The game is unplayable on my 1 week old Ipad - Possibility of a refund?

Being a long time fan I have quite a lot of emotion attached to this but I'll try to remain neutral. I just bought the game and all the DLC. Every single spell animation causes severe lag on my brand new Ipad. From MM to fear and Entangle. Anything with visuals. Some are worse than others but you cannot encounter mages or clerics, even less play as one, without the FPS being 5 fps tops.
This, dear Trent & co, makes the game _completely_ unplayable. Did you test the game as a spellcaster on the Ipad at all? I find it hard to believe since its not possible without rage-quitting.
Are you claiming that this will be fixed completely in the next patch? If not I'd like a refund since I cannot play the game that I paid you for. I also wuod like you to stop working on bg2ee until you can fulfill your obligation to current paying cutomers. The fact that you are actually working on Bg2 when these issues remain makes me worried. Buying a game so long after the release you would expect a working game.
Being a long time fan I have quite a lot of emotion attached to this but I'll try to remain neutral. I just bought the game and all the DLC. Every single spell animation causes severe lag on my brand new Ipad. From MM to fear and Entangle. Anything with visuals. Some are worse than others but you cannot encounter mages or clerics, even less play as one, without the FPS being 5 fps tops.
This, dear Trent & co, makes the game _completely_ unplayable. Did you test the game as a spellcaster on the Ipad at all? I find it hard to believe since its not possible without rage-quitting.
Are you claiming that this will be fixed completely in the next patch? If not I'd like a refund since I cannot play the game that I paid you for. I also wuod like you to stop working on bg2ee until you can fulfill your obligation to current paying cutomers. The fact that you are actually working on Bg2 when these issues remain makes me worried. Buying a game so long after the release you would expect a working game.
Post edited by Aedan on
I find the lag pretty workable provided that you don't use AoE stuff much, but it definitely keeps you from using all your tactical opportunities.
For someone that stated that would even re-purchase the game, you're too eager to be refunded, if that's what you want, ok, if not try what i said, explain with more accuration what is happening and join an screenshot or 2 of the problem if the problem can be catch by ss.
After that, @Name someone of the BG:EE staff to manifest here.
If you use Web or Entangle or anything like that, the game takes a huge FPS hit.
But it is starting to become a bit dull waiting this long. But it's priorities I guess!
Also the file handling rewrite that was required for the Android version should speed things up on the IPad as well.
As i said on my previous comment this particular bug required a complete rewrite of the entire graphics engine. It's should be available soon.
On a commercial level it doesn't make sense to not test the game more and then release the game on a non-refundable store and platform. It will lead to too many disatisfied customers. I wanted this game to be a great success because I have always been a massive fan since the release of BG2. Truth is that 80% of my decision to purchase my iPad was because of Baldur's gate.
The thing is that new customers might not be as vocal about the problems because of less emotional attachment or lack of knowledge in regards to how the game is supposed to function. Many gamers might be turned off the whole game and never try it again because of this. When the patch comes out they might have stopped caring about the game. Maybe overhaul knows this and thats why the resources are geared toward the next product. Gamers seem to have a short memory after all so maybe this strategy could make short term financial sense -_-
The game was released in November. He bought a new iPad primarily for the supposedly amazing experience that platform is supposed to render, which Trent has also claimed. 6 months later and the game doesn't work on a new system? I think his complaint is perfectly legitimate and he has been extremely patient.
Getting a little tired of the constant back-patting of the BG Overhaul team. They are all grown up, I'm sure they can take a bit of criticism!
They did a nice job on updating this game, but the horrible slowdowns (even on my iPad 3) and now the first quest of the game being broken. I can't help but be disappointed. I have not bothered with the game since the last patch was released, and may not even when the next patch is released - unless it's damn near perfect.
It makes no sense to me that all the effort is going into an Android version when you have game breaking performance issues, broken quests, and awkard touch controls ( see iPad bug report thread ).
Like oddbjorn I feel, in a way, scammed.
The short version is this: if they can optimise it for the hardware for one mobile device, when they port over the code it should play reasonably well on the other. In this particular case, they could end up solving the problem you're having and have a working Android release. So, in a way, it makes perfect sense. Two birds with one stone. Just an outsider's perspective
I do believe that the problems aren't caused by poor coding by overhaul. I really do have the utmost respect for the current development team. They communicate well, and they actually have the balls to take apart the original game engine and fix it up proper. I do web development and the scope is just much smaller and even then it's sometimes a struggle to get it right.
I just believe we have been patient long enough. I bought the game on release day and played for hours, until i started using spells like fireball, entangle, cloudkilll and it just didn't work right ... And the game crashed twice as well.
You guys are fixing it, thank you, awesome. Again respect to the team for following through.
I just hope i can get the excitement back, that i had on release day.
I had excellent performance playing this game on a rig in 1999/2000 that had a bit less than half of the performance compared to my iPad. Even when giving my old rig leeway for being a tower and having fair sized components the iPad still wins by a long shot.
Old rig:
650 mhz celeron 512 ram, tnt 2 32 mb graphics card.
Dual core 1.4ghz, 1gig ram, PowerVR SGX 554MP4
Compare my graphics cards:
iPad 4:
The only answeris that they messed up the game coding. That's why even recently released inegrated intel graphics cards perform so Poorly. I wonder how it runs on gembr? I bet a lot bloody better!