decide. Khalid and Jeheira took towards the Ghast as the immediate threat, as well as I and Imoen. Montaron flung his sling at the hobgoblin. Xzar began speaking in incantations.

    Once the ghast was taken down, Khalid took a second arrow from the hobgoblin and was fell. Montaron drew his sword and battled the hobgoblin toe-to-toe. It did not turned out favorably for him. At least, he was taken down by Imoen's arrow. But at this rate, the hunt for Bassilus wouldn't prove very successful.

    Things didn't get much better when we were under attack by four hobgoblin bandits. Jeheira and my imp took lead and charge their lines while Imoen, Xzar and I stood back. One fell swiftly enough, but the three surrounded Jeheira and each landed a blow on her in quick succession. She was slain as well. They turned on the imp, now with two hobgoblins remaining. My familiar fled once he incurred an injury, flying about in hysteria. It bought us enough time to take down another. Even the last one was fell before he could reach Immy and I.

    Our numbers were dwindling and I was starting to curse our fortune. Luckly, we were at least able to gather our equipment and the remaining loot of nicely crafted boots. And low n' behold, another ghast came at us. This wasn't the first time me and Imoen had to fight off a creature alone. The ghast proved to be dumb and slow. I forced my familiar to keep close to it but not to let it reach him, dangling himself in front of it like a prize as Imoen and I filled it with arrows. It certainly was determined to catch him.

    At the end of the day, we returned to Beregost's temple and took to the inn... I hope tomorrow will turn out far better.

    Xzar: "Not fair Montty! Lurking in the grips of death as you did and not share the tale."
    Montaron: "T'was a moment of relief not to suffer you further, for certain. But by the tits of Lothe, I was somehow brought back into the hell that is your ugly mug!"

    Identified boots (Worn Whispers: now worn by Fiona)
    Identified Gorion's belt (Belt of Antipode: Imoen wanted to hold onto it for safekeeping)
    Know Alignment added to Fiona's spellbook (scroll found off a ghast)
    Gold remaining: 652

    Imoen's Level up:
    +7 HP, Lore +3, Open Locks (45), Find Traps (40)

    Fiona Winters 1/1 Mage/Thief
    Khalid 1 Fighter
    Jeheira 2/2 Druid/Fighter
    Montaron 1/1 Fighter/Thief
    Imoen 2 Thief
    Xzar 1 Necromancer
    Post edited by Draith012 on
  • Draith012Draith012 Member Posts: 174
    edited July 2013
    Chapter 7: When Mad Men Converse

    Onto our second day of hunting for Bassilus, I decided to continue off from where we were. To the east of the road was Ulcaster, certainly not going there if rumors hold true. Further south was the path to Nashkel, if the immediate area doesn't prove fruitful then I have no other choice but to press further. And then there was more wilderness to the west. According to the towns folk, west would be the likeliest of places. So towards the wilderness we went.

    Seems my decision was spot on. Not much further into our travels we came upon a child whom was spying on our pray. From the kid's depiction, it seems as though Bassilus was quite madden. A few of us glanced at Xzar in the telling. Not far, Bassilus stood at the center of a hedge.

    Fiona: "Things aren't going to be pretty with all those undead about. Montaron, think you can sneak about and strike at him from behind?"
    Montaron: "Aye, I can do that... he'd be without his liver before long."
    Fiona: "Imoen, take Xzar and my familiar to the lining of trees over yonder. Jeheira and Khalid, I want you to approach him from the hedge entrance. I'll be with Montaron."
    Jeheira: "You've become quite eager to lead lately. Exactly what do you have plan for all these undead? We'd be swamp with them before..."

    Bassilus: "It can't be! Father is that you? It could not be otherwise, you have not changed a bit!"
    Xzar: *laughs ludicrously* "Oh yes, son! It has been awhile, has it not? You seem well with present hobby at hand."

    Fiona: "Damn it all! When..."
    Imoen: "Sorry, I couldn't stop him!"
    Montaron: "Bah, he prattles on like he ever does. Eh, better him than me."
    Fiona: "Ready yourselves!"

