I continue add NPC interjections to new content for #BGEE. Which of the BG1 NPCs do you want to hear from most often?
and then 28 Jun 09:55 Dave Gross@frabjousdave Just finished adding a new line of dialogue for each of this morning's #BGEE NPC requests. Let's do it again next week.
neat eh? I think the requested NPCs were Minsc and Garrick
Trent posted: "All will be clear in the near future. We're just trying to finish up a good summary of our plans. Then we need to get it approved. Sigh."
This approvement thing seems to be the main issue...
The #bgee team is looking for some area art help: http://www.overhaulgames.com/jobs.html Join our merry band of developers to make the awesome that is #bgee
Aw, I hope the deal won't take this long... Was all excited about getting myself a collector boxed BGEE...
Me too. I suggested a preliminary online market research to determine how many boxed copies they'd sell at a given price point, to see whether this helped.
We've had some approval hiccups which have stalled our updates. As well, we've been focusing on work and enhancing #baldursgate
By the way, do we have an estimate on when we will know more about the list of enhancements happening in BG:EE? Trent said it was waiting approval and "some time in july (?)"
A BGEE Collectors Edition box would be something worth salivating over. How else could I get my greedy paws on a Collectors Edition Giant Miniature Space Hamster Bobblehead? Maybe it will come packaged with a pink, plastic, crystal shard that summons tiny, plush kobolds. Perhaps there will be a leather bound game manual that raises your charisma when opened? I'll stop before I descend into wanton speculation. But I'd still pay a pretty penny for a Collectors Edition to sit on my shelf.
We've had some approval hiccups which have stalled our updates. As well, we've been focusing on work and enhancing #baldursgate
By the way, do we have an estimate on when we will know more about the list of enhancements happening in BG:EE? Trent said it was waiting approval and "some time in july (?)"
Apparently they did not get approval - yet - and can't say much until they do. Back to the drawing board a bit I guess for the team to revise what they are offering as what they are going to do.
God damnit Mr. Oster. Release a boxed edition and I'll buy 40 of them. If money if what you want I'll line your bath in solid gold, just so you and the nice license men don't get sad.
Perhaps steam would be a good choice, if there isnt too much hassle with it ? The user amount on steam is huge, and i know of no easier place to buy a game fast and get playing it.
We're going to tread lightly with changes to the reputation system, but we have plans to tone back the guard "freak out" on evil parties.
While butchering guards for the sake of pilfering their swag was an initially enjoyable experience, it did become dull after every area transition or rest preceded a new gaggle of Flaming Fist drones.
I did find it an enjoyably challenging level of difficulty when playing BG2 (with some difficulty mods) as an "evil" character. More often than not, area transitions would provoke the Cowled Wizards into sending legions of their minions out on parade. The mages would cast Horrid Wilting so many times that I felt like a slug in a salt mine. The guards, however, were mercilessly gibbed.
Dave Gross@frabjousdave
I continue add NPC interjections to new content for #BGEE. Which of the BG1 NPCs do you want to hear from most often?
and then
28 Jun 09:55
Dave Gross@frabjousdave
Just finished adding a new line of dialogue for each of this morning's #BGEE NPC requests. Let's do it again next week.
neat eh? I think the requested NPCs were Minsc and Garrick
The system still works fine with weidu style mods, for us, it works better to have multiple tlk spaces for our new content
We are still planning on shipping the title this summer (before the end of September). These is still a fair bit of work outstanding.
21h Trent Oster Trent Oster @TrentOster
We are still trying to get a contract together around a boxed collectors edition. Things are moving very slow. Might take a long while
This approvement thing seems to be the main issue...
Trent Oster @TrentOster 4 July 2012
The #bgee team is looking for some area art help: http://www.overhaulgames.com/jobs.html Join our merry band of developers to make the awesome that is #bgee
#bgee will be available from the Beamdog site, the Mac App store and iTunes/App store for iPad
Good news but the question is WHEN!!!
#bgee will launch on Beamdog and the App stores. It will not launch on steam or gog.
Boxed copy is currently in business deal limbo. Last time in limbo it took 14 months to do a deal.
We have a plan for no client, just a #bgee launcher to check for updates which we hope to be frequent.
Trent Oster @TrentOster
Netbook-wise it should work quite well. We don't have any net books, so I can't be 100% on that.
#bg2ee will be in 2013. We have no plans to put the game on gog.
So, correct me, if I'm wrong but looks like we are back to square one: we are stuck with Beamdog only DRM release for PC
We've had some approval hiccups which have stalled our updates. As well, we've been focusing on work and enhancing #baldursgate
We've had some approval hiccups which have stalled our updates. As well, we've been focusing on work and enhancing #baldursgate
By the way, do we have an estimate on when we will know more about the list of enhancements happening in BG:EE? Trent said it was waiting approval and "some time in july (?)"
The user amount on steam is huge, and i know of no easier place to buy a game fast and get playing it.
We're going to tread lightly with changes to the reputation system, but we have plans to tone back the guard "freak out" on evil parties.
I did find it an enjoyably challenging level of difficulty when playing BG2 (with some difficulty mods) as an "evil" character. More often than not, area transitions would provoke the Cowled Wizards into sending legions of their minions out on parade. The mages would cast Horrid Wilting so many times that I felt like a slug in a salt mine. The guards, however, were mercilessly gibbed.
"I've recruited Khalid and Jaheira many times. She always sound so upset when Khalid fails to return from a naked solo scouting mission"
ahh... It always ends up that way
Can I say soon for and update on #bgee? Or have we overused that too much ;-) We hate the quiet as much as you.
Woow !! :O)