Do not mistake those feathered monstrosities for mere Gallus domesticus my friend. These are without a doubt bloodthristy el pollo diablos, summoned straight from the depts of Baator itself! Even the pit fiends fear their diabolic bird flue!
They were planning an insurrection and were waiting for Melicamp to lead them into battle. But then you turned him back and now leaderless decided to turn their rage on you.
You did the world a favour. This was actually a highly coordinated meeting of a group of rather nefariously known chicken assassins known as the Peking Order.
Our exclusive Poultry store specialises in supplying a broad selection of excellent chickens. Moreover, it gives your chickens a safe place to lay their eggs with our specially designed Poultry house. If you require poultry incubators, have a browse through the huge selection that our exclusive Poultry store stock - incubators with hatching eggs, chicken coops and poultry, chicken feeders and poultry drinkers even egg cartons all sold here. If you require more information on a chicken coop or chicken house, contact @bengoshi now!
Then serve crispy with barbecue sauce. It tastes like..... um...... Chicken!
It may be sometime before he posts again...
I second the use of fireball... because fried chicken is indeed tasty!
Fireball? Are you insane? Don't you know what happened to Link last time he attacked chickens?
Our exclusive Poultry store specialises in supplying a broad selection of excellent chickens. Moreover, it gives your chickens a safe place to lay their eggs with our specially designed Poultry house. If you require poultry incubators, have a browse through the huge selection that our exclusive Poultry store stock - incubators with hatching eggs, chicken coops and poultry, chicken feeders and poultry drinkers even egg cartons all sold here. If you require more information on a chicken coop or chicken house, contact @bengoshi now!