Neera! She's the cutest NPC (after Boo) and pretty one of the few women NPCs without extreme personality quirk. More so when you focus on the romance-able ones.
I also like Imoen and Jeheira a lot (mostly in their BG II-incarnations), however.
Alora is great fun... and out of all the RPCs it's probably cruelest to bring Alora along on an adventure. Stabbing people to death while in her super happy demeanour is just... scary. o_o
Actually I like Alora most because she's the only one without baggage and without a bad attitude. She's happy and curious! Also makes a great archer alongside Imoen, where one has a shortbow and the other a crossbow.
I like Alora too, it's just a shame you can't pick her up earlier in the game
Bodhi, probably the single most evil (and most adorable to boot) female NPC in the whole Baldur's Gate trilogy!
Or is this poll perchance only for the less evil, less cute and in many cases way more irritating, joinable female NPC's, which we must suffer through the games? Then my vote goes to Edwina.
I would say Safana (she is the beautifulest npc you can find in BG1 and BG2 story wise) what that makes her uniq is that she's Human Calimshan... that is she is not purly white human sadly in BG2 biowere kills her in story ( I always wondered why we can't resurrect her in BG2... i mean in BG1 you can resurrect a cat and a little boy so why not an Safana ???)
I do also like Dynaheir cuz she is of Mulan descent.. that is she is black human/ egyptian black... sadly Biowere kills her in BG2... so the curse of always kille the black man in games and movies are still there even in BG ... still i always wondered why we can't find her body and resurrect her in BG2....
For me 1. Safana (she's damn sexy tooo hot to die for and she is in Baldurs gates lore the most beautifulest women Npc you can find ever and have as follower) 2. Dynaheir (stop killing black ppl on movies and game grrr...) 3. Shar-Teel ( give me back my feisty dominatrix babe back) 4. Branwen (Give me back my war crazy priestes back) 5. Viconia
I've always loved Mazzy. I just thought she was so awesome in BG2. My astounding mixed-alignment first play through: Charname, Imoen, Edwin, Viconia, Haer'Dalis and Mazzy. I dropped Mazzy in ToB, and I cna't even remember who I had before getting Imoen back. Maybe Nalia? I know it wasn't Keldorn, Anomen, Jan or Valygar, and I must've needed a Thief of some kind, so I'm guessing Nalia.
By the ppl don't forget that Dynaheir the Invoker has only one schol of magic that she can't cast spells from In Enhanced edition... that is only Enchantment spells that she can't cast spells from..
in early edition of Baldurs gate she couldn't cast spells from enchantment and conjuration... at the moment I play myself An Enchanter and i have Invoker spells that i can't cast.. and Dynaheir casting summoning and invokes spellls for me but she can't cast enchantment spells.... must say BG1 EE has made a great upgrade on Dynaheir ... i love it...
that the Solar bribes to lie about your life so you feel bad and won't try to become a deity if your alignment isn't Good? Between a shade summoned by the Dumbledore(or Elminster if you want to stay-In-Universe)-wannabe Solar (doesn't tell you what you need to know and when she does it's always too late) and Gorion's letter in BG1, I trust Gorion more. :P
I would have voted Viconia but Shar-Teel is second and I didn't think she'd get enough love. My personal Top 5 is: 1. Viconia 2. Shar-Teel 3. Mazzy 4. Imoen 5. Alora
How is Dynaheir's inability to cast from one school different than any other specialized mage? (I always kill her, it's not a rethorical question. Maybe I am missing something that makes her awesome.)
How is Dynaheir's inability to cast from one school different than any other specialized mage? (I always kill her, it's not a rethorical question. Maybe I am missing something that makes her awesome.)
Before Bg1 EE Dynaheir couldn't cast from conjuration and enchantment school
Dynaheir in new edition of BG1 EE has only one school of magic that she can't not cast from and that is Enchantment... the thing that made her a very bad mage before are gone.... now you can have her in party without feeling handicaped
It's been said, but Jaheira has one of the best character development arcs across the saga. She turns from from a fairly two-dimensional BG1 bossy druid to someone in BG2 who has loss, regret and even doubts Charname and her loyalty to them.
Also - Imoen? Really? Yeah, she's your cute little sister but she's got no chat. She says next to nothing apart from at the start of BG2 and then in TOB where she does come alive. Admittedly she's one of the most useful NPCs out there and is just about the only alternative to Jan Jansen but the girl may as well be mute. I don't dislike her, but I don't see her as the best female NPC unless you're talking powergaming.
It's also about which school is opposite. Losing enchantment isn't that big of a loss. There are a lot more useful spells to cast instead. Losing conjuration would be a bit of a pain. (Find Familiar, Glitterdust, Melf's Acid Arrow, Ghost Armor to name a few of the low level ones. Maze, Wish, Gate to name a few of the high level ones - in case of a PC Specialist) Just losing enchantment means you don't get to cast Friends, Charm, Dire Charm, Hold spells, Greater Malison and a couple of others but you don't lose any high level spells.
She really needs a whip.
They should do a book series based soley on her.
I also like Imoen and Jeheira a lot (mostly in their BG II-incarnations), however.
Or is this poll perchance only for the less evil, less cute and in many cases way more irritating, joinable female NPC's, which we must suffer through the games? Then my vote goes to Edwina.
but Nalia is cute has a nice house you can get
I do also like Dynaheir cuz she is of Mulan descent.. that is she is black human/ egyptian black... sadly Biowere kills her in BG2... so the curse of always kille the black man in games and movies are still there even in BG
For me
1. Safana (she's damn sexy tooo hot to die for and she is in Baldurs gates lore the most beautifulest women Npc you can find ever and have as follower)
2. Dynaheir (stop killing black ppl on movies and game grrr...)
3. Shar-Teel ( give me back my feisty dominatrix babe back)
4. Branwen (Give me back my war crazy priestes back)
5. Viconia
in early edition of Baldurs gate she couldn't cast spells from enchantment and conjuration...
at the moment I play myself An Enchanter and i have Invoker spells that i can't cast.. and Dynaheir casting summoning and invokes spellls for me but she can't cast enchantment spells....
must say BG1 EE has made a great upgrade on Dynaheir ... i love it...
Specialty wizard schools
Abjurer cant cast Transmuter spells and Transmuter cant cast Abjurer spells
Conjurer (Edwin) cant cast Diviner spells and Diviner Can't cast Conjuration spells
Enchanter (Xan) can't cast Invoker spells and Invoker (Dynaheir) can't cast Enchanter spells
Necromancer (Xzar) can't cast Illusionist spells and Illusionist (Quayle) can't cast Necromancer spells
There is a Friendship mod, which I think was VERY well written. Visit Spellhold Studios :P
I would have voted Viconia but Shar-Teel is second and I didn't think she'd get enough love. My personal Top 5 is:
1. Viconia
2. Shar-Teel
3. Mazzy
4. Imoen
5. Alora
Dynaheir in new edition of BG1 EE has only one school of magic that she can't not cast from and that is Enchantment... the thing that made her a very bad mage before are gone.... now you can have her in party without feeling handicaped
Also - Imoen? Really? Yeah, she's your cute little sister but she's got no chat. She says next to nothing apart from at the start of BG2 and then in TOB where she does come alive. Admittedly she's one of the most useful NPCs out there and is just about the only alternative to Jan Jansen but the girl may as well be mute. I don't dislike her, but I don't see her as the best female NPC unless you're talking powergaming.
Just losing enchantment means you don't get to cast Friends, Charm, Dire Charm, Hold spells, Greater Malison and a couple of others but you don't lose any high level spells.