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[MOD] "Beta" 38 Subraces for BG:EE - 0.87 - Updated - 3/11/2013



  • CorsymyrCorsymyr Member Posts: 146
    Remember that Githyanki were already in the RACE.IDS file, so they were the coded in by the Game Producers. As for who the "mother" was as far CHARNAME, as I understand it was "every race" to include half-dragon (Abazigal) et cetera per the novel. It is a fun mod and the good news is that if you don't want a particular race included don't play it. This has always been my method of playing a computer based DnD game. You end up having to be your own DM at certain points.

    I just hope at the end of the day it is an assest to the already great game.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886

    I just want to mention, that PST has a very noble gith character. And that gith appear 'regularly' in SoA.

    Uhm... does it mean there should be a "talking computer with hands" in BG?
    + as I said: they don't live in Material Plane. They live in Astral Plane and they appear in BG2 because they want the Silver Sword back. If not because of their sword, we would meet almost no githyanki in game. And there are no githzerai at all.

    And Bhaal hadn't had sex with all races in race.ids as that woul mean sex with dog, cat, snake, illithid, carrion crawler, solar and even a dagger :D

    But sure, that's just my reasoning and author can do whatever he wants. That's just to clarify my way of thinking :)
  • eldiraneldiran Member Posts: 4

    I would like to install that mod, however I don't find the 00766 fill. I have install BGEE via steam and this fill is not localise in Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition in document as well as in Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition in SteamApps/common.

    I have try to create it in different zones and to make put the required fills in (as, and the download ones of course). The installation of the mod is made correctly (to my point of view).

    Do you have any solution (or need further information about the situation)?

    Thank you
  • CorsymyrCorsymyr Member Posts: 146
    @Eldrian Just make sure that you unzip the package in the same directory as your game executable, and that you have created an "Override" folder. Copy the dialog.tlk file from your language folder, perform the install, then copy the dialog.tlk back to it's original folder. That should do it.
  • eldiraneldiran Member Posts: 4
    @Corsymyr I have follow your instruction. It seems to partly work as the mage is there. But he has no name and the text is missing. I think Imade something wrong and the text in not well localised

    In any case, thank you for your help.
  • CorsymyrCorsymyr Member Posts: 146
    @eldiran ... you are almost there my friend. Go back to the install directory of the game, and copy the DIALOG.TLK file back to your \Lang\"your language" (i.e. \Lang\EN_US). This will add the missing dialog strrefs.
  • eldiraneldiran Member Posts: 4
    @Corsymyr Thank you, it's working well.
    Thank you for the mod and the after-sales service.
    It will permit me to improve my English, very good for me.
  • CorsymyrCorsymyr Member Posts: 146
    @Eldiran you're most welcome, and I hope you enjoy it!
  • SpaceInvaderSpaceInvader Member Posts: 2,125

    Of course this whole racial fun doesn't fit, as we all know who's CHARNAME's mother from ToB :)

    Alianna's race (animation) changes accordingly to CHARNAME's one, so the mod could easily add more options.
  • KasKas Member Posts: 28
    edited March 2013
    Oh my gosh dragonborn orc !!
    personally it would be much better putting half-dragon species into human subrace not orc
    at least not an exclusive to orc for dragon blood
    I was expecting uthgaard tribes or something for orc's subraces
  • DarksheerDarksheer Member Posts: 84
    edited March 2013
    I must agree with @Kas. Even though orcs are often kept under servitude of dragons and therefore have chances of becoming interest of sexual experimentation, that only applies to some of the evil chromatic varities. Most metallic dragons would more likely mate with elves and humans, or even dwarves.


    And Bhaal hadn't had sex with all races in race.ids as that woul mean sex with dog, cat, snake, illithid, carrion crawler, solar and even a dagger :D

    Dagger would be a bit too much but being a god he could have been reproducing with any kind of creature, if you want to go there. :P Animalism aside, that opens a lot of options for interresting CHARNAMEs. Must not forget that:
    bhaalspawn already included a half dragon and a fire giant.
    Although I think its safe to assume Bhaal would have preferred the sentient mortals of the material plane, I would love to see the Gith implemented as an npc only option.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    @Darksheer - Uhm, but giants and dragons walk Faerun. In Time of Troubles gods walked Faerun, if I'm correct, not all the possible planes and spheres. Gods were like normal mortals, not planewalkers etc. That's why I don't like the idea.

