[MOD] Tiger Style Monk Kit 1.3- Staff Style - Release w/Descriptions - Moved from Fighter to Monk

Tiger Monk Kit - Now under the Monk Submenu, and will level accordingly.
Above is the link to the compressed kit files. The Kit installs under Monk, and requires Human, and Lawful.
The kit is loosely based on the Greyhawk 2E Monk.
Staffs auto-create on level, and Garb creates at Level 1. (Reason for Garb is to allow the WIS modifier to AC ... and a little more umph).
A big thanks to @requiem for all the help and ideas.
This is my first MOD (for any game), and I am not a programmer by trade. This is my attempt to give back to such a great community that has extended this games replay-ability. I did a complete run-through of the game with this MOD and I didn't see anything out of place. Initially it might feel a little weak, but it picks up fast. If you want the first few levels to be easier, download my Shuriken MOD, and kite your enemy when needed.
******* Description ********
TIGER STYLE MONK:The Tiger Style is no longer formally taught in any known locations. It is a ancient, vital style that concentrates on unleashing the fierceness of the fighter in a nearly uncontrolled fashion by using the monks Chi. The wisdom required to master Chi to this high of a level reduces the monks overall physical prowess, which he more than makes up for with his spell-like abilities.It is also the only martial arts style in the Relams that actively makes use of weapons in its training. Trainees use a variety of improvised weapons, but the chief weapon of the style is a sturdy stick known amongst the order as "tiger sticks." These weapons are easily manufactured or obtained from common everyday implements, or from sundering staves, farming tools, or household cleaning implements. Masters often carry these shellacked sticks carved in a tiger-stripe pattern (which sometimes leave that same pattern upon their opponents). Tiger sticks are treated as martial arts weapons for practitioners of Tiger Style, and can be used to focus his Chi powers through. As the Tiger Monk progresses in his mastery he gains the ability to manufacture "tiger sticks" infused with their own Chi power making them much more fierce.
- Must be Human
- Must be Lawful
- Must have an 18 in Wisdom.
- May advance to Grand Mastery in Quarterstaffs.
- May add 2 points in Two Handed Weapon Style.
- Moves 2 points faster than other characters initially, and improves by 1 every 5 additional levels.
- Recieves a -1 to Armor Class at level 1 and every 2 additional levels.
- Gains Chi Heal at level 7.
- Creates Tiger Staffs at level 1, 3, 6, 9, and 15.
- Recieves Tiger Monk Garb at level 1.
- Gains -1 weapon speed at level 8 and 12.
- Immune to Charm and +1 to saves at level 9.
- Immune to Poison at level 11.
- Gains Chi Powers starting at level 1.
Chi Powers
Level 1 - Take down - Knocks an opponent down with a crushing blow.
Level 2 - Improved Take Down - Attempt to knock the opponent out with a crushing blow. (If/when the opponent wakes, he may drop his weapon and flee).
Level 3 - Bolster Self - The Monk draws on his Chi to become more powerful.
Level 4 - Tiger's Ferocity - The Monk spins his staff so quickly as to terrify his opponents.
Level 5 - Death Strike - The Monk attempts to crush the life from his victim.
Level 6 - Daze and Confuse - The Monk strikes his opponent so swiftly that the victim losses his senses.
Level 7 - Tiger's Frenzy - The Monk moves with the swiftness of a tiger.
Chi Power Uses by Level
Level 1--1
Level 2--2
Level 3--2/1
Level 4--3/2
Level 5--3/3/1
Level 6--3/3/2
Level 7--3/3/2/1
Level 8--3/3/3/2
Level 9--4/4/3/2/1
Level 10-4/4/3/3/2
Level 11-4/4/4/3/2/1
Level 12-4/4/4/3/2/2
Level 13-4/4/4/4/2/2
Level 14-4/4/4/4/3/2/1
Level 15-4/4/4/4/4/2/1
Level 16-4/4/4/4/4/3/1
Level 17-4/4/4/4/4/3/2
Level 18-4/4/4/4/4/4/2
Level 19-4/4/4/4/4/4/2
Level 20-5/5/5/5/5/5/2
- May not wear any armor except for Tiger Monk Garb.
- May not wear helmets or bracers.
- Can only be Human and Lawful.
- May not find traps or use stealth.
- Suffers -2 to Strength and -2 to Charisma due to Chi focus and lack of socialization.
- Cannot use fist progression and special fist moves.
- Loses MR.
Feel free to give feedback.
Have Fun!
Tiger Monk Kit - Now under the Monk Submenu, and will level accordingly.
Above is the link to the compressed kit files. The Kit installs under Monk, and requires Human, and Lawful.
The kit is loosely based on the Greyhawk 2E Monk.
Staffs auto-create on level, and Garb creates at Level 1. (Reason for Garb is to allow the WIS modifier to AC ... and a little more umph).
