Well the sprites are so small anyways, that it's not like you can really see them that well, and it's kind of older graphics so... The only fanservice I ever actually noticed was in the inventory section itself.
Maybe its just me, but the new mage skirts have less contrast than the old, and actually look worse. Hopefully the developers are selective in which 1pp changes they implement.
@Space_hamster@Tanthalas - I actually hated those apron-like brown mage skirts. I'm all for full 1PP implementation: bring back the BG1-looking goodness!
I only came across your topic today, thanks a lot @AndreaColombo for making some things clear! I can't hide I'm really disapointed as for really no possible way to add new dialogs to the old NPCs but I bet I may try to contact the people who worked on the NPC pack... Hope they'll be able to make it compatible with BG EE...
Please, pretty please. I hope this will not be like NeverwinterNights - I dont like this 3D design made for NWN and NWN2. I am still convinced that old BG2 design is better. If you do 3D - please do a lock on standard isometric view.
Hats (or Helmets) off to the entire team for taking on this project in the first place. Whatever my expectations were/are pale to the fact this company is re-visiting this old classic deserves my gratitude. In this day and age I am very impressed to see this kind of devotion to it's fan base. CHEERS to all of you!
I'm disappointed that no new monsters, sprites & dialogue will be added. I still can't wait to buy & play this when it comes out though. Trying to play BG using crossover on a Mac is a nightmare at times with crashes/freezes and mods not working so a stable version for Mac is more than enough for me.
So the question remains: what does this EE provide then?
@niklas Better graphics, compatibility with new OS, more accessible multiplayer, at least 1 more joinable NPC, and 2 new adventures with new party banter/reactions.
That's all that was ever advertised. Isn't that enough? Sure there have been plenty of great suggestions here on the forums, but the reality is that game development costs money (devs eat food too, presumably), a two-year development cycle isn't something a relatively small studio like beamdog/overhaul can pull off just like that, especially if the project isn't a guaranteed seller. It's sad, but the current systems in place make it so.
The best thing we can do is support them and make sure they gain enough funds to take on bigger projects with longer development cycles.. *cough* Baldur's Gate 3 *cough*
Im sure that if the dev. start eating as mutch they would manage! lol.
But has it been considered to raise funds from the customers whit dollars roll? Im sure a lot of people would have suported a project like making BG3 or remaking bg1 and 2 whit decent grapics etc..
@FillaFillason - IIRC, Trent Oster said on Twitter that it would have been particularly tough to make Kickstarter and the like fit in the contract for BG:EE and BG2:EE. Negotiations went on for 14 months, so I guess they weren't exactly a piece of cake (so glad they could make it!!). For BG3 they are considering it, though, to my recollection.
I see. Well, I will donate 50 euro if it helps whit getting an bg3 into the store. I will even pay for it again, after donating, if that will help getting an delv. team who are willing to make 2d rpg games.
Think of the possibility of making an new rule setting in Wheel of time univers. Before the breaking of the world or something like that. It is by far the most impressive fantasy univers created, if tolkien was an giant, R.Jordan is god. :-)
So the art assets are lost for the BG saga. Regrettable, but not tragic. Are the art assets lost for Planescape:Torment and Icewind Dale as well? Or does no one know?
I see. Well, I will donate 50 euro if it helps whit getting an bg3 into the store. I will even pay for it again, after donating, if that will help getting an delv. team who are willing to make 2d rpg games.
Think of the possibility of making an new rule setting in Wheel of time univers. Before the breaking of the world or something like that. It is by far the most impressive fantasy univers created, if tolkien was an giant, R.Jordan is god. :-)
You can't do 99% of things a proper HD edition would need. What's the point spending money on small bugfixes and new UI? The old UI works perfectly and there're plenty of mods to run the game on widescreen resolutions.
I'd rather see Overhaul working on a new low budget RPG like Avadon: The Black Fortress for Eschalon.
You can't do 99% of things a proper HD edition would need. What's the point spending money on small bugfixes and new UI? The old UI works perfectly and there're plenty of mods to run the game on widescreen resolutions.
I'd rather see Overhaul working on a new low budget RPG like Avadon: The Black Fortress for Eschalon.
