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Silent Let's play BG2 (insane+tactics/scsii mods) [Complete]

zur312zur312 Member Posts: 1,366
I will do a silent let's play of baldur's gate 2 tactics/scsii mods for powergaming purpose and testing

Would you more enjoy a raw footage of me getting killed 10 times by some bosses or eddited footage with only one good run when i get everything right and win a battle?

Also other things i should or should not do?
also would you mind cutting boring part like shopping/runing back running in town from place X to Y?
the ironman or something option is not possible i will die.
Post edited by zur312 on


  • DexterDexter Member Posts: 253
    edited May 2013
    I'd say I prefer an eddited footage, maybe you could add some funny failed battles, but mostly the good run. It'd also be nice if you could explain your tactics as you go, or more precisely your counter-tactics. For instance "that guy over there has X potection spells in place so I need X anti-combat spells before I can even dream about hitting him, and let's hope he doesn't summon a planetar because I'm level 10". Let the people know the "I'm running out of Secret Word" feeling.
    What party will you use?
  • zur312zur312 Member Posts: 1,366
    this from my powergaming thread

    wizard slayer13/Thief
    Kensai13/Mage - i think everyone know why kensai/mage
    wizard slayer13/Mage
    berserker13/cleric - healer with berserk
    maybe + shapeshifter for fun

    and this will be silent let's play because my english is not good enought for recording
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    It would be interesting to have a comprehensive list of the mods you are using, as well as the settings for the various mod options. Also, which in-game difficulty do you plan on using?
  • ShadowTigerShadowTiger Member Posts: 60
    edited May 2013
    Yeah I would probably edit out the reloads unless something interesting happened... like you kill the enemy, but they confused Minsc and then he chops Dynaheir to pieces. I don't think you need to edit them ALL out... just the boring sections.

    Maybe i'm not the best person to ask though... I don't think I would watch a silent playthrough of BG.

    Maybe you are better off just recording in your native language. I think there are german, russian, and spanish ones... maybe more.
  • zur312zur312 Member Posts: 1,366

    It would be interesting to have a comprehensive list of the mods you are using, as well as the settings for the various mod options. Also, which in-game difficulty do you plan on using?

    tactics/scsii/fixpack etc.
    insanse ofc there is something missing with these mods if it is not insane ;)
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    "etc." isn't really comprehensive. I'd appreciate a little more detail, especially concerning the SCSII options.
  • NecomancerNecomancer Member Posts: 622
    If you want to do a funny but silent Lets Play I highly suggest a wild mage or two.
  • zur312zur312 Member Posts: 1,366

    "etc." isn't really comprehensive. I'd appreciate a little more detail, especially concerning the SCSII options.

    everything that will make game harder

    instant buffing for mages

    oh also solaufein mod for his epic fight

    dunno if i am missing something?

    If you want to do a funny but silent Lets Play I highly suggest a wild mage or two.

    too bad my party is full

  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    What are your settings for Inquisitor dispel? For random encounter difficulties? For HLA spells on enemy mages?

    There's a lot of options in SCSII especially that change the way of approaching the game. I'm not sure if there is a some file in the installation directory that contains a list of all the choices... if there is, it would be nice to see.

    Also, are you using any mods that add/enhance equipment and/or spells (such as ItemUpgrade or Spell50)? Do you plan on using Solaufein's special sword?
  • zur312zur312 Member Posts: 1,366
    edited May 2013
    inquisitor like in vanilla
    random enconuter i can't remember what are the options
    give hla in tob
    no item upgrade i think it would make game much easier
    no spell50
    no special sword from solaufein

    oh and should i play with or without cheese?
    no scrolls from similacrums?
    no timestop shapeshift eat brain?
    no spell immunity divination improved invisibility?
    Post edited by zur312 on
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    I will be watching them! I am an avid fan of SCSII and will greatly enjoy your videos.
    A few failed attempts would be cool too, not many videos on youtube have those. Most videos are like, blitzing through the game in the first try. Puhhleeease. :p
    Cheese should be saved as a last resort, if you can't beat an important battle any other way, go for it. :-)
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    SCSII disables a lot of cheese, not to mention that many of the late bosses are immune to Timestop anyway.

    Honestly, the most cheesy thing I remember still working in SCSII is AI-abuse, running away until buffs expire etc.
  • zur312zur312 Member Posts: 1,366

    SCSII disables a lot of cheese, not to mention that many of the late bosses are immune to Timestop anyway.

    Honestly, the most cheesy thing I remember still working in SCSII is AI-abuse, running away until buffs expire etc.

    that is probably true
  • zur312zur312 Member Posts: 1,366
    am i missing any hard mods?
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    Planar Sphere has some interesting fights, but it's also a bit wacky. Ascension/Tactics/SCSII is the usual combo, Solaufein is also quite common. I think you have most of it covered.

