Who uses Auto-pause and to what degree?

When I play i use Auto-pause for almost everything. Spot enemy, spot trap, death of enemy, death of party member, weapon unusable. What about the rest of you? And why?
- Who uses Auto-pause and to what degree?97 votes
- Use Full Auto-pause (including the end of round)  7.22%
- Use for some stuff41.24%
- Use for very minimal23.71%
- Never use Auto-pause20.62%
- Only use Auto-pause in single player  3.09%
- Auto-pause? What's that? Some kind of Cat thing?  4.12%
In multiplayer I use enemy sighted, and that's more of a just in case there is a multiplayer glitch or lag out. Too much pausing in multiplayer is a big issue I have encountered, so I tend to avoid it AMAP.
If multiplayer were less buggy, I would not use auto pause in it at all.
-Trap Sighted
-Spell Cast
-Weapon Unusable
-Target Destroyed
I find Weapon Unusable is a must-have when you are dealing with characters that use missile weapons with multiple ammo types (BG:EE has an awful habit of switching to melee for no apparent reason), or Mages/Clerics using Energy Blades/Melf's Minute Meteors.
Basically I use it to prevent silly interface errors (like walking over a trap which you know is there).
-Character dead
-Trap found
-Weapon unusable
On second thought, maybe I should have gone with the "use for some stuff" option.
Overall I think Enemy Sighted is pretty much a necessity, especially if you want to have a chance at disrupting mirror images, or other spells that are very fast to cast.
Trap sighted is also nice to prevent walking right into it sometimes.
The most "AI" characters use is sometimes attacking an enemy that is exactly the same as the one that they just killed. Also switching to horrible weapons.
EDIT: Anyway... all this doesn't matter because I have a workaround: Auto-Pause + reassign everything.
Character Death - "Is it Neera? No? Sorry, Xan, you're out of the party now that you're dead. Say hello to Erevain for me."
Weapon Unusable - "Damn it, time to go hustle up Greywolf for his sword again."
Enemy Sighted - To see what it is, and formulate a strategy.
Trap Found - Because I tend to go "whoop!" right into them.
I am, however, using it on "enemy sighted" for the first time with a (slow) BG:EE run with my son. It makes for a nice..."now you see an enemy, what do you want to do?" style that gets him thinking about the game mechanics a little.