EE Keeper via Wineskin in OS/X, initial tests

I haven't hacked my install at all, and EE Keeper seems to find my saved games! This is a nice payoff for the Beamdog team keeping the save formats binary-identical across platforms.
Importing EE Keeper into Wineskin was very simple. I might be able to just zip up my "EE" if the EE Keeper license permits re-distribution... if not, just do the default WIneskin directory import and you ought to get a working app.
The one tricky part was figuring out which directory to point EE Keeper to for install data, since there is no Baldur.exe for it to recognize. I settled on:
Z:\Applications\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition\Game Data\00777\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced\Contents\Resources\
... and that seems to work so far.
Importing EE Keeper into Wineskin was very simple. I might be able to just zip up my "EE" if the EE Keeper license permits re-distribution... if not, just do the default WIneskin directory import and you ought to get a working app.
The one tricky part was figuring out which directory to point EE Keeper to for install data, since there is no Baldur.exe for it to recognize. I settled on:
Z:\Applications\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition\Game Data\00777\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced\Contents\Resources\
... and that seems to work so far.
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You did save the edit, right?
The edited save appeared in my "save" folder:
/Users/username/Documents/Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition/save/
I'm unsure how to work the Documents directory to make it easier, but I'm sure there's an easy way once I get back to looking at it.
And, yes, you are allowed to redistribute the program itself (provided that no alterations to the binaries are made, etc.).
I'll just copy and paste the relevant bit from what Aaron wrote regarding it, you can view the full copyright snippet from the attached file. If you can include the copyright file along with the download that would be great
When I make a new thread, I'll also link to this thread for Mac compatibility.
Edit: some additions are needed for the new kits, so you can try out the new version when I get it uploaded at the same time. I'll be using an XP version of the compiler (for compatibility), so you'll have to let me know if there are any issues with Wineskin. I'll have that in a couple days.
Thanks for the help
Why is mine like that? Probably because mine was created by the Windows BGEE (running under Wineskin) before I had the OS/X version of the game.
Maybe I did other things to my set-up to get it to work... I'll try from a new user account.
Here's a link to the Wineskin enclosure for EE Keeper 1.0.0:
Here's how to use it:
- Download the file.
- Put the file in your home directory: /Users/yourname/EE_Keeper_Wineskin_osx10.6.tgz
- Open up, and type this:
cd ~ tar xzvf EE_Keeper_Wineskin_osx10.6.tgz
Done. The application "BB" is placed in /Users/yourname/Applications/Wineskin/ so just open up a Finder window and double-click on it. The attached picture shows where it will be installed.
EDIT: Version number, now that there's a new release of EE Keeper.
EDIT2: changed link to a hosting site with fewer obnoxious ads.
- - -
Old link for historical purposes:
Apparently this executable works, but the hosting site has some deceptive ads which prompt people to install an executable... and that smells like spyware to me. Try the dropbox link first, please!
Old link:
EDIT: So it turns out you need to select a language after you set the installation path. I'd totally neglected to do that, so EE Keeper didn't work ... until I did select a language, and now it works.
Mostly. Cutting & pasting Affects doesn't work, but it didn't work in the previous version either -- probably something to do with differences in how Macs handle the clipboard.
Just for clarification, I placed symlinks to the save folder, dialog.tlk, baldur.ini, and (just for kicks) the BG:EE executable in the main BG:EE application package, under Contents->Resources. I then directed EE Keeper to BG:EE->Contents->Resources at app startup. After restarting the program it worked great.
Now Edwin is Chaotic Neutral, and shouldn't leave even if my rep soars! It's the same change I made when playing the original version all those years ago. I never really get why he's Lawful Evil anyway, Chaotic Evil would seem more apt.
I think the "iLivid" thing is just a Sendspace ad... I can host the file elsewhere if Sendspace is too obnoxious.
I'm worried that you installed some kind of spyware... ugh, Macs shouldn't have to deal with that kind of thing. Sorry!
I'll see if I can use Mediafire or someplace cleaner.
Copying the dialog.tlk from the lang directory (which ever language you want) into the resources directory fixed this.
Open Obviously people who want a language other than "en_US" should change that part, but everything else should be the same.
/E Now happens also with saves untouched by shadowkeeper.
Maybe someone from the BGEE team can tell us if there are any notable path differences between the Beamdog direct version and the MAS version. @Cerevant?
Is it possible that EEKeeper put the modified game in either the Documents or the Resources folder?
/Users/yourname/Documents/Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition/save
... but IIRC the MAS version uses a different documents location? It's encapsulated in a "Library" directory somewhere?
I tried to create symlink (with a program - SymbolicLinker) to save directory and placed the link into Resources (I'm not sure, if this method good or not), but nothing. Should I do something special after I installed EE Keeper (somehow tell the program, where are my savegames, or something like that)? I'm not expert in creation symlinks. Am I missed something?
ls -ld "~/Documents/Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition"
ls -ld "~/Documents/Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition/save"
Tell me what each of those prints out. Thanks!
I need to talk to the devs about it, but I think this is an intentional OS limitation to keep stuff in the sandbox. The game will not follow a symlink out of the sandbox.
(/Users//Library/Containers/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/Data if you are interested)
You might be able to link the other way and have Shadowkeeper follow it.