@King_of_Worms - I bet you didnt bothered to read even one of the replys to this thread, all the answered are there - as it was asked SOOO many times.
Well, I don't agree that mods can do everything that BGEE will offer. I still haven't found a mod that can make BG load fast on a modern computer for example, and this isn't even a content thing. But I'm not going to tell you how to spend your money, that's your decision.
I think that Overhaul's plans do include making entirely new games, but they need to start somewhere to generate the funding that they'll need for more ambitious projects.
Beamdog's contract is for BG:EE and BG2:EE only. No contract exists for a remake of Icewind Dale, Icewind Dale II or Planescape: Torment as of now.''
I love bg1 and bg2 and I will of course pré-order the enchanced edition, but Iwd1 and Iwd2 what also so nice. I can only hope that you will have the contract for these two games also.
I think Icewind Dale used a lot of the same art thats in BG. Planescape however was distinct in every way. So maybe those assets are locked up in a safe somewhere. Not that a remake of Planescape is happening, but just a thought.
Well, I don't agree that mods can do everything that BGEE will offer. I still haven't found a mod that can make BG load fast on a modern computer for example, and this isn't even a content thing.
Load fast? Even 10 years ago I never thought load times were anywhere near the Top 500 Things to Fix. Exactly what are you talking about? I've got an 8 gb override here and neither the game itself nor areas take more than a second to load. You're sure "modern" is the word you want?
•BG1 Paperdoll and inventory item ports, except for potions.
•BG1 Potion Graphics
•BG1-style Flaming Swords
•Flaming Short Swords (with item and mod item patches)
•New Paperdolls (human, half-orc, elven, halfling, dwarf)
•Legacy Shields - Bucklers (D1)
•Legacy Shields - Small Shields (D2)
•Legacy Shields - Medium Shields (D3)
•Colourable Quarterstaves (with item patches)
some links to compare
There are more when you search a little, but great overall ! (my favorite, the mage skirt -> http://img360.imageshack.us/img360/3649/comp1vt0.jpg)
The whole point of that mage skirt change was to make the skirt the same color as the rest of the robe.
Not sure how I feel about that one either.
I can't hide I'm really disapointed as for really no possible way to add new dialogs to the old NPCs but I bet I may try to contact the people who worked on the NPC pack... Hope they'll be able to make it compatible with BG EE...
If you do 3D - please do a lock on standard isometric view.
well at least u dont have to worry about that. They want that Isometric View and thats a good thing.
I wouldnt buy the game in 3D either,...
That's all that was ever advertised. Isn't that enough? Sure there have been plenty of great suggestions here on the forums, but the reality is that game development costs money (devs eat food too, presumably), a two-year development cycle isn't something a relatively small studio like beamdog/overhaul can pull off just like that, especially if the project isn't a guaranteed seller. It's sad, but the current systems in place make it so.
The best thing we can do is support them and make sure they gain enough funds to take on bigger projects with longer development cycles.. *cough* Baldur's Gate 3 *cough*
Im sure that if the dev. start eating as mutch they would manage! lol.
But has it been considered to raise funds from the customers whit dollars roll? Im sure a lot of people would have suported a project like making BG3 or remaking bg1 and 2 whit decent grapics etc..
Think of the possibility of making an new rule setting in Wheel of time univers. Before the breaking of the world or something like that. It is by far the most impressive fantasy univers created, if tolkien was an giant, R.Jordan is god. :-)
I'd rather see Overhaul working on a new low budget RPG like Avadon: The Black Fortress for Eschalon.
Well, I don't agree that mods can do everything that BGEE will offer. I still haven't found a mod that can make BG load fast on a modern computer for example, and this isn't even a content thing. But I'm not going to tell you how to spend your money, that's your decision.
I think that Overhaul's plans do include making entirely new games, but they need to start somewhere to generate the funding that they'll need for more ambitious projects.
Beamdog's contract is for BG:EE and BG2:EE only. No contract exists for a remake of Icewind Dale, Icewind Dale II or Planescape: Torment as of now.''
I love bg1 and bg2 and I will of course pré-order the enchanced edition, but Iwd1 and Iwd2 what also so nice. I can only hope that you will have the contract for these two games also.