A big thanks to @requiem for all the help and ideas.
This is my first MOD (for any game), and I am not a programmer by trade. This is my attempt to give back to such a great community that has extended this games replay-ability. I did a complete run-through of the game with this MOD and I didn't see anything out of place. Initially it might feel a little weak, but it picks up fast. If you want the first few levels to be easier, download my Shuriken MOD, and kite your enemy when needed.
******* Description ********
TIGER STYLE MONK:The Tiger Style is no longer formally taught in any known locations. It is a ancient, vital style that concentrates on unleashing the fierceness of the fighter in a nearly uncontrolled fashion by using the monks Chi. The wisdom required to master Chi to this high of a level reduces the monks overall physical prowess, which he more than makes up for with his spell-like abilities.It is also the only martial arts style in the Relams that actively makes use of weapons in its training. Trainees use a variety of improvised weapons, but the chief weapon of the style is a sturdy stick known amongst the order as "tiger sticks." These weapons are easily manufactured or obtained from common everyday implements, or from sundering staves, farming tools, or household cleaning implements. Masters often carry these shellacked sticks carved in a tiger-stripe pattern (which sometimes leave that same pattern upon their opponents). Tiger sticks are treated as martial arts weapons for practitioners of Tiger Style, and can be used to focus his Chi powers through. As the Tiger Monk progresses in his mastery he gains the ability to manufacture "tiger sticks" infused with their own Chi power making them much more fierce.
- Must be Human
- Must be Lawful
- Must have an 18 in Wisdom.
- May advance to Grand Mastery in Quarterstaffs.
- May add 2 points in Two Handed Weapon Style.
- Moves 2 points faster than other characters initially, and improves by 1 every 5 additional levels.
- Recieves a -1 to Armor Class at level 1 and every 2 additional levels.
- Gains Chi Heal at level 7.
- Creates Tiger Staffs at level 1, 3, 6, 9, and 15.
- Recieves Tiger Monk Garb at level 1.
- Gains -1 weapon speed at level 8 and 12.
- Immune to Charm and +1 to saves at level 9.
- Immune to Poison at level 11.
- Gains Chi Powers starting at level 1.
Chi Powers
Level 1 - Take down - Knocks an opponent down with a crushing blow.
Level 2 - Improved Take Down - Attempt to knock the opponent out with a crushing blow. (If/when the opponent wakes, he may drop his weapon and flee).
Level 3 - Bolster Self - The Monk draws on his Chi to become more powerful.
Level 4 - Tiger's Ferocity - The Monk spins his staff so quickly as to terrify his opponents.
Level 5 - Death Strike - The Monk attempts to crush the life from his victim.
Level 6 - Daze and Confuse - The Monk strikes his opponent so swiftly that the victim losses his senses.
Level 7 - Tiger's Frenzy - The Monk moves with the swiftness of a tiger.
Chi Power Uses by Level
Level 1--1
Level 2--2
Level 3--2/1
Level 4--3/2
Level 5--3/3/1
Level 6--3/3/2
Level 7--3/3/2/1
Level 8--3/3/3/2
Level 9--4/4/3/2/1
Level 10-4/4/3/3/2
Level 11-4/4/4/3/2/1
Level 12-4/4/4/3/2/2
Level 13-4/4/4/4/2/2
Level 14-4/4/4/4/3/2/1
Level 15-4/4/4/4/4/2/1
Level 16-4/4/4/4/4/3/1
Level 17-4/4/4/4/4/3/2
Level 18-4/4/4/4/4/4/2
Level 19-4/4/4/4/4/4/2
Level 20-5/5/5/5/5/5/2
- May not wear any armor except for Tiger Monk Garb.
- May not wear helmets or bracers.
- Can only be Human and Lawful.
- May not find traps or use stealth.
- Suffers -2 to Strength and -2 to Charisma due to Chi focus and lack of socialization.
- Cannot use fist progression and special fist moves.
- Loses MR.
Feel free to give feedback.
Have Fun!
Post edited by Corsymyr on
Is there someone who can assist in informing/instructing me if a DLG upon level up and adding "GiveItem("stafXX",myself)" is even possible? If so, how would I tie it to the Kit ... a SPL file?
Giveitem ("item", summonerof (myself))
Then once the item has been given you can have the summoned creature use destroyself ()
Hopefully that should point you in the right d direction
A few questiosn though. What exactly are the Tiger Staffs you can create at level 1, 3, 6, 9, and 15? Are they actual permanent items or are they like the Priest of Helm's summonable Seeking swords ability? What kind of stats do these staffs have? And the Tiger Monk Garb, what stats does that armor have?
Tiger Monk Garb
The simplest of clothing created by weaving the fur of a Tiger and the Monk's own Chi power to protect the Monk on his travels. The Monk gains a more ferocious attack due to his garb.