    And if you want to know, there were weapons-who-lived-and-were-actually-mortal-creatures :P The sword Godsbane, which was used by Cyric to kill Bhaal, was actually Mask hidden inside the weapons.
  • DarksheerDarksheer Member Posts: 84
    @LavaDelVortel - Taking a form of a sword is hardly same thing as reproduction and although cast down, Mask was not a true mortal. All of the gods were in fact very powerful beigns and not to forget that Bane, Bhaal and Myrkul were already powerful before their ascension to godhood - bringing creatures from other planes would propably not have posed them huge difficulties even with the wild magic present. I do agree with you that the Gith should not be a viable option for CHARNAME.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    I'm not sure if they were that powerful... mortals could kill them as Cyric killed Bhaal + the troubles with magic... and well... there were more gods that got killed.

    And I didn't say swords can have any kind of reproduction... Actually, it sounds a bit sick and that was just an anecdote about being of "sword race" :P huh

    And if you mean Gith - Bhaalspawn as a possible NPC -- I would rather go with an usual Gith, without the taint. And...I think I would rather see something more normal, anyway. Like...oh! Forest Gnome druid or... a neutral half-drow bard.
  • CorsymyrCorsymyr Member Posts: 146
    @Kas @Darksheer The addition of the Dragonborn Half-Orc is within canon of Faerun. As for the addition to the Half-Orc versus Human or Elf, is that I didn't have anything under Half-Orc, so it seemed fitting. Adding more to Human or Elf would over saturate their subrace choices. If it is too much then we can certainly move them to another race, or for that matter remove them completely. This is a community mod and I want to insure it is well accepted.
  • eldiraneldiran Member Posts: 4
    @Corsymyr The mod is really good and works well. I understand why you put the dragonborn in half-orc race as it is numerically logical. But it is possible to allow some "blood" as dragonborn to be taken by all the species? And i am sure some specific race can be had to the half-orc (as you already had a lot of ideas for the others). In any case, thank you for the mod.
  • DraconisPrimeDraconisPrime Member Posts: 26
    @Corsymyr More awesome stuff! I'm glad to see the gith made it in. :)
    If you're looking for more half-orc subraces, here are a few I cooked up (they're kind of works-in-progress, I'd love feedback from other users on here regarding their abilities and the balancing thereof). I couldn't really pin the Mountain Orc, because that's kind of just a generic orc, but here goes:


    MOUNTAIN ORC [or half mountain orc if you'd prefer] [Mountain orcs form barbaric hordes in the northern mountains where the strong rule and the strongest unite the tribes into fearless weapons of war.]

    Potion of Origins: This potion will reveal your true origins, that of a Mountain Orc.
    1/day use Warcry – for 60 seconds, the caster and all allies are immune to all charm, hold, fear, maze, stun, sleep, confusion and level drain effects. [possibly other bonuses / penalties of a barbarian rage / bard song]

    (skin set to dark green)

    -2 reputation
    -2 lore

    [alternatively: +5% resistance to physical attacks, 5% weakness to magical attacks]


    GRAY ORC [or half gray orc if you'd prefer] [Gray orcs are nomadic, relgious fanatics from the east, with a keen sense of smell]

    Potion of Origins: This potion will reveal your true origins, that of a Gray Orc.
    +2 bonus on saves vs. Spells and saves vs. Rods/staffs/wands [alternatively +1 caster level for divine spells]
    Increased Movement (like a monk)
    +10% find traps/detect illusions
    (change skin colour to gray)

    -2 Reputation


    OROG [or Half-orog, if you'd prefer] [Orogs are underdark orcs, similar to how drow are underdark elves]

    Potion of Origins: This potion will reveal your true origins, that of an Orog.
    5% cold immunity
    5% fire immunity
    (skin changed to dark green)



    OGRILLON [or half-ogrillon if you'd prefer] [ogrillons are individuals with both orc and ogre blood in them, resulting in great strength and mutant bony plates armouring their body and fists]

    Potion of Origins: This potion will reveal your true origins, that of an Ogrillon.
    +1 damage with melee attacks
    +1 THAC0 with melee attacks
    50% resistance to fear affects
    +1 Armor
    May make 2 unarmed attacks per round (similar to a monk)
    (Change skin color gray)

    -2 Reputation
    -5 lore
    -10% exp



    Potion of Origins: This potion will reveal your true origins, that of a Half-Ogre.
    +1 damage with melee attacks
    +1 HP per level
    10% resistance to slashing
    Immune to charm and fear effects

    -2 Reputation
    -5 lore
    -1 THAC0 with ranged attacks


    TANARUKK [or half-tanarukk if you prefer] [tanarukk are to orcs as tieflings are to humans; they're orcs with the blood of demons]

