Do you turn in the Elven Bane belt for the XP or keep it?

Just curious what people's thoughts are on the quest for the Elven Bane belt you receive from the ogre south of the Friendly Arm Inn. Is the benefit of the XP received from turning in the belt greater than the protection offered by the belt?
- Do you turn in the Elven Bane belt for the XP or keep it?154 votes
- Turn in the Elven Bane belt for XP (and possibly a signed copy of the book!)37.66%
- The Elven Bane belt is mine, all mine: I could use that protection from arrows and piercing weapons!62.34%
Sometimes, I just keep it. If better belts are available, I sell it.
Sometimes I keep it until I get better things, then return it, then kill Unshey to take a rep hit, then sell it.
The only time I immediately returned it was in my stupid run.
To answer your question, though, no. The belt is worth far more than 850 XP. The XP cap is easy to hit in this game, but there are only so many magical belts floating around.
Im a completionist and I have to have the quest complete, but I also want the belt. Seeing as she wont give it to me, nor that it can be pickpocketted. She leaves me no other choice but she has to die!
To be honest, I rarely go upstairs in the FAI. There just isn't much worthwhile up there.
Perhaps they should rename the belt elves and gnomes bane...
But yes, that includes *not* talking to the quest giver as if I did I'd feel guilty for not handing it over... Take a guess who's horrible at playing evil parties. I want to but it never works out. Maybe if I try playing "kind of a jerk but his heart is in the right place" and go from there.
You are the prodigy of a GOD OF MURDER!
Man up (or elf, dwarf, whatever...) and kill the runt who wasn't going to put his life on the line for fashion!
It will put hairs on your chest!
With Montaron as my guiding light, perhaps. I guess an evil shorty party might just be the medicine I need (not enough evil shorty npcs, though I could bring along Xzar as my herder so we're down to four open slots).
Being evil - keep it to myself.
Being neutral - depends on personality I came up for my charname.
Simple as that.
Dance, Unshey, dance!
There must be a neutral good justification for this somewhere.
I only keep it if I am playing a mage or know I'll have more than one in the party.
Seriously though I mostly play neutral good or lawful neutral and in my mind both alignments return items to their lawful owners. It's the right thing to do people!