Do you use the TAB key to find the easter egg/hidden items?

You know the ones I'm talking about, the kind that would be pretty much impossible to find otherwise without knowing their exact location beforehand.
Or do you perhaps think it's cheesy to have items such as Ring of Fire Resistance and Ring of Wizardry very early, considering the game only rewards you those items as drops much later on?
Or do you perhaps think it's cheesy to have items such as Ring of Fire Resistance and Ring of Wizardry very early, considering the game only rewards you those items as drops much later on?
- Do you use the TAB key to find the easter egg/hidden items?125 votes
- Yes92.80%
- No  7.20%
but I never knew about it till this play through
The stupefier (and Rashad's Talon even for dualwielders) are plain ridiculous with respect to how quickly an enemy can be routed. Hell, I'd give up a +3 for the stupefier.
Pixelbitching isn't fun anymore.
I don't think it was ever fun for me, but it's certainly not fun now that I'm a grown-up with a job and social obligations to eat up my valuable gaming time.
I think I earned my use of tab.
So I sort of have to answer both yes and no, but alas I cannot :O
Lets face it, these items are handy in a pinch, more useful earlier in the game, and can be abused, but they dont break the game in any significant way.
I however do use tab for looting, but that was not the question for this poll.
I voted "no" because I already know the locations of the items. That doesn't mean I don't take them.
I use Tab in some locations to highlight barrels and chests, for example all the tents in the Bandit Camp, where 3 - 4 of 6 possible containers contain stuff. With the hidden items, it's easy to remember "ah, ring of fire protection is in the slightly darker rock". With tents that all look the same, why bother memorizing "in tent 3, it's barrels 1 and 2 and chest 6".
The question if the items are cheesy has nothing to do with the general use of the Tab key. So to answer this:
Do you think Imoen is cheesy?
She's one of the highest stats NPCs and you get her super early. She comes with a magic wand and 3 health potions plus an oil of speed. All of that is more than you can find on the first two maps, and the stuff you can get for free on FAI isn't helpful (loot from hobgoblins you can sell - YAY). The missile wand is a lot better than Evermemory, which gives charname or Xzar a whooping 4 first level spells instead of 2. That's not cheesy or overpowered, it makes up a bit for the pitiful HP a caster has compared to a fighter.
Everything else isn't "early" to me. It's the power level I see fit for that stage of the game.