    Potion of Origins: This potion will reveal your true origin, that of a Tanarukk.
    +1 to hit with all weapons
    +1 armour
    15% magic resistance
    15% fire resistance
    1/day use control flame: fireburst (target takes 1d6 fire damage and is 50% weaker to fire for 60 seconds)
    1/day use control flame: extinguish (target gains 50% resistance to fire and ignores lightblindness for 60 seconds)

    -4 reputation
    slower than normal movement speed
    -15% experience
    evil only

    Half-dragons are awesome, and I'd personally just have them an extra template that you can add on top of whatever race you choose (i.e. maybe a potion of dragonblood that adds those bonuses and penalties on top of whatever the character already has from his base race / potion of origins)... but then you'd have to balance their bonuses with penalties to make "not being a half dragon" as viable a choice as "being a half dragon". Though the bonuses/penalties aren't bad as-is.
  • KaltzorKaltzor Member Posts: 1,050
    edited March 2013
    I think the color change should be optional since you can choose some colors during character creation or use Shadowkeeper to edit the characters colors into ones the character creation doesn't allow.
  • OldCrowOldCrow Member Posts: 1
    I'm having some trouble getting this mod to run. I do everything right, dialog.tlk in main folder, run the .exe move the dialog.tlk back to the language folder. I even made a copy of it to leave in both locations. Any advice?
  • KaltzorKaltzor Member Posts: 1,050
    edited March 2013
    OldCrow said:

    I'm having some trouble getting this mod to run. I do everything right, dialog.tlk in main folder, run the .exe move the dialog.tlk back to the language folder. I even made a copy of it to leave in both locations. Any advice?

    If you are looking for the new races in character creation, you are looking in the wrong place, to get a subrace you start a game and then walk a bit to the west (left) and you will see a NPC called Innesdav, talk to him.
  • zadkielmodelerzadkielmodeler Member Posts: 20
    This is very nice, but how do I get it to work with BG EE installed from Steam?
  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756

    Because of Steam, the main game folder will have a different path compared to the standard Beamdog version. It should be something like:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition\data\00766

    Once you have found the main game folder (i.e. 00766), just follow the instructions in this discussion, especially the part on how to create a hard link to dialog.tlk.
  • zadkielmodelerzadkielmodeler Member Posts: 20
    edited March 2013
    Well, it looked like it worked. Thank you.
    Post edited by zadkielmodeler on
  • zadkielmodelerzadkielmodeler Member Posts: 20
    Have you considered adding some races such as Half-ogre, Orgrillion and the like. They could have some serious strength bonuses or while suffering reputation and charisma penalties.
  • DraconisPrimeDraconisPrime Member Posts: 26
    @zadkielmodeler Yup, look a couple posts before yours, I offered suggestions, and I'd love feedback on how balanced they are compared to the existing subraces, and how you'd do them differently. The author of this mod, Corsymyr, has already included some of my prior suggestions, so he seems open to community feedback.
  • zadkielmodelerzadkielmodeler Member Posts: 20
    edited March 2013
    @DraconisPrime, I would change the half-ogre you have suggested only slightly.

    +1 HP per level
    10% resistance to slashing
    Immune to fear effects
    +3 Strength

    -1 intelligence
    -2 Charisma
    -1 THAC0 with ranged attacks

    The other thing is I would make the Half-ogre available to humans a subrace where as Ogrillion would be for Half-orc.

    I tend to like bonuses/penalties to stats more personally, but I do think you are pretty much spot on.

  • zadkielmodelerzadkielmodeler Member Posts: 20
    @DraconisPrime , I would change the Ogrillion slightly as well.

    +2 Strength
    +1 Constitution
    50% resistance to fear affects
    +1 Armor
    May make 2 unarmed attacks per round (similar to a monk)
    (Change skin color gray)

    -2 Reputation
    -5 lore
    -10% exp
    -1 intelligence
  • DraconisPrimeDraconisPrime Member Posts: 26
    @zadkielmodeler Thanks for your feedback. So far the author seems to be avoiding adding bonuses and penalties to ability scores, hence my lack of the same, though I've tried to simulate it using bonuses and penalties Corsymyr has already used elsewhere (for example, +1 to damage instead of +1 to strength). Also, that's part of the reason I put half-ogre as a variant of half-orc; half-orcs already have a built-in bonus to strength and constitution even before any additional bonuses/penalties for subrace. Otherwise, yours sound pretty good, and in fact removing immunity to charm from the half-ogre might be a good idea (my reasoning was that "charm person" specifically says it doesn't work on ogres, as they're not considered "humanoids", or people, but rather "giants"... but half-ogres are still half-human, after all, and ogres don't tend to have very strong minds to resist that sort of thing).

