Why do so many people on the Steam forums hate this game?

Why do so many people on the Steam forums hate on this game and say the mods added all the features that this enhance version comes with?
Certainly there are some very good mods, and probably, so long as they're willing to spend a lot of time installing them, for some people who still own the original games there's no urgency to buy the Enhanced Edition.
I have both, and personally I don't mind paying $20 for the convenience of having things like higher resolution and widescreen built in for me (mods make everything too tiny for my liking), as well as all the other new content. I know some people do have trouble setting up mods and getting them to work as well, so for them the Enhanced Edition is very useful.
Just what do they say exactly? Care to provide the link so I can take a read? I just couldn't comprehend how BG:EE could be hated...I'd like to see their reasons.:D
"mods added all the features that this enhance version comes with" - or is that all they usually say? I can guess that 90% of them haven't actually played the game or seen the recent patches.
It will not end, you know.
Idiots who don't know what they're talking about over hype things. Morons take it on board without question and spread it. Frothing masses of the interwebs just feed off each others' comments instead of actually finding anything out for themselves.
Generalizations are bad. Mmmkay?
As for the original question, well, haters are predisposed toward hateful behavior. I think that's what the kids are saying nowadays.
Seriously now, if they do in an entirely different forum, let them. We should not bother unless they start a thread here. Oh wait, some people did. And other people answered back. Ok, that's settled. Lets not turn this into an "us against the steam people" issue. Or into an "us old gamers against the youngsters" generational conflict. The former is nonsensical, tha latter makes me feel old.
EDIT: Oh, i see... I just read that the game is now distributed via steam as well. They are going to have the same discussions all over again in the forums there, aren't they?
But I did encounter something new: "omg²" and "omg^10"
I had never seen an acronym raised to an exponent before. I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry.
To be honest though, I don't dislike games like CoD...it's best played online or better yet, LAN with friends. Mass Effect is similar to some extent and is also an outstanding game. It's just that BG is different league on its own...it hardly ever gets old, I can't help but get back every now and then. But after a several years, it's starting to take its toll..but thanks to Overhaul; it's been like stem-cell therapy.;p
You do realize that every time an oldie game gets re-released or goes on sale on Steam, it goes straight to the top of the sales chart right? I don't see how these "kids" can't appreciate old games, when they're so willing to put money down for them. There are trolls everywhere nowadays. Even these forums aren't immune to them.
And after skimming through the Steam posts, most of them are whining about it not being worth the $20.00 pricetag compared to the $10 one on places like GOG.com (same kind of complaints seen on these forums actually). They don't think the new content/optimizations Beamdog/Overhaul has implemented is worth the $10 markup, and I think they're entitled to that opinion. To be fair, BG2fixpack fixes the vast majority of the bugs in the old game and BGEE did introduce new ones, so it's not like they were totally full of it. To top it off, most of the old mods are still pretty incompatible with BGEE.
Doesn't make sense anyway, because the generation of players that played that game would've likely heard of and/or played BG (like me for instance).
I agree with you on principle though. Seeing people propagate ignorance is aggravating to say the least.
I'm mostly supporting just because I like the game series, and new enhanced edition might be enough to grab the attention of the kiddos who missed it the first time around. There's still a BUNCH of issues with the game I'd like to see resolved, but with the contract limitations, I don't know how much of they can do to release the BG Saga as it was meant to be (ToB especially had so much stuff cut due to time contraints it turned into an extremely linear X-pack instead of a 3rd full game like originally intended)
TOB is the only part of the BG saga that I find hard to complete, because I usually lose interest halfway through.
.... right?
Sorry, yeah, bad experience there. Was using... Tutu? To run BG1 on BG2 and it would always crash on the final showdown with Saravok. :-(