[MOD] W_PackMule for BG:EE & BG2:EE

Pack Mule mod for Baldur's Gate 2, Baldur's Gate (1): Enhanced Edition,Baldur's Gate 2: Enhanced Edition, Tutu, Baldur's Gate Trilogy, Classic Adventures
Version 1.4
Creator: Kwiat_W (kwiatw.e[at]gmail.com)
Languages supported: Polish, English, German, Italian, French
I. Overview
II. Installation and uninstallation
III. Known issues
IV. Acknowledgments
V. Version history
This mod adds a pack mule to the game. It will follow your party around and carry your equipment for you. To access the mule's inventory, talk to it and select appropriate option. The mule will try to avoid combat. However, it will defend itself if forced to. It cannot die. When badly injured, the mule will escape the area of combat and return when it's safe.
If you ever lose your pack mule (or you forget where you left it), you can use the "Call your pack mule" special ability. You can also use it to summon the mule into places where it wouldn't normally follow you (inside buildings, sewers and other such areas).
IMPORTANT NOTE: The game will not recognize items the mule carries as being in party possession.
You can buy the mule from a guy named Stedd, who can be found near the northeast exit of Waukeen's Promenade or in the courtyard of the Friendly Arm Inn (if you are playing Tutu or BGT, or BGEE). Haggle with Stedd to buy the mule at the best possible price. If you start a new game in ToB, the pack mule will be waiting for you in the starting area.
In the mule's spell menu, you can find three abilities you can use quickly to give orders to your pack mule. Those abilities are:
- Follow: this orders the mule to follow your party around
- Stop following: the mule stops following your party but will move with you to the next area
- Stay: the pack mule will become a neutral character (making it unselectable); it won't follow you and won't move to the next area until you talk to it and change this order
Install this mod after any mods that add outdoor or dungeon areas to the game.
To install the Pack Mule mod, extract the archive content to your game's main directory and run "install-w_packmule.exe".
To reinstall or uninstall the mod, run "install-w_packmule.exe" again.
Sometimes the pack mule's shadow can face other directions than the mule.
Thanks to:
Berelinde - for writing the "joining" dialogue
Miloch - for proofreading
ilot - for italian translation
Galathée - for french translation
Gerri - for german translation
Tools used in the creation of this mod:
WeiDU by Wes Weimer and the bigg - http://weidu.org/
DLTCEP by Avenger - http://forums.gibberlings3.net/index.php?showforum=137
BAM Workshop 1 by Glenn Flansburg - http://www.sorcerers.net/Games/IEmodding/index.php
BAM Workshop 2 by Andrew Bidges - http://www.sorcerers.net/Games/IEmodding/index.php
1.4 (09.06.2013)
- added support for BGEE and BG2EE (separate release for BGEE will be discontinued)
- non english translation should no longer crash BGEE
1.3a (26.04.2012)
- added russian translation by Lihtenshtein (arcanecoast.ru)
1.3 (26.07.2011)
- fixed bug with incorrect bag size
1.2 (29.03.2011)
- added german translation by Gerri
- hopefuly the "blue box" bug is fixed
1.1 (18.03.2011)
- added italian translation by ilot
- added french translation by Galathee
- Stedd can be now found in Saltmarsh if you have CLassic Adventures installed or in Kuldahar if you have IWD-in-BG2
1.0 (27.02.2011)
- Initial version of the mod
Post edited by Kwiat_W on
Now just need to wait for the Psychic Warrior
It is not mention the italian language.
This may be corny, but I like to think of my pack mule as "Bill the Pony" :-)
Lucky mule, he is equipped with the Horseshoes of Inedibility, and Saddlepacks of ThisIsAllJunk. Hence, no worries about wolves, wyverns, or wreckers.
Much more fun than any "Bag of Holding", box, chest, sack, or case.
ive got a problem. I follow correctly instalation guide, everything seems to be fine, but when i try travel to Friendly Arm Inn game crashes. Tried on english and polish version. actually my instal.bat look like that:
weidu w_packmule\setup-w_packmule.tp2 --script-style BG2 --tlkin .\lang\pl_PL\dialog.tlk --ftlkin .\lang\pl_PL\dialogf.tlk --tlkout .\lang\pl_PL\dialog.tlk --ftlkout .\lang\pl_PL\dialogf.tlk --log setup-w_packmule.DEBUG
any advice what might be wrong?
Near Text: Error
ERROR: parsing [ar0125.bcs]: Parsing.Parse_error
Stopping installation because of error.
ERROR: [AR0125.ARE] -> [override/AR0125.ARE] Patching Failed (COPY) (Parsing.Parse_error)
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
You can skip patching script from this area by adding "--ar0125--" to "are_excl.txt". I would also advice you to use cheats to teleport to that area to see if it's working properly.
There is however problem with polish translation, one of the tra files wasn't converted to utf and it causes crashes (but it is in no way related to problems with ar0125). I think it worked fine when I released the mod and changed with one of the game updates. I'll fix that in a few days.
In my opinion, you might be fortunate that it doesn't crash the game, actually.
The More Style for Mages mod has a similar problem with the customizable familiar portion of the mod. The Lim-Lim looks like a giant mushroom as well.