    Any thoughts on my orogs (aka Underdark Orcs)? In PnP they have a bigger bonus to strength and a level adjustment, but I felt giving them "+1 to damage" and "-x to exp." would make them too similar to the ogrillon and half-orc. Maybe +1 to hit, as they're supposed to be good at smithing weapons (and thus hone and improve / familiarize themselves with any weapon they take as their own)? In PnP they also have more charisma than the average orc, because they're "natural leaders"...

    @Corsymyr Again I vote that half-dragon be something you add on regardless of what race/subrace you have, or if you choose one at all. Maybe a second guy who offers to awaken the dragon within you "for a price" (the xp penalty); granting you a potion that adds the half-dragon bonuses/penalties on top of any you already have.

    If stacking XP penalties that way doesn't work, you could alternatively have Innesdev, after discovering your race, ask you if you've felt a rage burning within you, and depending on the answer ("A fire to consume all life" for red, or "A fire to dispel the shadows" for gold, or "Only the rage that all men feel" for none, for example) give you a potion of origins that combines the affects of subrace and dragonblood, so for example a potion of origins: Half red dragon tiefling that gives you:


    15% Electricity Resistance
    Immune to Sleep
    Immune to Paralysis
    Immune to Fire
    10% Hide in Shadow
    1/day May cast "Blindness" (70% chance to blind target)
    (Change skin color to Brown)
    +1 AC
    +1 Damage (Fire)

    -1 Reputation
    -5% resistance to cold [since tieflings get +15% normally]
    -30% XP

    ...though obviously this latter way would be a lot more work (you'd have to make a potion for every possible combination), so I'm hoping the former way (drink potion of origins, then drink potion of dragon's blood) works.

    Lastly, if wings are possible for aasimar, I'd love to see if wings are possible for half-dragons. Do you have Moinesse's contact info?
    Does anyone else here know how that'd be done?
  • JaeldynJaeldyn Member Posts: 49
    edited April 2013
    Have you ever tried the BG II Subrace mod from FinnJo's ?
    I recall really enjoying it. At the start of BG, it made a dialog box appearing giving you the choice for the different subraces.
    It may give you a good idea of how to code it. Currently, I made a testing run, and using Ctrl-R on the character just disable every benefits from the subrace, i have yet to try disabling everything.
  • visagedarkskinvisagedarkskin Member Posts: 1
    Hi there, been trying it on a Mac running osx 10.7, latest updates and all. I can install other mods buut for some reason this one will not install. Maybe you have a tip on what I can do to fix it. Thanks a lot and great work!

    WeiDU v 23107 Log

    [./chitin.key] loaded, 493798 bytes
    [./chitin.key] 195 BIFFs, 34857 resources
    [dialog.tlk] loaded, 4565544 bytes
    [dialog.tlk] 32165 string entries
    [./setup-subrace] Using scripting style "BG2"
    [dialog.tlk] claims to be writeable.
    [dialog.tlk] claims to be a regular file.
    SETUP-BGEEAR.TP2 0 0 Installed
    SETUP-BGEEW.TP2 0 0 Installed

    Install Component [Sub-Races for Baldur's Gate]?
    [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Problem Unix.Unix_error(1, "mkdir", "/subrace") on /subrace:
    Problem Unix.Unix_error(20, "mkdir", "/subrace/backup") on /subrace/backup:
    Problem Unix.Unix_error(20, "mkdir", "/subrace/backup/0") on /subrace/backup/0:
    WARNING: unable to open [/subrace/backup/0/UNINSTALL.0]: Sys_error("/subrace/backup/0/UNINSTALL.0: No such file or directory")
    Will be unable to UNINSTALL later.
    ERROR: Sys_error("/subrace/backup/0/ARGS.0: No such file or directory")
    PLEASE email the file SETUP-SUBRACE.DEBUG to Corsymyr

    Install Component [Sub-Races for Baldur's Gate]?
    [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Saving This Log:
    SETUP-BGEEAR.TP2 0 0 Installed
    SETUP-BGEEW.TP2 0 0 Installed

    WeiDU Timings
    load TLK 0.000
    parsing .log files 0.000
    loading files 0.003
    Parsing TP2 files 0.009
    unmarshal TLK 0.021
    stuff not covered elsewhere 0.032
    unmarshal KEY 0.034
    TOTAL 0.099
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