Possible to play through with just 1 Constitution?

So I finally paid the price for my lack of attention to spell details. I downloaded bgee for iPad and this is the first time I've played since being 12 years old back in 1998. I've leveled my Conjurer to level 5 whitest constantly using my familiar as an expendable scout. I somehow didn't realize it was permanently docking a Constitution point each time the thing died. I'm now on chapter 3 and have literally 1 constitution . Has anyone tried to play through the game on just 1?
Or is it possible to import my character to my computer, edit the save file, and return to the iPad?
Personally, if I were playing a wizard, I would definitely either start again, or at least reload at some point in your saves where your con was at least 6. That way you can find the +CON Tome and have no minus to hit points.
I suppose it is "Possible" to complete the game with a 1/2 CON, but you probably have almost no hit points. And if just one more familiar dies, you die for good.
I believe Ctrl + R clears eventual States you might be in, which is basically another kind of buffs and debuffs.
Quaff some fortitude potions for tougher battles. Get the CON tome. You can also drink the violet potion and get +2 CON (however it sets your dex to 3 as well) along with the 25 Strength.
And the constant reloading might seem tedious and horrible at first, but this is the pursuit of human knowledge we're talking about. Go for it.
In fact, if you were to quaff a potion of Fortitude when you had a natural con of 19 reduced to 1, you'd die as soon as you finished chugging.
If it were done by actual reductions, you'd actually be able to abuse that system to end up with a 25 Con by killing two familiars at 1 Con.
sorry but it would be better to play another character(subjective) rather than suffer through this-note that this character will be an extreme frustration in the future if you import him to bg 2 and tob,he will jut keep dying by random aoe.