    Bassilus: "Oh yes! Difficult it was, but I got most of our family together again. Some didn't recognized me at first, but I helped them see."
    Xzar: "Quite a ways from Zhentil Keep. Shame you emerged so... lively."
    Bassilus: "Of course! I fretted at first but made it safely; though I swear I was the only one that... the only one. The only one! Lier! You set upon me with your lies! My father you cannot be! Nay! I reject thee! Father died when I... fled..."
    Xzar: "Ooh, goodie. Please tell me the story our beloved family."
    Bassilus: "They lived, all of them! Saved, all by my hands! When... I fled... It cannot be! Dead. All died as I turned my back to thee... Damn your accursive gaze father! I'll set your spirit apart from thy eyes!"

    And with that, Bassilus raised dead crumbled under the weight of his self-realization. Jeheira charge forward as did Khalid when he followed her footsteps. Montaron was quick to his sling as was Imoen with her bow. I notched back mine as Bassilus began to chant.

    Bassilus did not falter to my arrow nor did he to Montaron's stone. He gestured his hand towards me and in that moment - I blacked out.

    With our oh-so-fearless leader incapacitated, Khalid and I rushed him. Striking at him as he began another incantation. Xzar's drain and the familiar's spell clashed against him. An accomplish cleric I ever did see as he brushed off all of our attacks and brought his spell to a close. Bound by his magics, Khalid and I were stilled as though time has denied us.

    Blast it all! Now with the meat walls downed, I had no choice but to flay the mad man myself. At least my blade was able to rend the words from his devilish tongue. But damn it all, there was no end to his gibberish. I don't know when it happened but the very vines beneath me pulling me down and he slipped out of my blade's reach.

    Ooh, he sure was bloody, but not one of us was left. Xzar was dancing in the middle of all this. I know it didn't stop the ogre last time but if I don't do somethin, he's gonna do in Jeheira soon enough! I raised my wand and pointed it at him. Jeheira didn't look too swell neither. The magic bolted out from my wand. sting my hand like it ever does. I watched as it landed smack dab in his kisser! He tossed over like a bag of dirt. Didn't stir much to boot neither. I defeated Bassilus... I defeated Bassilus! Ha-haaah! Notch one for Imoen guys. Good on me for savin' the day!

    I was subjected to a kind of mind enfeeblement spell. When I came to, Bassilus was dead. Imoen was eager to tell me the story. Don't know why Xzar was dancing, though.

    Jeheira was wounded, but nothing she couldn't heal. Told me his weapon was certainly magically endowed. With all of us exhausted, we rested for the night. Imoen didn't sleep well, not with all the skeleton bones about. Still, there were other things that kept me up that night.

    As I sat at the camp fire, Montaron was staring intensely at Bassilus unholy symbol, touching it lovingly in his hand. 5,000 gold was surely a lot.

    Fiona: "Montaron, let me see that medallion."
    Montaron: "Eh? Oh..." He seemed a bit hesitant to part with it but after a bitter frown he tossed it over to me. "Best we make for the temple come sunrise. There be plenty a'work to be done down south."
    Fiona: "... Right. We'll finish our search of this area and head back to Beregost."

    Montaron grumbled as he left the camp fire and took to his bedroll. When he settled down, Jeheira came over and sat beside me.
    Jeheira: "Now that is a look of concern if I ever saw one."
    Fiona: "Heh. All about my face is it?"
    Jeheira: "I see a little girl trying to make sense of everything."
    Fiona: "The sense is there. I'm just trying to decide on things."
    Jeheira: "Have we now? And what are your senses telling you?"

    She was certainly a sharp one. No simple slight of hand would catch her. I wasn't sure how much I could tell her.

    Jeheira: "He'd slight your throat if given the chance. Best part ways with them when you can."
    Was I staring at Montaron? That would be her answer to this wouldn't it? Divie the gold and tell 'em to take a hike. I'm sure of it as I'm sure it would have been what Gorion would have done. Still, this makes everything harder.

    Fiona: "Right you are. We'll clear the area and head for town. You'd be by my side if things don't turn out well, won't you?"
    Jeheira: "Of course."

    And so we rested till morning...

    Obtained Bassilus' unholy symbol.
    Obtained Bassilus' unidentified warhammer.
    Obtained Bassilus' chain mail to be sold later.
    Post edited by Draith012 on
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