Anywhere that buys Wyvern Heads in BGEE?

Hi - I've done Coran's quest and received the reward from Kelddath at the Song in the Morning Temple near Beregost for giving him a Wyvern head, but he doesn't seem to give any reward for the remaining Wyvern heads in my inventory, nor does Officer Vai buy them anymore. Will Kelddath buy any more Wyvern heads if I return later and/or will anyone else buy these in BGEE? Thanks
What I want to know is why no one buys bolts of any kind!
(sorry thought that would be obvious)
[Edited] : And a sling share the top place with those two if you got a very high strenght score and fancy slings.
Also as @SionIV hints, the Firetooth crossbow in BG2 is great...
The dagger + 3 firetooth is just as good with its 2d4 + 3 +1d2 fire damage. That 2d4 is the same you roll on a bastard sword, now add that to a dagger you throw from afar with several APR and fire damage to go through mages stoneskin.
Sling of seeking + 2 is the best sling in the game. You're probably thinking why a sling + 2 would be the best sling in the game, and i'll share something with you that most people miss. It's got +2 damage AND + strenght bonus.
18 strenght -> +2 damage
20 -> + 8 damage
25 -> + 14 damage
So if you're throwing bullets at 25 strenght, you're dealing + 16 damage without the bullet. With a bag of plenty + 2 you're doing 1d4 + 19 damage with every bullet.