    There's also Improved Anvil, which I've heard is quite hard but have never tried myself.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    edited May 2013
    Install and play Valen NPC mod (evil party needed). It's an Vampire NPC and sometimes in the game you just can't control her bloodlust (what lead to a lot of troubles, funny bloodmessy troubles). Install the extra contend of the mod "more protections against undead" and half of the NPCs of the game will have protection from undead, the last update of the mod make an optional accessory install that make most of the characters on the game become immune to level drain as well.

    Be advised that, if valen die once, it's forever, she can't be ressurected. Play a non-reload with her and end the game without letting her die (specially if you have to make the eclipse fight).
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    Maybe I should give Valen a try again. It sounds like there's been some updates since I last played it, many, many, MANY years ago... back then she used to be cheese incarnate and completely OP, I guess things have changed! She's definitely an interesting character and well implemented (like the non-resurrection, not being able to touch the Mace of Disruption, defaulting to evil choices etc.).
  • zur312zur312 Member Posts: 1,366
    kamuizin said:

    Install and play Valen NPC mod (evil party needed). It's an Vampire NPC and sometimes in the game you just can't control her bloodlust (what lead to a lot of troubles, funny bloodmessy troubles). Install the extra contend of the mod "more protections against undead" and half of the NPCs of the game will have protection from undead, the last update of the mod make an optional accessory install that make most of the characters on the game become immune to level drain as well.

    Be advised that, if valen die once, it's forever, she can't be ressurected. Play a non-reload with her and end the game without letting her die (specially if you have to make the eclipse fight).

    maybe in another play when i am evil but for now just powergaming ;)
  • zur312zur312 Member Posts: 1,366
    first and second part uploading
    i don't know if it is watchable in youtube quality
    and i really don't know if i can do something with team of 4 figthers+paladin +druid lol
  • zur312zur312 Member Posts: 1,366
  • zur312zur312 Member Posts: 1,366
    edited May 2013
    1hour of improved illych loading and only 9 minutes of footage LOL

    i don't know if it is possible with full warrior party
  • zur312zur312 Member Posts: 1,366
    Improved Ilyich

    is this cheesy enough?
  • zur312zur312 Member Posts: 1,366
    circus promenade party at inn and copper coronet
    slavery cemetary dungeons party temple district sewers
    it is going too easy :( maybe i should just go for celestial fury or something
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    edited May 2013
    Oooh, very nice! I will watch them and comment when I'm off from work tonight. ^^

    Are videos totally silent? I know you may be a tad shy that your English is not good enough, but a few 'oh crap!' 'oops!' 'ouch!' 'there goes nothing!' 'he casts WHAAAT!?' would be cool! :-D

    Okay, watched the half of Ilyich fight, I wonder why didn't Ilyich berserk so he would have been immune to hold stuff. Still, good tactics. :-) Err, how did the redhead chick get level drained, I did not notice that.
    Post edited by lunar on
  • zur312zur312 Member Posts: 1,366
    edited May 2013
    lunar said:

    Oooh, very nice! I will watch them and comment when I'm off from work tonight. ^^

    Are videos totally silent? I know you may be a tad shy that your English is not good enough, but a few 'oh crap!' 'oops!' 'ouch!' 'there goes nothing!' 'he casts WHAAAT!?' would be cool! :-D

    Okay, watched the half of Ilyich fight, I wonder why didn't Ilyich berserk so he would have been immune to hold stuff. Still, good tactics. :-) Err, how did the redhead chick get level drained, I did not notice that.

    ilyich got stucked and swarm plagued

    she got level drained by vampire in 002 at the end
  • DexterDexter Member Posts: 253
    Insect plague for the win!
  • zur312zur312 Member Posts: 1,366
    Mekrath in temple district serwers

    dunno about dual but yeah at least magic missle ;D

  • zur312zur312 Member Posts: 1,366
    omfg 3hours 20 minutes + of gameplay
    1hour 16 minutes of footage

    those duals are killing me
  • zur312zur312 Member Posts: 1,366
    Let's Play Baldur's Gate 2 tactics scsii insane 008 temple district serwers docks shadow thiefs
  • zur312zur312 Member Posts: 1,366
    Let's Play Baldur's Gate 2 tactics scsii insane 009 Rayic Gethras Embarl Maevar's quests
    so much cheese
    Let's Play Baldur's Gate 2 tactics scsii insane 010 Dao Dijins slave hunters umar hills valygar

    only slave hunters + rayic gethras are interesting
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