1 Extra attack per round
Armor Class 6
Usable By:
Tiger Style Monk
Tiger Staff at Level 1
The Tiger Staff is created using the Chi powers of a Tiger Style Monk on ordinary wooden staffs found during his travels. As his Chi powers grow the monk is able to create better versions of the weapon. This is the weapon of choice by this order of monks. Carved with the stripes of the Tiger from end to end, it often is known to leave the opponents of the monk with these markings on their flesh.
THAC0: +0
Damage: 1D8+1
+1 Strength
Damage type: Crushing
Weight: 2
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Quarterstaff
Type: 2-handed
Requires: 5 Strength
Usable By:
Tiger Style Monk
Tiger Staff at Level 3
The Tiger Staff is created using the Chi powers of a Tiger Style Monk on ordinary wooden staffs found during his travels. As his Chi powers grow the monk is able to create better versions of the weapon. This is the weapon of choice by this order of monks. Carved with the stripes of the Tiger from end to end, it often is known to leave the opponents of the monk with these markings on their flesh.
THAC0: +1
+1 Strength
+1 Dexterity
Damage: 1D8+1
Damage type: Crushing
Weight: 2
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Quarterstaff
Type: 2-handed
Requires: 5 Strength
Usable By:
Tiger Style Monk
Tiger Staff at Level 6
The Tiger Staff is created using the Chi powers of a Tiger Style Monk on ordinary wooden staffs found during his travels. As his Chi powers grow the monk is able to create better versions of the weapon. This is the weapon of choice by this order of monks. Carved with the stripes of the Tiger from end to end, it often is known to leave the opponents of the monk with these markings on their flesh.
THAC0: +1
+1 Strength
+1 Dexterity
+1 Constitution
Damage: 1D10+1
Damage type: Crushing
Weight: 2
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Quarterstaff
Type: 2-handed
Requires: 5 Strength
Usable By:
Tiger Style Monk
Tiger Staff at Level 9
The Tiger Staff is created using the Chi powers of a Tiger Style Monk on ordinary wooden staffs found during his travels. As his Chi powers grow the monk is able to create better versions of the weapon. This is the weapon of choice by this order of monks. Carved with the stripes of the Tiger from end to end, it often is known to leave the opponents of the monk with these markings on their flesh.
THAC0: +2
+2 Strength
+1 Dexterity
+1 Constitution
Damage: 1D12+2
Damage type: Crushing
Weight: 2
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Quarterstaff
Type: 2-handed
Requires: 5 Strength
Usable By:
Tiger Style Monk
Tiger Staff at Level 15
The Tiger Staff is created using the Chi powers of a Tiger Style Monk on ordinary wooden staffs found during his travels. As his Chi powers grow the monk is able to create better versions of the weapon. This is the weapon of choice by this order of monks. Carved with the stripes of the Tiger from end to end, it often is known to leave the opponents of the monk with these markings on their flesh.
THAC0: +3
+2 Strength
+2 Dexterity
+2 Constitution
Damage: 1D20+3
Damage type: Crushing
Weight: 2
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Quarterstaff
Type: 2-handed
Requires: 5 Strength
Usable By:
Tiger Style Monk
Let me know what you think, I really enjoyed my run-through with the kit, but I am quite biased.
Here is the spec's on the Shuriken if you choose to add that as well.
Shuriken of the Shou Ninja
How this rare item made it from Kara-Tur to the Sword Coast is quite a mystery. What is known however, is that these rare Shurikens are given to Shou Ninja's for special missions. Even an average person can throw these projectiles with great accuracy and speed.
- This Shuriken will return to the hand of it's owner.
- 5% chance to Stun a target upon a succesful hit.
- Weilder gains a +2 to hit with ranged weapons while equipped.
- Weilder can throw this weapon 5 times a round while equipped.
- Adds Strength Bonus (if any) to damage.
THAC0: +2
Damage: 1D2+2
Damage type: Piercing
Weight: 1
Speed Factor: 0
Proficiency Type: Dart
Type: Thrown
Usable By:
I'd drop the Con minimum, though. Nobody's dumping Con on a Monk. Make them pay to get a Con good enough to see a benefit from the staff's Con bonus.
EDIT: Why not allow to use bracers by the way? It seems forced. Also, what are the saves for the chi powers? Thanks.
Thanks for your interest, and happy hunting on your run through.
Thanks for the attention.
He can also find traps and use stealth, i'd say it has been set to the plain Monk class for some unknown reason.
also this may have been pointed out already but other than the fact when you enter the game after character creation your just a normal monk i did also notice on the character creation screen where it should say sumin like Tiger Style Monk or some such class title, it just says Monk
this is just in the window where it shows your characters currently select options.. it reads correctly when ur choosing the specific type of monk form the list its just the overview window and ingame where it simply states your class as Monk
looking forward to being able to play this class kit.