Tired of playing with the same character types? Roll, to start a whole new adventure!

To roll, go to http://www.random.org/ Change the numbers from 1000-9999. Roll Twice, and create your character. You can store your best roll under Abilities.
Perhaps post your rolls/character to bump this Discussion? I know not all rolls will work out so make best with you can or reroll.
Post edited by Drone on
@deltago The male and female voice results are separate. You would be male1. I actually completed a game with this character.
(Didn't bother with Alignment Roll)
Female Human
Totemic Druid
True Neutral
9th reroll stats and Female1 voice.
For fun rolled proficiency and colours too.
Either way, it's a fun table for we of the 'anything but a choice!' nature.
I got male, chaotic neutral, half-elf Inquisitor. Two rerolls, Male 2 for the voice.
elf (chosen)
bard (pure class)
chaotic neutral
voice female 5
didn't quite get the abilities instructions...
If I did this right:
Lawful Good
5 Rerolls
Kind of cool that Gnome and C/T worked out, but a thief can't be lawful good. Is the idea that I round that down to Neutral Good?
Pick - Human
Paladin (Blackguard)
Lawful Neutral~Lawful EvilehI'mjustgoingtogoNeutralEvil
Eight rerolls! So, I got a 75-pointer after bunches of 80 to 91-pointers.
Aaand ehh, this is where I pick a voice. Accented one! It's neat.
...colors were selected the way I...almost won $975.00 at a casino during a game of video slots! You see, I close my eyes, and move my hand around the screen. Then, I touch it and open my eyes, repeating until my finger - or hand - lands on something relevant. But this time there weren't security guards laughing at me and cheering me on. ;___;
Name, I used 1 - 26, got 15, opened up Hero Builder's Guidebook, Human names, "Orbri" stood out.
1.) Human Male Cleric Priest of Lothander Chaotic Good. I had three rolls, and managed to hit an 87 on my first roll. Str 18, Dex 18, Con 18, Int 3, Wis 18, Cha 12. Male Voice 3.
2.) Male Half-Elf Ranger, Archer Kit. Chaotic Neutral (I chose CG). I had four rolls, and my best roll was an 81. Str 18/99, Dex 18, Con 18, Int 4, Wis 14, Cha 9. My Choice on Voice.
3.) Female Human Skald, True Neutral. I had five rolls. Best one was an 83. Str 16, Dex, 18, Con 16, Int 15, Wis 3, Cha 15. Female 1 Voice.
Obviously those weren't my exact rolls, I +/- to my liking.
Kind of fun to make a random character that I might not otherwise choose.
thief subbed for bounty hunter
lawful evil
8 reloads
male 1 voice, though i use default
i decided i would try to not use dump stats and keep everything above 10. since he is human, i went with high strength in case i have him dual fighter later. i think my biggest problem is the evil. i can't play anything but good
anyway, i think i will at at some more and see if i get something that truly interests me
Let me start you off.
Put down both you traps right by Firebeard.
Then stealth and backstab him.
See, being evil is easy.
My character is...
Beast Master
Chaotic Good (Lawful Neutral was rolled but ranger can't have that)
Stats were rerolled twice to give a total of 84, I decided to assign my stats because I don't feel like fighting with 11 Strength and Dexterity
Strength 14
Dexterity 19
Constitution 17
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 14
Charisma 10
Rolled a Favored Enemy and it is Ettercap
voice is Female 2
Well, shes gonna be sitting in the back shooting things with a (cross)bow
It is completely believable that a lawful evil character would be charitable to raise their "good" reputation in order to make their future dealings easier.
I played a D&D campaign with a guy who had a lawful evil priest of some evil deity, but had a symbol from a good deity and some item that was hiding their alignment and faked to be good. The other people IN the campaign didn't even know, just the DM, and his character went around taking confessions from NPCs and helping people, and wrote everything down in a book, and blackmailed everyone later on.
They are just going to loophole you to death.
Male (Pick)
Half Orc
Wild Mage
Half Orc
Paladin - Blackguard
Didn't realize Half Orcs couldn't be Blackguards. Dorn is a cheater!!