Respawning and multiplying fishermen bug FIX

If you are playing multiplayer and finished the quest with 3 fishermen: Sonner, Jebadoh and Telman, you might know what I'm talking about. We had whole Baldurs gate city full of them fighting with commoners.
Now there might be several solutions to it, mostly either save file advanced editing or game file editing. First i thought of adding to those 3 npc a script to kill themselves, but when I looked at their files it appeared game already has a script to kill them if global variable "killfishermen" is set to "True"
Sooo. Here is a file to a creature, that when spawned says I phrase to show you its working, then sets that variable to 1 and disappears. It works only to remove those 3 fishermen and will not work if you have other npcs respawning and multiplying. But if you have that other problem, just search CRE files of those NPCs you have problem with and edit their scripts so that they would remove themselves upon respawn.
Now there might be several solutions to it, mostly either save file advanced editing or game file editing. First i thought of adding to those 3 npc a script to kill themselves, but when I looked at their files it appeared game already has a script to kill them if global variable "killfishermen" is set to "True"
Sooo. Here is a file to a creature, that when spawned says I phrase to show you its working, then sets that variable to 1 and disappears. It works only to remove those 3 fishermen and will not work if you have other npcs respawning and multiplying. But if you have that other problem, just search CRE files of those NPCs you have problem with and edit their scripts so that they would remove themselves upon respawn.
Post edited by Gate70 on
Sooo. I was googling and came up to this thread, but I cant put that file into a practical use. Can you please elaborate a bit more on what ex-act-ly do I need to do with that file in order to make that super annoying clone army disappear?
Thanks a lot!
Have fun reading
The bug you're experiencing is
- download the file
- Unzip it and extract the contents so they are in the game folder
(e.g. so they end up in something like C:\BeamDog\Games\00766\Override)
- Enable the console (as per
- Start BG:EE
- Load your game
- Open the console (Ctrl Space)
- C:CreateCreature("fkill")
- Wait a few seconds to see if it removes the fishermen
Mac will have different folders. Provide a save if on Android, if on iOS you may be stuck.
& if you aren't playing with friends, copy a save from the mpsave folder to the save folder so you can play in single player with a custom party.
As for copying the script to Override folder...I cannot find Override folder within the BG EE installation. I am sure that this folder existed within "old" versions of BG 1/2, also IWD, but in this case...I am quite lost. Can you take a look at your installation folder and paste the exact path to Override?
Copying mpsave to single save folder...well, pardon my noobiness, I am gonna try it right away:)
EDIT: mpsave in singleplayer game works like a charm! And yes..sadly, I was not able to find anyone who would be willing to participate in BG saga multiplayer session, so...the only reason to start mp is to create two characters instead of one:)
It's only a partial solution however as there are still countless creatures in all the other visited areas (far too many to remove manually). You should kill them via Ctrl+Y before you do any hostile actions in their field of view or they'll start running away and may trigger this particular bug again, or continue to play the game in single player mode. (Imho, it's probably best to start a new game.)